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This article is concerned with experiments on the automatic induction of Italian semantic verb Classes using k-Means, a standard clustering technique, to the task of verifying if it is plausible to find a tight connection between the... more
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      Computational LinguisticsSyntax-Semantics InterfaceAutomatic Classification (Machine Learning)Verbal system
Il presente libro illustra motivazioni teoriche, risultati e possibili applicazioni, di una serie di esperimenti condotti sul sistema verbale italiano attraverso cui sono state indagate le modalità combinatorie delle parole nei loro... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsNatural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsLinguistics
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      Teaching Italian as a Second LanguageTeaching Italian as a Foreign LanguageDidattica, Italiano L2, Teaching Italian as a Second Language
Anatomia di una metafora: il ruolo cognitivo e didattico della metafora testuale nel discorso medico-scientifico di Diana Peppoloni
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      Corpus LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsLinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
The aim of the present research is to investigate the importance of teachers non-verbal communication in Italian SL/FL classrooms. Teachers non-verbal behaviour is a fundamental aspect of teacher-students interaction, because it helps in... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesMultimodal InteractionNonverbal CommunicationMultimodal Discourse Analysis
Internet è uno strumento che offre straordinarie opportunità di raccogliere e consultare documenti, immagini e suoni: conoscenze sempre più utili e indispensabili nella società dell’informazione, in particolare per lo studio e per il... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesForeign language teaching and learningDigital Learning ResourcesDigital Resources
This article analyses the role of phonological awareness (PA) in developing reading and writing skills in young learners, studying Italian as a Foreign Language. Its main objective is to identify and describe original didactic strategies... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionMobile LearningPhonological AwarenessLearner Autonomy
La consapevolezza metalinguistica come strumento per l’acquisizione delle lingue straniere.
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      Second Language AcquisitionTeacher EducationTeaching of Foreign LanguagesLinguistics
Automatic verb-noun (V-N) collocation extraction is an important Natural Language Processing task, the outcomes of which are applicable in various domains, such as machine translation, language teaching and information extraction. This... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics & Language PedagogyCollocationsAcademic vocabulary
Communication between the scientific community and the general public is not always effective. There is a meaningful discrepancy that needs to be bridged, mainly because scientific knowledge is produced not only for a restricted... more
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      LinguisticsScience PopularizationLinguística Textual (Text Studies)Popularisation of Science
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      Metalinguistic awareness and knowledgeGrammar TeachingMetalinguistic CompetenceExplicit and Implicit Knowledge of Language
The study investigates the extent and characteristics of the phenomenon of Child Language Brokering (CLB) in the Italian school system, namely the linguistic mediation of foreign students for their relatives and the institutions of the... more
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      PlurilingualismMultilingual EducationIntercomprehension and plurilingualismMultilingual Environment at Educational Institutions
L'importanza del metalinguaggio e della terminologia è sicuramente fondamentale in linguistica e, più in generale, nelle scienze del linguaggio. La consapevolezza di questa importanza è cresciuta progressivamente nel Novecento con lo... more
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      TerminologyLinguisticsGeneral linguisticsMetalanguage
Communication between the scientific community and the general public is not always effective. There is a meaningful discrepancy that needs to be bridged, mainly because scientific knowledge is produced not only for a restricted... more
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    • Linguistics
Il titolo del presente contributo è un omaggio ad una citazione di Cecilia Andorno (2005: 101), che ben si presta ad avviare una riflessione su un dibattito quanto mai aperto, quale quello del rapporto che lega la Linguistica, in... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesSecond Language LearningLanguage PedagogySecond Language Pedagogy
L’apprendimento di una lingua straniera implica competenze che vanno oltre quelle esclusivamente linguistiche, racchiuse all’interno della più ampia competenza comunicativa interculturale, ovvero la capacità di scoprire e instaurare... more
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      Italiano per stranieriItaliano L2
The present study, conducted in a secondary school in Perugia (Italy), aimed to verify the benefits of the theatrical teaching methodology on the acquisition of a foreign language, in this case Spanish. The project, funded with the... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionTeaching of Foreign LanguagesLanguage PedagogySecond Language Teaching
Capitolo 1. Cosa si intende per didattica digitale delle lingue 1 1.1 Glottotecnologie in teoria e in pratica 3 1.1.1 Le teorie acquisizionali 5 1.1.2 La teoria socio-culturale 8 1.1.3 La teoria costruttivista 9 1.2 L'avvento della... more
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La pandemia da COVID-19 (malattia da SARS-CoV-2) ha presentato al mondo dell’istruzione una serie di sfide senza precedenti poiché le università, le aule e le scuole dell’Italia intera sono state costrette a chiudere i battenti a marzo... more
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      Language TechnologiesGlottodidatticaNuove Tecnologie Nella Didattica E ValutazioneDidattica Delle Lingue Moderne
Il presente contributo intende fornire una riflessione sulle potenzialità dell'utilizzo del Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) nella didattica delle lingue a distanza. Il MALL integra l'uso dei dispositivi mobili nel processo di... more
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      Mobile LearningSecond Language TeachingNuove Tecnologie Nella Didattica E Valutazione