This paper presents the status of research underway on the increasing number of participatory experiences in designing and producing cultural events, and particularly those initiatives leading to the realization of exhibit-events. This... more
This paper will present a modest theoretical contribution, from an historical perspective, trying to underline the fact that our knowledge on visual communication has deep roots in fields that reside under the domain of others non visual... more
In 1316 the town-republic of Sassari issued its 'Statuti', a collection of regulations describing the city's legal and administrative matters. Although the contents of the document vividly present many traits of the city's XIV century's... more
The evolution of multimedia formats and the appearance of an ecosystem of open source solutions for digital communication promotes a process in which the construction of knowledge, once confined to very specific institutions, opens up to... more
La presente ricerca tratta di come comunità e conoscenze trovano modo di dare vita a spazi fisici e di come il design può contribuire a questo fenomeno intervenendo sia nella definizione funzionale degli spazi che nelle dinamiche di... more
A considerable number of studies in epidemiology and biomedicine investigate the etiology of complex diseases by considering (self-identified) race as a relevant variable and focusing on the differences in risk among racial groups in the... more
L'architettura è un campo in cui l’intervento umano sul mondo provoca conseguenze rilevanti e durature, spesso materialmente persistenti per centinaia e centinaia di anni. Sarebbe quindi naturale aspettarsi che gli architetti riflettano... more
As a consequence of Hume’s famous is-ought problem, it may seem that no rational justification of a moral statement can ever be inferentially provided, and no argument typically used in applied ethics would ever deserve the title of... more
This paper claims that the reconstruction of the Italian bioethical debate provided by Giovanni Fornero [G. Fornero, M. Mori, laici e cattolici in bioetica (2012)] is correct; nonetheless the conceptual dichotomy catholic/secular ("... more
In Milan Kundera’s novel Farewell Waltz, Doctor Skreta, a consultant at a Czechoslovakian centre for the treatment of female infertility, violates many of his patients’ rights: he is indifferent to their needs, neglects confidentiality,... more
In his film Hable con Ella (2002) Pedro Almodóvar features the character of Benigno, a nurse who is in permanent charge of Alicia, a young patient in a persistent vegetative state. Benigno talks continuously to Alicia. Almodóvar wants the... more
In this paper I focus on the question whether there are new ethical problems arising in nanotechnology, as opposed to mere new instances of old ethical problems. Firstly, I show that we cannot do without the general distinction between... more
If we accept causal exclusion, property dualism and physical determinism, mental epiphenomenalism follows. According to Yablo (1992), we can save mental causation by rejecting causal exclusion and considering the mental/physical relation... more
Si può recare un torto a un individuo facendolo nascere? Si può pretendere che, mettendolo al mondo, si sia violato il suo diritto di non esistere?