Edwin Clemenz
Address: Solo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
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Papers by Edwin Clemenz
Secara historis, dan hingga hari ini, salah satu penggunaan calendula yang paling populer adalah dengan mengoleskannya pada kulit yang teriritasi (atau pada kelopak mata dan tempat lain) untuk mengurangi rasa gatal, kemerahan, kepekaan, kekeringan, dan pembengkakan.
Telah ditemukan bahwa calendula memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan jaringan baru yang sehat, meningkatkan aliran darah ke area yang terkena, meningkatkan produksi kolagen, yang mengencangkan dan memperkuat kulit, menghidrasi kulit kering, dan mempercepat proses perbaikan kulit setelah operasi atau kerusakan.
Begitu juga dengan Kaharingan, Agama Hidu Daya. Perbedaan antara religius dan profan dalam kebudayaan suku bangsa Dayak tidak begitu jelas. Bahkan, dari dulu tidak ada kata untuk agama. Baru sejak beberapa dasawarsa orang Kalimantan Tengah menggunakan istilah agama Kaharingan. Kaharingan yang berarti kehidupan, memang seperti itulah yang diharapkan oleh para penganutnya yaitu menghargai kehidupan. Sebab segala sesuatu yang ada seolah-olah mempunyai jiwa dan setiap benda-benda itu dijaga oleh nenek moyang yang memberikan perhatian kepada manusia yang masih hidup di dunia.
Makalah ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian besar , yakni laporan lapangan wawancara dan refleksi penulis mengenai Pengenalan Akan Allah dan Perjuangannya Mengapresiasi Iman Dalam Hidup Keseharian.
Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kongregasi Oblat Maria Imakulata Provinsi Indonesia yang sudah menyediakan waktu bagi formandi narasumber, juga kepada kongregasi pusat yang sudah berusia 200 tahun berkarya di seluruh dunia
Tulisan ini diharapkan menjadi salah satu pertimbangan dalam pengebalan akan Allah, pengolahan para subyek formandi dan permenungan bagi masyarakat pada umumnya. Penulis mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya karena tulisan ini belum sempurna. Kritik dan saran sangat diharapkan penulis bagi perkembangan pengenalan akan Allah.
Br. Anthony menyukai menyalakan lilin sambil berjaga di altar Bunda Perawan Maria. Pimpinan memanggilnya serta pada suatu saat, “Bruder, yakinkah engkau bahwa kebanggan membisikimu untuk membakar banyak lilin?”. Bruder Anthony tak menjawab pertanyaan itu. Suatu suara membisikkan untuk melawan pimpinan. Tapi ia ragu. Suara itu kembali menguatkannya lalu berkata, “Jika celaan-celaan tersebut benar, missi ini tidak akan berbuah”. Bruder kemudian tak berani berkata-kata lagi. Pada Januari 1905, bencana menerpa. Sekolah terbakar. Missi terbengkalai – ini adalah suatu kegagalan. Akhirnya Metis terabaikan dan paroki St. Metis menjadi sebuah paroki orang-orang kulit putih.
Keywords: writing anxiety, writing ability, Classroom Action Research, low-cost ICT-based integration.
One Act -the second- and the Martyrdom were first edited by Tischendorf. Batiffol printed the remainder in 1890, and Bonnet using more manuscripts, gives the final edition in his Acta Apost. Apocr. ii. 1. Beside the Greek text, there is a single Act extant only in Syrian, edited by Wright, which, so far as its general character goes, might well have formed part of the Greek Acts: but it is difficult to fit it into the framework.
Encarta-based learning improves the students‟ writing ability at the tenth C grade of
SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta and (2) describing how integration of Microsoft
Encarta based learning improves students„ writing competence.
The method used in this research was a Classroom Action Research. The research
was conducted in three cycles at tenth C grade of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta from
October 2014 to April 2015. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation,
interview, field note, and test (pre – test and post – test). In analysing the data, t – test
formula was employed to calculate the mean score of pre – test and post – test.
The research findings show that the use of integration of Microsoft Encarta-based
learning can improve students„ writing ability. The improvements of the students can be
seen from the followings: (1) the students are able to develop the supporting details of the
topic; (2) the students are able to organize the supporting idea to make adequate text; (3)
the students can use the correct spelling and punctuation; and (4) the students are
motivated to find their writing style towards the integration. Besides, the improvement of
the students„ writing competence can be seen from the improvement of the mean , KKM ,
t –test scores as follow: pre – test (4.44 and 30.20 ), post – test one (6.647 and 55.50
and 4.176) and post – test two (10.65 and 68.40 and 4.478), and post – test three (15.529
and 99.7 and 5.029) . The class condition had also improved. The improvement of class
condition includes: (1) the students„ participation are more attractive both in group and
individual, (2) the students are more active and enthusiastic during the teaching learning
process, (3) the students pay more attention and more focus on the activities during the
teaching learning process and during the integration.
In conclusion, Microsoft Encarta-based learning can improve student' writing
competence and learning condition in the classroom.
Key words: Writing and thinking, writing ability improvement, Classroom Action
Research, Microsoft Encarta Integration
Another challenge is the design of elicitation techniques. Because most speaking is the product of creative construction of linguistic strings, the speaker makes choices of lexicon, structure, and discourse. If your goal is to have test-takers demonstrate certain spoken grammatical categories, for example, the stimulus you design must elicit those grammatical categories in ways that prohibit the test-taker from avoiding or paraphrasing and thereby dodging production of the target form.
Books by Edwin Clemenz
Thomas Aquinas' greatest work. Originally written for the
"instruction of beginners," time has shown that all believers
can come to learn from this enriching book. Organized systemically
for the clearest way of "setting forth" the "sacred
doctrine," Aquinas addresses many of Christianity's most
pertinent questions in this multi-volume work. The First Part
of the Summa begins with the existence and nature of God,
before moving to creation and the nature of man.The Second
Part contains his examination of morality and law; it also
provides his account of the theological virtues, the cardinal
virtues, and the seven deadly sins. The Third Part, uncompleted
due to Aquinas' death, treats the incarnation and the
sacraments. Taken together, the three parts compose one
of the most impressive works of Christianity. Indeed, countless
people from many centuries have studied and learned
from the Summa; it has been widely influential from Aquinas'
own day to the present. Hence, those with a passing inquiry
or a serious question, an existential concern or a philosophical
problem, can learn much from reading and studying St.
Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica.
Secara historis, dan hingga hari ini, salah satu penggunaan calendula yang paling populer adalah dengan mengoleskannya pada kulit yang teriritasi (atau pada kelopak mata dan tempat lain) untuk mengurangi rasa gatal, kemerahan, kepekaan, kekeringan, dan pembengkakan.
Telah ditemukan bahwa calendula memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan jaringan baru yang sehat, meningkatkan aliran darah ke area yang terkena, meningkatkan produksi kolagen, yang mengencangkan dan memperkuat kulit, menghidrasi kulit kering, dan mempercepat proses perbaikan kulit setelah operasi atau kerusakan.
Begitu juga dengan Kaharingan, Agama Hidu Daya. Perbedaan antara religius dan profan dalam kebudayaan suku bangsa Dayak tidak begitu jelas. Bahkan, dari dulu tidak ada kata untuk agama. Baru sejak beberapa dasawarsa orang Kalimantan Tengah menggunakan istilah agama Kaharingan. Kaharingan yang berarti kehidupan, memang seperti itulah yang diharapkan oleh para penganutnya yaitu menghargai kehidupan. Sebab segala sesuatu yang ada seolah-olah mempunyai jiwa dan setiap benda-benda itu dijaga oleh nenek moyang yang memberikan perhatian kepada manusia yang masih hidup di dunia.
Makalah ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian besar , yakni laporan lapangan wawancara dan refleksi penulis mengenai Pengenalan Akan Allah dan Perjuangannya Mengapresiasi Iman Dalam Hidup Keseharian.
Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kongregasi Oblat Maria Imakulata Provinsi Indonesia yang sudah menyediakan waktu bagi formandi narasumber, juga kepada kongregasi pusat yang sudah berusia 200 tahun berkarya di seluruh dunia
Tulisan ini diharapkan menjadi salah satu pertimbangan dalam pengebalan akan Allah, pengolahan para subyek formandi dan permenungan bagi masyarakat pada umumnya. Penulis mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya karena tulisan ini belum sempurna. Kritik dan saran sangat diharapkan penulis bagi perkembangan pengenalan akan Allah.
Br. Anthony menyukai menyalakan lilin sambil berjaga di altar Bunda Perawan Maria. Pimpinan memanggilnya serta pada suatu saat, “Bruder, yakinkah engkau bahwa kebanggan membisikimu untuk membakar banyak lilin?”. Bruder Anthony tak menjawab pertanyaan itu. Suatu suara membisikkan untuk melawan pimpinan. Tapi ia ragu. Suara itu kembali menguatkannya lalu berkata, “Jika celaan-celaan tersebut benar, missi ini tidak akan berbuah”. Bruder kemudian tak berani berkata-kata lagi. Pada Januari 1905, bencana menerpa. Sekolah terbakar. Missi terbengkalai – ini adalah suatu kegagalan. Akhirnya Metis terabaikan dan paroki St. Metis menjadi sebuah paroki orang-orang kulit putih.
Keywords: writing anxiety, writing ability, Classroom Action Research, low-cost ICT-based integration.
One Act -the second- and the Martyrdom were first edited by Tischendorf. Batiffol printed the remainder in 1890, and Bonnet using more manuscripts, gives the final edition in his Acta Apost. Apocr. ii. 1. Beside the Greek text, there is a single Act extant only in Syrian, edited by Wright, which, so far as its general character goes, might well have formed part of the Greek Acts: but it is difficult to fit it into the framework.
Encarta-based learning improves the students‟ writing ability at the tenth C grade of
SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta and (2) describing how integration of Microsoft
Encarta based learning improves students„ writing competence.
The method used in this research was a Classroom Action Research. The research
was conducted in three cycles at tenth C grade of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta from
October 2014 to April 2015. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation,
interview, field note, and test (pre – test and post – test). In analysing the data, t – test
formula was employed to calculate the mean score of pre – test and post – test.
The research findings show that the use of integration of Microsoft Encarta-based
learning can improve students„ writing ability. The improvements of the students can be
seen from the followings: (1) the students are able to develop the supporting details of the
topic; (2) the students are able to organize the supporting idea to make adequate text; (3)
the students can use the correct spelling and punctuation; and (4) the students are
motivated to find their writing style towards the integration. Besides, the improvement of
the students„ writing competence can be seen from the improvement of the mean , KKM ,
t –test scores as follow: pre – test (4.44 and 30.20 ), post – test one (6.647 and 55.50
and 4.176) and post – test two (10.65 and 68.40 and 4.478), and post – test three (15.529
and 99.7 and 5.029) . The class condition had also improved. The improvement of class
condition includes: (1) the students„ participation are more attractive both in group and
individual, (2) the students are more active and enthusiastic during the teaching learning
process, (3) the students pay more attention and more focus on the activities during the
teaching learning process and during the integration.
In conclusion, Microsoft Encarta-based learning can improve student' writing
competence and learning condition in the classroom.
Key words: Writing and thinking, writing ability improvement, Classroom Action
Research, Microsoft Encarta Integration
Another challenge is the design of elicitation techniques. Because most speaking is the product of creative construction of linguistic strings, the speaker makes choices of lexicon, structure, and discourse. If your goal is to have test-takers demonstrate certain spoken grammatical categories, for example, the stimulus you design must elicit those grammatical categories in ways that prohibit the test-taker from avoiding or paraphrasing and thereby dodging production of the target form.
Thomas Aquinas' greatest work. Originally written for the
"instruction of beginners," time has shown that all believers
can come to learn from this enriching book. Organized systemically
for the clearest way of "setting forth" the "sacred
doctrine," Aquinas addresses many of Christianity's most
pertinent questions in this multi-volume work. The First Part
of the Summa begins with the existence and nature of God,
before moving to creation and the nature of man.The Second
Part contains his examination of morality and law; it also
provides his account of the theological virtues, the cardinal
virtues, and the seven deadly sins. The Third Part, uncompleted
due to Aquinas' death, treats the incarnation and the
sacraments. Taken together, the three parts compose one
of the most impressive works of Christianity. Indeed, countless
people from many centuries have studied and learned
from the Summa; it has been widely influential from Aquinas'
own day to the present. Hence, those with a passing inquiry
or a serious question, an existential concern or a philosophical
problem, can learn much from reading and studying St.
Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica.
Keyword : detergen, pencemaran, biodiversitas, surfaktan,
xenobiotic, prebiotik
dodecyl sulfate atau SLS, adalah bahan umum dalam pasta gigi dan
sebagai surfaktan. Lauril Sulfat adalah salah satu bahan kimia yang
digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam berbagai industri kimia. Biasanya
Lauril Sulfat digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan sabun, shampo,deterjen dan sejenisnya. Ini pada dasarnya adalah sejenis 'sabun.Tetapi karena akumulasi SLS, Fluoride , Triclosan dan bahan aditif
dalam pasta gigi konvensional membawa degenari kinerja sel, mitokondria, kelenjar pineal dan sering memunculkan ulkhus (sariawan). Fluorida telah terbukti mutagenik dengan menyebabkan15
kerusakan kromosom dan gangguan dengan enzim yang terlibat dengan
perbaikan DNA dalam berbagai studi sel dan jaringan. Namun, dengan
kombinasi pengganti bahan-bahan konvensional seperti grease trap
enzyme food grade dan cangkang telur, rempah dan gula berantai pendek
seperti (sorbitol,gliserol),hasil signifikan menunjukkan bahwa20
seperti aktivitas antibakteri atau antipatogen, meningkatkan
kekerasan mikro enamel yang signifikan dibandingkan menggunakan
sodium lauryl sulphate atau fluoride sebagai surfaktan. Di sisi lain,
proses pembentukan fermentasi alami, hidroxiapatite gigi pada calsium
complex cangkang telur (nHA) dan aktivitas mitokondria membuktikan25
bahwa penemuan ini memberikan subjek pengguna pasta gigi non-sodium
lauryl sulfate (SLS) dan non-fluoride manfaat bertahap, terjangkau
dan efisien untuk perawatan kesehatan gigi, mulut dan sel kelenjar
Keyword : SLS, Fluoride, greasetrap enzyme foodgrade, nHA cangkang
telur, mitokondria