Papers by Hossana Twinomurinzi

Journal of Global Information Management
In light of the controversies surrounding COVID-19 vaccines, this study explored vaccine adoption... more In light of the controversies surrounding COVID-19 vaccines, this study explored vaccine adoption through a theoretical model, focusing on France (n=2001) and South Africa (n=1107). Analysis using structural equation modelling and hierarchical cluster analysis revealed that social influences, personal opinions on vaccines, perceived severity of the pandemic, and perceived benefits of vaccination were primary drivers of adoption in both countries. Belief in conspiracy theories and perceptions of social distancing and stay-at-home measures had no influence on acceptance. Trust significantly influenced adoption intentions only in South Africa. Cluster analysis revealed four distinct opinion groups—“enthusiasts,” “doubters,” “followers,” and “conspirationists”—each preferring different health information sources and technologies, with a common preference for traditional media over social media. These findings have implications for developing targeted health policies, communication, and ...

eJournal of eDemocracy and open government, Dec 17, 2023
Blockchain technology (BT) is increasingly important in digital government as a means of efficien... more Blockchain technology (BT) is increasingly important in digital government as a means of efficient information management, decision making and an instrument for reform. This study presents a systematic review of BT's potential and application in land registration within lowincome countries. The study uncovers diverse approaches to BT implementation that are influenced by local conditions and government structures. The study reveals that while there is a burgeoning interest in this field, actual implementations remain limited. The key barriers include resistance from government officials and a lack of local BT skills. Public blockchains have shown a high tendency for adoption, indicating a shift towards more transparent relationships between governments and citizens. The Hyperledger Fabric platform emerges as a popular choice due to its ability to provide secure, scalable, and robust solutions. However, there is a lack of clarity regarding the consensus mechanisms used, indicating a potential gap in current research practices. The study recommends an incremental approach to BT implementation, starting with non-threatening, transparent processes that could be expanded as part of broader government reform programs. Despite the potential of BT to revolutionize land registration systems and democratize tracking, it also poses a threat to existing power structures. Therefore, more robust empirical research is needed to evaluate the impacts and navigate the associated sociotechnical, legal, and institutional challenges. The study also proposes the establishment of a BT collaborative network among low-income countries to leverage shared experiences and develop a common framework for implementation. In the single instance where it was implemented in Georgia, public trust in government was restored. The study contributes to understanding how BT can be effectively harnessed to improve land registration systems in low-income countries.

Frontiers in digital health, Mar 11, 2024
Computational audiology (CA) has grown over the last few years with the improvement of computing ... more Computational audiology (CA) has grown over the last few years with the improvement of computing power and the growth of machine learning (ML) models. There are today several audiogram databases which have been used to improve the accuracy of CA models as well as reduce testing time and diagnostic complexity. However, these CA models have mainly been trained on single populations. This study integrated contextual and prior knowledge from audiogram databases of multiple populations as informative priors to estimate audiograms more precisely using two mechanisms: (1) a mapping function drawn from feature-based homogeneous Transfer Learning (TL) also known as Domain Adaptation (DA) and (2) Active Learning (Uncertainty Sampling) using a stream-based query mechanism. Simulations of the Active Transfer Learning (ATL) model were tested against a traditional adaptive staircase method akin to the Hughson-Westlake (HW) method for the left ear at frequencies v = 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 kHz, resulting in accuracy and reliability improvements. ATL improved HW tests from a mean of 41.3 sound stimuli presentations and reliability of +9.02 dB down to 25.3 + 1.04 dB. Integrating multiple databases also resulted in classifying the audiograms into 18 phenotypes, which means that with increasing data-driven CA, higher precision is achievable, and a possible re-conceptualisation of the notion of phenotype classifications might be required. The study contributes to CA in identifying an ATL mechanism to leverage existing audiogram databases and CA models across different population groups. Further studies can be done for other psychophysical phenomena using ATL.

Research Square (Research Square), Apr 20, 2023
Arti cial intelligence (AI) has rapidly become one of the technologies used for competitive advan... more Arti cial intelligence (AI) has rapidly become one of the technologies used for competitive advantage. However, there are also growing concerns about bias in AI models as AI developers risk introducing bias both unintentionally and intentionally. This study, using a qualitative approach, investigated how AI developers can contribute to the development of fair AI models. The key ndings reveal that the risk of bias is mainly because of the lack of gender and social diversity in AI development teams, and haste from AI managers to deliver much-anticipated results. The integrity of AI developers is also critical as they may conceal bias from management and other AI stakeholders. The testing phase before model deployment risks bias because it is rarely representative of the diverse societal groups that may be affected. The study makes recommendations in four main areas: governance, social, technical, and training and development processes. Responsible organisations need to take deliberate actions to ensure that their AI developers adhere to fair processes when developing AI; AI developers must prioritise ethical considerations and consider the impact their models may have on society; partnerships between AI developers, AI stakeholders, and society that might be impacted by AI models should be established; and AI developers need to prioritise transparency and explainability in their models while ensuring adequate testing for bias and corrective measures before deployment. Emotional intelligence training should also be provided to the AI developers to help them engage in productive conversations with individuals outside the development team.

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Jun 30, 2023
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have increased access to higher education by allowing South A... more Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have increased access to higher education by allowing South Africans to access free, online-based, open content created by higher education institutions worldwide. However, most MOOCs report significant student drop-out rates before completing a course. Higher education institutions must understand learner motivation for completing a MOOC. This paper examines the motivational factors influencing the completion rate of MOOCs in South Africa. This study employed a quantitative approach to collect data using an online questionnaire from South African respondents. A total number of 3147 responses were recorded, and the data were analyzed with SPSS V28. Correlation statistics tests were used to denote the association between the four independent variables and the dependent variable. The study's most important findings are that intrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors, motivation to continue, and the availability of resources positively impact a MOOC's completion rate. The study concludes that these factors will improve the throughput rate of MOOCs. It is recommended that all higher education institutions that offer MOOCs create a conducive online learning environment that offers independence and freedom of learning with plenty of communication and collaboration between students and facilitators. Creating such an environment will encourage active participation in the course and improve throughput rates.

One of the key goals of higher education institutions (HEIs) is student career success. In HEIs, ... more One of the key goals of higher education institutions (HEIs) is student career success. In HEIs, students are given the necessary subject-specific information, skills, and experience to achieve this. In South Africa, which has historically been one of the technological leaders in Africa, there are currently insufficient Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) specialists graduating from higher education to meet the rising need for a skilled workforce in those fields. The completion rate of supplementary online courses to expand this 4IR skills base is also a major concern. In this paper, we report on the strategy implemented to improve the course completion rate of a self-selected sample of students who attended face-to-face Data Science introduction workshops in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. We achieved a 76% completion rate of two MOOCs courses in these workshops. We examined the contribution of the participant's personal factors and background contextual factors. We also listed any other factors suggested by the students, which collectively contribute to the learning experience construct of the social cognitive career theory (SCCT) and serve as a practical means of improving 4IR skills exposure and the outcome expectations. Therefore, this paper shows the mechanism which can be used to offer 4IR programmes, in HEIs, to raise students' self-efficacy and outcome expectations in fields such as Data Science. In addition, the learning experience inputs can be utilized to increase students' interest in majoring in 4IR courses.
Open Government Data (OGD) has been growing as a field of research in digital government. Using a... more Open Government Data (OGD) has been growing as a field of research in digital government. Using a systematic review method, this paper sought to capture the status of research in OGD over the last five years from 2012–2018. The key findings indicate that OGD is an emergent research area with no existing theoretical frameworks. The absence of design science methods suggests an opportunity to create digital government platforms based on OGD best practices. There are also strong legal concerns concerning the opening up of government data, the format of the data, and the privacy / security implications of such exposure. There is limited research on OGD for business benefit nor developing countries. We highlight some gaps for further research and identify potential opportunities.

Discover Artificial Intelligence, Jul 17, 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly become one of the technologies used for competitive adva... more Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly become one of the technologies used for competitive advantage. However, there are also growing concerns about bias in AI models as AI developers risk introducing bias both unintentionally and intentionally. This study, using a qualitative approach, investigated how AI developers can contribute to the development of fair AI models. The key findings reveal that the risk of bias is mainly because of the lack of gender and social diversity in AI development teams, and haste from AI managers to deliver much-anticipated results. The integrity of AI developers is also critical as they may conceal bias from management and other AI stakeholders. The testing phase before model deployment risks bias because it is rarely representative of the diverse societal groups that may be affected. The study makes practical recommendations in four main areas: governance, social, technical, and training and development processes. Responsible organisations need to take deliberate actions to ensure that their AI developers adhere to fair processes when developing AI; AI developers must prioritise ethical considerations and consider the impact their models may have on society; partnerships between AI developers, AI stakeholders, and society that might be impacted by AI models should be established; and AI developers need to prioritise transparency and explainability in their models while ensuring adequate testing for bias and corrective measures before deployment. Emotional intelligence training should also be provided to the AI developers to help them engage in productive conversations with individuals outside the development team.

BACKGROUND The spread of coronavirus continues around the world, causing a variety of problems in... more BACKGROUND The spread of coronavirus continues around the world, causing a variety of problems in human health and the economy. One of the most important approaches to control the spread of this disease is to use a technological intervention based on Artificial Intelligence, such as a Chatbot system. The use of chatbots can aid in the fight against the spread of COVID-19 disease. OBJECTIVE This paper introduced a COVID-Bot, an intelligent interactive system that can help screen students and confirm whether they have received COVID-19 vaccine or not based on the student's vaccination dataset. METHODS The design and development of COVID-Bot follow the principles of the design science research process, which is a research method for creating a new scientific artifact. COVID-Bot was developed and implemented using the SnatchBot Chatbot Application Programming Interface (API). RESULTS An evaluation was carried out to determine the system's usefulness, and over 80% of the participants agreed that the Chatbot functions well, fits well with students’ mobile devices and their lifestyle, produces accurate and consistent responses, and easy to use. CONCLUSIONS This research presented the design and development of an Chatbot system for COVID-19-related issues, and the application of the system can aid in the fight against the spread of COVID-19 disease.

IFIP advances in information and communication technology, 2020
This study examined how men and women who own micro businesses in Lagos, Nigeria, use mobile apps... more This study examined how men and women who own micro businesses in Lagos, Nigeria, use mobile apps for business. The paper analyses the findings from Amartya Sen's capability approach viewpoint. The two key findings suggest that women micro business owners make more use of mobile apps compared to men, and that they tend to exit micro businesses as they grow older indicating a possible influence of patriarchy in African contexts. Specifically, women seized opportunities presented by mobile apps to acquire capabilities to function; and they adapt mobile apps to enhance their wellbeing and freedom despite the restrictions and responsibilities in the patriarchal environments typical of low-income countries. The insignificant gender gap in certain mobile app usages presents new perspectives to debates on gender (economic) gaps, inequality, women empowerment, and technology uptake in low-income country contexts.
Copyright ©the Authors All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or paper copy of part or a... more Copyright ©the Authors All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or paper copy of part or all of these works for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies: 1) bear this notice in full; and 2) give the full citation on the first page. It is permissible to abstract these works so long as credit is given. To copy in all other cases or to republish or to post on a server or to redistribute to lists requires specific permission and payment of a fee. Contact [email protected] to request redistribution permission.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Jun 20, 2023

International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, Jan 14, 2022
South Africa (SA) being a high water stressed country, the demand is expected to grow by 17% in 2... more South Africa (SA) being a high water stressed country, the demand is expected to grow by 17% in 2030. Beside these problems, over 37% of water in the urban piped system leaks out or is used illegally. This compounded effect pose as a serious threat to the future of the SA country as a whole. In view to partly mitigate to this alarming consternation, this work presents a Dynamic Water Flow Rate Control (DWFRC) model which could be used to alleviate the water scarcity problem faced by the world. Using SA context and standards, an investigation is first performed to understand the current water reticulation system. Thereafter, the excessive pressure problem is identified and a DWFRC solution model is provided. The model is implemented in MATLAB and simulation result demonstrated the ability of the model to conquer excessive water pressure at all time thereby ensuring long lasting water reticulation system. Not only will the this work helps fight water scarcity and combat non-revenue water problem, it will additionally help achieve efficient use of water management and storage.
Procedia Computer Science
Procedia Computer Science

EPiC Series in Education Science, Nov 24, 2022
This paper focuses on operationalizing the diverse discourses on the Future of Work (FoW) into a ... more This paper focuses on operationalizing the diverse discourses on the Future of Work (FoW) into a research model and instrument to measure the impact on job susceptibility in any given sector. Over the last few decades, the central focus in the discourse of the FoW has mainly been on how technological advancements have substituted jobs and skilled labor through the simplification of tasks. This has been at the expense of other non-technological factors that influence the FoW. The discourse on the FoW has also been difficult to operationalize with most of it being theoretical and conjectural. The paper adopts an abductive methodology, making use of a critical literature review and Santana and Cobo's (2020) bibliometric review of the FoW. The resultant FoW model and instrument enable the measurement of job susceptibility in any sector and are useful for operationalizing the highly abstract and theoretical concept of the FoW. While the primary trigger for the FoW is innovative technological advancement, the discourse has often ignored the equally important and complementary political, social and economic forces that accompany any industrial revolution. The FoW model and instrument have considerable implications for individuals and organizations as they present a clearer picture of the job risks and opportunities available for skills development. The instrument, subject to empirical validation, holds potential to provide a more holistic projection about the impact of future industrial revolutions as they unfold. The FoW instrument can be used to measure job susceptibility in any sector. The recommendations from each sector can be used to plan and respond to social, political and economic changes affecting work that is affected by technological advancements. The instrument enables relevant stakeholders, policy makers and decision makers to better understand future prospects in different fields in order to plan and prepare workforces accordingly. It also means that society can better prepare and avoid unnecessary displacement of workers. The paper is exploratory and future work will involve the empirical validation of the research model and instrument.
Papers by Hossana Twinomurinzi