Papers by Dudley Schreiber

Theological Studies/Teologiese Studies, Mar 23, 2015
For some, 'transformation' is the new non-reductive and non-normative 'development', attracting a... more For some, 'transformation' is the new non-reductive and non-normative 'development', attracting attention from interdisciplinary array, but of particular theoretical and practical interest to Spirituality scholars. In philosophical context, transformation theory has suffered greatly from 'agency-structure' dualism and suspension of ontology in body-mind dualism and rationalist virtue controversy. Drawing on the work of Bhaskar, Segal and Slote, a renegotiated and more meaningful sense of transformation emerges from their cumulative analytical and conceptual enrichment. In the complexity of possible relations between self, self-concept and society, lies the traditionally neglected transformative middle of sui-generis human depth. In redress, arguably, Bhaskar's meta-philosophy accommodates Segal's experiential depth analysis and Slote's understanding of empathy and receptivity as valuable insights for 'awakening' to transformative process.

Chapter One: Introduction, overview, argument, intentions and review 1 The general argument and i... more Chapter One: Introduction, overview, argument, intentions and review 1 The general argument and intention: The emancipation of philosophy and spirituality as a grounding framework 1.1 Exploring the confluence of interest in the character of the literature field 1.1.1 Compliance and character of the introduction 1.2 Reaping where others have sewn: a contemplative moment I would like to thank the numerous people and organisations they represent who were instrumental in inspiring, affording the bursary, giving me space and time, supervising and supporting this endeavour. Firstly the inspirers: to Professor Christo Lombaard, of the Department of Christian Spirituality, Unisa, thanks for the chats, advice and coffees, all of which I take as outward expressions of sincere warmth and generosity. My former Professors of St. Joseph's Theological Institute who inspired my study of Philosophy. My long time thanks to Albert Nolan O.P. whose example and presence at one time have evinced a profound, ongoing search. Professor Celia Kourie, whose beautiful writings have inspired and uplifted my spirit, providing a light in the sometimes dark labyrinth of methodology. The Philosopher of the moment Roy Bhaskar without whose mention by Roland Benedikter, I might never have investigated critical realism. My thanks also to Refilwe Makgae for seeing to all the administrative processes involved in the Bursary afforded by Unisa. To my extended family for the support when I had run out of words to speak and the space-time to get the words on paper, "thanks bunch". To Tracey and Percy from Sprint, my thanks for your patience and words of encouragement.

Verbum et Ecclesia
In the broader context of post-secularism and Lombaard�s contributions, needful of philosophy, th... more In the broader context of post-secularism and Lombaard�s contributions, needful of philosophy, this minority report lights upon an analytic�post-secular crossover. Here, responding to Lombaard�s categorical quest for the �religious�, philosophy serves to support greater realism in the discourse of the philosophy/sociology of religion so that we might better consider social, spiritual and philosophical capital. By small means, focusing on ontological, relational, democratic, psychological, social and analytic features of the humble category, it is suggested that an attitude of mitigated realism serves best in relief from suspicious theoretical pasts.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: This article attempts to demonstrate how post-secular categories like that of the �religious� are enriched in post-analytic engagement with European philosophy and what this might require of theory.
Papers by Dudley Schreiber