This study aims to determine the effect of Consumer Behavior, Products, Promotion and Service on ... more This study aims to determine the effect of Consumer Behavior, Products, Promotion and Service on Savings and Financing Products. This research is a quantitative research. The population in this study is the community and members of KSPPS Berkah Abadi Gemilang. The sample in this study was calculated by Slovin formula, there were 100 respondents. The research sampling technique was insindental sampling, data analysis used multiple regression using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) Software version 24. The results of this study showed partially that the variables of Consumer Behavior, Product, Promotion and Service Behavior had a significant positive effect on savings products and financing. Simultaneously, variables of Consumer Behavior, Products, Promotions and Services variables have a significant effect on savings and financing products.
Journal of Finance and Islamic Banking, Aug 4, 2021
This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions ... more This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions (MFIs) in strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector to realize sustainable rural development. The study uses quantitative method and purposive sampling method. The sample of this study was 85 agricultural and fishery business actors in Central Java, Indonesia. The variable quality of service, accessibility and philanthropic characteristics of Islamic MFIs towards sustainable rural development which mediated by strengthening of the agricultural and fisheries sector. The urgency of this research is to establish a financing model for the agriculture and fisheries sector. This study uses primary data which collected through filling out the questionnaires by business actors in the agriculture and fisheries sector. The results showed that the service quality of Islamic MFIs had no impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.245), accessibility of Islamic MFIs had a positive impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.06), philanthropic characteristics had a positive impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.01), strengthening the agriculture and fisheries sector has a positive impact on sustainable rural development. This research can be used as a model for channeling customer funds to finance Islamic MFIs.
The purpose of this study was to examine the sharia compliance of the Hybrid Contract of the Syri... more The purpose of this study was to examine the sharia compliance of the Hybrid Contract of the Syriah Microfinance Institution (LKMS) in Jepara Regency. This type of research is a Field Research, using a content analysis approach; to interpret data not as a series of physical events, but as symbolic symptoms to reveal the meaning contained in a text, and the understanding of the message presented. The research object selected was BMT in Jepara Regency which applies contract and unique hybrid products, namely BMT Mitra Muamalah (Mitramu) which has the product "Gold Pawn" and BMT Harapan Bersama (HARBER) which has a Musyarakah Mutanaqishah (MMq) product. The results showed that the
This study aims to analyze the effect of brand image, sharia financial literacy, and shariah gove... more This study aims to analyze the effect of brand image, sharia financial literacy, and shariah governance, on the decision to use sharia banking services in Jepara Regency. This study is a quantitative study, with multiple linear regression analysis method, using SPSS version 16. The results showed that the brand image variable (X1) and Islamic financial literacy variable (X2), significantly influenced the decision to use Islamic banking services in Jepara Regency ( Y). While the shariah governance variable (X3) has no significant effect on the decision to use sharia banking services in Jepara Regency (Y). Simultaneously, the brand image variable (X1), the Islamic financial literacy variable (X2), and the sharia governance variable (X3), have a significant effect on the decision to use Islamic banking services in Jepara Regency.
Non-bank Islamic microfinance institutions (BMT) are legal entity Cooperative have no instrument ... more Non-bank Islamic microfinance institutions (BMT) are legal entity Cooperative have no instrument to fulfill liquidity needs as Islamic banking. Whereas the BMT should provide liquidity fund for the partners / members at any time. This article uses descriptive analytical method, to understand deeply the Tawarruq contract as liquidity management solutions Non-bank Islamic Microfinance Institutions (BMT). The results show the Tawarruq contract can be revitalized by necessity of the present to fulfill the liquidity needs of Non-bank Islamic Microfinance Institutions (BMT). Keywords: Tawarruq, Islamic Microfinance Institutions, BMT
The purpose of this study was to examine the sharia compliance of the Hybrid Contract of the Syri... more The purpose of this study was to examine the sharia compliance of the Hybrid Contract of the Syriah Microfinance Institution (LKMS) in Jepara Regency. This type of research is a Field Research, using a content analysis approach; to interpret data not as a series of physical events, but as symbolic symptoms to reveal the meaning contained in a text, and the understanding of the message presented. The research object selected was BMT in Jepara Regency which applies contract and unique hybrid products, namely BMT Mitra Muamalah (Mitramu) which has the product "Gold Pawn" and BMT Harapan Bersama (HARBER) which has a Musyarakah Mutanaqishah (MMq) product. The results showed that the Musyarakah Mutanaqishah (MMq) financing agreement at BMT Harapan Bersama (HARBER) Jepara was in accordance with the DSN-MUI fatwa NO: 73 / DSN-MUI / XI / 2008. Rahn's contract which is run by BMT Mitra Muamalah Jepara is in accordance with the DSN-MUI Fatwa Number: 25 / DSN-MUI / III / 2002, and...
The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia based on ... more The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia based on MSI (Maqashid Shariah Index). Combining the maqashid sharia Ibn Ashur and Abu Zaharah with the methodological concept developed by Sekaran (Mohammed et al., 2015). The three objectives of Maqashid Sharia: (1) Tahdhib al-Fard (Educating individuals); (2) Iqamah al-ʻAdl (establishing justice); and (3) Jalb al-Maslahah (Public Interest). Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) is used as a method for ranking the performance of Islamic banking based on the final results from MSI. The results showed 14 Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS) in 2011-2019, had an average IMS 0.1694. The IMS of five Islamic banks is below the average, namely BMS, Maybank, BTPNS, BAS, and BNTBS. IMS first rank is BPS index 0.2336, second rank is BVS index 0.2168, third rank is BSB index 0.2164, fourth rank is BCAS with index 0.2129, fifth rank is BMI with 0.183 index, sixth rank is BSM with an index of 0.1895, the seventh rank i...
Abstrak Koperasi merupakan badan hukum yang paling sesuai untuk masyarakat pedesaan yang sebagian... more Abstrak Koperasi merupakan badan hukum yang paling sesuai untuk masyarakat pedesaan yang sebagian besarnya bergerak pada sektor pertanian dengan ciri kegotong-royongan masyarakat yang melekat. Maka berbicara ketahanan pangan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari peran koperasi agribisnis atau Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD). Keberhasilan Indonesia dalam swasembada beras pada tahun 1984 yang diakui oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa (PBB) adalah bukti nyata kontribusi Koperasi. Selama lebih dari 30 tahun tahun KUD secara aktif telah dilibatkan tidak saja dalam pengadaan gabah/beras untuk mendukung stok beras nasional, tetapi juga dilibatkan dalam penyediaan sarana produksi padi (saprodi), pengolahan hasil dan pemasarannya kepasaran umum (pasar bebas). Potensi Koperasi yang dalam hal ini KUD dalam kegiatan pengadaan gabah dan beras dalam beberapa dasawarsa yang lalu memang cukup besar, baik dilihat dari ketersediaan sarana, maupun ketersediaan personil. Demikian juga sesungguhnya KUD mempunyai keterikatan...
Regulation on risk management in cooperative as one of the legal entity, is still minimal, superv... more Regulation on risk management in cooperative as one of the legal entity, is still minimal, supervision were very minimal, and this is different from banking. BMT as financial institutions rely solely on self-regulation. Therefore the author motivated to hold a research on the implementation of liquidity risk management in the BMT Aman Utama Jepara. This research aims to determine the application of liquidity risk management in the BMT Aman Utama Jepara, on liquidity risk management and become inputs for similar institutions in Indonesia as well as provide input to the regulator.The results of this research concluded that liquidity risk management in BMT Aman Utama Jepara managed traditionally by daily experiences and the needs of members in a cycle of withdrawal of savings and financing disbursements. Risk management process includes identification, measurement, monitoring and control is not performed systematically by the standards of good risk management
EKONOMIKA SYARIAH : Journal of Economic Studies, 2018
This study aims to analyze insurance agent marketing strategies to get new customers of Sharia Pr... more This study aims to analyze insurance agent marketing strategies to get new customers of Sharia Prulink Insurance in Jepara Regency. The study used descriptive analytical qualitative methods. Data obtained by observation, interviews, literature studies, documentation, data processing, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of the study show that the insurance agent's strategy to get new customers is to maintain a cycle: Planning, Prospects, Approaches, Fact Finding, Presentation, Dealing with objections and Closing. To maintain and improve customers, insurance agents take steps: know your costomer (KYC), visit customers regularly; explain the benefits of insurance, serve excellence, willingness to serve customers who need help for their insurance, and awards on customers' birthdays.
Journal of Finance and Islamic Banking, Aug 4, 2021
This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions ... more This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions (MFIs) in strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector to realize sustainable rural development. The study uses quantitative method and purposive sampling method. The sample of this study was 85 agricultural and fishery business actors in Central Java, Indonesia. The variable quality of service, accessibility and philanthropic characteristics of Islamic MFIs towards sustainable rural development which mediated by strengthening of the agricultural and fisheries sector. The urgency of this research is to establish a financing model for the agriculture and fisheries sector. This study uses primary data which collected through filling out the questionnaires by business actors in the agriculture and fisheries sector. The results showed that the service quality of Islamic MFIs had no impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.245), accessibility of Islamic MFIs had a positive impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.06), philanthropic characteristics had a positive impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.01), strengthening the agriculture and fisheries sector has a positive impact on sustainable rural development. This research can be used as a model for channeling customer funds to finance Islamic MFIs.
Regulation on risk management in cooperative as one of the legal entity, is still minimal, superv... more Regulation on risk management in cooperative as one of the legal entity, is still minimal, supervision were very minimal, and this is different from banking. BMT as financial institutions rely solely on self-regulation. Therefore the author motivated to hold a research on the implementation of liquidity risk management in the BMT Aman Utama Jepara. This research aims to determine the application of liquidity risk management in the BMT Aman Utama Jepara, on liquidity risk management and become inputs for similar institutions in Indonesia as well as provide input to the regulator.The results of this research concluded that liquidity risk management in BMT Aman Utama Jepara managed traditionally by daily experiences and the needs of members in a cycle of withdrawal of savings and financing disbursements. Risk management process includes identification, measurement, monitoring and control is not performed systematically by the standards of good risk management
This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions ... more This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions (MFIs) in strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector to realize sustainable rural development. The study uses quantitative method and purposive sampling method. The sample of this study was 85 agricultural and fishery business actors in Central Java, Indonesia. The variable quality of service, accessibility and philanthropic characteristics of Islamic MFIs towards sustainable rural development which mediated by strengthening of the agricultural and fisheries sector. The urgency of this research is to establish a financing model for the agriculture and fisheries sector. This study uses primary data which collected through filling out the questionnaires by business actors in the agriculture and fisheries sector. The results showed that 1) the service quality of Islamic MFIs had no impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector 2) accessibility of Islamic MFIs had a ...
This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions ... more This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions (MFIs) in strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector to realize sustainable rural development. The study uses quantitative method and purposive sampling method. The sample of this study was 85 agricultural and fishery business actors in Central Java, Indonesia. The variable quality of service, accessibility and philanthropic characteristics of Islamic MFIs towards sustainable rural development which mediated by strengthening of the agricultural and fisheries sector. The urgency of this research is to establish a financing model for the agriculture and fisheries sector. This study uses primary data which collected through filling out the questionnaires by business actors in the agriculture and fisheries sector. The results showed that 1) the service quality of Islamic MFIs had no impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector 2) accessibility of Islamic MFIs had a ...
The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia based on ... more The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia based on MSI (Maqashid Shariah Index). Combining the maqashid sharia Ibn Ashur and Abu Zaharah with the methodological concept developed by Sekaran (Mohammed et al., 2015). The three objectives of Maqashid Sharia: ( Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) is used as a method for ranking the performance of Islamic banking based on the final results from MSI. The results showed 14 Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS)
The research objective is to analyze the effect of Return on Equity (ROE), Earning per Share (EPS... more The research objective is to analyze the effect of Return on Equity (ROE), Earning per Share (EPS), Inflation, and Exchange Rates on the Jakarta Islamic Index stock price, 2015-2018. This research is a quantitative study, using secondary data published on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. There are 45 companies listed on the JII index which are made population. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, and there were 17 companies sampled, based on the criteria. Data analysis used multiple linear regression, with the SPSS program version 20. The results of the study, the variable Return on Equity (ROE) and Earning per Share (EPS) partially had a positive and significant effect on stock prices, while the Inflation variable and the exchange rate partially has no effect on stock prices. Simultaneously, Return on Equity (ROE), Earning per Share (EPS), Inflation, and Exchange Rate affect stock prices.
MitraMuamalah BMT (MitraMu) Jepara is one of the Sharia Microfinance Institutions incorporated as... more MitraMuamalah BMT (MitraMu) Jepara is one of the Sharia Microfinance Institutions incorporated as Cooperatives (KSPPS). This BMT has grown rapidly and has sixty (60) employees. Employee performance is influenced by the work ethic and Islamic corporate culture implemented. The Islamic work ethic is seen from the indicators of discipline, honesty, loyalty, responsibility, creativity and orderliness of Islamic administration. Islamic organizational culture can be seen from sharia compliance and team collaboration to achieve institutional goals. By implementing the work ethic and Islamic culture, there has been an increase in the performance of employees over time, solidity and brotherhood (ukhuwah) and the Islamic morals of employees are increasingly showing improvement.
JPPM (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat)
Tujuan dari program pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan manajemen usaha pa... more Tujuan dari program pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan manajemen usaha pada pengrajin anyaman rotan melalui implementasi teknologi tepat guna. Sasaran dari program ini yaitu pada UKM Rotan Indah Jepara dan UKM Rotan Asia sebagai mitra program. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui dua tahap kegiatan yaitu tahap identifikasi dan implementasi teknologi tepat guna dan tahap pendampingan pengelolaan usaha. Hasil yang dicapai, identifikasi kebutuhan teknologi telah dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan pada proses produksi dan finishing. Sedangkan pada tahap pendampingan manajemen usaha dilakukan melalui pelaksanaan berbagai program pelatihan dan pendampingan. Melalui program pengabdian ini, pengrajin dapat meningkatkan produktivitasnya; produk yang dihasilkan lebih bagus dari segi estetika karena lebih presisi; proses pengerjaan lebih cepat sehingga dapat menyelesaikan pengerjaan tepat waktu sesuai pesanan; dan...
The uniqueness of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the agriculture and fisheries se... more The uniqueness of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the agriculture and fisheries sector has led to thoughts of innovation in the microfinance institutions (MFIs) that serve it. Service innovations in the agriculture and fisheries sector have been carried out in various countries to facilitate the development of this sector. This study aims to analyze the financing model of Islamic microfinance institutions (Islamic MFIs) based on the characteristics of the agriculture and fisheries sectors and the reconstruction of Salam contracts of Islamic financial institutions for farmers and fishermen. The research method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The data were obtained through in-depth interviews with the agriculture and fisheries businesses in Central Java, Indonesia. The result showed that Salam contract constructed according to the characteristics of the fishing community to alleviate it from the shackles of moneylenders and wholesalers, including Islamic MFIs,...
Financing in Sharia Micro Financing Institutions (BMT) is dominated by certainty contracts, as it... more Financing in Sharia Micro Financing Institutions (BMT) is dominated by certainty contracts, as it has less risk than syirkah contract like Mudharabah or Musyarakah based on Natural Uncertainty Contract (NUC). Implementation constraints syirkah contracts exist on both parties, financial institutions and clients. due to lack of financial reports, honesty and transparency of the client's business (asismetric information). The Client gives a business report if the results obtained are small or equivalent to the bank interest rate, but if the business profit is good, then the profit share must be high. This research is a qualitative descriptive analytical research, to see the implementation of syirkah contract on Sharia Micro Finance Institution (BMT) in Jepara Regency and its syariah compliance based on DSN-MUI fatwa. The results showed that BMT in Jepara regency can not fulfill the compliance of shariah contract of Natural Uncertanty Contract (NUC) due to high risk, human resource ...
This study aims to determine the effect of Consumer Behavior, Products, Promotion and Service on ... more This study aims to determine the effect of Consumer Behavior, Products, Promotion and Service on Savings and Financing Products. This research is a quantitative research. The population in this study is the community and members of KSPPS Berkah Abadi Gemilang. The sample in this study was calculated by Slovin formula, there were 100 respondents. The research sampling technique was insindental sampling, data analysis used multiple regression using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) Software version 24. The results of this study showed partially that the variables of Consumer Behavior, Product, Promotion and Service Behavior had a significant positive effect on savings products and financing. Simultaneously, variables of Consumer Behavior, Products, Promotions and Services variables have a significant effect on savings and financing products.
Journal of Finance and Islamic Banking, Aug 4, 2021
This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions ... more This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions (MFIs) in strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector to realize sustainable rural development. The study uses quantitative method and purposive sampling method. The sample of this study was 85 agricultural and fishery business actors in Central Java, Indonesia. The variable quality of service, accessibility and philanthropic characteristics of Islamic MFIs towards sustainable rural development which mediated by strengthening of the agricultural and fisheries sector. The urgency of this research is to establish a financing model for the agriculture and fisheries sector. This study uses primary data which collected through filling out the questionnaires by business actors in the agriculture and fisheries sector. The results showed that the service quality of Islamic MFIs had no impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.245), accessibility of Islamic MFIs had a positive impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.06), philanthropic characteristics had a positive impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.01), strengthening the agriculture and fisheries sector has a positive impact on sustainable rural development. This research can be used as a model for channeling customer funds to finance Islamic MFIs.
The purpose of this study was to examine the sharia compliance of the Hybrid Contract of the Syri... more The purpose of this study was to examine the sharia compliance of the Hybrid Contract of the Syriah Microfinance Institution (LKMS) in Jepara Regency. This type of research is a Field Research, using a content analysis approach; to interpret data not as a series of physical events, but as symbolic symptoms to reveal the meaning contained in a text, and the understanding of the message presented. The research object selected was BMT in Jepara Regency which applies contract and unique hybrid products, namely BMT Mitra Muamalah (Mitramu) which has the product "Gold Pawn" and BMT Harapan Bersama (HARBER) which has a Musyarakah Mutanaqishah (MMq) product. The results showed that the
This study aims to analyze the effect of brand image, sharia financial literacy, and shariah gove... more This study aims to analyze the effect of brand image, sharia financial literacy, and shariah governance, on the decision to use sharia banking services in Jepara Regency. This study is a quantitative study, with multiple linear regression analysis method, using SPSS version 16. The results showed that the brand image variable (X1) and Islamic financial literacy variable (X2), significantly influenced the decision to use Islamic banking services in Jepara Regency ( Y). While the shariah governance variable (X3) has no significant effect on the decision to use sharia banking services in Jepara Regency (Y). Simultaneously, the brand image variable (X1), the Islamic financial literacy variable (X2), and the sharia governance variable (X3), have a significant effect on the decision to use Islamic banking services in Jepara Regency.
Non-bank Islamic microfinance institutions (BMT) are legal entity Cooperative have no instrument ... more Non-bank Islamic microfinance institutions (BMT) are legal entity Cooperative have no instrument to fulfill liquidity needs as Islamic banking. Whereas the BMT should provide liquidity fund for the partners / members at any time. This article uses descriptive analytical method, to understand deeply the Tawarruq contract as liquidity management solutions Non-bank Islamic Microfinance Institutions (BMT). The results show the Tawarruq contract can be revitalized by necessity of the present to fulfill the liquidity needs of Non-bank Islamic Microfinance Institutions (BMT). Keywords: Tawarruq, Islamic Microfinance Institutions, BMT
The purpose of this study was to examine the sharia compliance of the Hybrid Contract of the Syri... more The purpose of this study was to examine the sharia compliance of the Hybrid Contract of the Syriah Microfinance Institution (LKMS) in Jepara Regency. This type of research is a Field Research, using a content analysis approach; to interpret data not as a series of physical events, but as symbolic symptoms to reveal the meaning contained in a text, and the understanding of the message presented. The research object selected was BMT in Jepara Regency which applies contract and unique hybrid products, namely BMT Mitra Muamalah (Mitramu) which has the product "Gold Pawn" and BMT Harapan Bersama (HARBER) which has a Musyarakah Mutanaqishah (MMq) product. The results showed that the Musyarakah Mutanaqishah (MMq) financing agreement at BMT Harapan Bersama (HARBER) Jepara was in accordance with the DSN-MUI fatwa NO: 73 / DSN-MUI / XI / 2008. Rahn's contract which is run by BMT Mitra Muamalah Jepara is in accordance with the DSN-MUI Fatwa Number: 25 / DSN-MUI / III / 2002, and...
The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia based on ... more The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia based on MSI (Maqashid Shariah Index). Combining the maqashid sharia Ibn Ashur and Abu Zaharah with the methodological concept developed by Sekaran (Mohammed et al., 2015). The three objectives of Maqashid Sharia: (1) Tahdhib al-Fard (Educating individuals); (2) Iqamah al-ʻAdl (establishing justice); and (3) Jalb al-Maslahah (Public Interest). Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) is used as a method for ranking the performance of Islamic banking based on the final results from MSI. The results showed 14 Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS) in 2011-2019, had an average IMS 0.1694. The IMS of five Islamic banks is below the average, namely BMS, Maybank, BTPNS, BAS, and BNTBS. IMS first rank is BPS index 0.2336, second rank is BVS index 0.2168, third rank is BSB index 0.2164, fourth rank is BCAS with index 0.2129, fifth rank is BMI with 0.183 index, sixth rank is BSM with an index of 0.1895, the seventh rank i...
Abstrak Koperasi merupakan badan hukum yang paling sesuai untuk masyarakat pedesaan yang sebagian... more Abstrak Koperasi merupakan badan hukum yang paling sesuai untuk masyarakat pedesaan yang sebagian besarnya bergerak pada sektor pertanian dengan ciri kegotong-royongan masyarakat yang melekat. Maka berbicara ketahanan pangan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari peran koperasi agribisnis atau Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD). Keberhasilan Indonesia dalam swasembada beras pada tahun 1984 yang diakui oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa (PBB) adalah bukti nyata kontribusi Koperasi. Selama lebih dari 30 tahun tahun KUD secara aktif telah dilibatkan tidak saja dalam pengadaan gabah/beras untuk mendukung stok beras nasional, tetapi juga dilibatkan dalam penyediaan sarana produksi padi (saprodi), pengolahan hasil dan pemasarannya kepasaran umum (pasar bebas). Potensi Koperasi yang dalam hal ini KUD dalam kegiatan pengadaan gabah dan beras dalam beberapa dasawarsa yang lalu memang cukup besar, baik dilihat dari ketersediaan sarana, maupun ketersediaan personil. Demikian juga sesungguhnya KUD mempunyai keterikatan...
Regulation on risk management in cooperative as one of the legal entity, is still minimal, superv... more Regulation on risk management in cooperative as one of the legal entity, is still minimal, supervision were very minimal, and this is different from banking. BMT as financial institutions rely solely on self-regulation. Therefore the author motivated to hold a research on the implementation of liquidity risk management in the BMT Aman Utama Jepara. This research aims to determine the application of liquidity risk management in the BMT Aman Utama Jepara, on liquidity risk management and become inputs for similar institutions in Indonesia as well as provide input to the regulator.The results of this research concluded that liquidity risk management in BMT Aman Utama Jepara managed traditionally by daily experiences and the needs of members in a cycle of withdrawal of savings and financing disbursements. Risk management process includes identification, measurement, monitoring and control is not performed systematically by the standards of good risk management
EKONOMIKA SYARIAH : Journal of Economic Studies, 2018
This study aims to analyze insurance agent marketing strategies to get new customers of Sharia Pr... more This study aims to analyze insurance agent marketing strategies to get new customers of Sharia Prulink Insurance in Jepara Regency. The study used descriptive analytical qualitative methods. Data obtained by observation, interviews, literature studies, documentation, data processing, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of the study show that the insurance agent's strategy to get new customers is to maintain a cycle: Planning, Prospects, Approaches, Fact Finding, Presentation, Dealing with objections and Closing. To maintain and improve customers, insurance agents take steps: know your costomer (KYC), visit customers regularly; explain the benefits of insurance, serve excellence, willingness to serve customers who need help for their insurance, and awards on customers' birthdays.
Journal of Finance and Islamic Banking, Aug 4, 2021
This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions ... more This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions (MFIs) in strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector to realize sustainable rural development. The study uses quantitative method and purposive sampling method. The sample of this study was 85 agricultural and fishery business actors in Central Java, Indonesia. The variable quality of service, accessibility and philanthropic characteristics of Islamic MFIs towards sustainable rural development which mediated by strengthening of the agricultural and fisheries sector. The urgency of this research is to establish a financing model for the agriculture and fisheries sector. This study uses primary data which collected through filling out the questionnaires by business actors in the agriculture and fisheries sector. The results showed that the service quality of Islamic MFIs had no impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.245), accessibility of Islamic MFIs had a positive impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.06), philanthropic characteristics had a positive impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector (Prob: 0.01), strengthening the agriculture and fisheries sector has a positive impact on sustainable rural development. This research can be used as a model for channeling customer funds to finance Islamic MFIs.
Regulation on risk management in cooperative as one of the legal entity, is still minimal, superv... more Regulation on risk management in cooperative as one of the legal entity, is still minimal, supervision were very minimal, and this is different from banking. BMT as financial institutions rely solely on self-regulation. Therefore the author motivated to hold a research on the implementation of liquidity risk management in the BMT Aman Utama Jepara. This research aims to determine the application of liquidity risk management in the BMT Aman Utama Jepara, on liquidity risk management and become inputs for similar institutions in Indonesia as well as provide input to the regulator.The results of this research concluded that liquidity risk management in BMT Aman Utama Jepara managed traditionally by daily experiences and the needs of members in a cycle of withdrawal of savings and financing disbursements. Risk management process includes identification, measurement, monitoring and control is not performed systematically by the standards of good risk management
This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions ... more This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions (MFIs) in strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector to realize sustainable rural development. The study uses quantitative method and purposive sampling method. The sample of this study was 85 agricultural and fishery business actors in Central Java, Indonesia. The variable quality of service, accessibility and philanthropic characteristics of Islamic MFIs towards sustainable rural development which mediated by strengthening of the agricultural and fisheries sector. The urgency of this research is to establish a financing model for the agriculture and fisheries sector. This study uses primary data which collected through filling out the questionnaires by business actors in the agriculture and fisheries sector. The results showed that 1) the service quality of Islamic MFIs had no impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector 2) accessibility of Islamic MFIs had a ...
This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions ... more This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions (MFIs) in strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector to realize sustainable rural development. The study uses quantitative method and purposive sampling method. The sample of this study was 85 agricultural and fishery business actors in Central Java, Indonesia. The variable quality of service, accessibility and philanthropic characteristics of Islamic MFIs towards sustainable rural development which mediated by strengthening of the agricultural and fisheries sector. The urgency of this research is to establish a financing model for the agriculture and fisheries sector. This study uses primary data which collected through filling out the questionnaires by business actors in the agriculture and fisheries sector. The results showed that 1) the service quality of Islamic MFIs had no impact on strengthening the agricultural and fisheries sector 2) accessibility of Islamic MFIs had a ...
The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia based on ... more The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia based on MSI (Maqashid Shariah Index). Combining the maqashid sharia Ibn Ashur and Abu Zaharah with the methodological concept developed by Sekaran (Mohammed et al., 2015). The three objectives of Maqashid Sharia: ( Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) is used as a method for ranking the performance of Islamic banking based on the final results from MSI. The results showed 14 Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS)
The research objective is to analyze the effect of Return on Equity (ROE), Earning per Share (EPS... more The research objective is to analyze the effect of Return on Equity (ROE), Earning per Share (EPS), Inflation, and Exchange Rates on the Jakarta Islamic Index stock price, 2015-2018. This research is a quantitative study, using secondary data published on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. There are 45 companies listed on the JII index which are made population. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, and there were 17 companies sampled, based on the criteria. Data analysis used multiple linear regression, with the SPSS program version 20. The results of the study, the variable Return on Equity (ROE) and Earning per Share (EPS) partially had a positive and significant effect on stock prices, while the Inflation variable and the exchange rate partially has no effect on stock prices. Simultaneously, Return on Equity (ROE), Earning per Share (EPS), Inflation, and Exchange Rate affect stock prices.
MitraMuamalah BMT (MitraMu) Jepara is one of the Sharia Microfinance Institutions incorporated as... more MitraMuamalah BMT (MitraMu) Jepara is one of the Sharia Microfinance Institutions incorporated as Cooperatives (KSPPS). This BMT has grown rapidly and has sixty (60) employees. Employee performance is influenced by the work ethic and Islamic corporate culture implemented. The Islamic work ethic is seen from the indicators of discipline, honesty, loyalty, responsibility, creativity and orderliness of Islamic administration. Islamic organizational culture can be seen from sharia compliance and team collaboration to achieve institutional goals. By implementing the work ethic and Islamic culture, there has been an increase in the performance of employees over time, solidity and brotherhood (ukhuwah) and the Islamic morals of employees are increasingly showing improvement.
JPPM (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat)
Tujuan dari program pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan manajemen usaha pa... more Tujuan dari program pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan manajemen usaha pada pengrajin anyaman rotan melalui implementasi teknologi tepat guna. Sasaran dari program ini yaitu pada UKM Rotan Indah Jepara dan UKM Rotan Asia sebagai mitra program. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui dua tahap kegiatan yaitu tahap identifikasi dan implementasi teknologi tepat guna dan tahap pendampingan pengelolaan usaha. Hasil yang dicapai, identifikasi kebutuhan teknologi telah dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan pada proses produksi dan finishing. Sedangkan pada tahap pendampingan manajemen usaha dilakukan melalui pelaksanaan berbagai program pelatihan dan pendampingan. Melalui program pengabdian ini, pengrajin dapat meningkatkan produktivitasnya; produk yang dihasilkan lebih bagus dari segi estetika karena lebih presisi; proses pengerjaan lebih cepat sehingga dapat menyelesaikan pengerjaan tepat waktu sesuai pesanan; dan...
The uniqueness of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the agriculture and fisheries se... more The uniqueness of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the agriculture and fisheries sector has led to thoughts of innovation in the microfinance institutions (MFIs) that serve it. Service innovations in the agriculture and fisheries sector have been carried out in various countries to facilitate the development of this sector. This study aims to analyze the financing model of Islamic microfinance institutions (Islamic MFIs) based on the characteristics of the agriculture and fisheries sectors and the reconstruction of Salam contracts of Islamic financial institutions for farmers and fishermen. The research method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The data were obtained through in-depth interviews with the agriculture and fisheries businesses in Central Java, Indonesia. The result showed that Salam contract constructed according to the characteristics of the fishing community to alleviate it from the shackles of moneylenders and wholesalers, including Islamic MFIs,...
Financing in Sharia Micro Financing Institutions (BMT) is dominated by certainty contracts, as it... more Financing in Sharia Micro Financing Institutions (BMT) is dominated by certainty contracts, as it has less risk than syirkah contract like Mudharabah or Musyarakah based on Natural Uncertainty Contract (NUC). Implementation constraints syirkah contracts exist on both parties, financial institutions and clients. due to lack of financial reports, honesty and transparency of the client's business (asismetric information). The Client gives a business report if the results obtained are small or equivalent to the bank interest rate, but if the business profit is good, then the profit share must be high. This research is a qualitative descriptive analytical research, to see the implementation of syirkah contract on Sharia Micro Finance Institution (BMT) in Jepara Regency and its syariah compliance based on DSN-MUI fatwa. The results showed that BMT in Jepara regency can not fulfill the compliance of shariah contract of Natural Uncertanty Contract (NUC) due to high risk, human resource ...
Abstrak Islam memandang kemiskinan adalah masalah struktural, karena Allah telah menjamin rizki s... more Abstrak Islam memandang kemiskinan adalah masalah struktural, karena Allah telah menjamin rizki setiap makhluk yang telah, sedang, dan akan diciptakannya (QS 30:40; QS 11:6) dan pada saat yang sama Islam telah menutup peluang bagi kemiskinan kultural dengan memberi kewajiban mencari nafkah bagi setiap individu (QS 67:15). Setiap makhluk memiliki rizki-nya masing-masing (QS 29:60) dan mereka tidak akan kelaparan (QS 20: 118-119). Namun data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) menunjukkan penduduk miskin pada Maret 2015 sebanyak 28,59 juta orang (11,22 persen). Sementara ketimpangan yang diukur dengan Gini Rasio pada Maret 2015 tercatat sebesar 0,41. Karena kemiskinan adalah masalah struktural, maka strategi pengentasannya pun harus sistematis, komprehensif dan instutusional. Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan berbagai regulasi untuk pengentasan kemiskinan. Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (Micro Finance/Micro Credit) adalah lembaga yang telah terbukti efektif mengatasi kemiskinan di semua Negara berkembang, termasuk di Indonesia. Pengentasan kemiskinan dan pemberdayaan ummat yang sebagian besar hidup melalui UMKM selama ini tersekat oleh sebuah hal mendasar dari dunia perbankan yaitu ―bankabe‖, karena perbankan harus menjalankan azas kehati-hatian (prudential banking) dalam melepas kredit pada nasabahnya. UMKM yang secara umum tidak bankable, mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses kredit/pembiayaan dan jasa layanan lainnya dari perbankan. Maka sebuah pola harus dibangun untuk menghapus sekat antara dunia perbankan yang menerapkan prudential banking dengan dunia UMKM yang membutuhkan suntikan permodalan. Penghapusan sekat itu dapat dijembatani dengan menerapkan keuangan inklusif syariah (Sharia Financial Inclusion). Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan paper ini adalah analisis deskriptif. Penggunaan metode analisis deskriptif memungkinkan penulis menggambarkan secara sistematis fakta dan karakteristik pemberdayaan ummat melalui inklusi keuangan syariah (sharia financial inclusion) dalam pengentasan kemiskinan dan kebodohan. Kata Kunci: Kemiskinan, Inklusi Keuangan Syariah, UMKM.
Papers by Edi Susilo