Papers by aridhotul haqiyah
International journal of disabilities sports & health sciences :, Mar 8, 2024
Journal of occupational health, Mar 5, 2024

Results in engineering, Mar 1, 2024
The most prevalent 3D printing technology on the market currently is Fused deposition modeling (F... more The most prevalent 3D printing technology on the market currently is Fused deposition modeling (FDM). The main objective of this study is to analyze the effect of the FDM process parameters on the printing time and socket weight of the printed socket prosthetic process as a component of the transtibial prosthesis. Optimization and modeling of the 3D printing prosthetic socket process were carried out using the Taguchi and RSM methods. The Taguchi method was used to evaluate the influence of various factors (socket thickness, layer height, infill density, print speed, and nozzle temperature) on the amount of printing time and socket weight. Furthermore, the factors that have a significant effect are selected and modeled using the RSM method to obtain the highest percentage of printing time and socket weight. The applied material is polylactic acid (PLA) filament. Five printing process parameters were socket thickness (3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm), layer height (0.1 mm, 0.15 mm, 0.3 mm), infill density (80 %, 90 %, 100 %), print speed (70 mm/s, 80 mm/s, 90 mm/s) and nozzle temperature (190 ◦C, 200 ◦C, 210 ◦C). The proposed quadratic models for reducing both printing time and socket weight were in good accordance with the actual experimental data. The coefficients of determination (R2) for test data were 0.9743 and 0.9993 for printing time and socket weight, respectively.
International journal of disabilities sports & health sciences :, Nov 9, 2023

An-Nizam, Aug 16, 2023
Implementation of community service related to nutrition education and free health checks in Jaya... more Implementation of community service related to nutrition education and free health checks in Jayalaksana Village has the aim of increasing awareness and understanding regarding nutrition and community health, improving quality of life and health and preventing disease and malnutrition rates. The method of implementing community service applies the community education method in the form of outreach or education with the target of Jayalaksana Village residents. The implementation of this service was carried out within a period of one month which was located in Jayalaksana Village, Branchbungin District, Bekasi Regency by carrying out two programs, namely the nutrition education program and health checks. The results of the service show that increasing awareness of nutrition and public health, the people of Jayalaksana Village can detect and prevent disease early, can reduce the rate of malnutrition and the community can become agents of change in healthy living behavior by reducing bad eating patterns and maintaining healthy nutrition.

Results in Engineering, Feb 29, 2024
The purpose of this research is to determine the best milling process parameters for minimizing m... more The purpose of this research is to determine the best milling process parameters for minimizing machining time of the ankle-foot as a component of transtibial prostheses. The ankle foot prosthesis is of the energy storing type with Al 6061 material. The experimental design employed the Box Behnken technique, with four factors and three levels for each factor, and machining time as a response. The machining parameters assessed in this study are spindle speed, feed rate, step-over, and toolpath technique. The physical trials were carried out using a threeaxis CNC milling machine with a flat endmill cutting tool (diameter 5.5 mm, 2 flute with HSS material). The experiment outcomes were assessed using variance analysis, graphs, and numerical approaches. The response surface method (RSM) calculates the mathematical model of the ideal cutting combination parameters based on machining time. Based on the findings, the ideal cutting parameters in the ankle-foot prosthesis production process on a CNC milling machine were spindle speed of 6500 rpm, feed rate of 800 m/min, step over of 0.2 mm, and flowline toolpath strategy. To establish the machining time value of the ankle-foot prosthesis, the ideal circumstances were identified. The findings of this study revealed that CNC milling gave the quickest time for machining transtibial prosthesis components, which can be used to guide the development of machining methods for ankle-foot prostheses constructed of Al 6061 material. The optimal machining time is 424.4601 min.
Effective warming-up movement training is an effort to increase public awareness about the import... more Effective warming-up movement training is an effort to increase public awareness about the importance of warming-up properly and correctly with the Warming-up training method. Warming Up is a warm-up process that aims to increase body temperature, increase blood flow, increase flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. This training will increase the awareness of the people of Karangtaruna about the importance of properly warming-up, so as to reduce the risk of injury and maximize sports results. The impact of success is in the form of increasing awareness and knowledge of the importance of warming up before exercising, increasing understanding that warming up can reduce the risk of injury and improve performance during exercise.

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences
One of the aspects that should be prepared to attain high-performing athletes is the mental facto... more One of the aspects that should be prepared to attain high-performing athletes is the mental factor. Mental toughness must be identified during athlete practice preparation to help to keep athletes appropriate while they encounter difficulty in a match or under pressure during the competition, and use intervention measures so that they do not become stressed quickly. The study aimed to develop a tool to detect the mental toughness of athletes and validate its psychometric properties. The participants included 218 athletes from Bekasi, Indonesia. The data were collected via online form randomly. Rasch analysis was utilized to evaluate the validity and reliability of the mental toughness questionnaire in the Indonesian version. Item fit criteria were assessed based on Rasch parameters. The rating scale function was performed to check how well the participants comprehend the rating scale categories in the Mental Toughness Questionnaire. The results show that the mental toughness questionnaire in the Indonesian version achieves the validity and reliability criteria based on Rasch parameters. All items fit based on threshold item fit in the Rasch parameter, and we confirm that three rating scales are better than four rating scales.

The TGMD-2 test is one of the motion development tests developed by Ulirch in 1985. Ulrich D. A. ... more The TGMD-2 test is one of the motion development tests developed by Ulirch in 1985. Ulrich D. A. from the School of kinesiology at the University of Michigan, has compiled a test to evaluate 250 basic motor skills (Test Of Gross Motor Development). TGMD-2 tests 12 basic movement skills which are divided into two subtests, namely locomotor and object control. This test is designed to assess the level of basic motor skills in children aged 3-10 years. This test is suitable for elementary school age students 7-10 years. In community service this time using the training method in the form of demonstrations related to the rules, movements and procedures for carrying out the TGMD-2 Test. The main target for this program is sports teachers who work at the Jayalaksana Village Elementary School, Kec. CabangBungin, Bekasi Regency.The purpose of implementing this program is to improve motor understanding of sports teachers through training in methods of identifying motor skills of elementary s...

Rawa Indah hamlet is one of the hamlets in Segaran Village, Karawang Regency which often experien... more Rawa Indah hamlet is one of the hamlets in Segaran Village, Karawang Regency which often experiences flooding due to poor drainage system, so it is necessary to handle drainage problems that occur in the hamlet. Based on the results of field observations, it was found that the main problem in the drainage of the Rawa Indah hamlet is the accumulation of garbage in the drainage channel which hampers drainage performance, so it is necessary to clean, handle, and maintain the channel so that the drainage system can work properly. Community service activities by conducting socialization and directing the implementation of activities, how to clean / reactivate / repair drainage channels, and how to determine the tools used to suit the needs. As a result of this activity, the community has learned how to activate or repair drainage channels so that drainage canals function normally.

This study aims to investigate the optimal milling process parameters in minimizing the machining... more This study aims to investigate the optimal milling process parameters in minimizing the machining time of ankle foot as a component of the transtibial prostheses. The experimental design was carried out using the Boc Behnken technique with four factors and three levels for each factor and machining time as a response. The machining parameters evaluated in this study are spindle speed, feed rate, step over, and toolpath strategy. The physical experiments were conducted on three axes CNC milling machine using a at endmill cutting tool. The experiment results were evaluated by variance analysis, graphical and numerical methods. Mathematical model of the optimal cutting combination parameters on machining time is determined by response surface method. Based on the results, it was found that the optimal cutting parameters in the ankle foot prosthesis manufacturing process on a CNC milling machine were spindle speed of 6500 rpm, feed rate of 800 m/min, step over of 0.2 mm, and toolpath strategy of the owline. The optimal conditions were determined to obtain the machining time value of the ankle-foot prosthesis. The results of this study demonstrated that CNC milling provided the shortest time for machining of transtibial prosthesis components, which can guide the development of machining strategies for ankle-foot prostheses made from Al 6061 material.

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2023
One of the aspects that should be prepared to attain high-performing athletes is the mental facto... more One of the aspects that should be prepared to attain high-performing athletes is the mental factor. Mental toughness must be identified during athlete practice preparation to help to keep athletes appropriate while they encounter difficulty in a match or under pressure during the competition, and use intervention measures so that they do not become stressed quickly. The study aimed to develop a tool to detect the mental toughness of athletes and validate its psychometric properties. The participants included 218 athletes from Bekasi, Indonesia. The data were collected via online form randomly. Rasch analysis was utilized to evaluate the validity and reliability of the mental toughness questionnaire in the Indonesian version. Item fit criteria were assessed based on Rasch parameters. The rating scale function was performed to check how well the participants comprehend the rating scale categories in the Mental Toughness Questionnaire. The results show that the mental toughness questionnaire in the Indonesian version achieves the validity and reliability criteria based on Rasch parameters. All items fit based on threshold item fit in the Rasch parameter, and we confirm that three rating scales are better than four rating scales.

The COVID-19 pandemic has hampered community activities in various fields, such as the economy, f... more The COVID-19 pandemic has hampered community activities in various fields, such as the economy, finance, education and health sectors. Based on the results of observations that have been made, there is still a lack of community knowledge about how to protect themselves from crimes and violence experienced, both on the road and at home. In addition, at this time there are also more and more crimes and violence against children, one of which is bullying and discrimination. This paper intends to increase knowledge, awareness, and public awareness of acts of bullying and discrimination carried out in RW 007, Kelapa Dua Wetan Village, Ciracas District, East Jakarta. The program of activities held was, "Socialization on Prevention of Bullying and Discrimination Through Practical Martial Techniques Training" for free. The purpose of this activity is to increase awareness, care and quick response to overcome and protect oneself from various crimes and violence. The method used is ...

Cricket is a sport that can be played by all ages and all groups of people, both teenagers and th... more Cricket is a sport that can be played by all ages and all groups of people, both teenagers and the general public. In general, sports have demands for achievement and there are even many competitions to sports in the village or even at a higher level. because it is a new sport in Indonesia, even though it is already a popular sport in the world. The target of this webinar activity is 30 junior high school physical education teachers in the city of Bekasi, West Java. This activity aims to introduce cricket to primary school PJOK teachers who will have the ability to form outstanding athletes. This webinar activity uses a training method that is divided into 3 stages (orientation, implementation, and evaluation), so that participants can be coordinated until the end of the event and there is an increase in teacher understanding regarding the material that has been delivered, namely history, equipment and cricket match rules.
Puji syukur penulis panjatkan ke hadirat Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala karena hanya berkat rahma... more Puji syukur penulis panjatkan ke hadirat Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala karena hanya berkat rahmat dan hidayah-Nya, proposal disertasi dengan judul "Pengaruh Kekuatan Otot Tungkai, Keseimbangan, Se/f lalk, dan Efikasi Diri Terhadap Hasil Belajar Jurus Tunggal pencak Silat Tangan Kosong', dapal terselesaikan dengan baik. proposal ini ditulis dalam rangka memenuhi tugas akhir mata kuliah mental training program Doktoral Pendidikan Jasmani pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). Penulis menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa dengan kerja keras, doa, dukungan, dan bantuan dari semua pihak sangaflah berperan penting dalam menyelesaikan tugas ini

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences
Strength is one of the biomotor components as the foundation to support technical ability in mart... more Strength is one of the biomotor components as the foundation to support technical ability in martial arts. To prove the effectiveness of arm muscle strength training using tennis in martial arts athletes at the Sriwijaya State Sports School was the purpose of this study. The experimental method with a pretest-posttest control group design was used. The experimental group (E G) performed arm muscle strength training using tennis balls with a frequency of 6 times a week for 1 month. The control group (C G) did arm muscle strength training by means of push-up only without using variations of movement or (conventional) equipment with the same frequency as the experimental group. The subjects in this study were 50 martial arts athletes aged 14-17 years which consisted of 10 pencak silat athletes, 7 judo athletes, 9 taekwondo athletes, 7 karate athletes, 10 wrestling athletes and 7 wushu athletes, separated into 2 groups, E G (n=25) and C G (n=25).The instruments used in the study were: 1 minute push-up assisted by the Fikri Muscle Strength Test application. Data analysis in this study used the statistical method paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test using SPSS 21 to see the effectiveness of arm muscle strength training using a tennis ball. The results of data analysis showed that there was a higher increase in the E G than the C G with the mean difference in push-up data of 3.84. The findings of this study are that the exercise variation developed is more effective than conventional exercise and the developed test instrument can help to calculate the results of the push-up test.

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2022
Mental factor is one of the factors that should be prepared to achieve high performing athlete. I... more Mental factor is one of the factors that should be prepared to achieve high performing athlete. In the athlete rehearsal preparation, mental toughness condition needs to be identified to keep the athletes fit when they have some difficulties in a match, feel the pressure during the match, and take behavior control, so that they will not get stressed easily. This study aims to find whether age, gender, and match experience affect the athlete's mental toughness. The study was done to 174 (age = 19.69 ± 2.89) martial art athletes in Bekasi who were preparing themselves for a province/regional level match (PORPROV West Java 2022). Instrument of mental toughness refers to mental toughness dimension namely: control, commitment, challenge, and confidence. Data were analysed by using multiple logistic regression and cross tab. The result shows that mental toughness of martial art athletes was influenced by gender and match experience. Most of them are on the high level of mental toughness, and the majority is the men at the age of 19 to 22 who have experience in doing a national match. In addition, the relationship observed in this study emphasizes the need of coping and optimism training in mental toughness intervention.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences
Papers by aridhotul haqiyah