The 1st Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS), 2017
Objectives: The aims of this research were: identify, analyze, and classify physical condition of... more Objectives: The aims of this research were: identify, analyze, and classify physical condition of soccer athletes PORDA of Bekasi City, and evaluate the results of physical training that has been given by the soccer coach. Method: The research method used descriptive with test and measurement. The research population is all soccer athletes in Bekasi City with totaling 30 athletes. The total sample are 21 athletes with incidental sampling technique, that is the athletes who come during test execution. The instrument used to obtain the data in this study are tests and measurements made by KONI team of Bekasi City. The physical fitness test is given consists of 11 kinds of standard tests. The result of normality test of each data using liliefors test with result Significant < 0.05 (0.190), which means normal distributed data. Results: Based on the test results, most of: (1) the flexibility can be interpreted the good category by 47.62%., (2) the muscular endurance abdominal can be interpreted the good category by 47.62%, (3) muscular endurance of arm can be interpreted the good category by 47.62%, (4) muscular endurance of back can be interpreted the excellent category by 80.95%, (5) leg power when leaping forward can be interpreted the poor category by 100%, (6) leg power jumped up can be interpreted the good category by 57.14%, (7) arm power can be interpreted the fair category by 57.14%, (8) agility can be interpreted the excellent category by 33.34%, (9) speed can be interpreted the good category by 76.19%, (10) leg muscle strength can be interpreted the poor category by 95.24%, and (11) VO2max (maximum oxygen uptake) can be interpreted the fair category by 66.67%. Furthermore, the physical condition of soccer athletes PORDA of Bekasi City can be interpreted that the excellent and poor categories increased by 0%, very good categories increased by 4.76%, good categories increased by 90.48%, and fair catogories increased by 4.67%. Conclusion: The research conducted physical condition of soccer athletes PORDA of Bekasi City the average good categories. The testing results provide direct comparisons between the athlete, and provide feedback on the effectiveness of physical training program used. Coach is able to change in the physical training program to improve the quality of the program. These program evolving improvement help to solidity and strengthen physical athletes.
Keywords: physical condition, soccer, athletes.
Papers by apta mylsidayu
Keywords: physical condition, athletes PORDA Bekasi City
Keywords: physical condition, soccer, athletes.
Kata kunci: Olahraga, nilai-nilai pancasila, pertandingan olahraga
Kata kunci: minat, masyarakat, olahraga
Kata kunci: norma, tes fisik, calon mahasiswa baru Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi
Hasil uji validitas memiliki nilai > 0.497 sebanyak 5 butir pernyataan dinyatakan tidak valid dan drop, sedangkan 17 pernyataan dinyatakan valid. Uji reliabilitas diperoleh nilai alpha sebesar 0.924 (reliabel). Uji normalitas variabel anxiety 0.113 < 0.190 dan free throw 0.152 < 0.190, artinya data berdistribusi normal. Uji homogenitas variabel anxiety 1.71 < 2.16, dan variabel free throw 1.50 < 2.16, artinya data bersifat homogen. Hasil perhitungan koefisien koralasi anxiety dengan free throw adalah 0.49, signifikansi koefisien korelasi t hitung > t tabel (2.38 > 2.10) artinya anxiety memiliki hubungan yang positif terhadap hasil free throw. Hasil koefisien korelasi sebesar 0.49, dengan nilai koefisien determinasi 0.2401, dan prosentasi kontribusi setelah dikalikan 100% sebesar 24.01. Nilai koefisien korelasi tersebut tergolong ke dalam kategori cukup kuat yakni berada pada skala 0.41-0.60.
Kata kunci: anxiety, free throw, atlet bolabasket Klub Centre Bogor.
The sampling technique employed purposive sampling with a certain criteria such as the ability to follow the insanity workout continuously for 18 sessions. Instrument used by the researchers in this study was a test and Nurhasan measurement which consists of push-up test for the strength of the arms, sit-up test for the strength of abdominal muscle, bleep test for endurance, 60 meter sprint test for speed, two hand medicine ball put test for power of the arms, vertical jump test for power of the legs, sit and reach test for flexibility, and shuttle run test for agility.
The results show the significant influence of the insanity of exercise to the body biomotor components such as 0.7 for endurance, 3.3 for the strength of the arms, 0.5 for the abdominal muscle strength, 5.1 for the speed, 0.8 for power of legs, 3.8 for power of arms, 0.6 for the flexibility, and 8.6 for the agility.
Keywords: insanity workout, body biomotor component.
Books by apta mylsidayu
Keywords: physical condition, athletes PORDA Bekasi City
Keywords: physical condition, soccer, athletes.
Kata kunci: Olahraga, nilai-nilai pancasila, pertandingan olahraga
Kata kunci: minat, masyarakat, olahraga
Kata kunci: norma, tes fisik, calon mahasiswa baru Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi
Hasil uji validitas memiliki nilai > 0.497 sebanyak 5 butir pernyataan dinyatakan tidak valid dan drop, sedangkan 17 pernyataan dinyatakan valid. Uji reliabilitas diperoleh nilai alpha sebesar 0.924 (reliabel). Uji normalitas variabel anxiety 0.113 < 0.190 dan free throw 0.152 < 0.190, artinya data berdistribusi normal. Uji homogenitas variabel anxiety 1.71 < 2.16, dan variabel free throw 1.50 < 2.16, artinya data bersifat homogen. Hasil perhitungan koefisien koralasi anxiety dengan free throw adalah 0.49, signifikansi koefisien korelasi t hitung > t tabel (2.38 > 2.10) artinya anxiety memiliki hubungan yang positif terhadap hasil free throw. Hasil koefisien korelasi sebesar 0.49, dengan nilai koefisien determinasi 0.2401, dan prosentasi kontribusi setelah dikalikan 100% sebesar 24.01. Nilai koefisien korelasi tersebut tergolong ke dalam kategori cukup kuat yakni berada pada skala 0.41-0.60.
Kata kunci: anxiety, free throw, atlet bolabasket Klub Centre Bogor.
The sampling technique employed purposive sampling with a certain criteria such as the ability to follow the insanity workout continuously for 18 sessions. Instrument used by the researchers in this study was a test and Nurhasan measurement which consists of push-up test for the strength of the arms, sit-up test for the strength of abdominal muscle, bleep test for endurance, 60 meter sprint test for speed, two hand medicine ball put test for power of the arms, vertical jump test for power of the legs, sit and reach test for flexibility, and shuttle run test for agility.
The results show the significant influence of the insanity of exercise to the body biomotor components such as 0.7 for endurance, 3.3 for the strength of the arms, 0.5 for the abdominal muscle strength, 5.1 for the speed, 0.8 for power of legs, 3.8 for power of arms, 0.6 for the flexibility, and 8.6 for the agility.
Keywords: insanity workout, body biomotor component.