Papers by Nana Danapriatna
This study aims to determine the factors that affect the amount of production in one growing seas... more This study aims to determine the factors that affect the amount of production in one growing season and measure the efficiency of production factors for a one-time harvest. The method used in this study is a survey method with the case in Kampung Rawa Ants RT / RW 04/12 Margahayu Village, East Bekasi. A total of 30 farmers caisim as respondents. The analysis model used is the Cobb-Douglas models, followed by analysis of the elasticity of production factors. The results showed that (a) chicken manure significantly affect yield while seed, urea fertilizer , KCl fertilizer, NPK fertilizer, TSP fertilizers and pesticides have no effect, (b) the use of factors of production is not efficient KCl fertilizer, chicken manure fertilizer and pesticides, while seeds, urea fertilizers , NPK and TSP fertilizer inefficient.
To reach for amount of adequate to a lecturing process, UNISMA conduct assumend marketing strateg... more To reach for amount of adequate to a lecturing process, UNISMA conduct assumend marketing strategy isn’t it can improve the amount of new student. UNISMA conduct marketing mix (product, price, location, and promotion) in strategy marketing of him, but student respon to conducted by strategy and which factor is which most dominant in marketing not yet been mapped. Target of this research is to know student segment. Result of research indicate that student of UNISMA most coming from circles of midle segment, marketing mix UNISMA was responded either by student, and from fourth of marketing mix, only price factor and most dominant product which motivate student candidate enter UNISMA.

Pupuk merupakan sarana produksi utama dalam setiap usahatani. Kebutuhan pupuk setiap musim tanam ... more Pupuk merupakan sarana produksi utama dalam setiap usahatani. Kebutuhan pupuk setiap musim tanam semakin meningkat sehingga terjadi kelangkaan pupuk pada beberapa sentra produksi pertanian. Kelangkaan pupuk terutama yang bersubsidi ini terjadi karena perbedaan perhitungan jumlah kebutuhan pupuk antara petani dengan Deptan, adanya pemborosan ditingkat petani karena belum sesuainya dosis, waktu pemberian dan cara pemupukan untuk setiap lokasi, jenis dan fase pertumbuhan tanaman. Selain itu, penyebab terjadi kelangkaan pupuk karena adanya kenakalan dan kemacetan dalam jalur distribusi pupuk bersubsidi dan terjadi penggunaan pupuk bersubsidi untuk industri dan bukan langsung didistribusikan ke petani. Upaya untuk mengatasi kelangkaan pupuk antara lain adalah pengelolaan hara spesifik lokasi, pemanfaatan bahan organik, dan penggunaan pupuk hayati. Selain itu juga dilakukan upaya perbaikan budaya dan karakter semua pelaku yang berhubungan dengan pupuk. Kata Kunci : Pupuk, pupuk organi...

PEMULIHAN KESEHATAN TANAH SAWAH MELALUI APLIKASI PUPUK HAYATI PENAMBAT N DAN KOMPOS JERAMI PADI N... more PEMULIHAN KESEHATAN TANAH SAWAH MELALUI APLIKASI PUPUK HAYATI PENAMBAT N DAN KOMPOS JERAMI PADI Nana Danapriatna 1) Tualar Simarmata 2) & Is Zunani Nursinah 1) 1) Prodi Agribisnis - Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam”45” Bekasi 2) Prodi Agrotek - Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran- Jatinagor Abstract Increased intensity of use of inorganic fertilizers affect the soil health decline characterized by the decline of soil organic carbon. Attempts to paddy soil health remediation can be conducted by using straw compost and biofertilizer which adaptive on paddy soil ecosystems. This research aimed to study of restore of soil health and fertility through the use of biological fertilizers, rice straw compost and fertilizer urea in lowland rice. The research was conducted use factorial randomized block design consisting of two factors, ie the combination of nitrogen fixation biofertilizer and straw compost (factor A) and nitrogen fertilizer (factor B). The results showed that the a...

ABSTRAK Banjir di Jakarta adalah suatu keniscayaan karena berada di daerah hilir DAS Ciliwung dan... more ABSTRAK Banjir di Jakarta adalah suatu keniscayaan karena berada di daerah hilir DAS Ciliwung dan beberapa daerahnya bahkan lebih rendah dari permukaan air laut. Penyebab banjir di Jakarta adalah (1) peristiwa alam (dinamis), (2) kondisi fisik (statis) dan (3) kegiatan manusia (dinamis). Interaksi ketiga faktor tersebut yang dapat memunculkan banjir apabila terdapat ketidakseimbangan ekologis dan seringkali dipicu oleh kegiatan manusia yang terlalu mengeksploitasi sumberdaya alam. Solusi untuk mengendalikan banjir di Jakarta adalah (1) Peningkatan kapasitas saluran drainase; (2) Mempertahankan dan menghidupkan situ-situ yang masih ada; (3) Pembuatan sumur resapan; (4) Rehabilitasi Daerah Tangkapan Air; (5) Membuat hutan mangrove di sepanjang pantai utara; dan (6) Meningkatkan infiltrasi air di daerah hulu DAS Ciliwung, yakni daerah atas dari Jakarta yaitu dengan cara menggunakan lahan sesuai dengan kaidah konservasi tanah dan air (7) semakin menyadarkan penduduk akan pentingnya pe...
Utilization of a combination of municipal solid waste compost and Gliocladium sp. as decomposing ... more Utilization of a combination of municipal solid waste compost and Gliocladium sp. as decomposing microorganisms in the chili farm business is still a little revealed, although the chilli plants have high economic value. This study revealed the combined effect of organic manure from domestic waste and Gliocladium sp. on growth and yield of chili (Capsicum annum L.). Organic matter can reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers up to 50% with no different yield compared with yield on chili plants use inorganic fertilizer in accordance with recommended dosageKey word : compost, organic matter, Gliocladium sp

Some microbes in the group non-symbiotic bacteria capable of fix nitrogen. The process of nitroge... more Some microbes in the group non-symbiotic bacteria capable of fix nitrogen. The process of nitrogen fixation by non-symbiotic bacteria requires several conditions : (1) the enzyme nitrogense, (2) the availability of energy resources in the form of ATP, (3) the potential lowering of the electron source, (4) a system of protection of nitrogenase enzyme from inactivation by oxygen, and (5) rapid transfer of nitrogen to prevent the inhibition of the enzyme nitrogenase. The result of nitrogen fixation by non-symbiotic aerobic bacteria was higher than the non-symbiotic fixation by anaerobic bacteria. The mechanism of protection of nitrogenase from oxygen by non-symbiotic aerobic bacteria are consuming excessive O 2 for respiration and Azotobacter which have a capsule mucus (EPS) a thick helping protect the enzyme nitrogenase from O 2 . For anaerobic bacteria oxygen is not a problem because the environmental of bacteria are low oxygen. Keyword : Nitrogen fixation, non-symbiotic bacteria, ni...
This research aim to know map of eminent sector of primary agribisness in Province West. Result o... more This research aim to know map of eminent sector of primary agribisness in Province West. Result of this research indicate that eminent sector of primary agribusiness in Province West Java there are 11 sub-province/town, that is Sub-Province of Garut, Cianjur, Kuningan, Tasikmalaya, Sukabumi, Cirebon, Ciamis, Majalengka, Sumedang, Subang, and Town of Banjar. Keyword : Eminent sector of primary agribusiness and Province West Java
Rice plants require large amounts of nitrogen for growth, development and seed production. Nitrog... more Rice plants require large amounts of nitrogen for growth, development and seed production. Nitrogen is mostly sourced from inorganic fertilizer (urea). Efficiency of urea is low and negative impact on the environment. Utilization of biological nitrogen fixation technology in paddy fields will reduce the use of urea as a source of N, to prevent the decrease soil organic matter and reduce pollution to the environment. Utilization Azospirilum and Azotobacter either single or together have been able to increase yield and N uptake in rice paddies. Use of Azotobacter and Azospirillum inoculant must be balanced with the provision of organic matter and environmental control, especially the supply of oxygen to the success of these microbes in a of these microbes in nitrogen fixation and production of growth regulators. Keywords: Nitrogen, paddy, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, N fixation

Generally microbes in biofertilizer packaged in a carrier material powder and liquid form . Each ... more Generally microbes in biofertilizer packaged in a carrier material powder and liquid form . Each inoculant requires media requirements and characteristics of different carrier materials . This research aims to study the composition of the carrier material N 2 fixation biofertilizer ( Azotobacter and Azospirillum ) from paddy ecosystem in the form of powder. The study was conducted in two stages: (a) Test Viability of biofertilizer compositions from three carriers which performed at the Laboratory with the observed response variable bacterial populations on a regular basis ie 1, 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 30 and, 42 weeks after production and (b) Testing the addition of nutrients and the ratio of pure cultures with the carrier materials on viability of bacteria using a complete randomized block design consisting of 12 treatment combinations of nutrients and the addition of pure cultures with different ratios of carrier. The experimental results show that the carrier material of peat and compo...

Variety involve is one of fundamental issue which must be solved and integrated in development, e... more Variety involve is one of fundamental issue which must be solved and integrated in development, especially development of area. Therefore, it is important to know elementary information concerning variety involve territorial water ecosystem biodeversity. Target of this research is to know the quality of environment seen from variety aspect involve territorial water biota especial river in Bekasi. Result of research indicate that situation of especial river in Bekasi namely Cikeas, Cileungsi, Kali Bekasi, and Tarum Barat at observation of February 2004 is as following (a) variety index of phytoplankton highest in Kali Bekasi while tarum barat as control still under him (b). Variety index of zooplankton highest in Kali Bekasi (c) Index variety of benthos highest in Cikeas value of above I. Pursuant to variety index of benthos, hence entire/all river perceived have pertained impure of weight exept Cikeas.

P enelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pengambilan... more P enelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pengambilan keputusan petani untuk mengkonversi lahan pertanian dan pengaruh konversi lahan pertanian terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan rumahtangga petani. Data primer diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada responden dan wawancara mendalam kepada informan kunci (PPL Pertanian, Aparat Desa dan PLKB) , sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari instansi terkait, baik dokumen pemerintah desa maupun tokoh dan lembaga desa yang ada. Responden penelitian dipilih secara purposive sebanyak 34 responden di Desa Lubang B uaya, Kecamatan Setu. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah tabulasi silang dengan uji statistik chi-square dan uji korelasi ran k spearman . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang dominan mempengaruhi petani melakukan konversi lahan adalah pengaruh pengusaha dan frekuensi kedatangan pengusaha. Semakin besar luasan konversi lahan, pendapatan petan...

Pemanfaatan pupuk hayati nitrogen seperti Azobacter sp. dan Azospirillum sp. mampu mengurangi pen... more Pemanfaatan pupuk hayati nitrogen seperti Azobacter sp. dan Azospirillum sp. mampu mengurangi penggunaan urea dan pencemaran lingkungan yang dapat dipertimbangkan untuk diterapkan di sawah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas pupuk hayati dan kompos jerami pada tiga varietas padi sawah yang digunakan di Jawa Barat (Ciherang, INPARI 14 dan Mekongga). Variabel respon yang diukur adalah kandungan N tanah, N pupus tanaman dan hasil padi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi pupuk hayati (Azobacter sp. dan Azospirillum sp.) mampu meningkatkan hasil panen gabah kering. Aplikasi pupuk hayati dan kompos jerami, dengan pengurangan 33% urea, mampu meningkatkan kandungan tanah NH4+ dan hasil padi pada tiga varietas yang digunakan (Ciherang, Inpari dan Mekongga). pemberian 400 g ha-1 pupuk hayati dan 2 ton ha-1 kompos jerami padi dapat mengurangi penggunaan pupuk urea sebesar 33% dari dosis anjuran. Aplikasi pupuk hayati dan kompos jerami padi mampu meningkatkan hasil padi...

Penelitian dan pengembangan (litbang) merupakan f ondasi dari industri pupuk hayati untuk menghas... more Penelitian dan pengembangan (litbang) merupakan f ondasi dari industri pupuk hayati untuk menghasilkan produk (biofertilizers) yang efektif dan efisien dalam meningkatkan ketersediaan hara, ef isiensi pemupukan dan produktivitas tanaman. secara garis besar pupuk hayati terdiri dari kelompok (1) Penambat N (simbiotik dan nonsimbiotik), (2) Pemobilisasi P (Phosp hate mobilizing biofertilizers) meliputi mikroba pelarut P dan mikroriza, (3) sellulolitik atau organisme pengurai bahan organik (Organic matter decomposer), dan (4) kelompok PGPR (plant growth promotingrhizobacteria). Kontribusi pupuk hayati dalam mens ubstitusi pupuk nitrogen pada tanaman legum dapat mencapai 70-90%, sedangkan pada tanaman non legum kontribusinya masih sekitar 25% . Ketersediaan P terfiksasi dalam mineral maupun yang terikat dalam senyawa organik berkaitan erat dengan aktivitas mikroba tanah (enzim tanah). Dekomposer berperan dalam mineralisasi bahan organik untuk menghasilkan hara makro, maupun hara mikro ...

Seed quality is one that determines the productivity of soybean. Quality seeds obtained through a... more Seed quality is one that determines the productivity of soybean. Quality seeds obtained through a series of seed technology activities starting from seed production, seed processing, seed testing, certification of seeds to seed storage. Storage of seeds is one of the soy harvest handling of the whole technology is important to maintain seed quality. The main objective of seed storage is to maintain the viability of the seeds along as possible and to maintain the fsiologis quality of seeds during the period storage by inhibiting the deterioration speed of the seed. Factors that influence the viability of seeds during storage is divided into internal and external factors. Internal factors include genetic trait, the power to grow and Vigor, skin conditions and initial seed moisture content. External factors such as packaging of seeds, gas composition, temperature and humidity save space. Keywords : soybean seed, seed deterioration, viability, seed storage
ABSTRAK Tanaman tidak akan dapat hidup tanpa air, karena air adalah matrik dari kehidupan, bahkan... more ABSTRAK Tanaman tidak akan dapat hidup tanpa air, karena air adalah matrik dari kehidupan, bahkan makhluk lain akan punah tanpa air. Ketersediaan air dalam jumlah yang cukup (kapasitas lapang) dalam tanah merupakan hal yang sangat menentukan bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Cekaman kekeringan menurunkan efisiensi penyerapan nitrogen, mempengaruhi semua fase pertumbuhan tanaman, baik pertumbuhan vegetatif maupun pertumbuhan generatif yang pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi hasil tanaman. Kata kunci : Cekaman, Kekeringan, Nitrogen, dan Pertumbuhan.
Seed treatment with biofertilizer enlarge opportunities of microorganisms inoculated arly direct... more Seed treatment with biofertilizer enlarge opportunities of microorganisms inoculated arly direct contact with the roots of host plants and also can dominate rhizosfir plants so the soil healthier. Seed treatment with beneficial microbes that can assist in controlling the attack and damage by diseases such as rhizobium may suppress the development of bacteria that cause root rot. improve the efficiency of plant nutrient uptake, increase growth and yield . Keyword : Seed treatment, biofertilizer, yield
Tanaman pangan yang berkembang di Kabupaten Bekasi adalah padi, jagung, ubi kayu, ubi jalar, kede... more Tanaman pangan yang berkembang di Kabupaten Bekasi adalah padi, jagung, ubi kayu, ubi jalar, kedelai, kacang hijau, dan kacang tanah. Berdasarkan luas panen dan produktivitasnya tanaman pangan unggulan di Kabupaten Bekasi adalah padi, ubi kayu, dan jagung. Berdasarkan R/C komoditas pangan unggulan di Kabupaten Bekasi masih efisien. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh nilai R/C padi 2.17, R/C jagung 1.74, dan R/C ubi kayu 2.75. Penggunaan faktor produksi pupuk dan pestisida untuk komoditas padi sudah tidak efisien tetapi masih berada dalam kondisi icreasing return to scale, sedangkan untuk komoditas ubi kayu penggunaan faktor produksi biit dan biaya panen sudah tidak efisien, dan komoditas ini sudah berada pada posisi decreasing return to scale. Untuk komoditas jagung penggunaan pestisida dan benih sudah tidak efisien lagi. Kata Kunci : Tanaman pangan unggulan, R/C, efisiensi, dan skala usaha

Intensive use of fertilizer N will stimulate mineralization of soil organic matter, causing a dec... more Intensive use of fertilizer N will stimulate mineralization of soil organic matter, causing a decrease in organic C content dan decreased soil health. Remediation of health and fertility of paddy fields can be done by utilizing the integrated biofertilizer with straw compost. This study aims to get a diluent of biofertilizer and available around the farmers as well as to test the ability of biofertilizers in increasing rice yields with two cropping systems (IPAT and Legowo). IPAT application of cropping systems on biofertilizer application with three a diluent (husk, compost and manure) gives the average number of panicles per hill and higher grain yield, respectively for 23,23% and 11,3% compared to treatment legowo cropping systems. Diluents rational biofertilizer is manure and compost, good for cropping systems and Legowo IPAT. The highest grain yield occurred at doses of urea fertilizer application of 200 kg ha -1 , 2 ton ha -1 straw compost and 400 g ha -1 biofertilizer, planti...
Papers by Nana Danapriatna