Sweetberry agrotourism is the largest strawberry farming in Puncak, Cipanas Cianjur, West Java. ... more Sweetberry agrotourism is the largest strawberry farming in Puncak, Cipanas Cianjur, West Java. This agrotourism has the potential of nature, tourism, conservation, and economic potential. The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics and assessment of visitors, identify factors influencing tourism demand, and estimate the value of agrotourism economy. The economic value is analyzed using by method of TCM (Travel Cost Method). This method is calculated based on total consumer surplus, travel cost coefficient, and total respondent's visit. Average travel costs incurred from a total of 379 respondents during the trip is Rp. 413.699 and the total cost of the entire trip is Rp.156.792.000. Surplus of consumer visits is Rp. 12.670 and the individual consumer surplus visits is Rp.33. The economic value generated for one year is Rp. 237.600. The factors that influence the demand is income, distance and time to know location. While the factors that do not affect the demand is travel cost, education, number of dependents in the family, gender, and age of visitors. Keyword : Agrotourism, Economic Value, Travel Cost Method (TCM)
Para pemangku kepentingan budidaya dan perdagangan ikan hias di Kota Bekasi meyakini bahwa prospe... more Para pemangku kepentingan budidaya dan perdagangan ikan hias di Kota Bekasi meyakini bahwa prospek bisnis ikan hias di Kota Bekasi di masa depan masih dapat berkembang dengan lebih baik dan peluang pasar luar dan dalam negeri masih terbuka bagi pelaku usaha. Rimal (2013) menyatakan bahwa pembudidaya ikan hias di Kota Bekasi berjumlah 521 orang, termasuk 13 pengusaha menengah dan besar yang berstatus sebagai eksportir ikan hias. Sementara itu hasil pengamatan (Budiyono dan Setyawasih, 2013) menunjukkan bahwa jumlah pelaku ikan hias hanya tinggal 200 pelaku saja. Hal ini memberikan gambaran bahwa basis data, informasi, dan kondisi aktual pelaku hias di Kota Bekasi perlu dimutakhirkan. Salah satu solusi untuk itu adalah dengan memanfaatkan situs web. Selain untuk kepentingan tersebut situs web dapat diarahkan untuk promosi ekspor ikan hias Kota Bekasi. Sebagai contoh Singapura dikenal sebagai pusat perdagangan ekspor-impor, pertukaran dokumen, dan pembiayaan dalam perdagangan internasional ikan hias. Pelaku usaha ikan hias Singapura mampu memanfaatkan potensi ikan hias dari sejumlah negara di Asia, termasuk Indonesia, kiat mereka adalah memanfaatkan situs pemasaran ikan hias berbahasa Inggris (ornamental fish) ke seluruh dunia melalui internet. Pebisnis ikan hias Singapura menerima sebagian pasokan dari Indonesia, kemudian memasarkannya ke negara lain. Sejalan dengan itu dan kepentingan untuk melakukan promosi potensi daerah, maka timbul gagasan untuk mengembangkan media Situs Web Ikan Hias Kota Bekasi, yang dibuat dalam dwi bahasa (bilingual site), agar dapat dibaca dan direspon oleh pelanggan ikan hias di seluruh dunia, yang diberi nama BEKASI ORNAMENTAL FISH - BILINGUAL WEB SITE. Situs ini dirancang khusus bersifat publik (penguatan pasar ikan hias skala mikro dan kecil), bersifat akademik (pengetahuan dan menunjang riset), dan bersifat promotif (berorientasi ekspor), dengan menggunakan dwi bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris). Para pemangku kepentingan dalam merealisasikan gagasan ini adalah (a) Pemerintah Kota Bekasi sebagai pengambil kebijakan dengan manfaat meningkatnya jumlah pelaku usaha ikan hias di Kota Bekasi; (b) pembudidaya dan eksportir ikan hias sebagai pelaku utama dengan maanfat memperluas informasi pemasaran produk dalam dan luar negeri; (c) Koperasi dan Asosiasi Ikan Hias Bekasi sebagai wadah pelaku usaha dengan manfaat untuk media komunikasi dan interaksi berbagi ilmu; dan (d) sivitas akademika UNISMA Bekasi yang mendayagunakan pengetahuan dan riset akademik. Sementara itu area konten situs web yang akan dikembangkan meliputi 4 aspek, yakni informasi (agenda, laporan, dan perkembangan), penawaran (kapasitas prosuksi, jenis ikan hias, dan harga), pengetahuan (data, teknologi, dan hasil riset), dan komunitas dan organisasi ikan hias (nasional dan internasional). Langkah lainnya yang bersifat teknis dapat dilakukan lebih lanjut melalui jasa Tim Kreatif profesional. Tindak lanjut merealisasikan ide ini adalah dengan menuangkan gagasan ke dalam bentuk proposal kegiatan, melakukan revisi konsep, bekerjasama dengan Dinas Perekonomian Kota Bekasi, dan mengadakan Focus Discussion Group untuk merealisasikan gagasan ini
Bekasi city is a city that has a fairly dense population of 2,382,689 inhabitants. Meanwhile, agr... more Bekasi city is a city that has a fairly dense population of 2,382,689 inhabitants. Meanwhile, agricultural land in the city of Bekasi increasingly narrow because of the switch function as residential and industrial land , while need of land is increasing . Posdaya or post family empowerment is one of community that aims to empower families to be more productive. Through the program Family Self-Help Food it is expected to support the creation of an self-help family of food which empower families to be able to take advantage of the narrow yard area into more productive land for growing food crops through the concept of Sustainable Food House ( SFH ). SFH is home of residents who have the yard to be used with a variety of local resources which ensure the continuity of the provision of household food quality and variety. Thus Posdaya engaged as a place of family empowerment which can support these SFH program . Bekasi city has approximately 61 Posdaya scattered in various districts . If it is able to optimally empower it can be expected to help support the agriculture sector so that families can meet their food needs. In the family, there are several steps and empowerment strategy for Sustainable Food that need to be done including planning, training, implementing of SFH which includes land preparation and planting medium, planting, maintenance and harvesting, monitoring and evaluation. This activity will be run if there is support from various parties such as the government, state-owned enterprises and the private sector, community organizations, and financial institutions .
Oskandar (2013) explained that either freshwater ornamental fish or marine ornamental are kept fo... more Oskandar (2013) explained that either freshwater ornamental fish or marine ornamental are kept for aquatic hobbies to have a decorative living in the aquarium or pond, mainly fishes those varied in size and colour. Indonesia has a wide range of natural beauty, including 750 species freshwater ornamental fish were found in the country, from the total of 1,600 species living in the world, they are 90% cultivated and 10% wild-caught for trade. Meanwhile, according to Alfian (2010), there were 650 species of marine ornamental fish, as many as 480 species have been identified and 200 species have been traded. Indonesian marine ornamental fish secures 20 percent of the world’s market. The total export marine ornamental fish mostly were wild-caught fish (95%) and only 5% cultured marine ornamental fish contributed to the total export. City of Bekasi is one of source that contributing to Indonesian ornamental fish export. Actually, the supply mostly came from other regions, but many exporter companies operate in the city. A number of local smallholders also rapidly increased to meet demand. The rise of interest to have ornamental fish at home in the city has also accelerated ornamental fish demand at the local market. The demand at local market was booming during 2000-2007. However, in the last five years the demand at local market tends to be declined. Rimal (2013) reported that there were 521 smallholders ornamental fish and 13 exporters operate in the city. Meanwhile, according to various figures, as reported by Budiyono and Setyawasih (2013) the number would be only 200 smallholders. The reliable data and facts are needed to help policy makers to create a policy and sort of actions appropriately and relevant to the situation, in order to empowering the local ornamental fish smallholders. To this purpose, the idea came to develop a website to provide accurate information about current figures and facts of ornamental fish in the city. Accurate, reliable, and timely information is vital to effective decision-making, whether it be undertaken by individuals, exporters, or governments. Information on the site should be useful for major stakeholders of ornamental fish in the city, including local government, smallholders, cooperative, association, exporter companies, and academia for conducting any research. The proposed website will be designed for potential buyers at the local, national, and world market. Some practical knowledge of ornamental fish cultivating, disease handling, and a good practice of small business management will be provided to help smallholders run their business better, survive, developed, and sustained. The website will be aimed to attract and invite more new entrepreneurs to start business on ornamental fish supply chain. Livengood and Chapman (2007) stated that Singapore is the largest worldwide centre and clearinghouse for the import and export of both fresh and marine ornamental fish. They simply manage supply from Indonesia then sell to the buyers in world market, effectively by using website, in English words. The proposed website of Bekasi Ornamental Fish (BOF) will be designed bilingually, written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, to allow potential international buyers easily and directly contact with those local exporter companies. Members of Bekasi ornamental fish cooperative and association also will have a good opportunity to interact with international communities in term of information and knowledge sharing or commercial purposes. The content of proposed website of BOF will be grouped on 4 aspects: information (agenda, report, and current issues); supply (local capacity, fish types, and prices); knowledge (data, technology, and research); and communities, organizations, and companies. Creating wireframes, choosing domain, and hosting will be further discussed with the creative team and website designer. Clearly this paper has explained the importance of website application to promote and develop ornamental fish entrepreneurship in the City of Bekasi. The idea of BOF Website will be followed by a comprehensive proposal, along with consideration, suggestion, and recommendation from the head of study program, faculty, and university, and finally applying a full support from the Major of Bekasi City.
Jeruk merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh komoditas hortikultura terpilih untuk dikembangkan. Jeruk... more Jeruk merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh komoditas hortikultura terpilih untuk dikembangkan. Jeruk (Citrus L) merupakan salah satu jenis buah-buahan yang sangat digemari dan disenangi hampir semua orang dan secara ekonomi menguntungkan untuk diusahakan.
Sweetberry agrotourism is the largest strawberry farming in Puncak, Cipanas Cianjur, West Java. T... more Sweetberry agrotourism is the largest strawberry farming in Puncak, Cipanas Cianjur, West Java. This agrotourism has the potential of nature, tourism, conservation, and economic potential. The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics and assessment of visitors, identify factors influencing tourism demand, and estimate the value of agrotourism economy. The economic value is analyzed using by method of TCM (Travel Cost Method). This method is calculated based on total consumer surplus, travel cost coefficient, and total respondent's visit. Average travel costs incurred from a total of 379 respondents during the trip is Rp. 413.699 and the total cost of the entire trip is Rp.156.792.000. Surplus of consumer visits is Rp. 12.670 and the individual consumer surplus visits is Rp.33. The economic value generated for one year is Rp. 237.600. The factors that influence the demand is income, distance and time to know location. While the factors that do not affect the demand is travel cost, education, number of dependents in the family, gender, and age of visitors. Keyword : Agrotourism, Economic Value, Travel Cost Method (TCM)
Sweetberry agrotourism is the largest strawberry farming in Puncak, Cipanas Cianjur, West Java. ... more Sweetberry agrotourism is the largest strawberry farming in Puncak, Cipanas Cianjur, West Java. This agrotourism has the potential of nature, tourism, conservation, and economic potential. The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics and assessment of visitors, identify factors influencing tourism demand, and estimate the value of agrotourism economy. The economic value is analyzed using by method of TCM (Travel Cost Method). This method is calculated based on total consumer surplus, travel cost coefficient, and total respondent's visit. Average travel costs incurred from a total of 379 respondents during the trip is Rp. 413.699 and the total cost of the entire trip is Rp.156.792.000. Surplus of consumer visits is Rp. 12.670 and the individual consumer surplus visits is Rp.33. The economic value generated for one year is Rp. 237.600. The factors that influence the demand is income, distance and time to know location. While the factors that do not affect the demand is travel cost, education, number of dependents in the family, gender, and age of visitors. Keyword : Agrotourism, Economic Value, Travel Cost Method (TCM)
Para pemangku kepentingan budidaya dan perdagangan ikan hias di Kota Bekasi meyakini bahwa prospe... more Para pemangku kepentingan budidaya dan perdagangan ikan hias di Kota Bekasi meyakini bahwa prospek bisnis ikan hias di Kota Bekasi di masa depan masih dapat berkembang dengan lebih baik dan peluang pasar luar dan dalam negeri masih terbuka bagi pelaku usaha. Rimal (2013) menyatakan bahwa pembudidaya ikan hias di Kota Bekasi berjumlah 521 orang, termasuk 13 pengusaha menengah dan besar yang berstatus sebagai eksportir ikan hias. Sementara itu hasil pengamatan (Budiyono dan Setyawasih, 2013) menunjukkan bahwa jumlah pelaku ikan hias hanya tinggal 200 pelaku saja. Hal ini memberikan gambaran bahwa basis data, informasi, dan kondisi aktual pelaku hias di Kota Bekasi perlu dimutakhirkan. Salah satu solusi untuk itu adalah dengan memanfaatkan situs web. Selain untuk kepentingan tersebut situs web dapat diarahkan untuk promosi ekspor ikan hias Kota Bekasi. Sebagai contoh Singapura dikenal sebagai pusat perdagangan ekspor-impor, pertukaran dokumen, dan pembiayaan dalam perdagangan internasional ikan hias. Pelaku usaha ikan hias Singapura mampu memanfaatkan potensi ikan hias dari sejumlah negara di Asia, termasuk Indonesia, kiat mereka adalah memanfaatkan situs pemasaran ikan hias berbahasa Inggris (ornamental fish) ke seluruh dunia melalui internet. Pebisnis ikan hias Singapura menerima sebagian pasokan dari Indonesia, kemudian memasarkannya ke negara lain. Sejalan dengan itu dan kepentingan untuk melakukan promosi potensi daerah, maka timbul gagasan untuk mengembangkan media Situs Web Ikan Hias Kota Bekasi, yang dibuat dalam dwi bahasa (bilingual site), agar dapat dibaca dan direspon oleh pelanggan ikan hias di seluruh dunia, yang diberi nama BEKASI ORNAMENTAL FISH - BILINGUAL WEB SITE. Situs ini dirancang khusus bersifat publik (penguatan pasar ikan hias skala mikro dan kecil), bersifat akademik (pengetahuan dan menunjang riset), dan bersifat promotif (berorientasi ekspor), dengan menggunakan dwi bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris). Para pemangku kepentingan dalam merealisasikan gagasan ini adalah (a) Pemerintah Kota Bekasi sebagai pengambil kebijakan dengan manfaat meningkatnya jumlah pelaku usaha ikan hias di Kota Bekasi; (b) pembudidaya dan eksportir ikan hias sebagai pelaku utama dengan maanfat memperluas informasi pemasaran produk dalam dan luar negeri; (c) Koperasi dan Asosiasi Ikan Hias Bekasi sebagai wadah pelaku usaha dengan manfaat untuk media komunikasi dan interaksi berbagi ilmu; dan (d) sivitas akademika UNISMA Bekasi yang mendayagunakan pengetahuan dan riset akademik. Sementara itu area konten situs web yang akan dikembangkan meliputi 4 aspek, yakni informasi (agenda, laporan, dan perkembangan), penawaran (kapasitas prosuksi, jenis ikan hias, dan harga), pengetahuan (data, teknologi, dan hasil riset), dan komunitas dan organisasi ikan hias (nasional dan internasional). Langkah lainnya yang bersifat teknis dapat dilakukan lebih lanjut melalui jasa Tim Kreatif profesional. Tindak lanjut merealisasikan ide ini adalah dengan menuangkan gagasan ke dalam bentuk proposal kegiatan, melakukan revisi konsep, bekerjasama dengan Dinas Perekonomian Kota Bekasi, dan mengadakan Focus Discussion Group untuk merealisasikan gagasan ini
Bekasi city is a city that has a fairly dense population of 2,382,689 inhabitants. Meanwhile, agr... more Bekasi city is a city that has a fairly dense population of 2,382,689 inhabitants. Meanwhile, agricultural land in the city of Bekasi increasingly narrow because of the switch function as residential and industrial land , while need of land is increasing . Posdaya or post family empowerment is one of community that aims to empower families to be more productive. Through the program Family Self-Help Food it is expected to support the creation of an self-help family of food which empower families to be able to take advantage of the narrow yard area into more productive land for growing food crops through the concept of Sustainable Food House ( SFH ). SFH is home of residents who have the yard to be used with a variety of local resources which ensure the continuity of the provision of household food quality and variety. Thus Posdaya engaged as a place of family empowerment which can support these SFH program . Bekasi city has approximately 61 Posdaya scattered in various districts . If it is able to optimally empower it can be expected to help support the agriculture sector so that families can meet their food needs. In the family, there are several steps and empowerment strategy for Sustainable Food that need to be done including planning, training, implementing of SFH which includes land preparation and planting medium, planting, maintenance and harvesting, monitoring and evaluation. This activity will be run if there is support from various parties such as the government, state-owned enterprises and the private sector, community organizations, and financial institutions .
Oskandar (2013) explained that either freshwater ornamental fish or marine ornamental are kept fo... more Oskandar (2013) explained that either freshwater ornamental fish or marine ornamental are kept for aquatic hobbies to have a decorative living in the aquarium or pond, mainly fishes those varied in size and colour. Indonesia has a wide range of natural beauty, including 750 species freshwater ornamental fish were found in the country, from the total of 1,600 species living in the world, they are 90% cultivated and 10% wild-caught for trade. Meanwhile, according to Alfian (2010), there were 650 species of marine ornamental fish, as many as 480 species have been identified and 200 species have been traded. Indonesian marine ornamental fish secures 20 percent of the world’s market. The total export marine ornamental fish mostly were wild-caught fish (95%) and only 5% cultured marine ornamental fish contributed to the total export. City of Bekasi is one of source that contributing to Indonesian ornamental fish export. Actually, the supply mostly came from other regions, but many exporter companies operate in the city. A number of local smallholders also rapidly increased to meet demand. The rise of interest to have ornamental fish at home in the city has also accelerated ornamental fish demand at the local market. The demand at local market was booming during 2000-2007. However, in the last five years the demand at local market tends to be declined. Rimal (2013) reported that there were 521 smallholders ornamental fish and 13 exporters operate in the city. Meanwhile, according to various figures, as reported by Budiyono and Setyawasih (2013) the number would be only 200 smallholders. The reliable data and facts are needed to help policy makers to create a policy and sort of actions appropriately and relevant to the situation, in order to empowering the local ornamental fish smallholders. To this purpose, the idea came to develop a website to provide accurate information about current figures and facts of ornamental fish in the city. Accurate, reliable, and timely information is vital to effective decision-making, whether it be undertaken by individuals, exporters, or governments. Information on the site should be useful for major stakeholders of ornamental fish in the city, including local government, smallholders, cooperative, association, exporter companies, and academia for conducting any research. The proposed website will be designed for potential buyers at the local, national, and world market. Some practical knowledge of ornamental fish cultivating, disease handling, and a good practice of small business management will be provided to help smallholders run their business better, survive, developed, and sustained. The website will be aimed to attract and invite more new entrepreneurs to start business on ornamental fish supply chain. Livengood and Chapman (2007) stated that Singapore is the largest worldwide centre and clearinghouse for the import and export of both fresh and marine ornamental fish. They simply manage supply from Indonesia then sell to the buyers in world market, effectively by using website, in English words. The proposed website of Bekasi Ornamental Fish (BOF) will be designed bilingually, written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, to allow potential international buyers easily and directly contact with those local exporter companies. Members of Bekasi ornamental fish cooperative and association also will have a good opportunity to interact with international communities in term of information and knowledge sharing or commercial purposes. The content of proposed website of BOF will be grouped on 4 aspects: information (agenda, report, and current issues); supply (local capacity, fish types, and prices); knowledge (data, technology, and research); and communities, organizations, and companies. Creating wireframes, choosing domain, and hosting will be further discussed with the creative team and website designer. Clearly this paper has explained the importance of website application to promote and develop ornamental fish entrepreneurship in the City of Bekasi. The idea of BOF Website will be followed by a comprehensive proposal, along with consideration, suggestion, and recommendation from the head of study program, faculty, and university, and finally applying a full support from the Major of Bekasi City.
Jeruk merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh komoditas hortikultura terpilih untuk dikembangkan. Jeruk... more Jeruk merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh komoditas hortikultura terpilih untuk dikembangkan. Jeruk (Citrus L) merupakan salah satu jenis buah-buahan yang sangat digemari dan disenangi hampir semua orang dan secara ekonomi menguntungkan untuk diusahakan.
Sweetberry agrotourism is the largest strawberry farming in Puncak, Cipanas Cianjur, West Java. T... more Sweetberry agrotourism is the largest strawberry farming in Puncak, Cipanas Cianjur, West Java. This agrotourism has the potential of nature, tourism, conservation, and economic potential. The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics and assessment of visitors, identify factors influencing tourism demand, and estimate the value of agrotourism economy. The economic value is analyzed using by method of TCM (Travel Cost Method). This method is calculated based on total consumer surplus, travel cost coefficient, and total respondent's visit. Average travel costs incurred from a total of 379 respondents during the trip is Rp. 413.699 and the total cost of the entire trip is Rp.156.792.000. Surplus of consumer visits is Rp. 12.670 and the individual consumer surplus visits is Rp.33. The economic value generated for one year is Rp. 237.600. The factors that influence the demand is income, distance and time to know location. While the factors that do not affect the demand is travel cost, education, number of dependents in the family, gender, and age of visitors. Keyword : Agrotourism, Economic Value, Travel Cost Method (TCM)
Papers by Dera Anggiana
Sejalan dengan itu dan kepentingan untuk melakukan promosi potensi daerah, maka timbul gagasan untuk mengembangkan media Situs Web Ikan Hias Kota Bekasi, yang dibuat dalam dwi bahasa (bilingual site), agar dapat dibaca dan direspon oleh pelanggan ikan hias di seluruh dunia, yang diberi nama BEKASI ORNAMENTAL FISH - BILINGUAL WEB SITE. Situs ini dirancang khusus bersifat publik (penguatan pasar ikan hias skala mikro dan kecil), bersifat akademik (pengetahuan dan menunjang riset), dan bersifat promotif (berorientasi ekspor), dengan menggunakan dwi bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris). Para pemangku kepentingan dalam merealisasikan gagasan ini adalah (a) Pemerintah Kota Bekasi sebagai pengambil kebijakan dengan manfaat meningkatnya jumlah pelaku usaha ikan hias di Kota Bekasi; (b) pembudidaya dan eksportir ikan hias sebagai pelaku utama dengan maanfat memperluas informasi pemasaran produk dalam dan luar negeri; (c) Koperasi dan Asosiasi Ikan Hias Bekasi sebagai wadah pelaku usaha dengan manfaat untuk media komunikasi dan interaksi berbagi ilmu; dan (d) sivitas akademika UNISMA Bekasi yang mendayagunakan pengetahuan dan riset akademik. Sementara itu area konten situs web yang akan dikembangkan meliputi 4 aspek, yakni informasi (agenda, laporan, dan perkembangan), penawaran (kapasitas prosuksi, jenis ikan hias, dan harga), pengetahuan (data, teknologi, dan hasil riset), dan komunitas dan organisasi ikan hias (nasional dan internasional). Langkah lainnya yang bersifat teknis dapat dilakukan lebih lanjut melalui jasa Tim Kreatif profesional. Tindak lanjut merealisasikan ide ini adalah dengan menuangkan gagasan ke dalam bentuk proposal kegiatan, melakukan revisi konsep, bekerjasama dengan Dinas Perekonomian Kota Bekasi, dan mengadakan Focus Discussion Group untuk merealisasikan gagasan ini
SFH is home of residents who have the yard to be used with a variety of local resources which ensure the continuity of the provision of household food quality and variety. Thus Posdaya engaged as a place of family empowerment which can support these SFH program . Bekasi city has approximately 61 Posdaya scattered in various districts . If it is able to optimally empower it can be expected to help support the agriculture sector so that families can meet their food needs.
In the family, there are several steps and empowerment strategy for Sustainable Food that need to be done including planning, training, implementing of SFH which includes land preparation and planting medium, planting, maintenance and harvesting, monitoring and evaluation. This activity will be run if there is support from various parties such as the government, state-owned enterprises and the private sector, community organizations, and financial institutions .
City of Bekasi is one of source that contributing to Indonesian ornamental fish export. Actually, the supply mostly came from other regions, but many exporter companies operate in the city. A number of local smallholders also rapidly increased to meet demand. The rise of interest to have ornamental fish at home in the city has also accelerated ornamental fish demand at the local market. The demand at local market was booming during 2000-2007. However, in the last five years the demand at local market tends to be declined. Rimal (2013) reported that there were 521 smallholders ornamental fish and 13 exporters operate in the city. Meanwhile, according to various figures, as reported by Budiyono and Setyawasih (2013) the number would be only 200 smallholders. The reliable data and facts are needed to help policy makers to create a policy and sort of actions appropriately and relevant to the situation, in order to empowering the local ornamental fish smallholders.
To this purpose, the idea came to develop a website to provide accurate information about current figures and facts of ornamental fish in the city. Accurate, reliable, and timely information is vital to effective decision-making, whether it be undertaken by individuals, exporters, or governments. Information on the site should be useful for major stakeholders of ornamental fish in the city, including local government, smallholders, cooperative, association, exporter companies, and academia for conducting any research. The proposed website will be designed for potential buyers at the local, national, and world market. Some practical knowledge of ornamental fish cultivating, disease handling, and a good practice of small business management will be provided to help smallholders run their business better, survive, developed, and sustained. The website will be aimed to attract and invite more new entrepreneurs to start business on ornamental fish supply chain.
Livengood and Chapman (2007) stated that Singapore is the largest worldwide centre and clearinghouse for the import and export of both fresh and marine ornamental fish. They simply manage supply from Indonesia then sell to the buyers in world market, effectively by using website, in English words. The proposed website of Bekasi Ornamental Fish (BOF) will be designed bilingually, written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, to allow potential international buyers easily and directly contact with those local exporter companies. Members of Bekasi ornamental fish cooperative and association also will have a good opportunity to interact with international communities in term of information and knowledge sharing or commercial purposes.
The content of proposed website of BOF will be grouped on 4 aspects: information (agenda, report, and current issues); supply (local capacity, fish types, and prices); knowledge (data, technology, and research); and communities, organizations, and companies. Creating wireframes, choosing domain, and hosting will be further discussed with the creative team and website designer.
Clearly this paper has explained the importance of website application to promote and develop ornamental fish entrepreneurship in the City of Bekasi. The idea of BOF Website will be followed by a comprehensive proposal, along with consideration, suggestion, and recommendation from the head of study program, faculty, and university, and finally applying a full support from the Major of Bekasi City.
Drafts by Dera Anggiana
Sejalan dengan itu dan kepentingan untuk melakukan promosi potensi daerah, maka timbul gagasan untuk mengembangkan media Situs Web Ikan Hias Kota Bekasi, yang dibuat dalam dwi bahasa (bilingual site), agar dapat dibaca dan direspon oleh pelanggan ikan hias di seluruh dunia, yang diberi nama BEKASI ORNAMENTAL FISH - BILINGUAL WEB SITE. Situs ini dirancang khusus bersifat publik (penguatan pasar ikan hias skala mikro dan kecil), bersifat akademik (pengetahuan dan menunjang riset), dan bersifat promotif (berorientasi ekspor), dengan menggunakan dwi bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris). Para pemangku kepentingan dalam merealisasikan gagasan ini adalah (a) Pemerintah Kota Bekasi sebagai pengambil kebijakan dengan manfaat meningkatnya jumlah pelaku usaha ikan hias di Kota Bekasi; (b) pembudidaya dan eksportir ikan hias sebagai pelaku utama dengan maanfat memperluas informasi pemasaran produk dalam dan luar negeri; (c) Koperasi dan Asosiasi Ikan Hias Bekasi sebagai wadah pelaku usaha dengan manfaat untuk media komunikasi dan interaksi berbagi ilmu; dan (d) sivitas akademika UNISMA Bekasi yang mendayagunakan pengetahuan dan riset akademik. Sementara itu area konten situs web yang akan dikembangkan meliputi 4 aspek, yakni informasi (agenda, laporan, dan perkembangan), penawaran (kapasitas prosuksi, jenis ikan hias, dan harga), pengetahuan (data, teknologi, dan hasil riset), dan komunitas dan organisasi ikan hias (nasional dan internasional). Langkah lainnya yang bersifat teknis dapat dilakukan lebih lanjut melalui jasa Tim Kreatif profesional. Tindak lanjut merealisasikan ide ini adalah dengan menuangkan gagasan ke dalam bentuk proposal kegiatan, melakukan revisi konsep, bekerjasama dengan Dinas Perekonomian Kota Bekasi, dan mengadakan Focus Discussion Group untuk merealisasikan gagasan ini
SFH is home of residents who have the yard to be used with a variety of local resources which ensure the continuity of the provision of household food quality and variety. Thus Posdaya engaged as a place of family empowerment which can support these SFH program . Bekasi city has approximately 61 Posdaya scattered in various districts . If it is able to optimally empower it can be expected to help support the agriculture sector so that families can meet their food needs.
In the family, there are several steps and empowerment strategy for Sustainable Food that need to be done including planning, training, implementing of SFH which includes land preparation and planting medium, planting, maintenance and harvesting, monitoring and evaluation. This activity will be run if there is support from various parties such as the government, state-owned enterprises and the private sector, community organizations, and financial institutions .
City of Bekasi is one of source that contributing to Indonesian ornamental fish export. Actually, the supply mostly came from other regions, but many exporter companies operate in the city. A number of local smallholders also rapidly increased to meet demand. The rise of interest to have ornamental fish at home in the city has also accelerated ornamental fish demand at the local market. The demand at local market was booming during 2000-2007. However, in the last five years the demand at local market tends to be declined. Rimal (2013) reported that there were 521 smallholders ornamental fish and 13 exporters operate in the city. Meanwhile, according to various figures, as reported by Budiyono and Setyawasih (2013) the number would be only 200 smallholders. The reliable data and facts are needed to help policy makers to create a policy and sort of actions appropriately and relevant to the situation, in order to empowering the local ornamental fish smallholders.
To this purpose, the idea came to develop a website to provide accurate information about current figures and facts of ornamental fish in the city. Accurate, reliable, and timely information is vital to effective decision-making, whether it be undertaken by individuals, exporters, or governments. Information on the site should be useful for major stakeholders of ornamental fish in the city, including local government, smallholders, cooperative, association, exporter companies, and academia for conducting any research. The proposed website will be designed for potential buyers at the local, national, and world market. Some practical knowledge of ornamental fish cultivating, disease handling, and a good practice of small business management will be provided to help smallholders run their business better, survive, developed, and sustained. The website will be aimed to attract and invite more new entrepreneurs to start business on ornamental fish supply chain.
Livengood and Chapman (2007) stated that Singapore is the largest worldwide centre and clearinghouse for the import and export of both fresh and marine ornamental fish. They simply manage supply from Indonesia then sell to the buyers in world market, effectively by using website, in English words. The proposed website of Bekasi Ornamental Fish (BOF) will be designed bilingually, written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, to allow potential international buyers easily and directly contact with those local exporter companies. Members of Bekasi ornamental fish cooperative and association also will have a good opportunity to interact with international communities in term of information and knowledge sharing or commercial purposes.
The content of proposed website of BOF will be grouped on 4 aspects: information (agenda, report, and current issues); supply (local capacity, fish types, and prices); knowledge (data, technology, and research); and communities, organizations, and companies. Creating wireframes, choosing domain, and hosting will be further discussed with the creative team and website designer.
Clearly this paper has explained the importance of website application to promote and develop ornamental fish entrepreneurship in the City of Bekasi. The idea of BOF Website will be followed by a comprehensive proposal, along with consideration, suggestion, and recommendation from the head of study program, faculty, and university, and finally applying a full support from the Major of Bekasi City.