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Jeruk merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh komoditas hortikultura terpilih untuk dikembangkan. Jeruk (Citrus L) merupakan salah satu jenis buah-buahan yang sangat digemari dan disenangi hampir semua orang dan secara ekonomi menguntungkan... more
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    • Agriculture
Oskandar (2013) explained that either freshwater ornamental fish or marine ornamental are kept for aquatic hobbies to have a decorative living in the aquarium or pond, mainly fishes those varied in size and colour. Indonesia has a wide... more
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Bekasi city is a city that has a fairly dense population of 2,382,689 inhabitants. Meanwhile, agricultural land in the city of Bekasi increasingly narrow because of the switch function as residential and industrial land , while need of... more
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    • Agribusiness
Para pemangku kepentingan budidaya dan perdagangan ikan hias di Kota Bekasi meyakini bahwa prospek bisnis ikan hias di Kota Bekasi di masa depan masih dapat berkembang dengan lebih baik dan peluang pasar luar dan dalam negeri masih... more
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    • Agribussiness
Sweetberry agrotourism is the largest strawberry farming in Puncak, Cipanas Cianjur, West Java. This agrotourism has the potential of nature, tourism, conservation, and economic potential. The purpose of this research is to identify the... more
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Sweetberry agrotourism is the largest strawberry farming in Puncak, Cipanas Cianjur, West Java. This agrotourism has the potential of nature, tourism, conservation, and economic potential. The purpose of this research is to identify the... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsPertanianAgribisnisValuasi Ekonomi