Stefano Brogi
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Papers by Stefano Brogi
and collaborative space, in which all scholars cooperate without regard to political and religious barriers; however, it is also the scene of fierce fighting, with
all against all as in Hobbes’ state of nature. Controversies, if not well regulated,
often serve to obscure the truth instead of clarifying it – yet the search for truth
cannot do without disputes. It is therefore a question of defining the rules and
limits of the controversy, despite knowing that in some ways it looks more like
a merciless struggle than a chivalric tournament. These rules are borrowed
from those typical of scholastic disputes, adapted not to the limited space of
the university classroom but to the wide and open landscape of the Republic of
Letters. However, as the foundation of these rules Bayle identifies the most basic principles of natural morality, on which every reasonable man must agree,
starting with the Golden Rule: quod tibi fieri non vis, alteri ne feceris.
and collaborative space, in which all scholars cooperate without regard to political and religious barriers; however, it is also the scene of fierce fighting, with
all against all as in Hobbes’ state of nature. Controversies, if not well regulated,
often serve to obscure the truth instead of clarifying it – yet the search for truth
cannot do without disputes. It is therefore a question of defining the rules and
limits of the controversy, despite knowing that in some ways it looks more like
a merciless struggle than a chivalric tournament. These rules are borrowed
from those typical of scholastic disputes, adapted not to the limited space of
the university classroom but to the wide and open landscape of the Republic of
Letters. However, as the foundation of these rules Bayle identifies the most basic principles of natural morality, on which every reasonable man must agree,
starting with the Golden Rule: quod tibi fieri non vis, alteri ne feceris.
Pomponazzi, Machiavelli, Campanella, Hobbes, Spinoza, Bayle e Vico sono i pensatori che il seminario mette in dialogo per rispondere ad alcune questioni fondamentali: che cosa si intende per profezia? Che rapporto sussiste tra il sapere profetico e le tipologie di conoscenza più suscettibili di accertamento e di verifica? Di quale tipo di linguaggio si avvale il profeta?
I sessione: 14 maggio 2020 (15:00 - 17:00)
II sessione: 28 maggio 2020 (15:15 - 17:00)
III sessione: 4 giugno 2020 (15:15 - 17:00)