Papers by Massimiliano Canuti

Éditions Safran Publishers, 2022
by Massimiliano CANUTI, in Res Antiquae 19, 2022.
In this paper is proposed the indefinite prono... more by Massimiliano CANUTI, in Res Antiquae 19, 2022.
In this paper is proposed the indefinite pronoun « nobody » like translation of the Etruscan word enan. This issue is pursuit by Linguistics analysis and data from historic and literary sources. An Etruscan negation schema, finally, explains the origin of enan.
Keywords: Etruscan, Negation, Syntax, Semantics, typology
Cet article propose comme traduction du terme étrusque enan le pronom indéfinie « personne ». Pour arriver à cette conclusion on a utilisé l’analyse linguistique et des données issues de sources historiques et littéraires. Une représentation schématique de la négation étrusque, enfin, explique l’origine d’enan.
Mots-clés : étrusque, négation, sémantique, typologie
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56 | 2022
In this article, we investigate a morpho-syntactic phenomenon in Chianino similar to the inflecte... more In this article, we investigate a morpho-syntactic phenomenon in Chianino similar to the inflected infinitive discussed for Romance. Chianino is an Italo-Romance variety spoken in the southeast of the province of Siena. The analysed structures involve pairs of inflected verbs merged together. The candidates for the higher verb of the pair are (i) the root of the modal dové ‘must’ and (ii) the subjunctive form of avé ‘to have’. The second element of the pair can only be a non-suppletive inflected infinitive form of the verb èsse ‘to be’, as in the cases of the second person singular dev-ess-i ‘you must be’ and abbi-ess-i ‘you have to be’ (meaning: ‘you should be’). From a pragmatic point of view, the double inflected forms avé + èsse can only have epistemic readings, while dové + èsse can also have a jussive connotation. After having briefly introduced the variety under investigation, we will discuss observational and introspective data. We will then proceed to a formal analysis. Ado...

Annali di Ca' Foscari. Serie occidentale, Mar 31, 2022
In this article, we investigate a morpho-syntactic phenomenon in Chianino similar to the inflecte... more In this article, we investigate a morpho-syntactic phenomenon in Chianino similar to the inflected infinitive discussed for Romance. Chianino is an Italo-Romance variety spoken in the southeast of the province of Siena. The analysed structures involve pairs of inflected verbs merged together. The candidates for the higher verb of the pair are (i) the root of the modal dové 'must' and (ii) the subjunctive form of avé 'to have'. The second element of the pair can only be a non-suppletive inflected infinitive form of the verb èsse 'to be', as in the cases of the second person singular dev-ess-i 'you must be' and abbi-ess-i 'you have to be' (meaning: 'you should be'). From a pragmatic point of view, the double inflected forms avé + èsse can only have epistemic readings, while dové + èsse can also have a jussive connotation. After having briefly introduced the variety under investigation, we will discuss observational and introspective data. We will then proceed to a formal analysis. Adopting a cartographic approach, we consider the second element of the pair as a head located in a dedicated functional projection within the syntactic architecture. Keywords Cartography. Chianino. Inflected infinitives. Sommario 1 Introduzione.-2 La sintassi delle costruzioni flesse.-3 Costruzioni flesse in chianino.-3.1 Note sul chianino.-3.2 Strutture flesse in chianino.-3.3 Alcune osservazioni.-4 Un approccio cartografico.-5 Conclusioni.

Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale Vol. 56, 2022
In this article, we investigate a morpho-syntactic phenomenon in Chianino similar to the inflecte... more In this article, we investigate a morpho-syntactic phenomenon in Chianino similar to the inflected infinitive discussed for Romance. Chianino is an Italo-Romance variety spoken in the southeast of the province of Siena. The analysed structures involve pairs of inflected verbs merged together. The candidates for the higher verb of the pair are (i) the root of the modal dové 'must' and (ii) the subjunctive form of avé 'to have'. The second element of the pair can only be a non-suppletive inflected infinitive form of the verb èsse 'to be', as in the cases of the second person singular dev-ess-i 'you must be' and abbi-ess-i 'you have to be' (meaning: 'you should be'). From a pragmatic point of view, the double inflected forms avé + èsse can only have epistemic readings, while dové + èsse can also have a jussive connotation. After having briefly introduced the variety under investigation, we will discuss observational and introspective data. We will then proceed to a formal analysis. Adopting a cartographic approach, we consider the second element of the pair as a head located in a dedicated functional projection within the syntactic architecture. Keywords Cartography. Chianino. Inflected infinitives. Sommario 1 Introduzione.-2 La sintassi delle costruzioni flesse.-3 Costruzioni flesse in chianino.-3.1 Note sul chianino.-3.2 Strutture flesse in chianino.-3.3 Alcune osservazioni.-4 Un approccio cartografico.-5 Conclusioni.
Éditions Safran Publishers, 2021
Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today
Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today
Current Issues in Syntactic Carthography, 2021
This paper approaches the syntax of Etruscan and provides some theory-driven insights to detect p... more This paper approaches the syntax of Etruscan and provides some theory-driven insights to detect pragmatic/semantic effects based on syntax.
Éditions Safran Publishers, 2020
This paper speaks about typological structure and genetics of Etruscan. The analysis is lead in a... more This paper speaks about typological structure and genetics of Etruscan. The analysis is lead in a linguistics perspective. Even if Etruscan is a Restprache, the linguistic material that came to us is enough to judge it like an agglutinant and not Indo-European tongue. Interlinguistics and comparative linguistics provide us the tools to demonstrate the external or casual provenience of Indo-European elements in Etruscan.
This paper looks at some communities in IX Región de la Auracania Sur - Chile. It was examined vi... more This paper looks at some communities in IX Región de la Auracania Sur - Chile. It was examined vitality and perspectives of mapuche tongue.
In this paper some arguments are brought to correct CIL XI 2297 on the base of a new autoptical a... more In this paper some arguments are brought to correct CIL XI 2297 on the base of a new autoptical analysis.
This paper is composed in two parts. The first speaks about an inscription (ET Cl 8.5 - CIE 886) ... more This paper is composed in two parts. The first speaks about an inscription (ET Cl 8.5 - CIE 886) over the "Cippo Bucelli" now lost. The analysis pushes towards an interpretation that sees the inscription like a law prescription based over data of a land tansaction. In this is proposed a reinterpretation of the most important word of the text "claruchies" as a testimony of a military class in the Etruscan polis of Chiusi. It follows a discussion over the reliability of this paper, and more generally of Etruscan hermeneutic. The second part, taking the previous issues in account, presents an inedited Latin inscription over a well curb from Santi Betti collection of Chiusi. It is proposed some possible interpretations.
This paper speak about two toponyms of South Tuscany: San Quirico d'Orcia e Seggiano. The origin... more This paper speak about two toponyms of South Tuscany: San Quirico d'Orcia e Seggiano. The origin of these names of town is probably etruscan. Here is tested this possibility.
This paper is a first approch to the development of laryngeal fricative in three ancient tongue:... more This paper is a first approch to the development of laryngeal fricative in three ancient tongue: latin, greek and etruscan. The analysis will show an interlinguistic influence on use of this foneme and a certain tendency towards his disappearence.
This paper is an elaboration of some inquiry about use and perspectives of Mapuche (an indigeneus... more This paper is an elaboration of some inquiry about use and perspectives of Mapuche (an indigeneus language of South America) in a few places of Argentina.
This paper is an analysis about the bilingualism Mapuche-Castilian in IXa Chilean Region in colla... more This paper is an analysis about the bilingualism Mapuche-Castilian in IXa Chilean Region in collaboration between CISAI and DED.
The paper speak about the situation of mapuche tongue (mapuzungun) in front of the increasing pro... more The paper speak about the situation of mapuche tongue (mapuzungun) in front of the increasing process of spanishization of the argentinian mapuche communities.
This is a paper about sociolinguistic quest concerning mapuche, a indigenous tongue that is spok... more This is a paper about sociolinguistic quest concerning mapuche, a indigenous tongue that is spoken in Argentina and Chile. Situation and prospectives of this language are esposed here.
First elaboration of inquiries, about Mapuche-Castilian bilingualism, that are led in a school ... more First elaboration of inquiries, about Mapuche-Castilian bilingualism, that are led in a school of Nova Imperial (Chile).
Papers by Massimiliano Canuti
In this paper is proposed the indefinite pronoun « nobody » like translation of the Etruscan word enan. This issue is pursuit by Linguistics analysis and data from historic and literary sources. An Etruscan negation schema, finally, explains the origin of enan.
Keywords: Etruscan, Negation, Syntax, Semantics, typology
Cet article propose comme traduction du terme étrusque enan le pronom indéfinie « personne ». Pour arriver à cette conclusion on a utilisé l’analyse linguistique et des données issues de sources historiques et littéraires. Une représentation schématique de la négation étrusque, enfin, explique l’origine d’enan.
Mots-clés : étrusque, négation, sémantique, typologie
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There are many height scholar studies concerning Etruscan hermeneutic. This paper tries to analyse the question of Etruscan interpretability by a epistemological and theoretical point of view. In the first part there is a short description of state of research which was placed next some theoretic interpretational tools. In the second, the heuristic principles of the first part are applied to a concrete case.
Keywords: epistemology, Etruscan, hermeneutic, philosophy of language
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Détails et résumé sur
This paper speaks about typological structure and genetics of Etruscan. The analysis is lead in a linguistics perspective. Even if Etruscan is a Restprache, the linguistic material that came to us is enough to judge it like an agglutinant and not Indo-European tongue. Interlinguistics and comparative linguistics provide us the tools to demonstrate the external or casual provenience of Indo-European elements in Etruscan.
Keywords: Etruscan, comparative linguistics, indo-european
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In this paper is proposed the indefinite pronoun « nobody » like translation of the Etruscan word enan. This issue is pursuit by Linguistics analysis and data from historic and literary sources. An Etruscan negation schema, finally, explains the origin of enan.
Keywords: Etruscan, Negation, Syntax, Semantics, typology
Cet article propose comme traduction du terme étrusque enan le pronom indéfinie « personne ». Pour arriver à cette conclusion on a utilisé l’analyse linguistique et des données issues de sources historiques et littéraires. Une représentation schématique de la négation étrusque, enfin, explique l’origine d’enan.
Mots-clés : étrusque, négation, sémantique, typologie
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Détails et résumé sur :
There are many height scholar studies concerning Etruscan hermeneutic. This paper tries to analyse the question of Etruscan interpretability by a epistemological and theoretical point of view. In the first part there is a short description of state of research which was placed next some theoretic interpretational tools. In the second, the heuristic principles of the first part are applied to a concrete case.
Keywords: epistemology, Etruscan, hermeneutic, philosophy of language
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Détails et résumé sur
This paper speaks about typological structure and genetics of Etruscan. The analysis is lead in a linguistics perspective. Even if Etruscan is a Restprache, the linguistic material that came to us is enough to judge it like an agglutinant and not Indo-European tongue. Interlinguistics and comparative linguistics provide us the tools to demonstrate the external or casual provenience of Indo-European elements in Etruscan.
Keywords: Etruscan, comparative linguistics, indo-european
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chiusino”) e racconta probabilmente anche di un dono votivo e di un Nume tutelare, prende spunto la mostra “(Ri)scrivere il Passato. Il nome etrusco di Chiusi e altre Storie” che propone all’attenzione del pubblico
testimonianze epigrafiche particolarmente significative conservate nei musei cittadini.
La mostra si inserisce all’interno della Giornata degli Etruschi 2019, promossa dal Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, per celebrare il conferimento del titolo di Granduca a Cosimo I de’ Medici, titolo che riecheggia
quello che gli storiografi attribuirono al re chiusino Porsenna.
L’iniziativa, resa possibile grazie al Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, al Comune della Città di Chiusi, al Polo Museale, al Gruppo Archeologico “Città di Chiusi”, e alla stretta collaborazione con la Soprintendenza
ABAP-SI, la Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra, l’Università di Roma Tre, il Museo Civico “La Città sotterranea”, il Museo della Cattedrale e la Fondazione Orizzonti d’Arte, è anche l’occasione per riproporre
all’attenzione del pubblico e degli studiosi il ricco patrimonio epigrafico etrusco e latino di Chiusi, attraverso un approccio non convenzionale e
innovativo, e un percorso arricchito, oltre che da questo catalogo, da un convegno, da un libro-gioco per i più piccoli, da conferenze periodiche e laboratori creativi sulla scrittura. Il catalogo propone materiali etruschi e romani dal VII sec. a.C. all’età tardoantica e all’Alto Medioevo configurandosi come un ulteriore approfondimento, “itinerante”, al percorso di visita, dalla Sala Mostre del Museo Nazionale, al Museo Nazionale stesso, al Museo Civico, a quello della Cattedrale, visitabili anche attraverso il costo agevolato di una
Chiusi Card.
Azioni e pensieri umani fissati mediante la scrittura su supporti non deperibili hanno superato secoli e millenni giungendo fino a noi, così da costituire una preziosa materia prima da leggere e interpretare per ricostruire
e riscrivere il passato di Chiusi e delle genti che vi abitarono.
Riproporre e raccontare queste “Storie” ha implicato una accurata selezione dei numerosissimi testi scritti a disposizione, e costretto ad affrontare lo studio dei materiali, noti e meno noti, con un taglio specialistico
ma nel contempo divulgativo e, per quanto possibile, considerata la materia estremamente complessa e tecnica, comprensibile al più vasto pubblico.
L’occasione ha poi stimolato in alcuni casi la proposta di nuove letture, alternative a quelle più ampiamente condivise, ha permesso di suggerire nuovi scenari e di formulare ipotesi di lavoro che costituiranno la necessaria premessa per ulteriori ricerche e approfondimenti.