Papers on ELT by Tripti Karekatti
Page 12. FORTELL January, 2012 Issue no. 23 fortell. org Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing. Intro... more Page 12. FORTELL January, 2012 Issue no. 23 fortell. org Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing. Introduction In recent past, English has almost achieved the status of a global language. Educational policies in many countries ...
Page 1. International Journal of Instruction January 2012 ● Vol.5, No.1 e-ISSN: 1308-1470 ● www.e... more Page 1. International Journal of Instruction January 2012 ● Vol.5, No.1 e-ISSN: 1308-1470 ● p-ISSN: 1694-609X PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS' BELIEFS ABOUT TEACHING ENGLISH TO PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN ...
Belief' is a common concept in various research literatures in sociology, anthropology, psycholog... more Belief' is a common concept in various research literatures in sociology, anthropology, psychology, philosophy and many other disciplines. Despite the diversity in the use of this term in educational context, the prior research and reviews on teachers' beliefs about teaching/learning contribute to an agreement on some characteristics of teacher beliefs (Fang

To face the challenging professional environment, engineers are required to equip themselves with... more To face the challenging professional environment, engineers are required to equip themselves with necessary communication skills. Although engineering graduates from western Maharashtra are academically sound, employees are hesitant to hire these graduates due to their poor proficiency in English. Generally, engineering students need to give more attention to their technical subjects; obviously, they get less time to improve their English language skills. In such conditions, knowledge of Language Learning Strategies can prove very helpful to acquire adequate proficiency in English in a short span of time. The present study investigates Language Learning Strategies (LLS) used by engineering students of four engineering colleges in Ratnagiri district (Maharashtra, India). LLS are specific actions or techniques that learners use to assist their progress in developing second or foreign language skills (Oxford, 1990). To identify the learning strategies that engineering students use, Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) (Oxford, 1990) was administered to 60 engineering students from four engineering colleges of Ratnagiri district. The primary objective of this study is to identify the types and degree of use of LLS employed by these engineering students. Besides that, it also aims to analyse students' perceptions on the use of strategies in their language (English) learning. The students reported a greater preference for metacognitive, cognitive, compensatory and social strategies which puts them in the category of higher level learners. However, it is observed that these students do not make sufficient use of memory and affective strategies. Moreover, present study also points out that the engineering students observed in this study are totally unaware of the benefits of LLS and how they can be employed in learning English. Apart from that, it is also revealed that some students also have problems such as, 'lack of confidence', 'anxiety', and 'shyness' in learning English.

This paper is a part of an ongoing doctoral research on 'Teacher Talk in ESL Classrooms'. The ide... more This paper is a part of an ongoing doctoral research on 'Teacher Talk in ESL Classrooms'. The idea for this was gained through the hypothesis that teachers' beliefs about English teaching may also mould their talk. The researcher intends here to analyse and comment on teachers' English teaching beliefs. It is generally accepted that teaching is greatly affected by the belief systems of its practitioners-teachers. Teachers' beliefs influence their consciousness, teaching attitude, teaching methods and teaching policies, and finally, learners' development. Horwitz (1987) also states rightly that the formation of teachers' educational beliefs in language teaching/ learning process will influence, though indirectly, on forming effective teaching methods and will bring about the improvement of learners' language learning abilities. In Indian context, there is dearth of research evaluating teachers' beliefs about English teaching. This study explores teachers' beliefs regarding teaching English to children and tries to explore whether medium of instruction makes any difference in their beliefs. It also intends to determine what similar and different beliefs might be held by in-service teachers from two different mediums. A total of 100 pre-service teachers are the subjects of this study. In order to recognize these teachers' specific beliefs in a more systematic way, a research instrument, The Questionnaire of Primary School Pre-service English Teachers' Teaching Beliefs was developed. Almost all of these pre-service teachers expected to have training regarding how to make their talk effective and relevant in classrooms.

This study examined the oral communication apprehension in English of 100 engineering students of... more This study examined the oral communication apprehension in English of 100 engineering students of an engineering college in Western Maharashtra. A set of questionnaire comprising the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension PRCA-24 (McCroskey, 1984) was administered to these English for Specific purpose (ESP) students. Results indicated that most of these engineering students (48%) perceived themselves to have high and only 9% perceived to have low communication apprehension while communicating in English. 43% students had moderate communication apprehension. It is also found that students are more apprehensive while giving oral presentation or public speech. While, in group discussion they have comparatively low apprehension. Therefore, it is needed to understand and study the reasons for students' level of apprehension in certain communicative situations. It is also essential to know the source/s which cause communication apprehension among ESP learners, especially, among engineering students.
Papers on Sociolinguistics by Tripti Karekatti

Code Mixing on Prasarbharati and Private FM Channels:A Comparison, 2019
Code-mixing is an interesting and useful device of communication. Code-mixing is very common in R... more Code-mixing is an interesting and useful device of communication. Code-mixing is very common in Radio Jockey speech. In India there are two types of radio channels, Prasarbharati and private FM channels. For the present study Radio Mirchi, Tomato FM and Kolhapur FM are selected. Announcers of Prasarbharati channel hide their identity during the programme whereas jockeys on private FM channels introduce themselves and the name of their programmes using innovative and personalised styles. Jockeys mix words, phrases, clauses and sentences in their speech. The researcher found code mixing of two types, intra and extra sentential on selected radio channels. Code mixing occurs more in the programmes on Radio Mirchi and Tomato FM. It is very less on Prasarbharati channel. Code mixing is done deliberately on private FM channels and sometimes it happens subconsciously in the flow of speaking.
Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 2019
Code-mixing is an interesting and useful device of communication. Code-mixing is very common in R... more Code-mixing is an interesting and useful device of communication. Code-mixing is very common in Radio Jockey speech. Tomato FM is one of the private FM channels in Kolhapur city. The present paper analyses the way Radio Jockeys on Kolhapur Tomato FM channel mix words, phrases, clauses and sentences in their speech. Programmes on Tomato FM have catchy names. This is reflected in the tag line of the channel-'Tomato FM 'ekdam fresh' (so fresh). The paper classifies embedded words into different word classes like, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, functional words, etc., and also uses quantitative analysis to understand the phenomenon of code-mixing.

Research Chronicler, 2018
This research paper analyses the morning slot programmes on three FM radio stations in Kolhapur-T... more This research paper analyses the morning slot programmes on three FM radio stations in Kolhapur-Tomato FM (94.3 MHz), Radio Mirchi (98.3 MHz) and Radio City (95 MHz) to understand the nature of these programmes as well as to uncover the similarities and differences between them and the use of particular strategies to garner audience loyalty. The radio jockey speech, the interaction between the radio jockey and the audience and the interaction between the Radio Jockey and guests called for exclusive bites are recorded and analysed. The analysis is done by studying a few particular features of these broadcasts such as the themes and topics taken up, the socio-political issues covered or avoided, the short interviews and bites, the content of the RJ-audience interaction, the attitude of the RJs when talking to the audience-phone callers, the use of theme songs, tag-lines, etc.
Papers on Gender Studies by Tripti Karekatti
Gnosis, 2018
The paper argues that the female impersonator in Indian
theatre can and should be categorized as ... more The paper argues that the female impersonator in Indian
theatre can and should be categorized as a sexual subaltern. The term ‘sexual subaltern’ is discussed and then the history of the female impersonator in India from the pre-colonial times to the present is traced. Then the paper explores the recent popularity of female impersonators on the big and small screens and links this disruptive return of the female impersonator to the current attitudes towards sexualities which are more relaxed yet not completely free from the anxieties introduced in the colonial times. This disruptive return reiterates the indispensability of the sexual subalterns in both reproducing the dominant gender ideology and subverting it. The popularity of the female impersonator also marks the early stages of attempts to once again bring into circulation homoerotic imagery for the urban audience.

This research paper studies the use of space in the play Barrister (1977) written by the acclaime... more This research paper studies the use of space in the play Barrister (1977) written by the acclaimed Marathi playwright Jaywant Dalvi (1925-1994). Topics like sexuality, old age, madness, social inequalities were explored by Dalvi in his plays like Sandhyā Chhāyā, Purush, Sooryāsta, Nāti-Goti, Mahāsāgar, Paryāy and Barrister. The play Barrister has received critical acclaim for its dramatic structure, characterization and psychoanalytic probing. It has at its backdrop Maharashtrian Brahmin society of 1910. It is about a nonconformist Barrister who supports gender equality way back in the 1910s. He goes against the exploitative patriarchal strictures that deprive a young widow of a normal life and opposes the tonsuring of young widows. Jaywant Dalvi had a penchant for psychologically disturbed characters and Barrister is no exception. The protagonist of the play has been ever afraid of his slow capitulating to madness. The present paper analyses the way stage space and dramatic space is used by Dalvi to delve into the psychological and social layers of signification and to depict the social milieu of a typical pre-Independence Maharashtrian town with all its social, political and cultural specificities. The play has a protagonist who is at once a strong rebel who stands against the hegemonic masculine model of the colonial Brahmin society and also a weak man driven mad by his own fears and uncertainties. Dalvi reflects the social structure with all its hierarchies and inequalities by dividing the stage space into different units representing different entities in the social power game. The paper shows that Dalvi achieves this by a skillful use of stage space, mimetic and diegetic space and props and spectacle.
Iup Journal of English Studies, Dec 1, 2013
Papers on ELT by Tripti Karekatti
Papers on Sociolinguistics by Tripti Karekatti
Papers on Gender Studies by Tripti Karekatti
theatre can and should be categorized as a sexual subaltern. The term ‘sexual subaltern’ is discussed and then the history of the female impersonator in India from the pre-colonial times to the present is traced. Then the paper explores the recent popularity of female impersonators on the big and small screens and links this disruptive return of the female impersonator to the current attitudes towards sexualities which are more relaxed yet not completely free from the anxieties introduced in the colonial times. This disruptive return reiterates the indispensability of the sexual subalterns in both reproducing the dominant gender ideology and subverting it. The popularity of the female impersonator also marks the early stages of attempts to once again bring into circulation homoerotic imagery for the urban audience.
theatre can and should be categorized as a sexual subaltern. The term ‘sexual subaltern’ is discussed and then the history of the female impersonator in India from the pre-colonial times to the present is traced. Then the paper explores the recent popularity of female impersonators on the big and small screens and links this disruptive return of the female impersonator to the current attitudes towards sexualities which are more relaxed yet not completely free from the anxieties introduced in the colonial times. This disruptive return reiterates the indispensability of the sexual subalterns in both reproducing the dominant gender ideology and subverting it. The popularity of the female impersonator also marks the early stages of attempts to once again bring into circulation homoerotic imagery for the urban audience.