Papers by Muphid Mujawar
अक्षरगाथा (UGC-CARE Listed त्रैमासिक संशोधन पत्रिका) वर्ष-१५, अंक-१ , एप्रिल-मे- जून, २०२४ ISSN: 0976 2957 , 2024
राजर्षी शाहू महाराज, मुस्लिम समाज आणि सामाजिक न्यायाचा दृष्टीकोन
Nidan : International Journal for Indian Studies
दूरशिक्षण केंद्र, शिवाजी विद्यापीठ, कोल्हापूर , 2019
एम.ए. भाग २ : इतिहास : पेपर : ४०१ :
इतिहास लेखनातील नवे प्रवाह (New Trends in History)
घटक ४ -... more एम.ए. भाग २ : इतिहास : पेपर : ४०१ :
इतिहास लेखनातील नवे प्रवाह (New Trends in History)
घटक ४ - नवी साधने (New Tools)
दूरशिक्षण केंद्र, शिवाजी विद्यापीठ, कोल्हापूर
एम.ए. भाग २ : इतिहास :
पेपर : ३१०
रशियाचा इतिहास (१९०० ते १९५०) [ History of Russia (1900 to 19... more एम.ए. भाग २ : इतिहास :
पेपर : ३१०
रशियाचा इतिहास (१९०० ते १९५०) [ History of Russia (1900 to 1950)]
घटक ३ - बोल्शेविक सत्तेचे दृढीकरण (Consolidation of Bolshevik Power)
दूरशिक्षण केंद्र, शिवाजी विद्यापीठ, कोल्हापूर , 2019
एम.ए. भाग २ : इतिहास : पेपर ३०१
इतिहास लेखन परंपरा (Traditions of History Writing)
घटक ३ -आधुनि... more एम.ए. भाग २ : इतिहास : पेपर ३०१
इतिहास लेखन परंपरा (Traditions of History Writing)
घटक ३ -आधुनिक भारतीय परंपरा (Modern Indian Traditions)
घटक ४ - भारतातील तळाकडून इतिहासाची परंपरा (Traditions of 'History from Below' in India)

असंतोष : वेब पोर्टल , 2019
ओवैसींना प्रकाशझोतात ठेवणे हे जाती-जातीत विभागलेल्या हिंदू मतांना संघटीत करण्यासाठी महत्वपूर्ण ठर... more ओवैसींना प्रकाशझोतात ठेवणे हे जाती-जातीत विभागलेल्या हिंदू मतांना संघटीत करण्यासाठी महत्वपूर्ण ठरते. त्यामुळे प्रकाश आंबेडकर, जिग्नेश मेवणी, हार्दिक पटेल, अल्पेश ठाकूर यांच्या पेक्षा अस्साउद्दीन ओवेसींच्या भाषणाला जास्त प्रसिद्धी मिळते. भडकाऊ भाषण देण्याच्या आपल्या आजोबांचा म्हणजे अब्दुल वाहिदओवेसींचावारसापुढे चालवणाऱ्याअकबरुद्दीनओवेसीयांच्या गल्लीतील गुंडाला शोभेल अशा भाषणाला यथेच्छ प्रसिध्दी मिळत असते. तीन पिढ्या एकाच घराण्यात पक्षाचं नेतृत्व, दोन पिढ्यांमध्ये तीन दशके खासदारकी, दोन सख्ख्याभावांकडे एकाचवेळीआमदारकी आणि खासदारकी असा ‘बायोडाटा’ असलेल्या ओवेसीनां प्रकाश आंबेडकरांनी ‘वंचित बहुजन आघाडी’ मध्ये ‘वंचित मुसलमानांचे प्रतिनिधीत्व’ करणारे नेते म्हणून सहभागी करून घेतले आहे. हीच खरी महाराष्ट्रातील ‘मराठी भाषी’ आणि ‘ओबीसी’ मुसलमानांसाठी विडंबना आहे. त्यांचे प्रतिनिधित्व त्यांना स्वत: ला करण्याची संधी ज्या प्रमाणे ‘प्रस्थापित’ पक्ष-आघाड्यांनी दिली नाही त्याच प्रमाणे ‘वंचित बहुजन आघाडी’ ने देखील त्यांना दिली नाही. त्यामुळे हे ‘मराठी भाषी’ ‘ओबीसी’ मुसलमान जसे पूर्वी होते तसेच आता देखील खऱ्या अर्थाने ‘वंचित’ राहिले तरी त्यांना ‘वंचित’ म्हणून कोणी ओळखणार नाही. हेच या ‘वंचित बहुजन आघाडी’ चं मूल्यात्मक अपयश आहे.
Published in
‘मराठी बखर गद्य: ऐतिहासिक व वाङ्मयीन स्वरूप’ (Marathi BakharLitrature: Historical a... more Published in
‘मराठी बखर गद्य: ऐतिहासिक व वाङ्मयीन स्वरूप’ (Marathi BakharLitrature: Historical and Literary Form)-the Proceedings of National Seminar Sponsored by University Grants Commission, NewDelhi and Organized by Department of Marathi, Kasegaon Shikshan Santha’s Arts and Commerce College, Ashta, Tal. Walwa, Dist. Sanglion 23rd and 24th January 2015. ISBN :978-93-5196-698-2
Souvenir of International Conference on ‘Sant-Mahatmyanchi Bhumi’ - Histories of Interactions, Connections and Subjectivities in Aurangabad Region' , Jun 2015
Published in Conference Souvenir of International Conference on
‘Sant-Mahatmyanchi Bhumi’ - Histo... more Published in Conference Souvenir of International Conference on
‘Sant-Mahatmyanchi Bhumi’ - Histories of Interactions, Connections and Subjectivities in Aurangabad Region' Sponsored by UGC, ICSSR New Delhi & BAMU Aurangabad & Organized by Urdu Education Society, Aurangabad, Chishtiya College, Khuldabad & Aurangabad History Society, Aurangabad on 19th to 21st June 2015 at Khuldabad. ISBN : 978-81-930150-8-7

This Paper is an attempt of re-reading the earliest known Marathi bakhar i.e. ‘Mahikavatichi bakh... more This Paper is an attempt of re-reading the earliest known Marathi bakhar i.e. ‘Mahikavatichi bakhar' aka ‘Mahimchi bakhar', written during fifteenth to seventeenth-century by various authors in Maharashtra. This Paper concentrates on the representations of ‘Musalmans' in the above mentioned bakhar. The bakhars area genre of historical narratives in prose format in Marathi; composed as biographies of great personalities, they also provide descriptions of great battles and genealogies of prominent families.
Sultan Ala-ud-Din Khilji's conquest of Yadvas of Devagiri in fourteenth-century was assumed to be starting point of ‘Muslim Conquest of Maharashtra' which was followed by centuries of ‘Dark Age', until the rise of Maratha power in seventeenth-century. ‘Mahikavatichi bakhar' is the earliest available bakhar which contains references of Ala-ud-Din's conquest of Devagiri,parts of North Konkan region, and gives the rich narrative of consolidation of a new regime. The most important is the representations of Mleccha, Yavanas, and Turks which are embodied in this bakhar. In the history writings in Maharashtra during the nineteenth and twentieth-century, these representations were assumed as depictions of a single monolithic category of ‘Musalmans'.
This paper tries to understand the temporal and spatial representations of Musalmans in Mahikavatichi bakhar. It will also attempt to understand the continuity and change in these representations. These depictions of Musalmans is being analysed critically here beyond the ambit of communal or secular, while focusing on cultural differences, social origins, and tensions which produced such historical narratives. This paper is an attempt to understand the pre-colonial identities of Muslims in Maharashtra in the context of recent debates on pre-colonial identities in India. (A Glossary of important Marathi words was given at the end of Notes & References.)
नव अनुष्टुभ, वर्ष १२, अंक ६, नोव्हेंबर-डिसेंबर२०१७, 2017
'Muslim Marathi Literature : A Cultural Politics'
Printing Area, September 2017, Issue-33, Vol. 06, ISSN : 2394 5303, 2017
The Research Paper presented at National Seminar on “Maharashtra Through The Ages” (4th & 5th Mar... more The Research Paper presented at National Seminar on “Maharashtra Through The Ages” (4th & 5th March 2014) organized by Department of History and Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj Centre for Maratha Studies, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Published in UGC Recognized and Peer Reviewed Journal Printing Area, September 2017, Issue-33, Vol. 06, ISSN : 2394 5303
Hindi Madhyam Karyanavy Nideshalaya, Delhi University, Delhi, 2014
published in “Bisavi Shatabdi Main Vishav-Itihas ke Kuch Mudde” Edited by Dr. Anirudh Deshpande ... more published in “Bisavi Shatabdi Main Vishav-Itihas ke Kuch Mudde” Edited by Dr. Anirudh Deshpande – a Book for Undergraduate Program in Delhi University, Publisher Hindi Madhyam Karyanavy Nideshalaya, Delhi Vishvavidyalay
eDhvani, University of Hyderabad Journal of Comparative Literature, Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Hyderabad. , Jul 2012
This research paper mainly focuses on characteristic and development of historical element in Age... more This research paper mainly focuses on characteristic and development of historical element in Age of Empires Series games. How Game Designers used historical development and facts for designing Age of Empires Series. How they change or modified historical facts for designing. What is cultural, social, economical, psychological land educational impact of these games? What is impact of capitalism, globalization, imperialism and consumerism on these games?
Conference Presentations by Muphid Mujawar
Talks by Muphid Mujawar
Mahtab Alam, executive editor of The Wire Urdu, interviews Researcher and Activist Muphid Mujawar... more Mahtab Alam, executive editor of The Wire Urdu, interviews Researcher and Activist Muphid Mujawar about the portrayal of Muslims in Marathi literature, Muslim Marathi Literary Movement and the demand of Muslim Reservation in Maharashtra.
Papers by Muphid Mujawar
इतिहास लेखनातील नवे प्रवाह (New Trends in History)
घटक ४ - नवी साधने (New Tools)
पेपर : ३१०
रशियाचा इतिहास (१९०० ते १९५०) [ History of Russia (1900 to 1950)]
घटक ३ - बोल्शेविक सत्तेचे दृढीकरण (Consolidation of Bolshevik Power)
इतिहास लेखन परंपरा (Traditions of History Writing)
घटक ३ -आधुनिक भारतीय परंपरा (Modern Indian Traditions)
घटक ४ - भारतातील तळाकडून इतिहासाची परंपरा (Traditions of 'History from Below' in India)
‘मराठी बखर गद्य: ऐतिहासिक व वाङ्मयीन स्वरूप’ (Marathi BakharLitrature: Historical and Literary Form)-the Proceedings of National Seminar Sponsored by University Grants Commission, NewDelhi and Organized by Department of Marathi, Kasegaon Shikshan Santha’s Arts and Commerce College, Ashta, Tal. Walwa, Dist. Sanglion 23rd and 24th January 2015. ISBN :978-93-5196-698-2
‘Sant-Mahatmyanchi Bhumi’ - Histories of Interactions, Connections and Subjectivities in Aurangabad Region' Sponsored by UGC, ICSSR New Delhi & BAMU Aurangabad & Organized by Urdu Education Society, Aurangabad, Chishtiya College, Khuldabad & Aurangabad History Society, Aurangabad on 19th to 21st June 2015 at Khuldabad. ISBN : 978-81-930150-8-7
Sultan Ala-ud-Din Khilji's conquest of Yadvas of Devagiri in fourteenth-century was assumed to be starting point of ‘Muslim Conquest of Maharashtra' which was followed by centuries of ‘Dark Age', until the rise of Maratha power in seventeenth-century. ‘Mahikavatichi bakhar' is the earliest available bakhar which contains references of Ala-ud-Din's conquest of Devagiri,parts of North Konkan region, and gives the rich narrative of consolidation of a new regime. The most important is the representations of Mleccha, Yavanas, and Turks which are embodied in this bakhar. In the history writings in Maharashtra during the nineteenth and twentieth-century, these representations were assumed as depictions of a single monolithic category of ‘Musalmans'.
This paper tries to understand the temporal and spatial representations of Musalmans in Mahikavatichi bakhar. It will also attempt to understand the continuity and change in these representations. These depictions of Musalmans is being analysed critically here beyond the ambit of communal or secular, while focusing on cultural differences, social origins, and tensions which produced such historical narratives. This paper is an attempt to understand the pre-colonial identities of Muslims in Maharashtra in the context of recent debates on pre-colonial identities in India. (A Glossary of important Marathi words was given at the end of Notes & References.)
Published in UGC Recognized and Peer Reviewed Journal Printing Area, September 2017, Issue-33, Vol. 06, ISSN : 2394 5303
Conference Presentations by Muphid Mujawar
Talks by Muphid Mujawar
इतिहास लेखनातील नवे प्रवाह (New Trends in History)
घटक ४ - नवी साधने (New Tools)
पेपर : ३१०
रशियाचा इतिहास (१९०० ते १९५०) [ History of Russia (1900 to 1950)]
घटक ३ - बोल्शेविक सत्तेचे दृढीकरण (Consolidation of Bolshevik Power)
इतिहास लेखन परंपरा (Traditions of History Writing)
घटक ३ -आधुनिक भारतीय परंपरा (Modern Indian Traditions)
घटक ४ - भारतातील तळाकडून इतिहासाची परंपरा (Traditions of 'History from Below' in India)
‘मराठी बखर गद्य: ऐतिहासिक व वाङ्मयीन स्वरूप’ (Marathi BakharLitrature: Historical and Literary Form)-the Proceedings of National Seminar Sponsored by University Grants Commission, NewDelhi and Organized by Department of Marathi, Kasegaon Shikshan Santha’s Arts and Commerce College, Ashta, Tal. Walwa, Dist. Sanglion 23rd and 24th January 2015. ISBN :978-93-5196-698-2
‘Sant-Mahatmyanchi Bhumi’ - Histories of Interactions, Connections and Subjectivities in Aurangabad Region' Sponsored by UGC, ICSSR New Delhi & BAMU Aurangabad & Organized by Urdu Education Society, Aurangabad, Chishtiya College, Khuldabad & Aurangabad History Society, Aurangabad on 19th to 21st June 2015 at Khuldabad. ISBN : 978-81-930150-8-7
Sultan Ala-ud-Din Khilji's conquest of Yadvas of Devagiri in fourteenth-century was assumed to be starting point of ‘Muslim Conquest of Maharashtra' which was followed by centuries of ‘Dark Age', until the rise of Maratha power in seventeenth-century. ‘Mahikavatichi bakhar' is the earliest available bakhar which contains references of Ala-ud-Din's conquest of Devagiri,parts of North Konkan region, and gives the rich narrative of consolidation of a new regime. The most important is the representations of Mleccha, Yavanas, and Turks which are embodied in this bakhar. In the history writings in Maharashtra during the nineteenth and twentieth-century, these representations were assumed as depictions of a single monolithic category of ‘Musalmans'.
This paper tries to understand the temporal and spatial representations of Musalmans in Mahikavatichi bakhar. It will also attempt to understand the continuity and change in these representations. These depictions of Musalmans is being analysed critically here beyond the ambit of communal or secular, while focusing on cultural differences, social origins, and tensions which produced such historical narratives. This paper is an attempt to understand the pre-colonial identities of Muslims in Maharashtra in the context of recent debates on pre-colonial identities in India. (A Glossary of important Marathi words was given at the end of Notes & References.)
Published in UGC Recognized and Peer Reviewed Journal Printing Area, September 2017, Issue-33, Vol. 06, ISSN : 2394 5303
पेपर : ३१०
रशियाचा इतिहास (१९०० ते १९५०) [ History of Russia (1900 to 1950)]
घटक ३ - बोल्शेविक सत्तेचे दृढीकरण (Consolidation of Bolshevik Power)