Efforts of Indonesian Government in diversifying the available fuels from domestic coal in the fo... more Efforts of Indonesian Government in diversifying the available fuels from domestic coal in the forms of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels open the pissibility to overcome the depleted domestic oil reserves. Within the coming few years, Indonesia will be a net oil consumer after being the net oil importer in 2003. In the last forty years, Indonesian energy consumption was heavily depended on oil fuel. To meet the increase domestic energy demand, a large quantity of domestic coal reserves should be diversified into briquette, synthetic oil and gas as well as other non-fuel or chemical products. All these diversified products are expected to be economically competitive as well as environmental friendly using clean coal technology. This article is an evaluation on study results compilation of Indonesian coal utilization and diversification in the last 15 years. Keywords: coal utilization, coal diversification, economic benefit, clean coal technology
The activity program of illegal mining prevention and tackling which constitutes non-formal enter... more The activity program of illegal mining prevention and tackling which constitutes non-formal enterprise and employing job within the outlying regions becomes as part of the regional development program in which may include community development program as well. Community development in the sector of energy and mineral resources is the program of community empowerment including the community of illegal mining (PETI) is directed toward self-sustainability in the enterprise in lieu of the order of formal enterprise and employing job. The management handling of illegal mining prevention and tackling program may include the components of identification of the PETI causal factors, the system of registering and mapping PETI distribution, the system of state financial loss estimation (fiscal and non-fiscal), mapping PETI players, mapping organization related to the development and supervision of PETI including its type of job and function, system of PETI prevention, tackling system of PETI impacts, systematization of the effort of PETI prevention and tackling. Successfulness indicator of PETI prevention and tackling may include the progressive and active response of PETI players and the sustainability in terms of social-economics, human and environment as well. The implementation of PETI prevention and tackling faces various challenges and opportunities which should be anticipated. Whatever in the living circle of the people human-being is based on the philosophy of eager to live in the right track in term of law enforcement or legal. At one time, the living of PETI must be left which functions presently as temporary economic safety valve even with very high risk, while formal job has not been yet found out. Somehow, the government has moral responsibility to make the people alive by creating good quality of enterprise and job. The effort of PETI curb is expected to be able to carry out systematically, wellplanned and well-directed up to the whole and entire goal is well reached for the shake of nation and state glory and prosperity.
In general, the example of case study of the energy and mining company such as PT Bukit Asam (Tbk... more In general, the example of case study of the energy and mining company such as PT Bukit Asam (Tbk) in South Sumatera Province and PT INCO (Tbk) in South Sulawesi Province has positive impact to the regional economy in terms of the community development and economic productivity. Coordination between central and regional governments should set up grand strategy of increasing their intensive exploration program to identify the distribution, locality, quality and quantity of their energy and mineral resources in every region to develop its potentials and its mineral base downstream industries so instrumental to development in the near future, especially if they have resource endowments having optimal added value and positive terms of trade (TOT) or TOT greater than 1. In overall, it indicates that the energy and mineral resources (EMR) sector could be used as one of among the catalysts to achieve interregional convergence through “cross fertilization” toward the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita index. All in one purpose is to set up of creating job and income toward a welfare society.
Mining companies as the stakeholder of the community should implement community development (CD) ... more Mining companies as the stakeholder of the community should implement community development (CD) as a translation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In other words, they should involve business activities for developing humankind. The application of CSR in the general mining in Indonesia is expected to encourage mining company to allocate its profit for developing the local people who live around mining area. The quantitative models for evaluating the CD impact include net social gains (NSG) and net gain coefficient (NGC). The NGC shows that the value between 1 to 23% of the companies’ revenue has satisfied the local people. The values could be increased in the future to make beneficial for the regional sustainable development.
Mining companies as the stakeholder of the community should implement community developm... more ABSTRACT Mining companies as the stakeholder of the community should implement community development (CD) as a translation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In other words, they should involve business activities for developing humankind. The application of CSR in the general mining in Indonesia is expected to encourage mining company to allocate its profit for developing the local people who live around mining area. The quantitative models for evaluating the CD impact include net social gains (NSG) and net gain coefficient (NGC). The NGC shows that the value between 1 to 23% of the companies’ revenue has satisfied the local people. The values could be increased in the future to make beneficial for the regional sustainable development. Keywords: CSR, general mining industries, local people
This article is the result of compilation of the author’s investigation and several thesis of the... more This article is the result of compilation of the author’s investigation and several thesis of the post graduate students guided by the author per se. It is intended as additional input for the mining professions to do their best in the mining activities as professional engineer, technician, mining inspector, auditor, and etcetera from the sides of geopolitics-socio-techno-economic-environment points of view. The content may include the substances from upstream to downstream mining cycle activities, among others macroeconomics consisting of several outstanding models of macro and micro-economics and its implementation on the mining companies and regional development in Indonesia. The prominent example of the study is on nickel resource development, where nickel may be so called as “white gold” in this century. The main aim of the mineral development in Indonesia should be directed toward producing end use commodity to gain as high as possible added value achieving the highest national prestige of productivity growth toward nation’s sustainability and people’s welfare.
One of many coal utilization as fuel is usage of coal briquette that is expected to be able t... more One of many coal utilization as fuel is usage of coal briquette that is expected to be able to meet household and small industry demand for fuel. The negative impact caused by utilizing briquette is air pollution due to the emission of gas removal resulted from its burning in the forms of fly ashes as small particles and toxic gases. Research on gases removal from burning of coal briquette has been carried out, in particular gases of COx, NOx, and SOx. The samples used are of Palimanan West Java (MCTRDC Pilot Plant Coal Center Laboratory) waste wood briquette (BS), waste agriculture briquette (BB), and Tanjung Enim coal briquette (BT) and Lampung coal briquette (BL), where charcoal (AK) is used as a standard of comparison. The research results show that the disposal gas emission of the five types of fuel have similar pattern, i.e. within the first twenty minutes at the temperature of 150-600 0C the gas emission are still below the EQS (300 mg/m3). The effort of controlling of air pollution could be carried out towards preserving the environmental quality through, among others, planting several types of plants that could be able to absorb the polluter gases, and the efforts of REDD that should be necessarily encouraged as far as possible. Keywords: biomass and coal briquettes, combustion, pollutant emissions, mitigation.
In lieu with the Indonesia energy policy, due to limited natural oil reserves especially and gas ... more In lieu with the Indonesia energy policy, due to limited natural oil reserves especially and gas reserves later on in the country then the utilization of Indonesian coal is very prospective. It means that coal is ready for making synthetic oil (synoil) as well as synthetic gas (syngas) due to the available large of coal resources in the country. At the mean time Indonesia is just trying to do investigation of both synthetic fuel development. In the case of possibility on producing synthetic gas from coal at pilot plant scale, the result of syngas has been successfully utilized as fuel gas at the tea plantation for drying the tea leaves. Also the effort of producing syngas from coal substituting diesel oil fuel for diesel generating power plant has been developed at semi commercial plant scale. Both applications are most likely tech-economically feasible. Based on the program of coal gasification in Indonesia it is expected that beyond the year of 2011 the commercial plant would have been developed. The coal resource in the country is amounted to about 61 billion tonnes and enough to satisfy the future demand for energy for another 100-150 years to come. Key words: Energy diversification, Indonesian coal, coal gasification, synthetic gas.
Coal liquefaction program actually has been started since 1950s, 1980s, then intensively continue... more Coal liquefaction program actually has been started since 1950s, 1980s, then intensively continued under the cooperation between the government of Indonesia and the government of Japan since 1994 up to the present. The result of simulated feasibility study at the designed capacity of 6,000, 12,000 and 30,000 tons of dry coal per day with 25 years life time started production in 2011, shown that among those designed capacities, the capacity of 30,000 tons of coal per day by using the coal price around US$ 11/ton would be able to produce crude synthetic oil (CSO) be competitive with the crude oil (CO). To get price of coal as cheap as possible, “a unified coal mining and liquefaction plant unit” based on profit sharing is required to be developed. The lower the price of coal used, the more promotive the liquefaction process will be. It is most likely that CSO as an alternative energy requires certain level of incentives such as tax holiday and or soft or green loan at least at the beginning of the project. The coal liquefaction program will support multiplying effects of the regional development, besides the potential positive impact of substitution of CSO to CO.
Within the last 50 years since early of 1970s, the various international parties be aware that cl... more Within the last 50 years since early of 1970s, the various international parties be aware that climate change happened causing the global warming. It means that the temperature of the earth atmosphere has significantly increased and the increasing temperature is felt. The international awareness and efforts on climate change are initiated by the Conference of Environmental Anniversary celebrated in Stockholm and the more intensive efforts through the establishment of UNFCC COP in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, COP-13 in Bali, COP-14 in Poznan COP-15 in Copenhagen, COP-16 in Cancun Mexico and the last COP-19 in Warsaw Poland in 2013 as well. Based on the awareness that climate change is as the integral part of the economic development, it is necessarily overcome by the international funding with the special anticipation on the developing countries in the condition of their burden on economic development in addition with new mission of climate change, led by the developed countries. It is expected that those matters would be solved beyond the year of 2012 after the Kyoto Protocol terminated, in which the US did not actually sign it. Indonesia has tried to formulate down to earth policy and programs in line with the international climate change guide line as part of the economic development in the related prime sectors such as forestry, manufacturing industries, land use, etc achieving the global target of overcoming global warming with estimate target below 2oC and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emission of 26% up to 41% by 2050 and its concentrations are expected to reach does not exceed 650 ppm by 2030 to meet the principle that the carrying capacity of the nature should be able to overcome the population pressure as well. This study is carried out based on the observation and descriptive analysis method over times.
Southeast Sulawesi province is located in an area containing large quantity of nickel ore resourc... more Southeast Sulawesi province is located in an area containing large quantity of nickel ore resources. Nickel mining contributes significant socio economic benefit, both direct and indirect ones, for the region. It is indicated that the net present value (NPV) of USD 253,198,822 and benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 2.15 of the nickel mining and benefit of USD 18,240,246 with BCR value of 5.98 on nickel processing activities will provide the province regional economy within the production life of 20 years. The company would gain benefit USD 210,324,423 with BCR value of 1.22. While province will gain a net benefit of USD 39,948,971 with BCR value of 6.19. Based on the net social gain (NSG) analysis model at current prices, net social benefit of nickel mining activities for Southeast Sulawesi Province is USD 4,482,688 as it's annual average in the 8-year mine life, with the value of net gain coefficient (NGC) of 6.19%, while nickel processing activities will provide net social benefit of $ 47,010,028, on average each year over the 20 year life of the production, with NGC value of 42.36%. Nickel mining and ferronickel processing industry sector has multiplier effect and upstream-downstream linkage numbers relatively low compared with other economic sectors. Mineral processing plant as mandated by Law No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining, pursued construct at the mine site, so that socio economic benefit of mining is not becoming an opportunity cost for the province. Looking the prospects for future nickel mining industry, the local government is expected to prepare the resources and infrastructure to support the nickel mining and processing activities, which would provide net socio conomic benefit greater, for a long time for the local society. The methodology applied in this study is based on macro and micro economic theory, social-economic benefit cost analysis, shift-share analysis, net social gain and input-output models.
ABSTARCT The aim of the study is the development analysis of post production Arun LNG refinery wh... more ABSTARCT The aim of the study is the development analysis of post production Arun LNG refinery whose period of operation within 1978-2014, then modified and utilized as LNG receiving terminal and regasification is useful to satisfy gas requirement in Aceh and North Sumatera provinces. To realize the feasibility of a project, a study of economy was conducted in 2 years period of improvement, 20 years operation, and supply of LNG some 150 MMSCFD for first year, and stage by stage up to 350 MMSCFD fifth year to twentieth year for maximum capacity of production. The study of the project feasibility is carried out by way of 4 parameters: NPV, IRR, BCR, and PBP analyses in 3 scenarios. As for the best result of the economic economic analysis feasible in first scenario whith the NPV is US$ 831.564 million, IRR 19%, B/C Ratio 4 and PP on 5 th year to 6 months of operation. PT. Arun was delivering significant contributions of 52.88% North Aceh economic composing sectors; it is visible while in reduction of 2006-2012 North Aceh Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), a reduction of IDR 7.68 trillion in 2006 to IDR 4.32 trillion in 2012. with the average rate of growth minus nine percent (-9%) per year. Based on the mean rate of growth (3%) per year, the condition reflects potential decline of local output and their considerable relevance to decrease in production of PT. Arun. Based on the study, the Arun post production LNG Refinery Re-utilization will be delivering contribution of GRDP some IDR 1.081 trillion in 2015, rise to IDR 2.651 trillion in 2034 and the rate of growth at 16% per year. When the degree of change in GRDP (∆Y) is related to Arun LNG Refinery Re-utilization, the projection of investment and job opportunity for formation of GRDP per year will be discovered. Growth rate of labor productivity declines due to the growth of labor is higher than the growth of capital and capital productivity would other wise rise. Labor productivity level in capital-labor ratio in Y/L and Y/K with LNG Refinery Re-utilization larger than Y/L and Y/K without Arun LNG Refinery Re-utilization.This project have net social gain (NSG) in 2015 IDR 72.12 billion with net gain coefficient (NGC) some 6.70% had increase in 2034 some IDR 91.44 billion or NGC some 3.64% with average NGC some 3.77% per annum.
ABSTARCT The aim of the study is the development analysis of post production Arun LNG refinery wh... more ABSTARCT The aim of the study is the development analysis of post production Arun LNG refinery whose period of operation within 1978-2014, then modified and utilized as LNG receiving terminal and regasification is useful to satisfy gas requirement in Aceh and North Sumatera provinces. To realize the feasibility of a project, a study of economy was conducted in 2 years period of improvement, 20 years operation, and supply of LNG some 150 MMSCFD for first year, and stage by stage up to 350 MMSCFD fifth year to twentieth year for maximum capacity of production. The study of the project feasibility is carried out by way of 4 parameters: NPV, IRR, BCR, and PBP analyses in 3 scenarios. As for the best result of the economic economic analysis feasible in first scenario whith the NPV is US$ 831.564 million, IRR 19%, B/C Ratio 4 and PP on 5 th year to 6 months of operation. PT. Arun was delivering significant contributions of 52.88% North Aceh economic composing sectors; it is visible while in reduction of 2006-2012 North Aceh Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), a reduction of IDR 7.68 trillion in 2006 to IDR 4.32 trillion in 2012. with the average rate of growth minus nine percent (-9%) per year. Based on the mean rate of growth (3%) per year, the condition reflects potential decline of local output and their considerable relevance to decrease in production of PT. Arun. Based on the study, the Arun post production LNG Refinery Re-utilization will be delivering contribution of GRDP some IDR 1.081 trillion in 2015, rise to IDR 2.651 trillion in 2034 and the rate of growth at 16% per year. When the degree of change in GRDP (∆Y) is related to Arun LNG Refinery Re-utilization, the projection of investment and job opportunity for formation of GRDP per year will be discovered. Growth rate of labor productivity declines due to the growth of labor is higher than the growth of capital and capital productivity would other wise rise. Labor productivity level in capital-labor ratio in Y/L and Y/K with LNG Refinery Re-utilization larger than Y/L and Y/K without Arun LNG Refinery Re-utilization.This project have net social gain (NSG) in 2015 IDR 72.12 billion with net gain coefficient (NGC) some 6.70% had increase in 2034 some IDR 91.44 billion or NGC some 3.64% with average NGC some 3.77% per annum.
ABSTARCT It is realized that based on the life time of extraction of the existing gold deposits i... more ABSTARCT It is realized that based on the life time of extraction of the existing gold deposits in Indonesia, gold production faces scarcity or does not exceed within the next thirty years from now or seventy years after the COW production started in the early of 1970s, it is recommended that the new continuing activity of exploration should be reinvented with the new climate of investment policy including fiscal regime and the right supportive regulation should be enforced. Modification or improvement of the related regulations to the mining activity such as the laws or regulations of forestry, environmental protection, tax, regional autonomy, and labor should also necessarily be carried out. Toward creating this condition, the new policy regime should be reintroduced with the spirit of creating new incentives. Geologically, the prospective exploratory area could be carried out in volcanic arc, epithermal zone, 'ring of fire' and even in gold-bearing sedimentary rocks.
It is realized that based on the life time of extraction of the existing gold deposits in Indones... more It is realized that based on the life time of extraction of the existing gold deposits in Indonesia, gold production faces scarcity or does not exceed within the next thirty years from now or seventy years after the COW production started in the early of 1970s, it is recommended that the new continuing activity of exploration should be reinvented with the new climate of investment policy including fiscal regime and the right supportive regulation should be enforced. Modification or improvement of the related regulations to the mining activity such as the laws or regulations of forestry, environmental protection, tax, regional autonomy, and labor should also necessarily be carried out. Toward creating this condition, the new policy regime should be reintroduced with the spirit of creating new incentives. Geologically, the prospective exploratory area could be carried out in volcanic arc, epithermal zone, ‘ring of fire’ and even in goldbearing sedimentary rocks. Key
West Java Province has large resources of industrial mineral (non-metallic minerals and rocks).Ba... more West Java Province has large resources of industrial mineral (non-metallic minerals and rocks).Based on the result of economics analysis of West Java Province such as location quotient (LQ), economic multipliers, backward and forward linkages are indicated as indicated as the followings. Backard lingkage (aj) of the industrial mineral sector is small (<1) off 0.746. Forward linkage (bi) of industrial mineral sector is also small (<1) off 0.710. While regencies that have LQ>1.0 are Sukabumi, Bogor, Ciamis, Cirebon, Majalengka, Kuningan, West Bandung and Banjar. It means that it can comply its on needs or self-sufficiency even it can meet the other region's demand for industrial mineralsis quite good. So far, where the output multiplier is 1.37, the investment multiplier is 1.38, employment multiplier 1.23, income multiplier 1.23 and added value multiplier of 1.26 or significantly high. It indicates that the mining sector can provide added value to the other economic sectors. Moreover, the surplus multiplier of the industrial mineral sector can reach 2,304or significantly high, it means that the investors is well attracted to invest in this sector. Also this sector could be pointed out as the prime sector in the Province of West Java.Based on the results of computation using 2010 I-O Table an the projected 2013 and 2035 I-O Tables it is found out that the final demand (Y) in 2013 is IDR 1.070.118 Trillion and IDR 3.319 Trillion in 2035 with the assumption of 6.01% economic growth rate per year. By using optimization linier programming is identified that the optimized Ŷ is IDR 1.070,443 Trillion and the Ŷ of 2035 is IDR 3,319 Trillion, or the ratio of the optimized Y/Ŷ of 2013 is 0,997 and the related ratio of 2035 is 1.0. It means that the economy of West Java Province is actually inefficient and would be more efficient toward 2035.The methodology applied in this study is based on macroeconomic, Input-Output (I-O), LQ, and engineering model.
Within the last 50 years since early of 1970s, the various international parties be aware that cl... more Within the last 50 years since early of 1970s, the various international parties be aware that climate change happened causing the global warming. It means that the temperature of the earth atmosphere has significantly increased and the increasing temperature is felt. The international awareness and efforts on climate change are initiated by the Conference of Environmental Anniversary celebrated in Stockholm and the more intensive efforts through the establishment of UNFCC COP in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, COP-13 in Bali, COP-14 in Poznan COP-15 in Copenhagen, COP-16 in Cancun Mexico and the last COP-19 in Warsaw Poland in 2013 as well. Based on the awareness that climate change is as the integral part of the economic development, it is necessarily overcome by the international funding with the special anticipation on the developing countries in the condition of their burden on economic development in addition with new mission of climate change, led by the developed countries. It is expected that those matters would be solved beyond the year of 2012 after the Kyoto Protocol terminated, in which the US did not actually sign it. Indonesia has tried to formulate down to earth policy and programs in line with the international climate change guide line as part of the economic development in the related prime sectors such as forestry, manufacturing industries, land use, etc achieving the global target of overcoming global warming with estimate target below 2oC and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emission of 26% up to 41% by 2050 and its concentrations are expected to reach does not exceed 650 ppm by 2030 to meet the principle that the carrying capacity of the nature should be able to overcome the population pressure as well. This study is carried out based on the observation and descriptive analysis method over times.
The existing paradoxes faced by the Indonesia mining development could be inventoried that it may... more The existing paradoxes faced by the Indonesia mining development could be inventoried that it may include around ten parameters among others between interests of centralized and decentralized purposes, quick and slow yielding, low and high risks and so on. Since 1970s, these phenomena should have been overcome by the government of Indonesia (GOI) to accommodate the national interest at one side and the investors on the other sides, and then the mining development progress has been achieved as the significant existing condition successfully. The progress could be claimed that the role of mining sector have supported the Indonesian economic growth significantly up to the present, including the progress of mineral policy development in utilizing the large mineral resources available in the country. Methodology applied in this study is based on historical descriptive analysis observed by the writer as government official, researcher and lecturer within the last 45 years of job, besides combined with usage of economic, management and engineering models.
Within the last 35 years of 1975-2010 it was shown that within 1975-2000 the trend of convergence... more Within the last 35 years of 1975-2010 it was shown that within 1975-2000 the trend of convergence of economy between the provincial index of gross regional domestic product (GRDP) per capita with the national index of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita figured out by the ratio of the GRDP per capita of the richest province to the poorest province equaled 21 to 25 in 1975 toward around 12 in 2000, even though on the post 2000 the provinces which were before 2000 under the national GDP per capita index (<100) declining and lesser. The provinces which have reached the points of convergence by the year of 2000 are Aceh, North Sumatera, West Sumatera, South Sumatera, East Java, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and Bali. It is indicated that within the next 30 years the several other provinces which could reach the points of convergence are West Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, West Kalimantan, Riau, Papua and East Kalimantan. However, the other several provinces which are not fully convergent in the meaning of almost consistently existing above the national GDP per capita (what so called the 'surplus' provinces), are Aceh, DKI Jakarta, and Bali. Moreover, on the other side, several provinces with GRDP per capita which consistently exist below the national GDP per capita (what so called the 'minus' provinces) with the downward sloping regression or with the gently upward sloping regression. Toward achieving points of economic convergence, those 'minus' provinces have to trigger their potential prime sectors, which have high economic multipliers.In generating their regional income, it is shown that almost all the provinces of Indonesia still rely on the primary sectors such as mineral and agriculture, with the consequences of low added value. It is expected that mineral and coal and its downstream industries could be able to support the 'minus' regions to converge to the national index. Augmenting the regional economic growth, the regions should develop the secondary and services industry which have high value-added multiplier to extend the across-regional trade as well as between the regions in the country with the neighbors' regions through subregional economic cooperation. Methodology applied in this study is based on regional economic modeling and observation.
The understanding of geopolitics based on the Nusantara outlook (Wawasan Nusantara), Indonesia re... more The understanding of geopolitics based on the Nusantara outlook (Wawasan Nusantara), Indonesia requires to raise the effort of mastering and developing technology which has roots in the nation's culture as an important means of national productivity hop towards resulting qualified and global competitive national products achieving national prosperity and security at the utmost and such universal humanity as a whole in an enduring peace of world. In the meantime genuine nation's human being are required as productive people with fully innovative and creativity, reliable mental and noble morals. At the level of Nusantara outlook, the understanding of expansion might be able to interpret as an social-economic one for the prosperity of humankind at the utmost, and not in the meaning of orthodox geopolitics. The aim of this article is to briefly study the influence of geopolitics and other strategic factors upon the development of natural and human resources in Indonesia. The main aspects of the study is concenrned with future potential prospect of human and natural resources in Indonesia that should be developed for the wealth of the Indonesian people at the utmost by considering the global strategical environment and under the Nusantara outlook. This study is carried out by using methods of geopolitics, science and technology, and global competition approaches as strategic factors which influence upon human and natural resources development toward creating the wealth, intelligence and peace of the people.
Efforts of Indonesian Government in diversifying the available fuels from domestic coal in the fo... more Efforts of Indonesian Government in diversifying the available fuels from domestic coal in the forms of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels open the pissibility to overcome the depleted domestic oil reserves. Within the coming few years, Indonesia will be a net oil consumer after being the net oil importer in 2003. In the last forty years, Indonesian energy consumption was heavily depended on oil fuel. To meet the increase domestic energy demand, a large quantity of domestic coal reserves should be diversified into briquette, synthetic oil and gas as well as other non-fuel or chemical products. All these diversified products are expected to be economically competitive as well as environmental friendly using clean coal technology. This article is an evaluation on study results compilation of Indonesian coal utilization and diversification in the last 15 years. Keywords: coal utilization, coal diversification, economic benefit, clean coal technology
The activity program of illegal mining prevention and tackling which constitutes non-formal enter... more The activity program of illegal mining prevention and tackling which constitutes non-formal enterprise and employing job within the outlying regions becomes as part of the regional development program in which may include community development program as well. Community development in the sector of energy and mineral resources is the program of community empowerment including the community of illegal mining (PETI) is directed toward self-sustainability in the enterprise in lieu of the order of formal enterprise and employing job. The management handling of illegal mining prevention and tackling program may include the components of identification of the PETI causal factors, the system of registering and mapping PETI distribution, the system of state financial loss estimation (fiscal and non-fiscal), mapping PETI players, mapping organization related to the development and supervision of PETI including its type of job and function, system of PETI prevention, tackling system of PETI impacts, systematization of the effort of PETI prevention and tackling. Successfulness indicator of PETI prevention and tackling may include the progressive and active response of PETI players and the sustainability in terms of social-economics, human and environment as well. The implementation of PETI prevention and tackling faces various challenges and opportunities which should be anticipated. Whatever in the living circle of the people human-being is based on the philosophy of eager to live in the right track in term of law enforcement or legal. At one time, the living of PETI must be left which functions presently as temporary economic safety valve even with very high risk, while formal job has not been yet found out. Somehow, the government has moral responsibility to make the people alive by creating good quality of enterprise and job. The effort of PETI curb is expected to be able to carry out systematically, wellplanned and well-directed up to the whole and entire goal is well reached for the shake of nation and state glory and prosperity.
In general, the example of case study of the energy and mining company such as PT Bukit Asam (Tbk... more In general, the example of case study of the energy and mining company such as PT Bukit Asam (Tbk) in South Sumatera Province and PT INCO (Tbk) in South Sulawesi Province has positive impact to the regional economy in terms of the community development and economic productivity. Coordination between central and regional governments should set up grand strategy of increasing their intensive exploration program to identify the distribution, locality, quality and quantity of their energy and mineral resources in every region to develop its potentials and its mineral base downstream industries so instrumental to development in the near future, especially if they have resource endowments having optimal added value and positive terms of trade (TOT) or TOT greater than 1. In overall, it indicates that the energy and mineral resources (EMR) sector could be used as one of among the catalysts to achieve interregional convergence through “cross fertilization” toward the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita index. All in one purpose is to set up of creating job and income toward a welfare society.
Mining companies as the stakeholder of the community should implement community development (CD) ... more Mining companies as the stakeholder of the community should implement community development (CD) as a translation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In other words, they should involve business activities for developing humankind. The application of CSR in the general mining in Indonesia is expected to encourage mining company to allocate its profit for developing the local people who live around mining area. The quantitative models for evaluating the CD impact include net social gains (NSG) and net gain coefficient (NGC). The NGC shows that the value between 1 to 23% of the companies’ revenue has satisfied the local people. The values could be increased in the future to make beneficial for the regional sustainable development.
Mining companies as the stakeholder of the community should implement community developm... more ABSTRACT Mining companies as the stakeholder of the community should implement community development (CD) as a translation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In other words, they should involve business activities for developing humankind. The application of CSR in the general mining in Indonesia is expected to encourage mining company to allocate its profit for developing the local people who live around mining area. The quantitative models for evaluating the CD impact include net social gains (NSG) and net gain coefficient (NGC). The NGC shows that the value between 1 to 23% of the companies’ revenue has satisfied the local people. The values could be increased in the future to make beneficial for the regional sustainable development. Keywords: CSR, general mining industries, local people
This article is the result of compilation of the author’s investigation and several thesis of the... more This article is the result of compilation of the author’s investigation and several thesis of the post graduate students guided by the author per se. It is intended as additional input for the mining professions to do their best in the mining activities as professional engineer, technician, mining inspector, auditor, and etcetera from the sides of geopolitics-socio-techno-economic-environment points of view. The content may include the substances from upstream to downstream mining cycle activities, among others macroeconomics consisting of several outstanding models of macro and micro-economics and its implementation on the mining companies and regional development in Indonesia. The prominent example of the study is on nickel resource development, where nickel may be so called as “white gold” in this century. The main aim of the mineral development in Indonesia should be directed toward producing end use commodity to gain as high as possible added value achieving the highest national prestige of productivity growth toward nation’s sustainability and people’s welfare.
One of many coal utilization as fuel is usage of coal briquette that is expected to be able t... more One of many coal utilization as fuel is usage of coal briquette that is expected to be able to meet household and small industry demand for fuel. The negative impact caused by utilizing briquette is air pollution due to the emission of gas removal resulted from its burning in the forms of fly ashes as small particles and toxic gases. Research on gases removal from burning of coal briquette has been carried out, in particular gases of COx, NOx, and SOx. The samples used are of Palimanan West Java (MCTRDC Pilot Plant Coal Center Laboratory) waste wood briquette (BS), waste agriculture briquette (BB), and Tanjung Enim coal briquette (BT) and Lampung coal briquette (BL), where charcoal (AK) is used as a standard of comparison. The research results show that the disposal gas emission of the five types of fuel have similar pattern, i.e. within the first twenty minutes at the temperature of 150-600 0C the gas emission are still below the EQS (300 mg/m3). The effort of controlling of air pollution could be carried out towards preserving the environmental quality through, among others, planting several types of plants that could be able to absorb the polluter gases, and the efforts of REDD that should be necessarily encouraged as far as possible. Keywords: biomass and coal briquettes, combustion, pollutant emissions, mitigation.
In lieu with the Indonesia energy policy, due to limited natural oil reserves especially and gas ... more In lieu with the Indonesia energy policy, due to limited natural oil reserves especially and gas reserves later on in the country then the utilization of Indonesian coal is very prospective. It means that coal is ready for making synthetic oil (synoil) as well as synthetic gas (syngas) due to the available large of coal resources in the country. At the mean time Indonesia is just trying to do investigation of both synthetic fuel development. In the case of possibility on producing synthetic gas from coal at pilot plant scale, the result of syngas has been successfully utilized as fuel gas at the tea plantation for drying the tea leaves. Also the effort of producing syngas from coal substituting diesel oil fuel for diesel generating power plant has been developed at semi commercial plant scale. Both applications are most likely tech-economically feasible. Based on the program of coal gasification in Indonesia it is expected that beyond the year of 2011 the commercial plant would have been developed. The coal resource in the country is amounted to about 61 billion tonnes and enough to satisfy the future demand for energy for another 100-150 years to come. Key words: Energy diversification, Indonesian coal, coal gasification, synthetic gas.
Coal liquefaction program actually has been started since 1950s, 1980s, then intensively continue... more Coal liquefaction program actually has been started since 1950s, 1980s, then intensively continued under the cooperation between the government of Indonesia and the government of Japan since 1994 up to the present. The result of simulated feasibility study at the designed capacity of 6,000, 12,000 and 30,000 tons of dry coal per day with 25 years life time started production in 2011, shown that among those designed capacities, the capacity of 30,000 tons of coal per day by using the coal price around US$ 11/ton would be able to produce crude synthetic oil (CSO) be competitive with the crude oil (CO). To get price of coal as cheap as possible, “a unified coal mining and liquefaction plant unit” based on profit sharing is required to be developed. The lower the price of coal used, the more promotive the liquefaction process will be. It is most likely that CSO as an alternative energy requires certain level of incentives such as tax holiday and or soft or green loan at least at the beginning of the project. The coal liquefaction program will support multiplying effects of the regional development, besides the potential positive impact of substitution of CSO to CO.
Within the last 50 years since early of 1970s, the various international parties be aware that cl... more Within the last 50 years since early of 1970s, the various international parties be aware that climate change happened causing the global warming. It means that the temperature of the earth atmosphere has significantly increased and the increasing temperature is felt. The international awareness and efforts on climate change are initiated by the Conference of Environmental Anniversary celebrated in Stockholm and the more intensive efforts through the establishment of UNFCC COP in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, COP-13 in Bali, COP-14 in Poznan COP-15 in Copenhagen, COP-16 in Cancun Mexico and the last COP-19 in Warsaw Poland in 2013 as well. Based on the awareness that climate change is as the integral part of the economic development, it is necessarily overcome by the international funding with the special anticipation on the developing countries in the condition of their burden on economic development in addition with new mission of climate change, led by the developed countries. It is expected that those matters would be solved beyond the year of 2012 after the Kyoto Protocol terminated, in which the US did not actually sign it. Indonesia has tried to formulate down to earth policy and programs in line with the international climate change guide line as part of the economic development in the related prime sectors such as forestry, manufacturing industries, land use, etc achieving the global target of overcoming global warming with estimate target below 2oC and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emission of 26% up to 41% by 2050 and its concentrations are expected to reach does not exceed 650 ppm by 2030 to meet the principle that the carrying capacity of the nature should be able to overcome the population pressure as well. This study is carried out based on the observation and descriptive analysis method over times.
Southeast Sulawesi province is located in an area containing large quantity of nickel ore resourc... more Southeast Sulawesi province is located in an area containing large quantity of nickel ore resources. Nickel mining contributes significant socio economic benefit, both direct and indirect ones, for the region. It is indicated that the net present value (NPV) of USD 253,198,822 and benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 2.15 of the nickel mining and benefit of USD 18,240,246 with BCR value of 5.98 on nickel processing activities will provide the province regional economy within the production life of 20 years. The company would gain benefit USD 210,324,423 with BCR value of 1.22. While province will gain a net benefit of USD 39,948,971 with BCR value of 6.19. Based on the net social gain (NSG) analysis model at current prices, net social benefit of nickel mining activities for Southeast Sulawesi Province is USD 4,482,688 as it's annual average in the 8-year mine life, with the value of net gain coefficient (NGC) of 6.19%, while nickel processing activities will provide net social benefit of $ 47,010,028, on average each year over the 20 year life of the production, with NGC value of 42.36%. Nickel mining and ferronickel processing industry sector has multiplier effect and upstream-downstream linkage numbers relatively low compared with other economic sectors. Mineral processing plant as mandated by Law No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining, pursued construct at the mine site, so that socio economic benefit of mining is not becoming an opportunity cost for the province. Looking the prospects for future nickel mining industry, the local government is expected to prepare the resources and infrastructure to support the nickel mining and processing activities, which would provide net socio conomic benefit greater, for a long time for the local society. The methodology applied in this study is based on macro and micro economic theory, social-economic benefit cost analysis, shift-share analysis, net social gain and input-output models.
ABSTARCT The aim of the study is the development analysis of post production Arun LNG refinery wh... more ABSTARCT The aim of the study is the development analysis of post production Arun LNG refinery whose period of operation within 1978-2014, then modified and utilized as LNG receiving terminal and regasification is useful to satisfy gas requirement in Aceh and North Sumatera provinces. To realize the feasibility of a project, a study of economy was conducted in 2 years period of improvement, 20 years operation, and supply of LNG some 150 MMSCFD for first year, and stage by stage up to 350 MMSCFD fifth year to twentieth year for maximum capacity of production. The study of the project feasibility is carried out by way of 4 parameters: NPV, IRR, BCR, and PBP analyses in 3 scenarios. As for the best result of the economic economic analysis feasible in first scenario whith the NPV is US$ 831.564 million, IRR 19%, B/C Ratio 4 and PP on 5 th year to 6 months of operation. PT. Arun was delivering significant contributions of 52.88% North Aceh economic composing sectors; it is visible while in reduction of 2006-2012 North Aceh Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), a reduction of IDR 7.68 trillion in 2006 to IDR 4.32 trillion in 2012. with the average rate of growth minus nine percent (-9%) per year. Based on the mean rate of growth (3%) per year, the condition reflects potential decline of local output and their considerable relevance to decrease in production of PT. Arun. Based on the study, the Arun post production LNG Refinery Re-utilization will be delivering contribution of GRDP some IDR 1.081 trillion in 2015, rise to IDR 2.651 trillion in 2034 and the rate of growth at 16% per year. When the degree of change in GRDP (∆Y) is related to Arun LNG Refinery Re-utilization, the projection of investment and job opportunity for formation of GRDP per year will be discovered. Growth rate of labor productivity declines due to the growth of labor is higher than the growth of capital and capital productivity would other wise rise. Labor productivity level in capital-labor ratio in Y/L and Y/K with LNG Refinery Re-utilization larger than Y/L and Y/K without Arun LNG Refinery Re-utilization.This project have net social gain (NSG) in 2015 IDR 72.12 billion with net gain coefficient (NGC) some 6.70% had increase in 2034 some IDR 91.44 billion or NGC some 3.64% with average NGC some 3.77% per annum.
ABSTARCT The aim of the study is the development analysis of post production Arun LNG refinery wh... more ABSTARCT The aim of the study is the development analysis of post production Arun LNG refinery whose period of operation within 1978-2014, then modified and utilized as LNG receiving terminal and regasification is useful to satisfy gas requirement in Aceh and North Sumatera provinces. To realize the feasibility of a project, a study of economy was conducted in 2 years period of improvement, 20 years operation, and supply of LNG some 150 MMSCFD for first year, and stage by stage up to 350 MMSCFD fifth year to twentieth year for maximum capacity of production. The study of the project feasibility is carried out by way of 4 parameters: NPV, IRR, BCR, and PBP analyses in 3 scenarios. As for the best result of the economic economic analysis feasible in first scenario whith the NPV is US$ 831.564 million, IRR 19%, B/C Ratio 4 and PP on 5 th year to 6 months of operation. PT. Arun was delivering significant contributions of 52.88% North Aceh economic composing sectors; it is visible while in reduction of 2006-2012 North Aceh Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), a reduction of IDR 7.68 trillion in 2006 to IDR 4.32 trillion in 2012. with the average rate of growth minus nine percent (-9%) per year. Based on the mean rate of growth (3%) per year, the condition reflects potential decline of local output and their considerable relevance to decrease in production of PT. Arun. Based on the study, the Arun post production LNG Refinery Re-utilization will be delivering contribution of GRDP some IDR 1.081 trillion in 2015, rise to IDR 2.651 trillion in 2034 and the rate of growth at 16% per year. When the degree of change in GRDP (∆Y) is related to Arun LNG Refinery Re-utilization, the projection of investment and job opportunity for formation of GRDP per year will be discovered. Growth rate of labor productivity declines due to the growth of labor is higher than the growth of capital and capital productivity would other wise rise. Labor productivity level in capital-labor ratio in Y/L and Y/K with LNG Refinery Re-utilization larger than Y/L and Y/K without Arun LNG Refinery Re-utilization.This project have net social gain (NSG) in 2015 IDR 72.12 billion with net gain coefficient (NGC) some 6.70% had increase in 2034 some IDR 91.44 billion or NGC some 3.64% with average NGC some 3.77% per annum.
ABSTARCT It is realized that based on the life time of extraction of the existing gold deposits i... more ABSTARCT It is realized that based on the life time of extraction of the existing gold deposits in Indonesia, gold production faces scarcity or does not exceed within the next thirty years from now or seventy years after the COW production started in the early of 1970s, it is recommended that the new continuing activity of exploration should be reinvented with the new climate of investment policy including fiscal regime and the right supportive regulation should be enforced. Modification or improvement of the related regulations to the mining activity such as the laws or regulations of forestry, environmental protection, tax, regional autonomy, and labor should also necessarily be carried out. Toward creating this condition, the new policy regime should be reintroduced with the spirit of creating new incentives. Geologically, the prospective exploratory area could be carried out in volcanic arc, epithermal zone, 'ring of fire' and even in gold-bearing sedimentary rocks.
It is realized that based on the life time of extraction of the existing gold deposits in Indones... more It is realized that based on the life time of extraction of the existing gold deposits in Indonesia, gold production faces scarcity or does not exceed within the next thirty years from now or seventy years after the COW production started in the early of 1970s, it is recommended that the new continuing activity of exploration should be reinvented with the new climate of investment policy including fiscal regime and the right supportive regulation should be enforced. Modification or improvement of the related regulations to the mining activity such as the laws or regulations of forestry, environmental protection, tax, regional autonomy, and labor should also necessarily be carried out. Toward creating this condition, the new policy regime should be reintroduced with the spirit of creating new incentives. Geologically, the prospective exploratory area could be carried out in volcanic arc, epithermal zone, ‘ring of fire’ and even in goldbearing sedimentary rocks. Key
West Java Province has large resources of industrial mineral (non-metallic minerals and rocks).Ba... more West Java Province has large resources of industrial mineral (non-metallic minerals and rocks).Based on the result of economics analysis of West Java Province such as location quotient (LQ), economic multipliers, backward and forward linkages are indicated as indicated as the followings. Backard lingkage (aj) of the industrial mineral sector is small (<1) off 0.746. Forward linkage (bi) of industrial mineral sector is also small (<1) off 0.710. While regencies that have LQ>1.0 are Sukabumi, Bogor, Ciamis, Cirebon, Majalengka, Kuningan, West Bandung and Banjar. It means that it can comply its on needs or self-sufficiency even it can meet the other region's demand for industrial mineralsis quite good. So far, where the output multiplier is 1.37, the investment multiplier is 1.38, employment multiplier 1.23, income multiplier 1.23 and added value multiplier of 1.26 or significantly high. It indicates that the mining sector can provide added value to the other economic sectors. Moreover, the surplus multiplier of the industrial mineral sector can reach 2,304or significantly high, it means that the investors is well attracted to invest in this sector. Also this sector could be pointed out as the prime sector in the Province of West Java.Based on the results of computation using 2010 I-O Table an the projected 2013 and 2035 I-O Tables it is found out that the final demand (Y) in 2013 is IDR 1.070.118 Trillion and IDR 3.319 Trillion in 2035 with the assumption of 6.01% economic growth rate per year. By using optimization linier programming is identified that the optimized Ŷ is IDR 1.070,443 Trillion and the Ŷ of 2035 is IDR 3,319 Trillion, or the ratio of the optimized Y/Ŷ of 2013 is 0,997 and the related ratio of 2035 is 1.0. It means that the economy of West Java Province is actually inefficient and would be more efficient toward 2035.The methodology applied in this study is based on macroeconomic, Input-Output (I-O), LQ, and engineering model.
Within the last 50 years since early of 1970s, the various international parties be aware that cl... more Within the last 50 years since early of 1970s, the various international parties be aware that climate change happened causing the global warming. It means that the temperature of the earth atmosphere has significantly increased and the increasing temperature is felt. The international awareness and efforts on climate change are initiated by the Conference of Environmental Anniversary celebrated in Stockholm and the more intensive efforts through the establishment of UNFCC COP in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, COP-13 in Bali, COP-14 in Poznan COP-15 in Copenhagen, COP-16 in Cancun Mexico and the last COP-19 in Warsaw Poland in 2013 as well. Based on the awareness that climate change is as the integral part of the economic development, it is necessarily overcome by the international funding with the special anticipation on the developing countries in the condition of their burden on economic development in addition with new mission of climate change, led by the developed countries. It is expected that those matters would be solved beyond the year of 2012 after the Kyoto Protocol terminated, in which the US did not actually sign it. Indonesia has tried to formulate down to earth policy and programs in line with the international climate change guide line as part of the economic development in the related prime sectors such as forestry, manufacturing industries, land use, etc achieving the global target of overcoming global warming with estimate target below 2oC and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emission of 26% up to 41% by 2050 and its concentrations are expected to reach does not exceed 650 ppm by 2030 to meet the principle that the carrying capacity of the nature should be able to overcome the population pressure as well. This study is carried out based on the observation and descriptive analysis method over times.
The existing paradoxes faced by the Indonesia mining development could be inventoried that it may... more The existing paradoxes faced by the Indonesia mining development could be inventoried that it may include around ten parameters among others between interests of centralized and decentralized purposes, quick and slow yielding, low and high risks and so on. Since 1970s, these phenomena should have been overcome by the government of Indonesia (GOI) to accommodate the national interest at one side and the investors on the other sides, and then the mining development progress has been achieved as the significant existing condition successfully. The progress could be claimed that the role of mining sector have supported the Indonesian economic growth significantly up to the present, including the progress of mineral policy development in utilizing the large mineral resources available in the country. Methodology applied in this study is based on historical descriptive analysis observed by the writer as government official, researcher and lecturer within the last 45 years of job, besides combined with usage of economic, management and engineering models.
Within the last 35 years of 1975-2010 it was shown that within 1975-2000 the trend of convergence... more Within the last 35 years of 1975-2010 it was shown that within 1975-2000 the trend of convergence of economy between the provincial index of gross regional domestic product (GRDP) per capita with the national index of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita figured out by the ratio of the GRDP per capita of the richest province to the poorest province equaled 21 to 25 in 1975 toward around 12 in 2000, even though on the post 2000 the provinces which were before 2000 under the national GDP per capita index (<100) declining and lesser. The provinces which have reached the points of convergence by the year of 2000 are Aceh, North Sumatera, West Sumatera, South Sumatera, East Java, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and Bali. It is indicated that within the next 30 years the several other provinces which could reach the points of convergence are West Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, West Kalimantan, Riau, Papua and East Kalimantan. However, the other several provinces which are not fully convergent in the meaning of almost consistently existing above the national GDP per capita (what so called the 'surplus' provinces), are Aceh, DKI Jakarta, and Bali. Moreover, on the other side, several provinces with GRDP per capita which consistently exist below the national GDP per capita (what so called the 'minus' provinces) with the downward sloping regression or with the gently upward sloping regression. Toward achieving points of economic convergence, those 'minus' provinces have to trigger their potential prime sectors, which have high economic multipliers.In generating their regional income, it is shown that almost all the provinces of Indonesia still rely on the primary sectors such as mineral and agriculture, with the consequences of low added value. It is expected that mineral and coal and its downstream industries could be able to support the 'minus' regions to converge to the national index. Augmenting the regional economic growth, the regions should develop the secondary and services industry which have high value-added multiplier to extend the across-regional trade as well as between the regions in the country with the neighbors' regions through subregional economic cooperation. Methodology applied in this study is based on regional economic modeling and observation.
The understanding of geopolitics based on the Nusantara outlook (Wawasan Nusantara), Indonesia re... more The understanding of geopolitics based on the Nusantara outlook (Wawasan Nusantara), Indonesia requires to raise the effort of mastering and developing technology which has roots in the nation's culture as an important means of national productivity hop towards resulting qualified and global competitive national products achieving national prosperity and security at the utmost and such universal humanity as a whole in an enduring peace of world. In the meantime genuine nation's human being are required as productive people with fully innovative and creativity, reliable mental and noble morals. At the level of Nusantara outlook, the understanding of expansion might be able to interpret as an social-economic one for the prosperity of humankind at the utmost, and not in the meaning of orthodox geopolitics. The aim of this article is to briefly study the influence of geopolitics and other strategic factors upon the development of natural and human resources in Indonesia. The main aspects of the study is concenrned with future potential prospect of human and natural resources in Indonesia that should be developed for the wealth of the Indonesian people at the utmost by considering the global strategical environment and under the Nusantara outlook. This study is carried out by using methods of geopolitics, science and technology, and global competition approaches as strategic factors which influence upon human and natural resources development toward creating the wealth, intelligence and peace of the people.
Papers by Ukar WS
liquid and gaseous fuels open the pissibility to overcome the depleted domestic oil reserves. Within the coming
few years, Indonesia will be a net oil consumer after being the net oil importer in 2003. In the last forty years,
Indonesian energy consumption was heavily depended on oil fuel. To meet the increase domestic energy
demand, a large quantity of domestic coal reserves should be diversified into briquette, synthetic oil and gas
as well as other non-fuel or chemical products. All these diversified products are expected to be economically
competitive as well as environmental friendly using clean coal technology. This article is an evaluation on study
results compilation of Indonesian coal utilization and diversification in the last 15 years.
Keywords: coal utilization, coal diversification, economic benefit, clean coal technology
employing job within the outlying regions becomes as part of the regional development program in which
may include community development program as well. Community development in the sector of energy
and mineral resources is the program of community empowerment including the community of illegal
mining (PETI) is directed toward self-sustainability in the enterprise in lieu of the order of formal enterprise
and employing job.
The management handling of illegal mining prevention and tackling program may include the components
of identification of the PETI causal factors, the system of registering and mapping PETI distribution, the
system of state financial loss estimation (fiscal and non-fiscal), mapping PETI players, mapping organization
related to the development and supervision of PETI including its type of job and function, system of PETI
prevention, tackling system of PETI impacts, systematization of the effort of PETI prevention and tackling.
Successfulness indicator of PETI prevention and tackling may include the progressive and active response
of PETI players and the sustainability in terms of social-economics, human and environment as well. The
implementation of PETI prevention and tackling faces various challenges and opportunities which should
be anticipated.
Whatever in the living circle of the people human-being is based on the philosophy of eager to live in the
right track in term of law enforcement or legal. At one time, the living of PETI must be left which functions
presently as temporary economic safety valve even with very high risk, while formal job has not been yet
found out. Somehow, the government has moral responsibility to make the people alive by creating good
quality of enterprise and job. The effort of PETI curb is expected to be able to carry out systematically, wellplanned
and well-directed up to the whole and entire goal is well reached for the shake of nation and state
glory and prosperity.
Sumatera Province and PT INCO (Tbk) in South Sulawesi Province has positive impact to the regional economy
in terms of the community development and economic productivity.
Coordination between central and regional governments should set up grand strategy of increasing their intensive
exploration program to identify the distribution, locality, quality and quantity of their energy and mineral
resources in every region to develop its potentials and its mineral base downstream industries so instrumental
to development in the near future, especially if they have resource endowments having optimal added value
and positive terms of trade (TOT) or TOT greater than 1.
In overall, it indicates that the energy and mineral resources (EMR) sector could be used as one of among the
catalysts to achieve interregional convergence through “cross fertilization” toward the national Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) per capita index. All in one purpose is to set up of creating job and income toward a welfare
translation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In other words, they should involve business activities for
developing humankind. The application of CSR in the general mining in Indonesia is expected to encourage mining
company to allocate its profit for developing the local people who live around mining area. The quantitative
models for evaluating the CD impact include net social gains (NSG) and net gain coefficient (NGC). The NGC
shows that the value between 1 to 23% of the companies’ revenue has satisfied the local people. The values
could be increased in the future to make beneficial for the regional sustainable development.
Mining companies as the stakeholder of the community should implement community development (CD) as a
translation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In other words, they should involve business activities for
developing humankind. The application of CSR in the general mining in Indonesia is expected to encourage mining
company to allocate its profit for developing the local people who live around mining area. The quantitative
models for evaluating the CD impact include net social gains (NSG) and net gain coefficient (NGC). The NGC
shows that the value between 1 to 23% of the companies’ revenue has satisfied the local people. The values
could be increased in the future to make beneficial for the regional sustainable development.
Keywords: CSR, general mining industries, local people
Keywords: biomass and coal briquettes, combustion, pollutant emissions, mitigation.
Based on the program of coal gasification in Indonesia it is expected that beyond the year of 2011 the commercial plant would have been developed. The coal resource in the country is amounted to about 61 billion tonnes and enough to satisfy the future demand for energy for another 100-150 years to come.
Key words: Energy diversification, Indonesian coal, coal gasification, synthetic gas.
causing the global warming. It means that the temperature of the earth atmosphere has significantly increased and the
increasing temperature is felt. The international awareness and efforts on climate change are initiated by the Conference
of Environmental Anniversary celebrated in Stockholm and the more intensive efforts through the establishment of
UNFCC COP in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, COP-13 in Bali, COP-14 in Poznan COP-15 in Copenhagen, COP-16 in Cancun
Mexico and the last COP-19 in Warsaw Poland in 2013 as well. Based on the awareness that climate change is as the
integral part of the economic development, it is necessarily overcome by the international funding with the special
anticipation on the developing countries in the condition of their burden on economic development in addition with new
mission of climate change, led by the developed countries. It is expected that those matters would be solved beyond the
year of 2012 after the Kyoto Protocol terminated, in which the US did not actually sign it. Indonesia has tried to
formulate down to earth policy and programs in line with the international climate change guide line as part of the
economic development in the related prime sectors such as forestry, manufacturing industries, land use, etc achieving
the global target of overcoming global warming with estimate target below 2oC and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2)
emission of 26% up to 41% by 2050 and its concentrations are expected to reach does not exceed 650 ppm by 2030 to
meet the principle that the carrying capacity of the nature should be able to overcome the population pressure as well.
This study is carried out based on the observation and descriptive analysis method over times.
gold production faces scarcity or does not exceed within the next thirty years from now or
seventy years after the COW production started in the early of 1970s, it is recommended that the
new continuing activity of exploration should be reinvented with the new climate of investment
policy including fiscal regime and the right supportive regulation should be enforced.
Modification or improvement of the related regulations to the mining activity such as the laws or
regulations of forestry, environmental protection, tax, regional autonomy, and labor should also
necessarily be carried out. Toward creating this condition, the new policy regime should be
reintroduced with the spirit of creating new incentives. Geologically, the prospective exploratory
area could be carried out in volcanic arc, epithermal zone, ‘ring of fire’ and even in goldbearing
sedimentary rocks.
causing the global warming. It means that the temperature of the earth atmosphere has significantly increased and the
increasing temperature is felt. The international awareness and efforts on climate change are initiated by the Conference
of Environmental Anniversary celebrated in Stockholm and the more intensive efforts through the establishment of
UNFCC COP in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, COP-13 in Bali, COP-14 in Poznan COP-15 in Copenhagen, COP-16 in Cancun
Mexico and the last COP-19 in Warsaw Poland in 2013 as well. Based on the awareness that climate change is as the
integral part of the economic development, it is necessarily overcome by the international funding with the special
anticipation on the developing countries in the condition of their burden on economic development in addition with new
mission of climate change, led by the developed countries. It is expected that those matters would be solved beyond the
year of 2012 after the Kyoto Protocol terminated, in which the US did not actually sign it. Indonesia has tried to
formulate down to earth policy and programs in line with the international climate change guide line as part of the
economic development in the related prime sectors such as forestry, manufacturing industries, land use, etc achieving
the global target of overcoming global warming with estimate target below 2oC and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2)
emission of 26% up to 41% by 2050 and its concentrations are expected to reach does not exceed 650 ppm by 2030 to
meet the principle that the carrying capacity of the nature should be able to overcome the population pressure as well.
This study is carried out based on the observation and descriptive analysis method over times.
liquid and gaseous fuels open the pissibility to overcome the depleted domestic oil reserves. Within the coming
few years, Indonesia will be a net oil consumer after being the net oil importer in 2003. In the last forty years,
Indonesian energy consumption was heavily depended on oil fuel. To meet the increase domestic energy
demand, a large quantity of domestic coal reserves should be diversified into briquette, synthetic oil and gas
as well as other non-fuel or chemical products. All these diversified products are expected to be economically
competitive as well as environmental friendly using clean coal technology. This article is an evaluation on study
results compilation of Indonesian coal utilization and diversification in the last 15 years.
Keywords: coal utilization, coal diversification, economic benefit, clean coal technology
employing job within the outlying regions becomes as part of the regional development program in which
may include community development program as well. Community development in the sector of energy
and mineral resources is the program of community empowerment including the community of illegal
mining (PETI) is directed toward self-sustainability in the enterprise in lieu of the order of formal enterprise
and employing job.
The management handling of illegal mining prevention and tackling program may include the components
of identification of the PETI causal factors, the system of registering and mapping PETI distribution, the
system of state financial loss estimation (fiscal and non-fiscal), mapping PETI players, mapping organization
related to the development and supervision of PETI including its type of job and function, system of PETI
prevention, tackling system of PETI impacts, systematization of the effort of PETI prevention and tackling.
Successfulness indicator of PETI prevention and tackling may include the progressive and active response
of PETI players and the sustainability in terms of social-economics, human and environment as well. The
implementation of PETI prevention and tackling faces various challenges and opportunities which should
be anticipated.
Whatever in the living circle of the people human-being is based on the philosophy of eager to live in the
right track in term of law enforcement or legal. At one time, the living of PETI must be left which functions
presently as temporary economic safety valve even with very high risk, while formal job has not been yet
found out. Somehow, the government has moral responsibility to make the people alive by creating good
quality of enterprise and job. The effort of PETI curb is expected to be able to carry out systematically, wellplanned
and well-directed up to the whole and entire goal is well reached for the shake of nation and state
glory and prosperity.
Sumatera Province and PT INCO (Tbk) in South Sulawesi Province has positive impact to the regional economy
in terms of the community development and economic productivity.
Coordination between central and regional governments should set up grand strategy of increasing their intensive
exploration program to identify the distribution, locality, quality and quantity of their energy and mineral
resources in every region to develop its potentials and its mineral base downstream industries so instrumental
to development in the near future, especially if they have resource endowments having optimal added value
and positive terms of trade (TOT) or TOT greater than 1.
In overall, it indicates that the energy and mineral resources (EMR) sector could be used as one of among the
catalysts to achieve interregional convergence through “cross fertilization” toward the national Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) per capita index. All in one purpose is to set up of creating job and income toward a welfare
translation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In other words, they should involve business activities for
developing humankind. The application of CSR in the general mining in Indonesia is expected to encourage mining
company to allocate its profit for developing the local people who live around mining area. The quantitative
models for evaluating the CD impact include net social gains (NSG) and net gain coefficient (NGC). The NGC
shows that the value between 1 to 23% of the companies’ revenue has satisfied the local people. The values
could be increased in the future to make beneficial for the regional sustainable development.
Mining companies as the stakeholder of the community should implement community development (CD) as a
translation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In other words, they should involve business activities for
developing humankind. The application of CSR in the general mining in Indonesia is expected to encourage mining
company to allocate its profit for developing the local people who live around mining area. The quantitative
models for evaluating the CD impact include net social gains (NSG) and net gain coefficient (NGC). The NGC
shows that the value between 1 to 23% of the companies’ revenue has satisfied the local people. The values
could be increased in the future to make beneficial for the regional sustainable development.
Keywords: CSR, general mining industries, local people
Keywords: biomass and coal briquettes, combustion, pollutant emissions, mitigation.
Based on the program of coal gasification in Indonesia it is expected that beyond the year of 2011 the commercial plant would have been developed. The coal resource in the country is amounted to about 61 billion tonnes and enough to satisfy the future demand for energy for another 100-150 years to come.
Key words: Energy diversification, Indonesian coal, coal gasification, synthetic gas.
causing the global warming. It means that the temperature of the earth atmosphere has significantly increased and the
increasing temperature is felt. The international awareness and efforts on climate change are initiated by the Conference
of Environmental Anniversary celebrated in Stockholm and the more intensive efforts through the establishment of
UNFCC COP in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, COP-13 in Bali, COP-14 in Poznan COP-15 in Copenhagen, COP-16 in Cancun
Mexico and the last COP-19 in Warsaw Poland in 2013 as well. Based on the awareness that climate change is as the
integral part of the economic development, it is necessarily overcome by the international funding with the special
anticipation on the developing countries in the condition of their burden on economic development in addition with new
mission of climate change, led by the developed countries. It is expected that those matters would be solved beyond the
year of 2012 after the Kyoto Protocol terminated, in which the US did not actually sign it. Indonesia has tried to
formulate down to earth policy and programs in line with the international climate change guide line as part of the
economic development in the related prime sectors such as forestry, manufacturing industries, land use, etc achieving
the global target of overcoming global warming with estimate target below 2oC and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2)
emission of 26% up to 41% by 2050 and its concentrations are expected to reach does not exceed 650 ppm by 2030 to
meet the principle that the carrying capacity of the nature should be able to overcome the population pressure as well.
This study is carried out based on the observation and descriptive analysis method over times.
gold production faces scarcity or does not exceed within the next thirty years from now or
seventy years after the COW production started in the early of 1970s, it is recommended that the
new continuing activity of exploration should be reinvented with the new climate of investment
policy including fiscal regime and the right supportive regulation should be enforced.
Modification or improvement of the related regulations to the mining activity such as the laws or
regulations of forestry, environmental protection, tax, regional autonomy, and labor should also
necessarily be carried out. Toward creating this condition, the new policy regime should be
reintroduced with the spirit of creating new incentives. Geologically, the prospective exploratory
area could be carried out in volcanic arc, epithermal zone, ‘ring of fire’ and even in goldbearing
sedimentary rocks.
causing the global warming. It means that the temperature of the earth atmosphere has significantly increased and the
increasing temperature is felt. The international awareness and efforts on climate change are initiated by the Conference
of Environmental Anniversary celebrated in Stockholm and the more intensive efforts through the establishment of
UNFCC COP in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, COP-13 in Bali, COP-14 in Poznan COP-15 in Copenhagen, COP-16 in Cancun
Mexico and the last COP-19 in Warsaw Poland in 2013 as well. Based on the awareness that climate change is as the
integral part of the economic development, it is necessarily overcome by the international funding with the special
anticipation on the developing countries in the condition of their burden on economic development in addition with new
mission of climate change, led by the developed countries. It is expected that those matters would be solved beyond the
year of 2012 after the Kyoto Protocol terminated, in which the US did not actually sign it. Indonesia has tried to
formulate down to earth policy and programs in line with the international climate change guide line as part of the
economic development in the related prime sectors such as forestry, manufacturing industries, land use, etc achieving
the global target of overcoming global warming with estimate target below 2oC and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2)
emission of 26% up to 41% by 2050 and its concentrations are expected to reach does not exceed 650 ppm by 2030 to
meet the principle that the carrying capacity of the nature should be able to overcome the population pressure as well.
This study is carried out based on the observation and descriptive analysis method over times.