Papers by Ughetta Vergari

Management and Therapy of Early Pregnancy Complications, 2016
The complications of spontaneous abortion can be divided into early and late complications with a... more The complications of spontaneous abortion can be divided into early and late complications with a subgroup of iatrogenic complications related to intervention. Early complications include blood loss and infection. If left untreated, both bleeding and infection can lead to DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) and in rare cases even mortality. The treatment of DIC includes primarily treating the underlying condition, i.e., removal of the retained products of conception and broad-spectrum antibiotics. This step is followed by transfusions of blood products to correct the imbalance in clotting factors and hematologic treatment such as tranexamic acid. The use of prophylactic antibiotics has been shown to be effective and found to reduce postabortion infection by half. Postabortion mortality is rare in the developed world.
Current Women's Health Reviews, 2009
At the beginning, it was the French philosopher Michel Foucault who explicitly defined medicine a... more At the beginning, it was the French philosopher Michel Foucault who explicitly defined medicine as a matter of biopolitics, making evident the role that, in his opinion, medical knowledge assumed in certain strategies of pow-er. Starting from this assumption, the bioeconomic paradigm has been embodied in a form of governmentality of human behaviors, where the individuals are first and foremost considered biological living units. The biopolitical and bio-economic paradigm must not be considered as a space of absence of power, but a place where power leads to obedience by activating alternative devices, acting on population wishes and needs. These dynamics have slowly modified and even subverted the relationship between doctor and patient, determining the default of the paternalistic relationship and the strengthening of defensive medicine.
The problem of migration is one of the most pressing topics of our time. The paper aims to outlin... more The problem of migration is one of the most pressing topics of our time. The paper aims to outline how in the long period the impact on democracy would be quite dramatic. The issue of citizenship could be especially undermined in a hypothetical scenario of hypermigration world. A decisive role in migration processes is covered also by the boundaries, delineating the threshold between exclusion and integration.

Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine, 2015
Background: For many years until now, Italy has been subjected to an inconsistent and contradicto... more Background: For many years until now, Italy has been subjected to an inconsistent and contradictory media campaign. On one hand the "media" present us with bold and reassuring messages about the progress of medical science; on the other hand they are prone to kneejerk criticism every time medical treatment does not have the desired effect, routinely describing such cases as glaring examples of "malasanità", an Italian word of recent coinage used to denote medical malpractice. Newspaper reports of legal proceedings involving health treatment are frequently full of errors and lack any scientific basis. Data sources: The published data confirm the unsustainably high number of lawsuits against doctors and medical structures, accompanied by demands for compensation arising from true or alleged medical errors or mistakes blamed on the work of health structures. Conclusions and implications: Currently Italian citizens have a greater awareness of their right to health than in the past, and patients' expectations have risen. A discrepancy is emerging between the current state of medical science and the capacities of individual doctors and health structures. Lastly, there is a need for greater monitoring of the quality of health care services and a greater emphasis on health risk prevention.
La Rivista Italiana di …, 2006
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: Dott. Andrea Tinelli Unità Operativa di Ginecologia e Ostetricia, O... more Indirizzo per corrispondenza: Dott. Andrea Tinelli Unità Operativa di Ginecologia e Ostetricia, Ospedale Vito Fazzi, ASL Lecce 1, Lecce P.tta Panzera 7, 73100 Lecce (LE) Italia tel: +39 0832 307972; fax: +39 0832 661511; e-mail: [email protected]
... Laura Lippolis - NIC 03 Collana sottoposta a valutazione scientifica Prima edizione: settembr... more ... Laura Lippolis - NIC 03 Collana sottoposta a valutazione scientifica Prima edizione: settembre 2010, Printed in Italy ISBN 978-88-6458-020-3 Il regolamento e la programmazione editoriale sono pubblicati sul sito dell'editore Direzione Donato A. Limone e Angelo Mancarella ...
Papers by Ughetta Vergari