Papers by Fernanda Mazzotta
Spatial Economic Analysis, Feb 28, 2023

Work, Employment & Society, Feb 2, 2023
This article explores the application to Italy of Goldin’s hypothesis that the unexplained gender... more This article explores the application to Italy of Goldin’s hypothesis that the unexplained gender pay gap is crucially linked to firms’ incentive to disproportionately reward individuals who work long and particular hours. The study draws mainly on Italian responses to the 2014 European Structure of Earnings Survey for data on earnings and the individual characteristics of employees and their employer, but also uses data from the Occupational Information Network and the Italian Sample Survey on Professions to measure characteristics reflecting the work context within occupations. For graduate and non-graduate workers, the results reveal a positive relationship between various measures of the unexplained gender pay gap and the elasticity of earnings with respect to work hours. For graduate workers, in accordance with Goldin’s hypothesis, both these variables are correlated with the occupational characteristics that impose earnings penalties on workers seeking more workplace flexibility.
Rapporto EasyLabor, Provincia di Avelin

ERSA conference papers, 2014
The purpose of this contribution is to shed light on the role of agglomeration economies as drive... more The purpose of this contribution is to shed light on the role of agglomeration economies as drivers of firm survival in Italy over the period 2002-2010. We analyze agglomeration economies related to the geographical context by using a multidimensional analyses at firm, industry and province level checking whether effects on survival are robust to different estimators (Probit, Cox hazard models, Heckman Probit) and to different assumptions about inter-and intraregional spillovers. In order to also taking into account firm heterogeneity we study the local drivers of firm survival comparing the exit behavior of firms with global investment and of purely national firms. To this purpose, we split our sample into foreign investors in Italy, domestic firms investing abroad and domestic non multinationals and we take into account different patterns of firm behavior with respect to external economies controlling for firm and industry variables and correcting for sample selection. We get evidence on the heterogeneity of firm exit dynamics with respect to: 1) impact of urbanization economies; 2) benefits from geographically and industry bounded specialization; 3) Industrial districts economies impact; 4) Diversification economies relevance, distinguishing intra-industry and extraindustry (i.e. unrelated) variety. These topics have strong policy implications. Firm persistence in agglomerated contexts such as local industrial clusters and urban areas are crucial issues in Italy.
Sichelgaita Working Paper
Youth and the Crisis, 2015
This paper analyses the link between the poverty status of young people who leave home and the ec... more This paper analyses the link between the poverty status of young people who leave home and the economic status of their family of origin before and after the onset of economic crisis. The sample is drawn from European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions. We have selected Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal between 2004 and 2010. We have used a sample selection model for taking in account of potential systematic differences of those who leave home. Estimates suggest that young people delay leaving home because it may increase their chances of being poor: young people who have left home are more likely to be poor if their family of origin is poor

Economia Politica, 2020
, we analyse the determinants of adult children's transfers of money and time to their parents. S... more , we analyse the determinants of adult children's transfers of money and time to their parents. Specifically, we focus on reciprocity: analysing resource transfers, in term of both time (i.e., informal care) and money (i.e., financial transfers), helps us understand how parent-to-child transfers may influence the probability of child-to-parent transfers. A multivariate probit model for 10 EU countries is used to simultaneously estimate the probabilities that informal care or financial transfers will be given by children to their parents and, conversely, by parents to their children. Using the longitudinal structure of the data, we consider both concurrent and intertemporal reciprocity. The evidence for reciprocity is different based on the type of transfer: we do not find evidence of reciprocity for time transfers (informal care provided to parents) except in the case of sons, for which a positive link between informal care given to parents and current financial transfers received from parents emerges. In contrast, we find a positive effect of parent-tochild transfers (both time and money) on the probability of child-to-parent financial transfers.
The data used was drawn from the OPIS databank, a survey on a sample of about 500 firms of the pr... more The data used was drawn from the OPIS databank, a survey on a sample of about 500 firms of the province of Salerno (Italy). The sample is significant both at territorial and sectoral level, and the questionnaire was structured in order to cover all aspects of the firm. The econometric ...

of the duration of unemployment and of the accepted wage in a new job. The data are drawn from th... more of the duration of unemployment and of the accepted wage in a new job. The data are drawn from the European Community Household Panel considering the eight waves currently available for Italy (1994)(1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001), and the sample consists of children aged under 36, cohabiting with their parents during the search of a job. The main results are that graduates from deprived social backgrounds find it more difficult to find jobs than do graduates from affluent families and this is true in particular in the South of Italy. While in the North, graduate, young male with ability are favoured. Also, for other educated young unemployed children particular important are work experiences and ability specially in the North These findings once again raise questions about differential quality of education in Italy in the North and South, and about the job-finding difficulties faced by young people deriving form deprived family in particular where the labour market is stagnant, regardless of individual abilities . C3, J64, J62.
Abstract This paper analyses the relationship between unemployment among young Italians and their... more Abstract This paper analyses the relationship between unemployment among young Italians and their parents' economic and cultural background. A search theory model was used to identify the direct and indirect effects of household financial situation and parental cultural ...
∗University of Piemonte Orientale Email: [email protected] University of Salerno Email: ... more ∗University of Piemonte Orientale Email: [email protected] University of Salerno Email: [email protected] University of Salerno Email: [email protected] ... Over the recent years the role of intra-household transfers becomes definitely ... Wright, 1996). Our empirical ...
This paper examines the changes of women's contribution within the family in Italy over time. It ... more This paper examines the changes of women's contribution within the family in Italy over time. It uses two sources of data, namely ECHP and IT-Silc. The final goal is to detect whether women become more supportive in the household or not because of a number of factors occurred in the sample period. The contribution of each members within the family is defined as the difference between the personal and the per-capita income. We firstly perform separate estimates by gender and by sub-groups, namely receivers (if their contribution is negative) and givers (if their contribution is positive). Finally, we run a threefold Oaxaca decomposition. The results confirm that the differences between men and women are persistent and mainly due to unexplained factors.
The paper analysis the active aging policy in Campania. The aim is to descover eventually best pr... more The paper analysis the active aging policy in Campania. The aim is to descover eventually best practice in the local policies in a Southern region. The paper was commmThe paper analysis the active aging policy in Campania. The aim is to discover some new best ...
Papers by Fernanda Mazzotta