Papers by Jônatas Peixoto Lopes

This study aims to present an analysis of the qualifiers of femicide and their applicability in j... more This study aims to present an analysis of the qualifiers of femicide and their applicability in judged sentences. It aims to investigate the constitutionality in the cumulative application of the two qualifiers of homicide (feminicide and vile motive). Thus, in line with the stricto sensu Post-Graduate Program in Law, with an area of concentration on the material dimensions and effectiveness of fundamental rights, the line of research was chosen in the context of Fundamental Civil Rights, in order to seek greater understanding of the aforementioned study. Thus, a qualitative research was carried out, with an exploratory and descriptive bibliographic source, substantiated by studies extracted from periodical articles, books of doctrine and other materials from indexed databases and institutional websites of Law courses, as well as, documental research on the websites of the judiciary of some states in the country, for documental collection of the main source of data for this investigation, that is, the judged sentences. The research is scientifically relevant, mainly because its result opens a discussion about the dosimetry of the author's penalty, its cumulative applicability with the other qualifiers of homicide and the possible occurrence of the bis in idem principle and its application in the legal system. It concludes by the recognition of the legality of the qualifier “feminicide”, with the identification of three currents, objective, subjective and hybrid. The application in favor of the defense or the prosecution is visible, and the way in which social gender roles influence the jury's verdict. As for the “bis in idem” principle, it would only occur in cases of applicability of two qualifiers of the same nature. Keywords: Fundamental rights. Civil rights. Femicide. Qualifier nature. Qualifier constitutionality. Bis in idem.
O presente artigo tem como finalidade principal expor a reflexão sobre a liberdade, a partir das ... more O presente artigo tem como finalidade principal expor a reflexão sobre a liberdade, a partir das diferentes tecnologias de poder, cuja perspectiva traz uma acentuada sistematização do Direito e sua correlação com o Estado. Para Michael Foucault o conceito de liberdade se mostra como uma possibilidade estratégica de se opor às relações de poder, que operam por meio de dispositivos estranhos e móveis em todos os espaços da vida social na sociedade capitalista. O material de análise usado neste artifo são documentos apresentados em forma de entrevista, artigos e em compilados de livros proferidos por Foucault.
Jônatas Peixoto Lopes, 2021
TEORIA GERAL DOS DIREITOS FUNDAMENTAIS - Fichamento do livro ALEXY, Robert. Ratio Juris. Vol. 16
Jônatas Peixoto, 2021

Jônatas Peixoto Lopes, 2019
Este artículo aborda el efecto de la regulación del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en e... more Este artículo aborda el efecto de la regulación del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en el país de España y la interpretación de la norma aplicada al caso específico desde la perspectiva de la moral. Y continuando, se alineó con el segundo tema que trata sobre el Mecanismo de Capacitación y Selección de Jueces.
El objetivo principal del ensayo es discutir sobre la capacidad del magistrado para aplicar la regla sin que la moral subjetiva interfiera con su desempeño legal, teniendo en cuenta factores externos y extractivos.
El trabajo se divide en dos temas y estos en párrafos argumentativos y conectados a posiciones doctrinales. Se abordan temas relevantes como la imparcialidad y la neutralidad en la aplicación de la norma, el activismo judicial moderado, entre otros aspectos.
La metodología utilizada en su realización fue la investigación bibliográfica en sitios web y literatura física.
Books by Jônatas Peixoto Lopes
Pensando a justiça com Aristóteles, Rawls e Nussbaum, 2020
Thesis Chapters by Jônatas Peixoto Lopes

Jônatas Peixoto Lopes, 2022
This study aims to present an analysis of the qualifiers of femicide and their applicability in j... more This study aims to present an analysis of the qualifiers of femicide and their applicability in judged sentences. It aims to investigate the constitutionality in the cumulative application of the two qualifiers of homicide (feminicide and vile motive). Thus, in line with the stricto sensu Post-Graduate Program in Law, with an area of concentration on the material dimensions and effectiveness of fundamental rights, the line of research was chosen in the context of Fundamental Civil Rights, in order to seek greater understanding of the aforementioned study. Thus, a qualitative research was carried out, with an exploratory and descriptive bibliographic source, substantiated by studies extracted from periodical articles, books of doctrine and other materials from indexed databases and institutional websites of Law courses, as well as, documental research on the websites of the judiciary of some states in the country, for documental collection of the main source of data for this investigation, that is, the judged sentences. The research is scientifically relevant, mainly because its result opens a discussion about the dosimetry of the author's penalty, its cumulative applicability with the other qualifiers of homicide and the possible occurrence of the bis in idem principle and its application in the legal system. It concludes by the recognition of the legality of the qualifier “feminicide”, with the identification of three currents, objective, subjective and hybrid. The application in favor of the defense or the prosecution is visible, and the way in which social gender roles influence the jury's verdict. As for the “bis in idem” principle, it would only occur in cases of applicability of two qualifiers of the same nature.
Keywords: Fundamental rights. Civil rights. Femicide. Qualifier nature. Qualifier constitutionality. Bis in idem.
Papers by Jônatas Peixoto Lopes
El objetivo principal del ensayo es discutir sobre la capacidad del magistrado para aplicar la regla sin que la moral subjetiva interfiera con su desempeño legal, teniendo en cuenta factores externos y extractivos.
El trabajo se divide en dos temas y estos en párrafos argumentativos y conectados a posiciones doctrinales. Se abordan temas relevantes como la imparcialidad y la neutralidad en la aplicación de la norma, el activismo judicial moderado, entre otros aspectos.
La metodología utilizada en su realización fue la investigación bibliográfica en sitios web y literatura física.
Books by Jônatas Peixoto Lopes
Thesis Chapters by Jônatas Peixoto Lopes
Keywords: Fundamental rights. Civil rights. Femicide. Qualifier nature. Qualifier constitutionality. Bis in idem.
El objetivo principal del ensayo es discutir sobre la capacidad del magistrado para aplicar la regla sin que la moral subjetiva interfiera con su desempeño legal, teniendo en cuenta factores externos y extractivos.
El trabajo se divide en dos temas y estos en párrafos argumentativos y conectados a posiciones doctrinales. Se abordan temas relevantes como la imparcialidad y la neutralidad en la aplicación de la norma, el activismo judicial moderado, entre otros aspectos.
La metodología utilizada en su realización fue la investigación bibliográfica en sitios web y literatura física.
Keywords: Fundamental rights. Civil rights. Femicide. Qualifier nature. Qualifier constitutionality. Bis in idem.