Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
In this paper, starting from some well known results for the structural identifiability of VARMA models of given maximum time lagsp andq, we derive parametric conditions which guarantee the identification of Generalized STARMA models.
In this paper, starting from some well known results for the structural identifiability of VARMA models of given maximum time lagsp andq, we derive parametric conditions which guarantee the identification of Generalized STARMA models.
In this paper, starting from some well known results for the structural identifiability of VARMA models of given maximum time lagsp andq, we derive parametric conditions which guarantee the identification of Generalized STARMA models.
In this paper, starting from some well known results for the structural identifiability of VARMA models of given maximum time lagsp andq, we derive parametric conditions which guarantee the identification of Generalized STARMA models.
In this paper, starting from some well known results for the structural identifiability of VARMA models of given maximum time lagsp andq, we derive parametric conditions which guarantee the identification of Generalized STARMA models.
The paper studies the relations between types of institutions on different components of human development. A role of aggregate demand in determining the material components of human development is assumed. We thus divide institutions... more
For a system ofG simultaneous equations and a time series of cross sectional data we estimate the structural form under the assumption that the regression coefficients are random variables. In particular, given the model: $${}_iYT +... more
Consider a system of 11, x ti2 differential equations depending on a vector 8 of unknown parameters. We suggest an iterative estimation procedure for 8, based on a three-way array of observations. The method involves random time changes... more
We present an alternative method to compute the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) by means of a partial least squares path model. In particular, making use of the same set of variables defined by the World Economic Forum we compute the... more
One of the main issues when analyzing multidimensional phenomena such as well being is how to define a composite indicator. However a sometimes neglected collateral issue is how to take into account the joint distribution of the single... more
In Data Envelopment Analysis the distance from the best practice frontier can be interpreted as the economic performance of sample units.In the present paper this distance is used as an efficiency measure to correct the weighted average... more
The paper suggests the use of the functional data analysis approach to study the evolution of well being indicators, visualizing their behaviour over time. Thus, an evolutionary well-being indicator is proposed by complement the original... more
- by silvia terzi
Countries’ performance can be compared by means of indicators, which in turn give rise to rankings at a given time. However, the ranking does not show whether a country is improving, worsening or is stable in its performance. Meanwhile,... more
In the original publication of the article, the author Francesca Fortuna's name erroneously appears as Fortuna Francesca. Hence this erratum corrects the same. The original article has been corrected.
Giunta A., Nifo A. et Scalera D. Subcontracting in Italian industry: labour division, firm growth and the North–South divide, Regional Studies. The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of subcontracting on Italian manufacturing... more
Giunta A., Nifo A. et Scalera D. Subcontracting in Italian industry: labour division, firm growth and the North–South divide, Regional Studies. The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of subcontracting on Italian manufacturing... more
Based upon insights of the global value chain literature, the aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of being a supplier firm on labour productivity. The country of analysis is Italy, historically characterized by a very strong... more
This article argues that joining global value chains may be decisive for supplier firms in developed countries by providing incentives and opportunities to upgrade their capabilities to export and innovate. We describe an investigation... more