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The use of terrestrial laser scanners in architectural survey applications has become more and more common. Row data complexity, as given by scanner restitution, leads to several problems about design and 3D-modelling starting from Point... more
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      AlgorithmsArchitecture3D Laser scanning (Architecture)Survey Research
Of the activities relating to the historical architectural heritage damaged by the last quake, the virtual recomposition of collapsed or extensively damaged buildings contributes to the restoration and preservation of the identity of... more
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      3D surveyvirtual recomposition
La ricerca condotta sul centro urbano di Manziana (RM) e sul contesto ambientale ha avuto come obiettivo quello di proporre un metodo di indagine per la conoscenza dei paesaggi culturali basato prevalentemente sull’uso di strumenti... more
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    • Manziana
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsArchitectureSurvey Research
This paper is based on some considerations on the inter-scalar figurative relations which bind all of its constituents and elements of detail, within a work of architecture. This relation can be an environment in which to study the portal... more
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This article deals with the research whose title is " Survey for a better knowledge of ancient architecture". The object of study and testing of the different survey methods is the so-called Arch of Drusus located on the Appian Way, near... more
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Starting from a reflection on the new role of digital technology in this pandemic situation, and particularly the role of AR for Cultural Heritage, this paper presents two AR applications. The first is used to share the analyses carried... more
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      Cultural HeritageAugmented Reality
Il terremoto del 1648 distrusse quasi completamente Sambiase, una frazione di Lamezia Terme, in Calabria, e ne segnò profondamente la storia, determinando l'avvio di un lungo e mai definitivamente concluso processo di ricostruzione. Lo... more
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    • Humanities
Even at the end of the nineteenth century, Rome prided a large number of decorated facades in graffiti or monochrome chiaroscuro, which te- stified the compositional richness and variety of these decorations, executed since the fifteenth... more
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Molti furono i pittori che concorsero con i loro disegni: chi offrendosi di farla di tavole rotonda, chi ottagonale, chi a stoia e a catino, e chi d’una figura e chi d’un’altra. Fra questi però non mancò il pensiero e il disegno del Padre... more
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      HumanitiesArtCupolaAndrea Pozzo
Recognizing the identity of a territory and examining its balances means recognizing a complex and delicate system in which all its elements are interdependent and linked to each other. For this reason, the study shows partial results of... more
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      GeographyMusic and identity
– To this day, after three decades of ever more widespread use, the computer is still only one of the many tools necessary in the architect’s daily activity, as it has complemented but not substituted those based on manual graphics... more
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3D survey and advanced modeling in the study of the Forts of Rome: the Forte Monte AntenneIn the studies the authors are conducting on the entrenched camp of Rome, 3D surveys and digital models are used as means to understand... more
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      Computer ScienceArtPhotogrammetryX
Here some results are presented from the ongoing research of the analysis of the drawings by Francesco Borromini, preserved at the Albertina in Vienna, relating to designs of cupolas, in order to highlight the geometric constructions and... more
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      Computer ScienceTechnical DrawingConstructive
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In the studies the authors are conducting on the entrenched camp of Rome, 3D surveys and digital models are used as means to understand constructions with the aim of developing restoration and reutilization projects. For Forte Monte... more
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      ModelingMediterraneanFortificationsEnvironmental quality
The survey of ancient buildings and its computer graphic representation set some questions, particularly about period, site, conservation, accessibility and quality of the building. This research tests new computer programs oriented to... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyArchaeological surveyKey words
Il testo parte da alcune riflessioni sul tema della piega nel barocco, nell’accezione datane da Gilles Deleuze, come spunto per rintracciare all’interno dell’opera di Francesco Borromini una continuita figurativa tra il piccolo e il... more
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Starting from reflections on the theme of the fold in the Baroque, in the sense given by Gilles Deleuze, as a starting point we go on to trace, within Francesco Borromini’s work, a figurative continuity between the small and the large,... more
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      MathematicsHistory of the Imaginary
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