Books by stefano locatelli
Dino Audino Editore, 2023
alle origini della stabilità pubblica "Il fare un libro è men che niente se il libro fatto non ri... more alle origini della stabilità pubblica "Il fare un libro è men che niente se il libro fatto non rifà la gente"
Dino Audino Editore, 2022
TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI È vietata la traduzione, la memorizzazione elettronica, la riproduzione... more TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI È vietata la traduzione, la memorizzazione elettronica, la riproduzione totale o parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo, compresa la fotocopia, anche ad uso interno o didattico. L'illecito sarà penalmente perseguibile a norma dell'art. 171 della Legge n. 633 del 22/04/1941
a cura di STEFANO LOCATELLI e PAOLA PROVENZANO Prima edizione: xxxx 2017 ISBN 978-88-6372-972-6 e... more a cura di STEFANO LOCATELLI e PAOLA PROVENZANO Prima edizione: xxxx 2017 ISBN 978-88-6372-972-6 eISBN 978-88-6372-973-3 È vietata la copia, anche parziale e con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata Ogni riproduzione che eviti l'acquisto di un libro minaccia la sopravvivenza di un modo di trasmettere la conoscenza Tutti i diritti riservati
rion, mobile and relative, subject to a continual process of validation. It is a crucial heritage... more rion, mobile and relative, subject to a continual process of validation. It is a crucial heritage on which exercise the choices of a selective memory towards active development. It is a journey. A heritage of our past intimately and dynamically linked to our future.
Papers by stefano locatelli

"Teatro e Storia", 2024
L’articolo prende le fila dalla riscoperta che Meldolesi fece della iniziale opzione di Strehler ... more L’articolo prende le fila dalla riscoperta che Meldolesi fece della iniziale opzione di Strehler per l’avanguardia come corrispettivo della regia originaria, e ne ipotizza ora anche una sua vicinanza a Mario Apollonio in merito alla vocazione sperimentale, all’etica del piccolo gruppo, alla funzione corale del pubblico che avrebbe dovuto caratterizzare il Piccolo. È uno Strehler costretto tra traumi (dovuti per lo più alla linea “industriale” di Grassi) e precari equilibri, esito anche di rinunce e sconfitte rispetto alla sua vocazione iniziale. Obiettivo primario per Strehler doveva essere quello di ritrovare, con gli attori, un teatro perduto: ricostituire nella stabilità e all’in- segna della regia un analogo del sistema di relazioni della microsocietà degli attori. Fu un fallimento bruciante, consumatosi tra 1951 e 1953, e che ebbe conseguenze non solo sulle modalità di lavoro di Strehler, ma anche sul modo di pensare alla cultura attorica nel contesto della stabilità pubblica italiana.

Berlin, De Greuyter, 2023
The group volume distinguishes itself by its multidisciplinary, comparative approach and by the n... more The group volume distinguishes itself by its multidisciplinary, comparative approach and by the network of relationships it weaves between the various European languages and cultures. The study takes shape from its different viewpoints and in its diverse contexts, to chart a detailed historical-conceptual map of the basic role theater played in forging the modern European consciousness. The thematic core of 'theatermania' lay in the authentic theatrical passion that manifested itself in different ways from one country to another throughout the 18th century. While the aesthetic, social and political value of theater took a variety of forms, its central feature was the privileged place it gave to collective and individual social revolutions, phenomena that could be defi ned as upheavals of the collective imagination, which found in theater a source of nourishment, mediation or control. The volume offers not just a series of historical-theatrical studies, but a view of history that foregrounds the passions that were regularly sparked by theater. It adds an essential feature to the profi le of the century that redefi ned the role and importance of theater, and that led to its full re-evaluation in the Romantic age.

«Biblioteca Teatrale», n. 138, luglio-dicembre, 2022
The article deals with cultural policies of the so-called teatro sociale
(applied theatre) in Ita... more The article deals with cultural policies of the so-called teatro sociale
(applied theatre) in Italy, offering, firstly, a summary of the period from
the mid-20th century to the present day.
The author concentrates on the political-economic paradigms that
guide the current approaches to public intervention and the evaluation
of the social impact of theatrical activities. He does so by pointing out certain criticalities, identified in particular in the utilitarian principles
– in many respects consistent with the forms of so-called aesthetic capitalism
– that recognise the social impact of the theatre as its primary
value, rather than its political and aesthetic objectives.
The article also highlights how today’s intervention programmes
– modelled on increasingly precise and conditioning national or supranational
political agendas, to which theatrical activities tend, often
unconsciously, to adapt in order to economically survive – risk de-radicalising,
modifying, or undermining the naturally political vocation
of theatrical practices, depriving them of the freedom that theatre has
always provided in questioning and transcending the external order,
in acting as a moment of individual and community imagination and
in La cultura della rappresentazione nella Milano del Settecento: discontinuità e permanenze, att... more in La cultura della rappresentazione nella Milano del Settecento: discontinuità e permanenze, atti del convegno internazionale, Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana – Università Cattolica, 26-28 novembre 2009, monografico di «Studia Borromaica», a cura di A. Cascetta, R. Carpani, D. Zardin, Roma, Bulzoni, 2010, pp. 265-295.
Books by stefano locatelli
Papers by stefano locatelli
(applied theatre) in Italy, offering, firstly, a summary of the period from
the mid-20th century to the present day.
The author concentrates on the political-economic paradigms that
guide the current approaches to public intervention and the evaluation
of the social impact of theatrical activities. He does so by pointing out certain criticalities, identified in particular in the utilitarian principles
– in many respects consistent with the forms of so-called aesthetic capitalism
– that recognise the social impact of the theatre as its primary
value, rather than its political and aesthetic objectives.
The article also highlights how today’s intervention programmes
– modelled on increasingly precise and conditioning national or supranational
political agendas, to which theatrical activities tend, often
unconsciously, to adapt in order to economically survive – risk de-radicalising,
modifying, or undermining the naturally political vocation
of theatrical practices, depriving them of the freedom that theatre has
always provided in questioning and transcending the external order,
in acting as a moment of individual and community imagination and
(applied theatre) in Italy, offering, firstly, a summary of the period from
the mid-20th century to the present day.
The author concentrates on the political-economic paradigms that
guide the current approaches to public intervention and the evaluation
of the social impact of theatrical activities. He does so by pointing out certain criticalities, identified in particular in the utilitarian principles
– in many respects consistent with the forms of so-called aesthetic capitalism
– that recognise the social impact of the theatre as its primary
value, rather than its political and aesthetic objectives.
The article also highlights how today’s intervention programmes
– modelled on increasingly precise and conditioning national or supranational
political agendas, to which theatrical activities tend, often
unconsciously, to adapt in order to economically survive – risk de-radicalising,
modifying, or undermining the naturally political vocation
of theatrical practices, depriving them of the freedom that theatre has
always provided in questioning and transcending the external order,
in acting as a moment of individual and community imagination and