Papers by armando montanari

The ending of the global economic crisis has left some sectors of the economy in the need to star... more The ending of the global economic crisis has left some sectors of the economy in the need to start-off with a more efficient and more competitive offer of the pre-crisis period. Rome offers urban and cul-tural tourism that presents problems of over-crowding and risk of banalisation of the product. Thus, owing to all the tour-ism, Rome managed to overcome the cri-sis period without much difficulty. How-ever, the situation on the coast near Rome is still problematic. It extends along the sea between the Fiumicino Airport and the port of Civitavecchia. Coastal and marine tourism products have undergone major transformations, and to overcome the cri-sis, a profound renewal work is required. There is a need for a different regional development organisation to update sup-ply and offer new products to guests. Up until now, coastal entrepreneurs had only considered their territory and their busi-ness. A possible solution to the problem is suggested by greater integration between the coast and inland areas. In the case of Lazio, these areas are rich in tangible cul-tural goods, as a result of various civiliza-tions that developed over the centuries, and intangible cultural goods that are the result of sedimentation of different cul-tures. The situation of coastal and marine tourism on the north coast of Lazio is considered in relation to the development of the sector in the rest of Italy. The vari-ables under consideration are those of the tourism sector in the period 2001–2011 to check the effects of the global economic crisis on employment at each individual municipality. The analysis examined all municipalities in order to confirm how the crisis has had consequences, particularly on the coastal communes. Only the com-munes of the coast were taken into con-sideration. The indexation of occupants in tourism in comparison to the residents showed a clear difference between the municipalities in northern Italy and those in southern Italy. However, the study of the employment situation in the Latium region shows a lesser presence of occupi-ers in the coastal areas where the supply is potentially concentrated. In the seven communes of the North Coast, the situa-tion is even more worrying, as it is clear that many of the activities are carried out by companies that are located outside the area, as the ones inside are inadequate and unable to compete at national and in-ternational levels. Hence, there is a need to create networks of companies where cooperation and better organisation can enable them to be more competitive.
Rome is a particularly signifi cant example, as the city primarily att racts international touris... more Rome is a particularly signifi cant example, as the city primarily att racts international tourists. Tourism to Rome has not been markedly aff ected by the international economic crisis, and in fact growth took off again from the second half of 2009 largely because of foreign tourists. This essay examines the renewed growth of tourism in the light of job losses and the policies the authorities wish to implement to consolidate growth. The author proposes to apply the principles of ecotourism to Rome, with visitors encouraged to behave as they would in a large protected area whose cultural diversity represents its biodiversity more extensively.
Rivista Geografica Italiana, 1993
Rivista Geografica Italiana, 2007
Rivista Geografica Italiana, 2006
Papers by armando montanari