Valerio Baiocchi
Prof. Geol. Ing. Valerio Baiocchi PhD, PhD, M. Sc.Associate Professor"Abilitazione scientifica nazionale per professore di prima fascia" (National Scientific Qualification as full professor) since 2017 (ssd icar/06)"Valerio Baiocchi began his career as a programmer at the age of 14 in the TMS9900 environment, developing some original software in collaboration with the most popular computer magazines of the time.Valerio Baiocchi received his High school diploma at the age of 17 (the usual age in Italy is 19) at the Scientific High school “C.Cavour” of Rome, the oldest scientific High school of Italy. He is Geologist and Engineer, both full Graduation at “Sapienza” University of Rome, one of the oldest university of Europe, with top marks. He obtained a Ph.D. in Geodesy and survey, at 'Parthenope' University, Napoli, Italy (1996-1999), a Master in Environmental sciences (Scuola di specializzazione), at Urbino University, Italy (1995-1997), and a second Ph.D. in Infrastructures and transports, at 'Sapienza' University of Rome (2006-2009).Author of more than 240 scientific papers, H-index 15 on Scopus, 12 on WOS and 14 on Google scholar.
Phone: 0644585068
Address: Via Eudossiana, 18 00184, Rome, Italy
Phone: 0644585068
Address: Via Eudossiana, 18 00184, Rome, Italy
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