Valentina Martino
Valentina Martino (Ph.d.) is Assistant Professor in Cultural ad Communicative Processes at Department of Communication and Social Research of Sapienza University of Rome, where she teaches Business communication and coordinates a seminar on scientific writing and carreer guidance.
Since 2001 she carries out teaching and research activity on corporate communication and public relation theory, analysis of cultural consumptions, university innovation and communication. In particular, her scientific interests presently revolve around the role of culture and historical communication in the strategies of organizations and university institutions.
She has published:
- Dalle storie alla storia d’impresa. Memoria, comunicazione, heritage, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma 2013.
- La comunicazione culturale d'impresa. Strategie, strumenti, esperienze, Guerini Scientifica, Milano 2010.
- Non solo media. Scenari, fonti e percorsi di ricerca sul tempo libero, Franco Angeli, Milano 2005.
- (con Mario Morcellini) Contro il declino dell'Università. Appunti e idee per una comunità che cambia, Il Sole24Ore, Milano 2005.
- (with Mario Morcellini e Giovanna Gianturco, eds.) Vite da studenti. La condizione studentesca nel sistema del 3+2, Logo Fausto Lupetti, Bologna 2010.
- (with Elena Valentini, eds.) Il sistema Università nella XIV Legislatura. Riforme e questioni aperte, La Biblioteca Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2007.
- (with Marco Binotto, eds.) Fuori luogo. L’immigrazione e i media italiani, Pellegrini/Rai-Eri, Cosenza 2004.
International articles and chapters
- V. Martino, A. Lovari, When the past makes news: cultivating media relations through brand heritage, “Public Relations Review”, 2016.
- V. Martino, J. M. Herranz de la Casa, Arts and strategic communication in Italy and Spain: from sponsorship to corporate responsibility, “Tafter Journal”, no. 86, January-February 2016.
- V. Martino, Made in Italy museums. Some reflections on company heritage networking and communication, “Tafter Journal”, no. 84, September-October 2015.
- V. Martino, The discovery of arts and culture as global communication media. High-visibility experiences in the Italian and international scenario, “Tafter Journal”, no. 79, January 2015.
- J.-N. Kim, S. Park, A. Krishna, V. Martino, “Risk Management through Employees: Testing Employees’ Voluntary Scouting and Corporate Readiness for Cyber Risks”, in E.-J. Ki, J.-N. Kim, J. A. Ledingham (eds.), Public Relations As Relationship Management. A Relational Approach To the Study and Practice of Public Relations (2nd Edition), Routledge, New York, 2015, pp. 199-213.
- V. Martino, A. Lovari, “Enel’s 50 years of energy, millions of moments”, in J. VanSlyke Turk, J. Valin, J. Paluszek (eds.), Public Relations Case Studies from around the World, Inc., Peter Lang, New York, 2014, pp. 39-67.
- A. Lovari, V. Martino, J.-N. Kim, Citizens’ Relationships with a Municipality and Their Communicative Behaviors in Negative Civic Issues, “International Journal of Strategic Communication”, J.-N. Kim (ed.), Special Issue “Strategic Values of Relationships and the Communicative Actions of Publics and Stakeholders”, no. 6(1), 2012, pp. 17-30.
Since 2001 she carries out teaching and research activity on corporate communication and public relation theory, analysis of cultural consumptions, university innovation and communication. In particular, her scientific interests presently revolve around the role of culture and historical communication in the strategies of organizations and university institutions.
She has published:
- Dalle storie alla storia d’impresa. Memoria, comunicazione, heritage, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma 2013.
- La comunicazione culturale d'impresa. Strategie, strumenti, esperienze, Guerini Scientifica, Milano 2010.
- Non solo media. Scenari, fonti e percorsi di ricerca sul tempo libero, Franco Angeli, Milano 2005.
- (con Mario Morcellini) Contro il declino dell'Università. Appunti e idee per una comunità che cambia, Il Sole24Ore, Milano 2005.
- (with Mario Morcellini e Giovanna Gianturco, eds.) Vite da studenti. La condizione studentesca nel sistema del 3+2, Logo Fausto Lupetti, Bologna 2010.
- (with Elena Valentini, eds.) Il sistema Università nella XIV Legislatura. Riforme e questioni aperte, La Biblioteca Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2007.
- (with Marco Binotto, eds.) Fuori luogo. L’immigrazione e i media italiani, Pellegrini/Rai-Eri, Cosenza 2004.
International articles and chapters
- V. Martino, A. Lovari, When the past makes news: cultivating media relations through brand heritage, “Public Relations Review”, 2016.
- V. Martino, J. M. Herranz de la Casa, Arts and strategic communication in Italy and Spain: from sponsorship to corporate responsibility, “Tafter Journal”, no. 86, January-February 2016.
- V. Martino, Made in Italy museums. Some reflections on company heritage networking and communication, “Tafter Journal”, no. 84, September-October 2015.
- V. Martino, The discovery of arts and culture as global communication media. High-visibility experiences in the Italian and international scenario, “Tafter Journal”, no. 79, January 2015.
- J.-N. Kim, S. Park, A. Krishna, V. Martino, “Risk Management through Employees: Testing Employees’ Voluntary Scouting and Corporate Readiness for Cyber Risks”, in E.-J. Ki, J.-N. Kim, J. A. Ledingham (eds.), Public Relations As Relationship Management. A Relational Approach To the Study and Practice of Public Relations (2nd Edition), Routledge, New York, 2015, pp. 199-213.
- V. Martino, A. Lovari, “Enel’s 50 years of energy, millions of moments”, in J. VanSlyke Turk, J. Valin, J. Paluszek (eds.), Public Relations Case Studies from around the World, Inc., Peter Lang, New York, 2014, pp. 39-67.
- A. Lovari, V. Martino, J.-N. Kim, Citizens’ Relationships with a Municipality and Their Communicative Behaviors in Negative Civic Issues, “International Journal of Strategic Communication”, J.-N. Kim (ed.), Special Issue “Strategic Values of Relationships and the Communicative Actions of Publics and Stakeholders”, no. 6(1), 2012, pp. 17-30.
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Papers by Valentina Martino
As an official global partner of World Expo 2015, Intesa Sanpaolo wanted to cultivate and reinforce strategic relationships with all its social and market stakeholders such as families, employees, public institutions, no profit organizations, and business partners. In particular, the bank dedicated its own pavilion space in the expo to promote a non-stop program of cultural events, as well as to host four hundreds selected small and medium companies representing Italian excellence.
Indeed, Intesa Sanpaolo distinguished itself as one the most active hub of public relations within the World exhibition by sharing a multiplicity of corporate and cultural messages that were propagated on both digital and traditional platforms, thus activating media and stakeholders’ engagement before, during, and after the event. The objective was to promote collaboration, networking, and the creation of a specific business and relational platform assuring the bank, as project leader, remarkable marketing and reputational outcomes in the middle-long term.
In continuità con i principali studi internazionali, il contributo presenta i risultati di un’indagine sul simbolismo visivo delle università italiane. La ricerca ha preso in esame la visual identity degli atenei, statali e non, per analizzarne stili ed elementi caratterizzanti: in particolare, le componenti figurative e verbali del marchio istituzionale; il richiamo al territorio e ai simboli della tradizione; il restyling dell’iconografia storica e le strategie identitarie privilegiate dalle università di recente fondazione.
In particular, the quality of relations with citizens makes these holders of good relationships view civic problems as less problematic, although the problems impact residents’ interests. Implications for public relations research and practices are discussed, as well as the specific role played by digital and social media in citizens’ active communication behaviors related to negative civic issues.
La “librarietà” dell’impresa di Ivrea, rimasta curiosamente in ombra rispetto ad altri e più celebrati primati, è destinata a istituzionalizzarsi e animare nel tempo una caleidoscopica produzione di monografie di diverso genere e formato: volumi celebrativi, opuscoli, guide, manuali tecnici, cataloghi e libri d’arte, studi e atti scientifici, a una selezione dei quali è dedicato un catalogo bibliografico stilato in collaborazione con l’Associazione Archivio Storico Olivetti.
La storia della comunicazione ripercorsa dall’Autrice riserva un approfondimento ad hoc alla biografia editoriale del giubilare Olivetti 1908-1958: in queste pagine, che è possibile ritenere le più rappresentative dell’olivettismo, trovano codificazione i tratti estetici e valoriali dell’azienda-comunità voluta da Adriano Olivetti, all’apice del suo inquieto splendore e ormai pronta a diventare una “realtà della cultura”.
Con una testimonianza di Franco Ferrarotti e prefazione di Giuseppe Lupo.
At the beginning of the new millennium, the rediscovery of memory has seen a real boom. The history of private companies is rising to the rank of heritage and, therefore, of a strategic cultural and relational capital.
Among the most distinctive expressions of the practice of valuing and communicating the industrial tradition, there are the celebration of company anniversaries and "birthdays", often packaged in the form of events with high media potential; the opening of historical archives and museums to conserve corporate memory and ensure a permanent fruition by the public; not least, a rich web storytelling combining the use of both corporate site and new participatory platforms.
From such scenario, the volume offers a review of the strategic and operational approaches supporting the communication of corporate memory, according to an interdisciplinary perspective and with reference to the most authoritative sources, best practices and associative networks in the Italian and international context. Such experiences demonstrate, on the one hand, that a critical reading of brands' and products' history can produce engaging stories, played in an anti-nostalgic key with a strong bet on the present and future; on the other hand, that tradition is not the exclusive prerogative of an elite group of family and historical companies, time-honored by their longevity, but a strategic opportunity also for those organizations which are not so ancient, but yet aware of their role within collective culture.
When recognizing the value of tradition and putting effort into renovate it, a company can actually feel part of one story along with the territory and its own stakeholders. That's the deep relational intelligence that is due to memory.