Patrizio Di Nicola
Patrizio Di Nicola, sociologist, is Professor of Sociology of Organisation and of Advanced Sistem at the Faculty of Communication Sciences - University of Rome "La Sapienza" and was professor of Sociology of Economic Processes and Work at the Faculty of Architecture. He is Director of the MA in E-Business and Professor of Sociology of Economics and Labour at the Link Campus - University of Malta in Rome. He was scientific director for many researches on telework, virtual enterprises, distant learning and the post -industrial labour market, and was managing consultant of enterprises and Government bodies, including the Ministry of Regional Affairs, Telecom Italia, TIM, Isfol, the International Training Centre of the ILO, the European Commission. In 1996-1999 was National Co-ordinator for the European Telework Development Initiative and is involved since 2001 in the international projects on telework development and research BISER, E-GAP, ITENETS. Is author or contributor of many books and is editor of the Italian version of the TCA' Teleworking Handbook (1997 and 1999, second edition). At the present is consultant for the implementation of telework at Poste Italiane, the largest Italian firm, and director of the New York based E.USIC project, in collaboration with the City University of New York and the New York University.
Most recent publications include: E-Society. Strumenti e percorsi di analisi della Società in Rete, Guerini, 2005; Le@rning, Guerini, 2003; Telelavoro: dove, come, quando. Sette studi di fattibilità su Aziende ed Enti toscani, Edizioni del Cerro, 2003; Telelavoro domiciliare, Ediesse, 2002, Teleworking best practice handbook (2001); "Telecom Italia Telephone Directory Service", in Work is Changing the Future is Now, Proceedings of the Seventh European Assembly on Telework & New Ways of Working - Telework 2000; Telework between Law and Contract (1998)¸ Telework: Working On progress, 1998 (CD Rom); New International Perspectives on Telework, 1998; Internet 2000, (1997). Actually is writing two new books: Sociology of Telework and Pictures from changing Organisations. Since 1995 he created and maintain the most famous Italian Telework Website (www.telelavoro.rassegna.it ). Has a personal website www.dinicola.it and a Blog (http://dinicola.blogspot.com/) where the public can find many of his articles. In the spare time is Managing Director of Futuribile srl, a futuristic research firm based in Rome.
Phone: +390649918456
Address: Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione
Via Salaria 113
00198 Roma
Most recent publications include: E-Society. Strumenti e percorsi di analisi della Società in Rete, Guerini, 2005; Le@rning, Guerini, 2003; Telelavoro: dove, come, quando. Sette studi di fattibilità su Aziende ed Enti toscani, Edizioni del Cerro, 2003; Telelavoro domiciliare, Ediesse, 2002, Teleworking best practice handbook (2001); "Telecom Italia Telephone Directory Service", in Work is Changing the Future is Now, Proceedings of the Seventh European Assembly on Telework & New Ways of Working - Telework 2000; Telework between Law and Contract (1998)¸ Telework: Working On progress, 1998 (CD Rom); New International Perspectives on Telework, 1998; Internet 2000, (1997). Actually is writing two new books: Sociology of Telework and Pictures from changing Organisations. Since 1995 he created and maintain the most famous Italian Telework Website (www.telelavoro.rassegna.it ). Has a personal website www.dinicola.it and a Blog (http://dinicola.blogspot.com/) where the public can find many of his articles. In the spare time is Managing Director of Futuribile srl, a futuristic research firm based in Rome.
Phone: +390649918456
Address: Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione
Via Salaria 113
00198 Roma
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Papers by Patrizio Di Nicola
a cura di Emanuele Di Nicola, Roma, 2015
a cura di Emanuele Di Nicola, Roma, 2015
Il volume, basato su una ricerca svolta con il contributo della CGIL e della rivista «Internazionale» che ha raccolto e analizzato centinaia di storie di lavoratori e lavoratrici atipici, vuole aiutare a comprendere meglio l’«arcipelago della precarietà», al cui interno si intrecciano la discontinuità della retribuzione, la ricattabilità nei confronti dei datori di lavoro e la fatica di dover ricominciare sempre da capo, in nuovi lavori e con nuovi colleghi. Fare parte della «generazione senza» significa non potersi permettere progetti di vita, non avere diritti elementari, stare peggio dei propri genitori pur avendo studiato di più: in una parola si vive ai margini del mercato del lavoro vedendosi negata una parte importante della propria identità.
Per cambiare questa situazione non basta una buona legge: bisognerà
ripensare la cittadinanza sociale e il welfare, in modo che sia garantito un futuro ai lavoratori, a prescindere dal contratto che hanno stipulato.