Paolo Gasbarri
Full Professor in Aerospace Structures
at the School of Aerospace Engineering of Rome La Sapienza.
1989 Laurea Degree in Aeronautical Engineering at University of Rome “La Sapienza”
1989 National license to practice engineering
1992 PhD in Aerospace Engineering
1993-1996 System Engineer at Alenia Space
1996-2004 Assistant Professor in Aerospace Structures at Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
1997 Visiting Professor at the Deutschen Zentrum fur Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR) (Germany)
2005-2019 Associate Professor in Design of Aerospace Structures at “La Sapienza”.
2020- present Full Professor in Design of Aerospace Structures and Mulibody Dynamics at “La Sapienza”.
2011 Visiting Professor at UNISINOS, Applied Mathematics Department
2015 Visiting Professor ITA, Istituto Tecnòlogico de Aeronatica
Past activites
Before joining the University of Rome, Dr. Paolo Gasbarri was a Research Fellow in Alenia Spazio (now Thales Alenia Space), one of the leading Italian aerospace industries where he was involved in several research areas concerning Space Technology:
1) Design and Analysis of Space Systems;
2) Attitude Control Design;
3) Aerothermodynamics Analysis of Space Reentry Vehicles;
4) Vibration control of Space Structures.
He was also responsible for the following projects:
1)Aerothermodynamic analysis of Italian Reentry Unmanned Capsule, CARINA;
2)Influence of liquid sloshing and structural elastic frequencies on attitude dynamics of ARTEMIS satellite;
3)PICS project (Integrated Platform for Control Systems): The objective of this research was to develop an autonomous spacecraft simulator and test-bed; later the simulator was used in Alenia for the development and validation of control algorithms as well as various hardware elements necessary for satellite attitude control design. The work was successfully implemented on the Italian Army satellite called SICRAL.
4)Experimental qualification tests of the orbital attitude control system of the scientific ESA satellite ARTEMIS
The research activities carried out by Paolo Gasbarri deal with two basic themes:
- Composite structures and aeroelastic optimization of composite wings
- Dynamic behavior of the structures in space environment, and multi-body dynamics
International Organizations
1996-2014 Member of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (A.I.D.A.A)
2000-2005 Italian representative at the Structures and Material Panel of the NATO Research Technology Agency (RTO)
2003 Member of the Material and Structures Committee of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
2003 Member of the International Organizing Committee of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
2006 Corresponding Member of the International Astronautical Academy (IAA)
2007 Chair of the Material and Structures Committee of IAF
2008 Full Member of the International Astronautical Academy (IAA).
2009-Present Member of the Technical Committee of the IAF
2012-Present Member of the board of A.I.D.A:A
Dissemination of research and participation to academic life
In the last seven years Paolo Gasbarri was the advisor of several Italian PhD students. He was also the external advisor for a Brazilian PhD in Applied Mathematics and for a Brazilian Post Doc in Dynamics Simulations of Aerospace Slender Flexible Bodies.
at the School of Aerospace Engineering of Rome La Sapienza.
1989 Laurea Degree in Aeronautical Engineering at University of Rome “La Sapienza”
1989 National license to practice engineering
1992 PhD in Aerospace Engineering
1993-1996 System Engineer at Alenia Space
1996-2004 Assistant Professor in Aerospace Structures at Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
1997 Visiting Professor at the Deutschen Zentrum fur Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR) (Germany)
2005-2019 Associate Professor in Design of Aerospace Structures at “La Sapienza”.
2020- present Full Professor in Design of Aerospace Structures and Mulibody Dynamics at “La Sapienza”.
2011 Visiting Professor at UNISINOS, Applied Mathematics Department
2015 Visiting Professor ITA, Istituto Tecnòlogico de Aeronatica
Past activites
Before joining the University of Rome, Dr. Paolo Gasbarri was a Research Fellow in Alenia Spazio (now Thales Alenia Space), one of the leading Italian aerospace industries where he was involved in several research areas concerning Space Technology:
1) Design and Analysis of Space Systems;
2) Attitude Control Design;
3) Aerothermodynamics Analysis of Space Reentry Vehicles;
4) Vibration control of Space Structures.
He was also responsible for the following projects:
1)Aerothermodynamic analysis of Italian Reentry Unmanned Capsule, CARINA;
2)Influence of liquid sloshing and structural elastic frequencies on attitude dynamics of ARTEMIS satellite;
3)PICS project (Integrated Platform for Control Systems): The objective of this research was to develop an autonomous spacecraft simulator and test-bed; later the simulator was used in Alenia for the development and validation of control algorithms as well as various hardware elements necessary for satellite attitude control design. The work was successfully implemented on the Italian Army satellite called SICRAL.
4)Experimental qualification tests of the orbital attitude control system of the scientific ESA satellite ARTEMIS
The research activities carried out by Paolo Gasbarri deal with two basic themes:
- Composite structures and aeroelastic optimization of composite wings
- Dynamic behavior of the structures in space environment, and multi-body dynamics
International Organizations
1996-2014 Member of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (A.I.D.A.A)
2000-2005 Italian representative at the Structures and Material Panel of the NATO Research Technology Agency (RTO)
2003 Member of the Material and Structures Committee of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
2003 Member of the International Organizing Committee of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
2006 Corresponding Member of the International Astronautical Academy (IAA)
2007 Chair of the Material and Structures Committee of IAF
2008 Full Member of the International Astronautical Academy (IAA).
2009-Present Member of the Technical Committee of the IAF
2012-Present Member of the board of A.I.D.A:A
Dissemination of research and participation to academic life
In the last seven years Paolo Gasbarri was the advisor of several Italian PhD students. He was also the external advisor for a Brazilian PhD in Applied Mathematics and for a Brazilian Post Doc in Dynamics Simulations of Aerospace Slender Flexible Bodies.
Related Authors
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Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Papers by Paolo Gasbarri