Papers by Marta Natalucci
Sassatelli, Nizzo, Trocchi (a cura di), "Spina Etrusca. Un grande porto nel Mediterraneo", 2023
F. Frapiccini, A. Naso (a cura di), Archeologia Picena (Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Ancona 2019), 2022
The research project focusing on the necropolis Davanzali of Numana aims to examine a notable num... more The research project focusing on the necropolis Davanzali of Numana aims to examine a notable number of graves, dated between the 9th and the 2nd century BC. A rich and detailed documentation of excavation allows to develop an in-depth study of the funeral rituality and its development in the Picenian community of Numana. In this paper, the focus will be on the rituality of the infant depositions. Indeed, thanks to the comparison with the adults’ burials, it is possible to highlight some specific elements, typical of the ritual reserved to this age.
Roma e il mondo adriatico. Dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio II.2, 2022
Gallico: occupazione e gestione del territorio in età romana Davide Gangale Risoleo La via Flamin... more Gallico: occupazione e gestione del territorio in età romana Davide Gangale Risoleo La via Flaminia nelle Marche: un inventario diacronico delle tecnologie applicate alla gestione di un territorio
Fold&r , 2022
The paper presents the results of the ongoing research in the Picenian and Roman necropolis of Co... more The paper presents the results of the ongoing research in the Picenian and Roman necropolis of Contrada Nevola in Corinaldo, conducted by the University of Bologna in collaboration with SABAP AN and PU. The excavation campaigns, carried out in continuity from 2019 to 2021, provide new data both on the necropolis of the Orientalizing Age (7th century BC), enriched with a new funerary circle with high-ranking grave goods, and on the burial ground of the middle imperial Roman Age, which has become more defined in terms of extension, chronology and tomb types.

E. Govi (a cura di), BIRTH. Archeologia dell'infanzia nell'Italia preromana, 2021
The sub-adult burials and their rituality have never been subject of a specific study for the pre... more The sub-adult burials and their rituality have never been subject of a specific study for the pre-roman necropolises of the Marche region. This kind of research is made difficult by the lack of anthropological studies for most of the necropolises. Moreover, the current knowledges are not uniform from the diachronic and the synchronic point of view, because of the fragmentation of the edited data and the loss of a lot of information related to the 19th -20th excavations. Nevertheless, the recent archaeological campaigns and the ongoing researches permit to present interesting news regarding the social role of the children and their funeral rituality in the Picenum. Analysing 54 necropolises in 32 localities, it is possible to register a progressive growth of the number of sub-adult burials from the 9th century BC to the beginning of the 3rd century BC. During the 9th-8th centuries BC, the infants and the children were rarely buried in the necropolis of the community, and the percentage of sub-adult graves do not exceed the 20-25%. Only in the 6th-5th centuries BC the percentage of the 50% is reached, according with the infant mortality rate of the pre-industrial societies. The attention for the infant death raises during the centuries. If in the 9th-8th centuries many sub-adults do not have grave goods, in the 7th-6th centuries some infants burials show symbols of high social status and they participate to the richness ostentation of their aristocratic clans. In many sub-adult tombs, the grave goods consist of a complete banquet set, which reproduce the adult grave goods in a small size. This phenomenon of “miniaturisation” is also
applied on the objects that reveal the gender, such as spears and whorls. At the same time, between the 6th and the 4th centuries BC, the presence of feeders in some tombs highlight the early age of the
deceased. During the 5th-4th centuries, the funeral rituality changes considerably, and it is now focused on the association of a drinking vase and a pouring one. Moreover, some grave goods seem to suggest a greater attention to the religious aspects related to the afterlife. This is the case of the busts and the statuettes of Kore, Demeter and Aphrodite related to the rites of passage and the rebirth belief. The manifestation of these new cults and the attention on the body care reveal a strong Greek influence in the Picenian society during the 5th-4th centuries.

Archeologia e Calcolatori 32.2, 2021
Andrea Gaucci, Virtual Archaeology and the study of necropolises as a system: methodology and pra... more Andrea Gaucci, Virtual Archaeology and the study of necropolises as a system: methodology and practice in the case study of Numana (AN), Italy 27 Enrico Zampieri, The Davanzali necropolis of Numana (AN): from the archaeological context to the virtual environment 35 Michele Silani, Reconstructing the funerary landscape: natural environment and topography of the necropolis 45 Simone Garagnani, Quick digitization techniques: the case study of Numana necropolis 53 From Pottery to Context: Methodologies, Practices, Case Studies Isabelle Algrain, Delphine Tonglet, Studying the shapes of Greek vases: historiography and new methodologies 65 Alessandro Pace, Daniele Bursich, New perspectives on documenting Attic pottery 83 Marta Natalucci, The rediscovery of colors at Kainua-Marzabotto 95 Marta Esposito, Antefixes from Museo Provinciale Campano in Capua. A proposal for a virtual reconstruction
F. Boschi, I. Venanzoni (a cura di), "La tomba del Principe di Corinaldo. Il tesoro ritrovato", 2021
Dialoghi sull’Archeologia della Magna Grecia e del Mediterraneo. Atti del III Convegno di Studi, 2018, 2019
The article displays the first results of the project concerning the Quagliotti-Davanzali necropo... more The article displays the first results of the project concerning the Quagliotti-Davanzali necropolis, related to the Picenian centre of Numana. The study focuses on the process of occupation of the funeral area and the burial modalities, that vary over time. The funeral rituality
is analysed considering the composition and the association of the grave goods. This approach allowed to acquire new interesting data for the understanding of the role of Numana in the Adriatic area.

Ocnus, 2017
Small masses of blue and red pigment found during the excavation of the temple of Uni in Marzabot... more Small masses of blue and red pigment found during the excavation of the temple of Uni in Marzabotto have been studied by employing XRF, FT-IR, and micro-Raman techniques. Thanks to these different spectroscopic techniques, the identification of red ochre and Egyptian blue pigments has been ascertained. The findings of Egyptian blue masses and the attestations of its use in the Etruscan area allow us to hypothesize its provenance, the trade carriers and the beginnings of circulation. The VIL technique has been applied on some architectural terracottas in the National Etruscan Museum of Marzabotto to investigate the presence of Egyptian blue, never attested before in the Etruscan Po Valley. The analysis permits to better understand the decoration pattern, the fabrication techniques and the specialised production of some tiles painted with Egyptian blue. Moreover, the study of polychromy on terracottas gives the possibility to make a realistic reconstruction of the decorative elements in the city.
Conference Presentations by Marta Natalucci

The city of Kainua (Marzabotto), inhabited between the end of the 6th century B.C. and the beginn... more The city of Kainua (Marzabotto), inhabited between the end of the 6th century B.C. and the beginning of the 4th century B.C., is one of the most important and best preserved Etruscan centres. During the excavations performed by the University of Bologna in the area of the temple of Uni, masses of rare red ochre and Egyptian blue pigments have been found. After this discovery, a series of analysis has been carried out in order to study the polychromy of the architectural terracottas of the site, which has never been subject of systematic studies. Thanks to spectroscopic analysis, it has been possible to examine the composition of the pigments that were employed. Moreover, the VIL technique not only confirmed the use of Egyptian blue, but also allowed to rediscover the decoration pattern of some painted tiles that belonged to one of the temples of the acropolis. This discovery is very important because the use of Egyptian blue had never been attested before in the Etruscan Po valley. Lastly, the study has allowed to create a 3D reconstruction of the painted architectural elements, which are preserved nowadays in fragments. In the future, these reconstructions could contribute to the FIRB project “Kainua”, which aims at the virtual reconstruction of the architectural structures located in the city of Kainua, and they will allow the visitors to have a better understanding of the decorative system of the city temples.
Co-authored Papers by Marta Natalucci

A.C. Montanaro (a cura di), Vasi di bronzo etruschi in Italia: produzioni regionali e diffusione tra le popolazioni italiche. Contesti d’uso, aspetti ideologici e tecnologici, 2023
Numana undoubtedly played a leading role among the main Picene sites where pre-roman bronze vesse... more Numana undoubtedly played a leading role among the main Picene sites where pre-roman bronze vessels and utensils have been discovered. In this sense, the numerous burials of the local necropolises are a privileged documentary source, which allows us to contextualize the variety of shapes and types and to interpret their associations with other materials within the individual funeray assemblages in the light of the funerary ritual. However, the knowledge of Numanate bronze vessels is still very limited, for reasons essentially due to the few published data and the lack of an extensive study of the necropolises, as well as to the conservation conditions of the finds, which have not always been properly restored.
In this contribution we aim to propose an overview of the currently known Etruscan bronze items from Numana, examining a consistent nucleus of burials and adequately taking into account both the limits of the investigated sample and the chronological extension of the evidence. For these reasons, the introductory part of the contribution is dedi- cated to an updated survey of the main funerary areas.
Papers by Marta Natalucci
applied on the objects that reveal the gender, such as spears and whorls. At the same time, between the 6th and the 4th centuries BC, the presence of feeders in some tombs highlight the early age of the
deceased. During the 5th-4th centuries, the funeral rituality changes considerably, and it is now focused on the association of a drinking vase and a pouring one. Moreover, some grave goods seem to suggest a greater attention to the religious aspects related to the afterlife. This is the case of the busts and the statuettes of Kore, Demeter and Aphrodite related to the rites of passage and the rebirth belief. The manifestation of these new cults and the attention on the body care reveal a strong Greek influence in the Picenian society during the 5th-4th centuries.
is analysed considering the composition and the association of the grave goods. This approach allowed to acquire new interesting data for the understanding of the role of Numana in the Adriatic area.
Conference Presentations by Marta Natalucci
Co-authored Papers by Marta Natalucci
In this contribution we aim to propose an overview of the currently known Etruscan bronze items from Numana, examining a consistent nucleus of burials and adequately taking into account both the limits of the investigated sample and the chronological extension of the evidence. For these reasons, the introductory part of the contribution is dedi- cated to an updated survey of the main funerary areas.
applied on the objects that reveal the gender, such as spears and whorls. At the same time, between the 6th and the 4th centuries BC, the presence of feeders in some tombs highlight the early age of the
deceased. During the 5th-4th centuries, the funeral rituality changes considerably, and it is now focused on the association of a drinking vase and a pouring one. Moreover, some grave goods seem to suggest a greater attention to the religious aspects related to the afterlife. This is the case of the busts and the statuettes of Kore, Demeter and Aphrodite related to the rites of passage and the rebirth belief. The manifestation of these new cults and the attention on the body care reveal a strong Greek influence in the Picenian society during the 5th-4th centuries.
is analysed considering the composition and the association of the grave goods. This approach allowed to acquire new interesting data for the understanding of the role of Numana in the Adriatic area.
In this contribution we aim to propose an overview of the currently known Etruscan bronze items from Numana, examining a consistent nucleus of burials and adequately taking into account both the limits of the investigated sample and the chronological extension of the evidence. For these reasons, the introductory part of the contribution is dedi- cated to an updated survey of the main funerary areas.