Justinian’s Legacy. The Last War of Roman Italy / L’eredità di Giustiniano. L’ultima guerra dell’Italia romana, edited by H. Dey, F. Oppedisano, 2024
The purpose of this essay is to focus on any signs of teaching, writing and manuscript circulatio... more The purpose of this essay is to focus on any signs of teaching, writing and manuscript circulation in Italy which are specifically datable from 535 to 575, that is, from Justinian’s campaign to the progressive Lombard conquest of the Italian peninsula. Thanks to these precise chronological limits, it will be possible to concentrate on the consequences of the Gothic war on the Italian cultural system and to identify some relevant elements of continuity with the previous decades. Such analysis will firstly focus on manuscripts’ subscriptiones comprehensive of date and place of origin, which convey relevant information about Italian book production during – and right after – the Gothic war. Then, it will list and consider some relevant hints of book circulation, teaching and the formation of new libraries in the same years, starting from the central (and richly documented) experience of Cassiodorus at the Vivarium monastery in Squillace.
Papers by Ilaria Morresi
This article discusses the additions to Cassiodorus’ "divisio philosophiae" in the second interpolated recension of the "Institutiones" (Δ), that is, the textual form in which this work enjoyed its greatest popularity between the ninth and the eleventh centuries. Interpolations in Δ manuscripts are affected by textual mistakes and at times obscure, as a result of the attempt to balance the various branches of ‘Platonic’ and ‘Aristotelian’ schemes, but they also show traces of possibly ancient Greek material. A careful analysis of this material will therefore allow us to consider copyists’ and readers’ competences on the classification of knowledge during the Early Middle Ages.
This article discusses the additions to Cassiodorus’ "divisio philosophiae" in the second interpolated recension of the "Institutiones" (Δ), that is, the textual form in which this work enjoyed its greatest popularity between the ninth and the eleventh centuries. Interpolations in Δ manuscripts are affected by textual mistakes and at times obscure, as a result of the attempt to balance the various branches of ‘Platonic’ and ‘Aristotelian’ schemes, but they also show traces of possibly ancient Greek material. A careful analysis of this material will therefore allow us to consider copyists’ and readers’ competences on the classification of knowledge during the Early Middle Ages.
This volume provides a full commentary to the first critical edition of the interpolated recensions Φ and Δ (CC SL 99A). In doing so, it conveys a full picture of the complex history of the "Institutiones saeculares", from their first appearance in the monastery of Vivarium to the Carolingian Renaissance, at which time they knew their greatest success and circulation.
La nostra comunicazione intende indagare le modalità con cui i ‘nuovi’ maestri dei secoli VII-IX descrivono e presentano il vitium del barbarismo, con lo scopo di mettere in luce i loro principi ispiratori, le loro fonti e la destinazione del loro insegnamento. I principali testi presi in esame saranno i cosiddetti Pauca de barbarismo, le grammatiche di Giuliano di Toledo e Isidoro di Siviglia, il commento a Donato di Remigio di Auxerre e i trattati di area insulare composti da Murethach, Sedulio Scoto e dall’anonimo autore dell’Ars Laureshamensis.
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a new and complete collation of the two witnesses, as well as the discussion of the «delicate matter» (as Rand defined it) of their mutual relationship, from both an ecdotic and an historical point of view. This will allow a wider consideration of the value of ‘physical evidences’ vs. textual criteria (complete absence of superior readings) for the identification of a "codex descriptus", but also some remarks on the ecdotic problems that they pose to the critical editor.
The paper will focus on the surviving ninth-century and early tenth-century manuscript witnesses of Priscian’s Ars which are traceable to the scriptoria and libraries of East Francia. It will combine a strictly textual and philological approach – defining the position of such manuscripts within the general stemma codicum of the Ars and their possible mutual relations – with their codicological and palaeographic analysis – considering the features that might suggest, for some of them, a German origin.
The aim of such study will be to contribute to the general picture of the presence of Priscian’s masterpiece in East Francia during the ninth and the early tenth-century, proposing a first outline of the PAGES group’s work and multidisciplinary approach.
Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità
5 aprile 2022
The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the various schemes for the division of Philosophy which originated in this context, with particular reference to the second interpolated recension of Cassiodorus’ "Institutiones" (Δ). All of these texts present both obscurities and mistakes (often originated by the attempt at balancing the various branches of Platonic and Aristotelian divisions) but also traces of possibly ancient Greek material. A careful analysis of their manuscript tradition and content will therefore allow us to shed light on a topic that clearly was of remarkable interest during the Carolingian Renaissance.