Papers by Emanuela Rabaglietti

ABSTRACTThis study investigated the association between negative peer functioning and social/fami... more ABSTRACTThis study investigated the association between negative peer functioning and social/familial risk factors with the occurrence of symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among Italian primary school children. We hypothesized that negative peer functioning and the cumulative number of indexes of adversity would be independently associated to ADHD. We also tested for gender moderated effects. 103 primary school children (48 girls, 46.6%; M^sub age^ = 8.25, SD = .61, Range = 6-10), their parents and their teachers took part into this study. The assessment included a measurement of: symptoms of attention deficit (ADD) and hyperactivity (HYP), conflictual and affective friendship quality, prosocial and aggression behaviors and emotional and behavioral instability. In addition, an index of social risk was assessed by considering multiple social and familial risk factors. Results showed that conflictual friendship quality and aggressive behaviors were positively...

Substance Use & Misuse, 2017
Background: Tobacco and marijuana smoking are very popular in adolescence and there is a high rat... more Background: Tobacco and marijuana smoking are very popular in adolescence and there is a high rate of comorbidity between them, even in young adulthood. Parental support and control may hinder involvement in the use of these substances by promoting conventional values among adolescents. Objectives: The present study investigates the relations between family functioning (parental support and control) and psychoactive substance use (tobacco and marijuana smoking) and determines whether these relationships are mediated by personal values (in terms of disapproval of deviance and beliefs about the importance of school, health and religion). Methods: 175 Italian late adolescents (17 to 20 years old) participated in this two-wave longitudinal study. Data were collected at school through an anonymous questionnaire. Results: Greater parental control and support were directly associated with lower adolescent tobacco and marijuana use; adolescent acceptance of conventional values mediated the association between parenting and adolescent marijuana use. Conclusion: Findings emphasize the influence of family relationships throughout adolescence. The transmission of conventional values to adolescents may be a critical mechanism through which parenting protects adolescents from substance use, especially marijuana use.
Rassegna di Psicologia, 2008
Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo, 2005
... Fabrizia Giannotta (Università di Torino) Roberta Molinar (Università di Torino) Emanuela Rab... more ... Fabrizia Giannotta (Università di Torino) Roberta Molinar (Università di Torino) Emanuela Rabaglietti (Università di Torino) Antonella Roggero (Università di Torino ... 5). La fami-glia ed i coetanei sembrano avere un effetto a medio termine sulle dimen-sioni emotive collegate all ...
Journal of Applied School Psychology, 2015

Lo studio intende indagare gli effetti di un programma di attivita motoria sullo stato di salute ... more Lo studio intende indagare gli effetti di un programma di attivita motoria sullo stato di salute psicologica dei soggetti con Sclerosi Multipla (SM), analizzando gli effetti diretti dell’esercizio fisico sulla qualita di vita (QdV) e sulla depressione, e gli effetti di moderazione del livello di disabilita nella relazione tra allenamento motorio e variabili psicologiche. Sono state coinvolte 31 donne affette da SM recidivante remittente, con un’eta media di 40 anni (DS = 5; min = 22; max = 50) e un livello di disabilita di 2.0 dell’Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). I partecipanti allo studio sono stati suddivisi, secondo specifiche tecniche di appaiamento, in due gruppi (sperimentale, GS - controllo, GC), omogenei al baseline per le variabili di interesse. Il GS ha partecipato a 12 settimane di training motorio bisettimanale, basato su attivita aerobica ed esercizi di rinforzo muscolare; mentre il GC ha mantenuto inalterate le proprie abitudini. La partecipazione all’intervento motorio ha un’influenza positiva sui sintomi depressivi (p < .001) e sulla QdV (p < .001). Il livello di disabilita e risultato un moderatore della relazione tra partecipazione all’esercizio fisico e le variabili psicologiche.
Papers by Emanuela Rabaglietti