Elena Spangenberg Yanes
Ricercatrice a tempo determinato di Lingua e letteratura latina (Lecturer of Latin language and literature), Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità. Member of the research staff of the ERC-AdG-2019 PAGES Project (Priscian's Ars Grammatica in the European Scriptoria: A Millennium of Latin and Greek Scholarship, P.I. Prof. Dr. Michela Rosellini)
A. v. Humboldt Stiftung Experienced Research Fellow. Host Institution: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Thesaurus linguae Latinae. Research project: "Thesaurus Dubii Sermonis: digital critical collection of ancient Latin linguistics (1st century BC – 8th century CE)".
Februar 2020: DAAD Visiting Scientist. Host Institution: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Thesaurus linguae Latinae. Research project: "Der literarische Kanon in der frühmittelalterlichen lateinischen Grammatik (7.-9. Jahrhundert): Kontinuität und Erneuerung".
October 2017 – September 2019: Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow. Research project: "Critical Edition, with Commentary, of the Anonymous De dubiis nominibus". Academic mentor: Prof. Dr. Anna Chahoud. See https://www.tcd.ie/Classics/staff/elena-yanes.php
February 2017 PhD in Latin Philology cum laude, Sapienza University of Rome; dissertation "Commento al lessico sintattico greco-latino di Prisciano", supervisor Prof. Dr. Michela Rosellini.
July 2013 MA degree in Classics cum laude, Sapienza University of Rome; dissertation: Italian translation and commentary of Seneca the Elder's controversia 10.4, supervisors Prof. Dr. Michela Rosellini and Prof. Dr. Giuseppe La Bua.
December 2011 BA degree in Classics cum laude, Sapienza University of Rome; disseration: Italian translation and commentary of Seneca the Elder's sixth suasoria, supervisor Prof. Dr. Michela Rosellini.
Supervisors: Michela Rosellini, Anna Chahoud, Giorgio Piras, and Roberta Marchionni
A. v. Humboldt Stiftung Experienced Research Fellow. Host Institution: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Thesaurus linguae Latinae. Research project: "Thesaurus Dubii Sermonis: digital critical collection of ancient Latin linguistics (1st century BC – 8th century CE)".
Februar 2020: DAAD Visiting Scientist. Host Institution: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Thesaurus linguae Latinae. Research project: "Der literarische Kanon in der frühmittelalterlichen lateinischen Grammatik (7.-9. Jahrhundert): Kontinuität und Erneuerung".
October 2017 – September 2019: Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow. Research project: "Critical Edition, with Commentary, of the Anonymous De dubiis nominibus". Academic mentor: Prof. Dr. Anna Chahoud. See https://www.tcd.ie/Classics/staff/elena-yanes.php
February 2017 PhD in Latin Philology cum laude, Sapienza University of Rome; dissertation "Commento al lessico sintattico greco-latino di Prisciano", supervisor Prof. Dr. Michela Rosellini.
July 2013 MA degree in Classics cum laude, Sapienza University of Rome; dissertation: Italian translation and commentary of Seneca the Elder's controversia 10.4, supervisors Prof. Dr. Michela Rosellini and Prof. Dr. Giuseppe La Bua.
December 2011 BA degree in Classics cum laude, Sapienza University of Rome; disseration: Italian translation and commentary of Seneca the Elder's sixth suasoria, supervisor Prof. Dr. Michela Rosellini.
Supervisors: Michela Rosellini, Anna Chahoud, Giorgio Piras, and Roberta Marchionni
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Papers by Elena Spangenberg Yanes
by Hertz. Therefore it is now possible to observe a series of peculiar orthographic, morphological, and syntactic features of Priscian’s language, that in Hertz’s edition were standardised either by the editor himself or by the
scribes of the Carolingian manuscripts that he consulted.
The individuation of the correct ending of the ablative singular of third-declension nouns and adjectives was widely debated by ancient and late antique grammarians, who were not aware of the variety of nominal stems collected under the heading of ‘third declension’ and tried to find empiric rules in order to predict the ending of the ablative of each word. In the former part of my paper I will analyse Priscian’s prescriptions about this topic, contrasting them with those by other ancient and late-antique grammarians and highlighting the most significant textual changes that will affect the relevant passages in the forthcoming new edition. The latter part will be devoted, instead, to a survey of Priscian’s own linguistic use as far as the endings of the aforementioned ablatives are concerned: the new collation of the manuscripts reveals several occurrences that conflict with the grammatical rules provided by Priscian himself and the critical editor has to decide, case by case, whether to accept the reading of the archetype or to standardize the ending according to the grammatical rule and/or to the linguistic use attested in coheval literary and documentary texts.
and ancient grammatical texts. These non-literary sources can
be used in both research and teaching Latin, encouraging students to incorporate this knowledge into their academic endeavors.
Lunedì 15 gennaio 2024, ore 9.30
Laboratorio DiScAnt del Dipsum (edificio B)
Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”
1 marzo 2023
link da remoto: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88217886058?pwd=dyt3K0Zkb2hXS2RIWkwwdE1MQ24vZz09
25 ottobre 2022, Sapienza Università di Roma
In the second part of the paper I will discuss specific textual critical problems, that are connected to the content and peculiar structural features of the Instituta regularia, such as the extensive presence of biblical citations and the question and answer form of the work. Such issues have a decisive impact on the main shape of the stemma, that can be either bipartite or tripartite, and consequently on the constitutio textus.
23 May 2022, Wien, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
La lingua greca nella tradizione grammaticale latina
a cura di Fabio Gasti e Andrea Pizzotti
Die anonyme schrift De nominibus dubiis (7./8. Jh. n. Chr., wahrscheinlich in Gallien verfasst) ist chronologisch der letzte Teil des Erbes der antiken Tradition des dubius sermo, die auf Plinius den Älteren zurückgeht. sie besteht aus einer alphabetisch geordneten Reihe von Lemmata, die Auskunft zum Nominalgenus, Numerus sowie zu Orthographie und semantik geben. Diese schrift nimmt einen wichtigen stellenwert im Rahmen der lateinischen grammatikalischen Abhandlungen ein, sowohl als Quelle von Fragmenten verlorengegangener Werke republikanischer und frühkaiserlicher Zeit als auch als eines der frühen Zeugnisse der Anwendung von christlicher Literatur im schulunterricht. bei dem vorliegenden band handelt es sich um eine neue kritische Ausgabe des De nominibus dubiis, die auf der ersten vollständigen und direkten Kollation aller bekannten Handschriften basiert und zu einer zuverlässigeren Rekonstruktion des Textes und zur Rückgewinnung seiner ursprünglichen orthographischen facies führt. Die handschriftliche Überlieferung, die struktur und die Quellen des Werkes sowie dessen sprachliche und theoretische besonderheiten werden in der ausführlichen Einleitung und im Kommentar zu den einzelnen Lemmata erläutert. Der band wird durch Indices der Lemmata und der im lateinischen Text zitierten stellen vervollständigt.
Lateinische Grammatiker und Lexikographie
27.-29. Mai 2024
Thesaurus linguae Latinae
Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München
Sitzungssaal 2
a cura di Andrea Chegai, Michela Rosellini, Elena Spangenberg Yanes
Preliminary Remarks
1. Aggiornamento metodologico e riflessioni critiche sui procedimenti ecdotici / Methodological Enhancement in the Digital Era: New Questions about Critical Editing
Michela Rosellini
2. La singolare natura della testualità musicale / The Peculiar Nature of Musical Textuality
Andrea Chegai
3. Textual Critical Challenges in the Digital World
Elena Spangenberg Yanes
I. Sorting Methods in Critical (Digital) Editing
Nove tesi e mezza per la filologia nell’era della liquidità digitale / Nine and a Half Theses for Philology in the Liquid Digital Age
Lorenzo Tomasin
Il futuro dell’edizione critica (cioè lachmanniana), più o meno digitale. Riflessioni (in)attuali / Critical (Lachmannian) Editions - a More or Less Digital Future? Reflections, New and Old
Ermanno Malaspina
L’edizione critica digitale: la critica del testo nella storia della tradizione / The Critical Digital Edition: Textual Criticism within the History of the Tradition
Paolo Monella
The Genesis of the Arnamagnæan Method
Matthew James Driscoll
The Critical Edition in Old Norse Philology: Its Demise and Redefinition
Odd Einar Haugen
La filologia dell’opera italiana fra testo ed evento / Philology of the Italian Opera between Text and Event
Fabrizio Della Seta
II. Editing Texts with a Complex Transmission
Critical Digital Editions of Christian Apocryphal Literature in Latin and Greek: Transcription and Collation of the Acts of Barnabas
Caroline Macé, Maïeul Rouquette, Violeta Seretan, Frédéric Amsler, Patrick Andrist, Cecilia Antonelli
The Study of codices descripti as a Neo-Lachmannian Weapon Against the Notions of variance and Textual Fluidity.
A Few Words to Introduce the Theme
Paolo Trovato
The Use of codices descripti to Determine Scribal Habits
Federico Marchetti
Di chi è la Penelope? Sull’autorialità di un melodramma di tardo Settecento / Who Composed the Penelope? On the Authoriality of a Late-18th-Century Melodrama
Eleonora Di Cintio
Edizioni genetiche e strategie di visualizzazione digitale. Un prototipo per il quartetto op. 59, nr. 3 di Beethoven / Genetic Editions and Strategies of Digital Visualization. A Prototype for Beethoven’s Quartet Op. 59, No. 3
Federica Rovelli
III. Textual Criticism Applied to the Internet
Classics into Code: Latin Texts in the Digital Space
Dániel Kiss
Dalla stampa al digitale, dal digitale alla stampa. Tradizione indiretta dei classici latini in Rete / From Print to Digital Texts, from Digital Texts to Print. Indirect Tradition of Latin Classics on the Web
Claudio Giammona, Elena Spangenberg Yanes
Un progresso obsoleto? Vicende digitali della Chanson de Roland e del Cantar de Mio Cid / Obsolete Progress? Digital Ups and Downs of the Chanson de Roland and the Cantar de Mio Cid
Claudio Lagomarsini
Fake texts e Wiki edizioni. Per una filologia digitale sostenibile / Fake Texts and Wiki Editions. For a Sustainable Digital Philology
Paola Italia
La narrazione della storia in Wikipedia: pratiche, ideologie, conflitti per la memoria nell’Enciclopedia Libera / The Narration of History in Wikipedia: Practices, Ideologies, Conflicts about Memory in the Free Encyclopedia
Benedetta Pierfederici, Salvatore Talia (Gruppo di ricerca “Nicoletta Bourbaki”)
Tesi di laurea magistrale.