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Sommario: 1. Premessa. -2. Strumenti di protezione contro la pirateria a favore delle navi private: il ruolo e lo statuto dei Nuclei Militari di Protezione. -3. Tentativo di ricostruzione dei fatti: a) l'attacco dell'Enrica Leixe da parte... more
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    • European and International Law
Il raddoppio dei giudici del Tribunale dell'Unione: valutazioni di merito e di legittimità costituzionale europea 2 7 A P R I L E 2015 2 |n. 8/2015 |n. 8/2015 grado) 3 , pure composto di 28 giudici (nominati... more
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      European Union LawEuropean Court of Justice
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      European UnionEuropean Union LawDiplomatic and Consular LawDiplomacy and international relations
Con la sentenza n. 138 del 2010 1 la Corte costituzionale ha affrontato per la prima volta la questione relativa all'ammissibilità, nel nostro ordinamento, del matrimonio fra persone dello stesso sesso. Nonostante la decisione abbia... more
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    • Diritto Costituzionale
The main objective of this dissertation is to outline the development of International Space Law in the field of space debris mitigation and remediation. The purpose is to provide a legal analysis starting from the Treaties and Principles... more
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      International LawInternational Space LawSpace PolicyEuropean Space Agency
This document presents the state of the art of the space sector organisation in Italy. The main objective is to give a comprehensive overview of the Italian governance of the space economy. Focusing on the Lazio Region, the report... more
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      Satellite TechnologyGlobal Navigation Satellite SystemsSatellite CommunicationsSatellite remote sensing
In a globalised world where competitiveness represents the keystone of modern capitalist society and thus of economic health and prosperity, knowledge and expertise express the very differentiating element between successful and... more
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      ManagementPolitical ScienceManagement ScienceProsperity
Il mondo visto da fuori ai tempi del Covid-19
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    • Humanities
Work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non commercial-Share alike 3.0 Italian License
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      Political ScienceDemocracy
This study investigates the phenomenon of far-right foreign fighters engaged on the Ukrainian war alongside pro-Russian separatists. Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the phenomenon, albeit limited, also affected... more
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      RadicalizationUkraineFar RightForeign Fighters
The rise of the extreme right social movement and the transnational anti-gender mobilisation are among the main socio-political conflicts of the last decade. In Germany, the renewed mobilising capacity of the extreme-right has been the... more
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      GenderFrame AnalysisExtreme and Far Rightanti-gender movements
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      Social MovementsEuropean StudiesEuroscepticismExtreme and Far Right
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      CommonsCreative CommonsDemocracy and Citizenship Education
The rise of far right social movements heightens the necessity of addressing the interpretive and methodological challenges that arise from close-up studies of such political subjects. The relative scarcity of close-up or "internalist"... more
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      Social MovementsEthnographyEmotional LabourField Study
The rise of far right social movements in Europe has led to a new proliferation of studies on the subject. The growing body of research has not however resolved the ontological and epistemological problems of research on the far right,... more
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      Social MovementsEpistemologyTaxonomyExtreme and Far Right
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryGeopolitics
The paper intends to investigate the functioning of the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in the particular context of Rome. It is analysing the advantages and shortcomings of Rome’s recent adherence to the SPRAR (Sistema di... more
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      MigrationNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Migration StudiesMigration policies
The year 2014 was a record year in terms of refugee arrivals in Europe, as more than 260.000 migrants asked for international protection in the European member States, during the first six months of the year. The number of asylum seekers... more
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      Public AdministrationGovernanceNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Asylum seekers
In the context of the economic crisis, with increased numbers of persons affected by poverty or social exclusion, this thesis aimed at analysing the participation mechanisms of social civil society organisations in the policy-shaping of... more
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      European StudiesSocial PolicyHomelessnessGovernance