Università degli Studi "La Sapienza" di Roma
Dipartimento Di Chirurgia "Pietro Valdoni"
Patients with space-occupying lesions (SOL) were studied using cholescintigraphy and varying results found. In 24 cases of SOL of 40 patients studied, we observed: (1) the presence of focal defects; (2) displacement of the intrahepatic... more
- by M. Scarpini
Local therapy with IL-2 may be very effective in the treatment of different forms of cancer. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of IL-2 locoregional application in the treatment of colon cancer. Twenty eight syngenic... more
- by M. Scarpini
We report the case of a patient with a gastric remnant relapse of an antral carcinoma resected 5 years before and presenting with the clinical feature of a secondary achalasia (pseudoachalasia). In spite of the patient's 4-month history... more
- by V. Sciacca
We describe how the Harry Dym equation fits into the the bi-Hamiltonian formalism for the Korteweg-de Vries equation and other soliton equations. This is achieved by means of a certain Poisson pencil constructed from two compatible... more
Background: Nonoperative treatment of splenic injuries is the current standard of care for hemodynamically stable patients. However, uncertainty exists about its efficacy for patients with major polytrauma, a high Injury Severity Score... more
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is slowly taking its place also in an emergency setting, regardless of its initial unfortunate course when iatrogenic lesions during surgery, complications and conversion rate make the laparoscopic approach in... more
and unprotected nothing. Aim of the study was to evaluate tetanus immunity status comparing the traditional anamnestic method with the Tetanus Quick Stick (TQS), a rapid immunochromatographic test. Methods: A double-blind prospective... more