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The article focuses on the feature of the Lega Nord's (LN) electoral advance into new Italian regions, by stressing the similarities and differences with its historical bases of support. In order to verify whether the expansion has... more
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      Political PartiesItalian PoliticsElectoral BehaviorThe Northern League
This article argues that voters of the Italian Lega Nord have been radicalized in recent years, shifting from an intermediate ‘centrist’ position to the extreme right. Data from both national and European mass surveys (e.g. Italian... more
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      Political PartiesItalian PoliticsElectoral BehaviorExtreme and Far Right
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      Political PartiesItalian PoliticsElectoral Behavior
France and Portugal have the same form of semi-presidential government. Even though the powers of their respective presidents and their political systems have been extensively investigated, the literature on the role of government... more
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      GovernmentFrench PoliticsElectionsSemi-presidentialism
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      Political PartiesLega Nord
Sebastián Piñera's presidential victory marks the end of the institutional transition process that began in 1989, and the electoral alternation clearly demonstrates that the Chilean democracy has matured. Nevertheless, some systematic... more
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      ChilePresidential Studies
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      Post-Socialist SocietiesSemi-presidentialism
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Abstract: Sebastián Piñera's presidential victory marks the end of the institutional transition process that began in 1989, and the electoral alternation clearly demonstrates that the Chilean democracy has matured. Nevertheless, some... more
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Parliamentary elections are due to be held in Italy on 24-25 February. As part of EUROPP's series of articles previewing the election, Gianluca Passarelli assesses the prospects of one of Italy's most controversial parties: Lega Nord. He... more
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      Italian PoliticsLega Nord
Starting the analysis of two semi-presidential governments having in mind this higlithing “definition” by one of most heminent scholars of Government is certainly encouranging in facing difficulties. Nevertheless, I cannot and I dont want... more
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      Italian PoliticsElectoral BehaviorElections
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      Italian PoliticsParty PoliticsExtreme and Far RightLega Nord
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      Social MovementsPolitical PartiesItalian Politics
This article deals with voter turnout and the economic crisis, and focuses on the results of the 2013 parliamentary elections in Italy. A consolidated tradition of studies has attested to the impact of a negative economic cycle,... more
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      Italian PoliticsProtestElectoral BehaviorVoter Turnout (Electoral Behavior)
The article focuses on the 2013 Italian general elections, which are indicative of the political and electoral effects that the different electoral reforms have produced in Italy since 1993. The Italian political system has in fact seen... more
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      Italian PoliticsElectoral BehaviorElectoral Systems
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      Italian PoliticsParty organizationBeppe GrilloMovimento 5 Stelle
This book considers why the level of party presidentialization varies from one country to another, and how constitutional structures and party genetics affect both the level and the degree it is present. Presenting an international... more
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      Leadership (Political Science)Presidential StudiesParty Politics
The article focuses on the feature of the Lega Nord's (LN) electoral advance into new Italian regions, by stressing the similarities and differences with its historical bases of support. In order to verify whether the expansion has... more
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    • Political Geography
I cambiamenti e la continuità nel sistema politico delle regioni italiane tra il 1995 e il 2015
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      Italian PoliticsRegionalismElections