Papers by Daniela Iacoviello

Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, 2013
In orthopedic surgery, to decide upon intervention and how it can be optimized, surgeons usually ... more In orthopedic surgery, to decide upon intervention and how it can be optimized, surgeons usually rely on subjective analysis of medical images of the patient, obtained from computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound or other techniques. Recent advancements in computational performance, image analysis and in silico modeling techniques have started to revolutionize clinical practice through the development of quantitative tools, including patient-specific models aiming at improving clinical diagnosis and surgical treatment. Anatomical and surgical landmarks as well as features extraction can be automated allowing for the creation of general or patient-specific models based on statistical shape models. Preoperative virtual planning and rapid prototyping tools allow the implementation of customized surgical solutions in real clinical environments. In the present chapter we discuss the applications of some of these techniques in orthopedics and present new computer-aided tools that can take us from image analysis to customized surgical treatment.
An efficient eye tracking procedure is presented providing a non-invasive method for real time de... more An efficient eye tracking procedure is presented providing a non-invasive method for real time detection of a subject eyes in a sequence of frames captured by low cost equipment. The procedure can be easily adapted to any subject and is adequately insensitive to the illumination changes. The eye identification is performed by an optimal approximation procedure of the frames based on a discrete level set formulation of the variational approach to the optimal segmentation problem. The segmentation yields a simplified version of the original data retaining all the information relevant to the application. No eye movement model is required being the procedure fast enough to obtain the current frame segmentation as one step update from the previous frame segmentation
2022 26th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), Oct 19, 2022

Springer eBooks, 2013
In orthopedic surgery, to decide upon intervention and how it can be optimized, surgeons usually ... more In orthopedic surgery, to decide upon intervention and how it can be optimized, surgeons usually rely on subjective analysis of medical images of the patient, obtained from computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound or other techniques. Recent advancements in computational performance, image analysis and in silico modeling techniques have started to revolutionize clinical practice through the development of quantitative tools, including patient-specific models aiming at improving clinical diagnosis and surgical treatment. Anatomical and surgical landmarks as well as features extraction can be automated allowing for the creation of general or patient-specific models based on statistical shape models. Preoperative virtual planning and rapid prototyping tools allow the implementation of customized surgical solutions in real clinical environments. In the present chapter we discuss the applications of some of these techniques in orthopedics and present new computer-aided tools that can take us from image analysis to customized surgical treatment.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2019
In this paper an optimal control design approach is used to compute optimal strategies of interve... more In this paper an optimal control design approach is used to compute optimal strategies of intervention in terms of the combined actions of vaccination and social distancing. The aim is to define times and modalities of reduction of the individual limitations compatibly with a cost associated to the epidemic effects on the population healthy, to the social and economic consequences of the containment measures and to the vaccination campaign. A mathematical model, obtained adapting and improving a previously proposed and validated one, is introduced to this control design aim. Simulation results obtained for different choices of costs and constraints are also reported and discussed.
We formulate and implement a dynamical multigroup model to describe the diffusion of COVID-19 epi... more We formulate and implement a dynamical multigroup model to describe the diffusion of COVID-19 epidemic within homogeneous sub-populations, structurally or geographically separated but interconnected by a mobility network. Each sub-model provides a rather accurate description of infective sub-populations. Control actions, representing the intervention measures adopted to curb the disease dynamics, are also included. The multi-group structure of the model is specifically designed to investigate the effects of people mobility. The case of three Italian areas is considered, for the period March-October 2020 including the massive increment in people mobility occurred in summertime. The results of model simulation are in good agreement with the data and can provide important informations about the contribution of outcome individuals to the virus spread.
Infectious Disease Modelling
2022 26th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC)

Journal of Neural Engineering
Objective. A large part of the cerebral cortex is dedicated to the processing of visual stimuli a... more Objective. A large part of the cerebral cortex is dedicated to the processing of visual stimuli and there is still much to understand about such processing modalities and hierarchies. The main aim of the present study is to investigate the differences between directional visual stimuli (DS) and non-directional visual stimuli (n-DS) processing by time-frequency analysis of brain electroencephalographic activity during a visuo-motor task. Electroencephalography (EEG) data were divided into four regions of interest (ROIs) (frontal, central, parietal, occipital). Approach. The analysis of the visual stimuli processing was based on the combination of electroencephalographic recordings and time-frequency analysis. Event related spectral perturbations (ERSPs) were computed with spectrum analysis that allow to obtain the average time course of relative changes induced by the stimulus presentation in spontaneous EEG amplitude spectrum. Main results. Visual stimuli processing enhanced the sam...

arXiv (Cornell University), Aug 26, 2021
To date, several automated strategies for identification/segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) ... more To date, several automated strategies for identification/segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) lesions with the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) have been presented, but they are outperformed by human experts, from whom they act very differently. This is mainly due to: the ambiguity originated by MRI instabilities; peculiar variability of MS; non specificity of MRI regarding MS. Physicians partially manage the uncertainty generated by ambiguity relying on radiological/clinical/anatomical background and experience. To emulate human diagnosis, we present an automated framework for identification/segmentation of MS lesions from MRI based on three pivotal concepts: 1. the modelling of uncertainty; 2. the proposal of two, separately trained, CNN, one optimized for lesions and the other for lesions with respect to the environment surrounding them, respectively repeated for axial, coronal and sagittal directions; 3. the definition of an ensemble classifier to merge the information collected by different CNN. The proposed framework is trained, validated and tested on the 2016 MSSEG benchmark public data set from a single imaging modality, the FLuid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR). The comparison with the ground-truth and with each of 7 human raters, proves that there is no significant difference between the automated and the human raters.
2022 23rd International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC)

Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2017
Postural stability is often compromised in many pathological states and decreases with age. In cl... more Postural stability is often compromised in many pathological states and decreases with age. In clinical practice, an objective tool for balance is fundamental. Recently, virtual tools, based on the use of depth cameras, have been presented. In this paper, a new virtual system for postural stability assessment was presented, involving the use of a Time of Flight camera (TOF) and of a mirror for the reduction of the occlusions errors by allowing the camera to see the hidden body surface. The validity of the tool was assessed through some experimental results. Data were also compared with those measured by a physical force platform and those calculated with another virtual stability assessment system, in order to highlight the error reduction while maintaining simplicity and low-cost. CCS Concepts •Computing Methodologies ➝ Artificial Intelligence ➝ Computer Vision ➝ Image and video acquisition ➝ 3D imaging; •Computer Applications ➝ Life and medical sciences ➝ Health informatics.
P. Soille, L. Gueguen, S. D’Elia,P.G. Marchetti, L. Colaiacomo, and M. Datcu, 2011

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 2021
The paper aims at a discussion of the effects of the containment measures against COVID-19 throug... more The paper aims at a discussion of the effects of the containment measures against COVID-19 through the analysis of the reproduction number. Starting from a mathematical model in which several controls are considered, including the vaccination, and introducing also an hypotised limited duration of the immunity acquired both from vaccine and from healing from the illness, the steady state behaviour, both in the uncontrolled and in the controled cases is studied. The expressions for the basic reproduction number and the actual reproduction number under control actions are computed by means of the next generation matrix approach. This function is numerically investigated, showing some graphs which illustrate, qualitatively and quantitatively, in an intuitive way the positive effects of the controls and the negative contribution of the absence of a lifetime immunization from virus.
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 2017
The HIV/AIDS infection is one of the most dangerous disease all over the world. In this paper, a ... more The HIV/AIDS infection is one of the most dangerous disease all over the world. In this paper, a new model is proposed, taking into account different behaviors among susceptible subjects and therefore distinguishing wise and risky contacts. Three control actions are introduced, consistent with the three levels of prevention of the World Health Organization: an information campaign, an increase of the number of subjects that test if the HIV-infection is present, and the medication effort to the subjects that already have the HIV in order to reduce the number of subjects with AIDS. The model is analyzed and numerical results are presented.

Mathematical models of the cardiovascular system and of Cerebral AutoRegulation have been employe... more Mathematical models of the cardiovascular system and of Cerebral AutoRegulation have been employed for several years in order to describe the time course of pressures and flows changes subsequent to postural changes. The assessment of the degree of efficiency of Cerebral AutoRegulation has indeed importance in the prognosis of such conditions as cerebro-vascular accidents or Alzheimer. In the quest for a simple, but realistic mathematical description of cardiovascular control, which may be fitted onto noninvasive experimental observations after postural changes, the present work proposes a first version of a Stochastic Delay Differential Equations (SDDEs) model. The model consists of a total of four SDDEs and two ancillary algebraic equations, incorporates four distinct delayed controls from the brain onto different components of the circulation, and is able to accurately capture the time course of mean arterial pressure and cerebral blood flow velocity signals, reproducing observed auto-correlated error around the expected drift
2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 2020
The analysis of singular solutions in optimal control problems is addressed. The case of systems ... more The analysis of singular solutions in optimal control problems is addressed. The case of systems with two inputs is investigated characterising all the possible combination of singular arcs and constant boundary values. It is described the extension to a two input system of a previously proposed procedure for computing the control along the singular arcs in a state feedback form for one input dynamics. The procedure makes use of the possibility of computation in an analytical form of the costate as a function of the state. The example of a SIRC epidemic model is used to verify the effectiveness of the result.
Papers by Daniela Iacoviello