Conference presentations, Lectures etc. by Chiara Rosso
Chartres à Turin. Restauri e indagini sui manoscritti bruciati della Bibliothèque Municipale di Chartres e della Biblioteca Nazionale Universitario di Torino, 2019
Organised events by Chiara Rosso

, Leggere l'invisibile: recupero digitale delle scritture evanide nei manoscritti dell'Ars Prisci... more , Leggere l'invisibile: recupero digitale delle scritture evanide nei manoscritti dell'Ars Prisciani Andrea BRAMANTI (Roma Sapienza)-Claudio GIAMMONA (Roma Sapienza), Parva componere magnis. Le opere di Prisciano nei grammatici altomedievali Ileana PAGANI (Salerno), [Titolo da definire] Andrea CONSALVI (Roma Sapienza), Problemi ecdotici nel De figuris sententiarum et elocutionis di Giulio Rufiniano Chiara ROSSO (Roma Sapienza), L'Ars di Prisciano in area germanica tra IX e X secolo. Materiali paleografici per la localizzazione dei frammenti Anna GIOFFREDA (Roma Sapienza)-Elena SPANGENBERG YANES (Roma Sapienza), L'edizione turonense di Prisciano: testo, contesto, manoscritti 9 febbraio, ore 17, aula D Egittologia Link per la partecipazione a distanza:
E. DICKEY (Reading), Re-evaluating the role of sixth-century scholarship in the development of La... more E. DICKEY (Reading), Re-evaluating the role of sixth-century scholarship in the development of Latin lexicography M. ROSELLINI (Sapienza), Il progetto PAGES nell'ambito degli studi sulla linguistica antica A. GIOFFREDA-C. ROSSO (Sapienza), Leggere manoscritti (testo e margini) A. C. FELICI (Sapienza), Lettura di palinsesti A. DOROFEEVA (Göttingen), The Physiologus. Manuscript compilation practices and conversations about authority and nature in the Early Middle Ages M. DE NONNO (Roma Tre), Critica del testo di Prisciano A. BRAMANTI-I. MORRESI-E. SPANGENBERG YANES (Sapienza), Collazionare e definire uno stemma A. CONSALVI (Sapienza)-E. MERISIO (Firenze)-P. MONELLA (Sapienza), Aspetti digitali innovativi nel progetto PAGES: Cadmus 11 gennaio, ore 15, aula V
Talks by Chiara Rosso

International Conference "Margins at the Centre: Practices of Annotation" (23-24 May 2022, Wien, ÖAW), 2022
The purpose of this paper is to present the first results of the ERC project “PAGES”, led by Prof... more The purpose of this paper is to present the first results of the ERC project “PAGES”, led by Prof. Michela Rosellini, aimed at producing a new critical edition of Priscian’s Ars grammatica and at inquiring its key role for the study of Latin and Greek language in Carolingian scriptoria.
The paper will focus on the surviving ninth-century and early tenth-century manuscript witnesses of Priscian’s Ars which are traceable to the scriptoria and libraries of East Francia. It will combine a strictly textual and philological approach – defining the position of such manuscripts within the general stemma codicum of the Ars and their possible mutual relations – with their codicological and palaeographic analysis – considering the features that might suggest, for some of them, a German origin.
The aim of such study will be to contribute to the general picture of the presence of Priscian’s masterpiece in East Francia during the ninth and the early tenth-century, proposing a first outline of the PAGES group’s work and multidisciplinary approach.
Papers by Chiara Rosso

Scrineum, 2023
The paper focuses on the late ninth-century Bobbio manuscript Torino, Biblioteca nazionale univer... more The paper focuses on the late ninth-century Bobbio manuscript Torino, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria, F.IV.8, witness of Iohannes Hymmonides’ Vita Gregorii Magni, followed by the slightly later-added text of the visio Dryhthelmi, from Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica (V, 12). The codex bears clear traces of a mid-fifteenth-century restoration, aimed at filling lacunae of various entities along the text. The presence of two conspicuous errors, respectively between quires 12 and 13, and quire 16 and f. 124, urges further codicological and paleographical investigation on the codex. From this analysis some clues emerge to the existence of two ʻtwinʼ codices, which were merged together, in order to make one manuscript out of two formerly autonomous, damaged witnesses. Eight fragments once belonging to these two copies of the Vita Gregorii and then reused as guard-leaves in other Bobbio manuscripts now preserved in the Ambrosiana and Vaticana Libraries, as well as in the Turin Library itself, corroborate the hypothesis. It thus appears that, shortly after the publication of the biography of Gregory the Great, the Bobbio scriptorium drawn it up in two copies, the one for the abbey library, the other for the nearby small book collection kept at the Spelunca.
Conference presentations, Lectures etc. by Chiara Rosso
Organised events by Chiara Rosso
Talks by Chiara Rosso
The paper will focus on the surviving ninth-century and early tenth-century manuscript witnesses of Priscian’s Ars which are traceable to the scriptoria and libraries of East Francia. It will combine a strictly textual and philological approach – defining the position of such manuscripts within the general stemma codicum of the Ars and their possible mutual relations – with their codicological and palaeographic analysis – considering the features that might suggest, for some of them, a German origin.
The aim of such study will be to contribute to the general picture of the presence of Priscian’s masterpiece in East Francia during the ninth and the early tenth-century, proposing a first outline of the PAGES group’s work and multidisciplinary approach.
Papers by Chiara Rosso
The paper will focus on the surviving ninth-century and early tenth-century manuscript witnesses of Priscian’s Ars which are traceable to the scriptoria and libraries of East Francia. It will combine a strictly textual and philological approach – defining the position of such manuscripts within the general stemma codicum of the Ars and their possible mutual relations – with their codicological and palaeographic analysis – considering the features that might suggest, for some of them, a German origin.
The aim of such study will be to contribute to the general picture of the presence of Priscian’s masterpiece in East Francia during the ninth and the early tenth-century, proposing a first outline of the PAGES group’s work and multidisciplinary approach.