Aline Soares
Possui graduação em História pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (bacharel e licenciatura), mestrado em História Social pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em História da universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e doutorado em andamento pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em História da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro . Possui experiência nas áreas de pesquisa, atuando principalmente com temas relacionados à história social da cultura, história social do trabalho, escravidão, pós-abolição, Primeira República, Movimento operário, história oral, memória e patrimônio,educação museal, museus, memória social e identidade cultural.
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Papers by Aline Soares
Throughout the nineteenth century and twentieth century there were many requests for labor in the pages of the newspapers of wide circulation in Rio de Janeiro. With the end of slavery, there has been a considerable increase in demand for working children. In the ads session of Jornal do Commercio, some advertisers were looking for female or male workers, children or adults, to work with the most varied services. This dissertation will use these ads as a research source, particularly those in which interest was specifically in the child labor from 1888, a period in which slavery was legally extinguished, until 1927, when it was promulgated in Brazil the Code of Minors that established measures of assistance and protection to the minor. It is an approach of these sources, checking the incidence of these announcements after the legal abolition of slavery, as well as patterns of sex, age, color, nationality and types of work. The present research also wants to develop the representations that childhood played in Republic, as well as the historiographic discussions about the subject. The objective is to reveal how to emancipatory process interfered and caused changes in social relations, living and working conditions in the post-abolition, especially in the universe of child labor, and how the State was made to act in this question. It is about to understand the scenario in which freedom, poverty and the labor market are articulated within the framework of the nascent Republic.
KEY-WORDS: Child Labor – Post Emancipation – Republic – Press –
Jornal do Commercio – Rio de Janeiro – Child – Under Eighteen Years Old
Throughout the nineteenth century and twentieth century there were many requests for labor in the pages of the newspapers of wide circulation in Rio de Janeiro. With the end of slavery, there has been a considerable increase in demand for working children. In the ads session of Jornal do Commercio, some advertisers were looking for female or male workers, children or adults, to work with the most varied services. This dissertation will use these ads as a research source, particularly those in which interest was specifically in the child labor from 1888, a period in which slavery was legally extinguished, until 1927, when it was promulgated in Brazil the Code of Minors that established measures of assistance and protection to the minor. It is an approach of these sources, checking the incidence of these announcements after the legal abolition of slavery, as well as patterns of sex, age, color, nationality and types of work. The present research also wants to develop the representations that childhood played in Republic, as well as the historiographic discussions about the subject. The objective is to reveal how to emancipatory process interfered and caused changes in social relations, living and working conditions in the post-abolition, especially in the universe of child labor, and how the State was made to act in this question. It is about to understand the scenario in which freedom, poverty and the labor market are articulated within the framework of the nascent Republic.
KEY-WORDS: Child Labor – Post Emancipation – Republic – Press –
Jornal do Commercio – Rio de Janeiro – Child – Under Eighteen Years Old