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Establishing the origin and dating of the palatalization of the CA and GA clusters in the Rhaeto-Romance languages and in the Cisalpine area is one of the most debated problems in Romance linguistics, also because of the classificatory... more
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesToponomasticsPlace Names (Cultural Geography)Loanword Phonology
Gli agiotoponimi friulani San(t) Andrat e San Tomat e i veneti Santandrà, Sandrà, San Tomà conservano traccia della flessione nominale latina in -ās/āti- che integrava nel sistema tardo-latino elementi allotri, in particolare gli... more
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      Historical MorphologyRomance philologyOnomasticsToponomastics
This paper analyses the apparently abnormal Friulan result of Lat. PĔCŎRA > ['pjo:re], whose difficulties can be solved through a point-by-point reconstruction of the internal phonetic evolution of the Friulan varieties and by their... more
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesDiphthongsRomance LinguisticsPhonetics and Phonology
Gli avverbi derivati in MENTE, com'è ben noto ai romanisti, sono storicamente il frutto dell'univerbazione di due parole originariamente autonome. Già negli autori latini troviamo una perifrasi avverbiale, ovvero un sintagma ablativo... more
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesMorphologyRomance LinguisticsAdverbs
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      Vowel phoneticsPhonetics and PhonologyVowel DurationVowel Length
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      Friulian languageDialetto FriulanoLessicografiaLingua Friulana
Il manoscritto n. 4104 del Fondo Principale, conservato presso la Biblioteca Civica 'Vincenzo Joppi' di Udine, raccoglie vari materiali vergati dalla mano di Caterina Percoto (1812-1887): corrispondenze, articoli, traduzioni, note... more
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      ProverbsItalian LiteratureParemiologyItalian (Languages And Linguistics)
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      ToponomasticsToponymyItalian languageHistory of Italian Language
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesRomance LinguisticsVerbal MorphologyDolomitic Ladin Language
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesRomance LinguisticsFriulianFriulian language
La Región autónoma Friuli Venezia Giulia está situada en el extremo norte-oriental de Italia y presenta una situación lingüística peculiar, ya que –además del elemento italiano– coexisten comunidades retorománicas (friulanos), germánicas,... more
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      ToponymyFriuli Venezia GiuliaMinorías NacionalesToponimia
ENGLISH - In 1584 Lionardo Salviati, promoter of the Accademia della Crusca, published the first volume of “Avvertimenti della lingua sopra ’l Decamerone”. Besides analyzing the features of Boccaccio’s language, the author argues the... more
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      DialectologyItalian StudiesItalian Cultural StudiesItalian Literature
The paper proposes a new etymology for the toponyms Englaro (Paluzza), Nenglar, Denglar and similar in Carnia (Northeast Italy) and the surname Englaro. / Nell'articolo si propone una nuova etimologia dei vari toponimi Englaro... more
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      EtymologyToponomasticsToponymyPlace Names
The paper deals with the phonetic evolution of the Latin diphthong EU in Friulian and in the Ladin varieties.  /  L'articolo tratta dell'evoluzione fonetica del dittongo latino EU nel friulano e nelle varietà ladine dolomitiche.
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesDiphthongsRomance LinguisticsRomance Languages
ENGLISH: Toponymy and signage in Friulian: an overview of the present situation. Friuli is a historical region of Northeast Italy comprising most of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia. It presents a special linguistic situation... more
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesMultilingualismToponomasticsLanguage Planning and Policy
A brief history of the periodical press in the Friulian language. A first draft of linguistic and textual analysis of newspapers and magazine in Friulian published in the last decades. – Una breve storia della stampa periodica in... more
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      FurlanMinority language mediaTextual analysisFriulian language
– The paper illustrates the research and data collecting activities in the field of the onomastics of Friuli (Northeast Italy) of the Società Filologica Friulana (SFF) in its one hundred years of history (1919-2019), as well as the main... more
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      OnomasticsToponomasticsPlace-NamesPlace Names (Cultural Geography)
– An anti-fascist scholar of Catholic faith and liberal ideals, Stanko Vuk was born in 1912 into a Slovenian family in Merna/Miren near Gorizia. He studied in Gorizia, Ljubljana and Venice. During the Fascist regime, together with Boris... more
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      Slovene literaturePolitical PrisonersEpistolary literature20th Century Italian Literature
– The presence, in the past, of Slavic communities in the Friulian plain (Northeastern Italy), far from the present-day slavic-Romance linguistic border, is testified by archeology as by toponymy. Some place names in the Friulian plain... more
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      OnomasticsToponymySlavic ArchaeologyPlace Names
The ancient walled town of Venzone in Friuli (north-eastern Italy) has a polymorphic toponymy. In addition to its Italian name, the town is also called by Friulian (Vençon), Slovenian (Pušja vas) and German (Peuscheldorf) names with... more
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      OnomasticsGerman LanguageToponymyLanguage contact