This paper theoretically and empirically deals with the relationship between the concepts of soci... more This paper theoretically and empirically deals with the relationship between the concepts of social status and professional development of early childhood and preschool teachers\u27 profession, while discussing the possibility of complementing two dominantly sociological and pedagogical traditions from which they derived. Low social status of early childhood and preschool teacher profession has not been significantly improved, neither in the context of continuous emerging of new professions in the late modernity, neither in the context of flourishing of different approaches to professional development. For this reason, we were interested in determining the attitudes of early childhood and preschool teachers about the position and relevance of their profession in our society, as well as whether there is a connection between the mentioned attitudes and early childhood and preschool teachers’ attitudes to professional development. We conducted a survey in December 2013 on the sample of...
Rad istražuje vezu između samoprocjene interkulturalnih kompetencija i socijalne distance među od... more Rad istražuje vezu između samoprocjene interkulturalnih kompetencija i socijalne distance među odgojiteljicama. U uvodnom dijelu rada pojašnjavaju se osnovni pojmovi istraživanja i njihovi međusobni odnosi. Drugi dio teksta predstavlja rezultate empirijskog istraživanja čiji su sudionice bile odgojiteljice u vrtićima na riječkom području (N=225). Ustvrđeno je da su sadržaji interkulturalnog odgoja i obrazovanja nedovoljno prisutni u formalnom obrazovanju odgojiteljica te da se svega trećina smatra osposobljenima za njihovu primjenu u praksi. Ispitanice pokazuju veći stupanj socijalne distance prema skupinama koje doživljavaju kulturno različitim u više dimenzija: Albancima i Romima. Zabilježena je i pojava odbijanja ispunjavanja modifi cirane Bogardusove skale socijalne distance, što je pokazatelj nedovoljne senzibilnosti dijela ispitanica za ove teme. Ustvrđena je relativno slaba povezanost između samoprocjene interkulturalnih kompetencija i iskazivanja socijalne distance, što prip...
U tekstu se iznose podaci o proširenosti različitih dimenzija religioznosti u Istri na temelju is... more U tekstu se iznose podaci o proširenosti različitih dimenzija religioznosti u Istri na temelju istraživanja provedenog početkom 1998. godine (N - 813). Autor utvrđuje različitu ulogu religije i religijskog u oblikovanju nacionalnog identiteta u Istri u odnosu na ostale dijelove Hrvatske. Druga specifičnost istraživanog područja jači je utjecaj modernizacijskih procesa nakon Drugog svjetskog rata od prosjeka države. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su na istraživanom području masovno, gotovo opće prošireni pokazatelji tradicionalne religioznosti. Istodobno, posljedica različitih okolnosti povijesnog razvoja dublji su tragovi sekularizacijskih procesa u istarskom društvu od hrvatskog prosjeka, prisutni u svim istraživanim segmentima religioznosti. Proces “retradicionalizacije”, karakterističan za sva tranzicijska društva, u Istri je imao slabiji odjek. Nedosljednost aktualne religijske samoidentifikacije i ponašanja ispitanika te disolucija njihova dogmatskog sustava upućuju na konkluziju ...
This paper presents research on parents’ attitudes about the role and importance of scientific li... more This paper presents research on parents’ attitudes about the role and importance of scientific literacy in their children’s lives, conducted in kindergartens in western Croatia between June and September 2013. The research has come from scientific literacy project “Could it be different?! How children research it” which involved pre-school children in different activities aiming at encouraging their curiosity, creativity, critical thinking and self-regulated learning through research. The objectives of the research were to determine whether parents accept the elements of theoretical background of the project (constructivism) and what their attitudes on science in general were. We used Inglehart’s theory of materialistic and post-materialistic values for the second objective and developed an instrument adapted for our specific topic. The sample included both parents whose children participated in the project as well as parents whose children did not participated, the total number of ...
Specifičnost pozicije mladih u društvu posljedica su: procesa strukturnih i kulturnih promjena ko... more Specifičnost pozicije mladih u društvu posljedica su: procesa strukturnih i kulturnih promjena koje otežavaju i odgađaju radno, financijsko, stambeno i obiteljsko osamostaljenje, procesa individualizacije, kulturne pluralizacije, traganja za osobnim i kolektivnim identitetom, distanciranja od utjecaja roditelja, težnje za autonomijom u oblikovanju vlastitih stavova i vrijednosti, sklonosti novome i eksperimentiranju, kritičkom odnosu spram hijerarhije i tradicije itd. Navedeni procesi naglašenije utječu upravo na poziciju studentske populacije.
New Voices in Higher Education Research and Scholarship
The evaluation of the new graduate study program Early and Preschool Care and Education (EPCE) wa... more The evaluation of the new graduate study program Early and Preschool Care and Education (EPCE) was conducted recently in Croatia. Preschool teachers and graduate students were asked about their motivation for enrolling, the level of competencies developed during their study, and the predictive power of three significantly connected motives in relation to those competencies. Statistical analysis revealed highly positive perception of relevant competences gained. This finding confirmed the hypothesis that continuing professional development through formal higher education contributes significantly to improved preschool teachers' performance while coping with changing and growing job demands. Moreover, subjects demonstrated highly intrinsic motivation for enrolling. Extrinsic motives were indicative of a more negative, while intrinsic motivation led to more positive, perception of learning outcomes and gained competencies. Overall, the evaluation was highly positive and the finding...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2021
The paper presents the results of a survey that assessed the impact of informal and formal agents... more The paper presents the results of a survey that assessed the impact of informal and formal agents of the political socialization (pS) process on a sample of students enrolled at the university of rijeka (n = 635). The correlation between the participants' ideological self-identification (pIS) and the assessed ideological orientation of their parents (pIO) was analyzed. Students believe that no agent of socialization has even moderately influenced the formation of their political views and assess the weakest influence of the formal pS agent-teachers in primary and secondary schools. The participants believe that parents have influenced their political attitudes more than other agents, but assess this influence on average as weak, regardless of whether they place their parents in the same or different positions on the ideological orientation (IO) scale. left-and right-oriented participants admit a somewhat stronger influence of their parents' informal pS than those who rank themselves in the center. Statistically significant correlations between pIS and the perceived pIO were obtained. A small share of participants does not perceive a similarity between their own and their parents' IO and there is a negligible share of those who place their parents in diametrically opposed positions on the scale. The participants who have a greater interest in politics and those from a more politically stimulating environment are more inclined to move away from the political center and their parents' IO. concordance between family IOs increases with the perception of better relationships with parents. 2
This work deals with the influence o f the socio-cultural factors in the tourist' decisions upon ... more This work deals with the influence o f the socio-cultural factors in the tourist' decisions upon the choice o f tourist destinations. The author's attention is primarily directed towards the analysis o f social background consisting o f "uncontrolled marketing variables" which are essential in the segmentation o f the tourist product o f destination. The work is composed o f two parts. The introductory, theoretical part refers to the analysis o f the socio-cultural atmosphere in which the attitudes, the aspirations and the needs influencing the tourist conduct are shaped. In the other, empirical part o f the work the authors analyse the results o f the longitudinal research o f the socio-cultural aspects o f the tourist demand made in the period between 1994. err 1997. in the hotels in the istrians district. The influence o f the publicity means in the choice o f istria as a tourist destination is examined in correlation with socio-cultural and demographic variables such as: sex, age, qualification, profession, as well as in the context o f the modernising processes in the emitting countries. The special aspect o f the research is presented by the socio-linguistic analysis o f the slogans which, in the opinion o f the tourists, express the peculiarity o f the Istrian tourists product best. By this, the experienced dimension o f the Istria as a destination is affected.
Od devedesetih godina 20. stoljeća učestala su sociološka istraživanja međugene-racijske transmis... more Od devedesetih godina 20. stoljeća učestala su sociološka istraživanja međugene-racijske transmisije kulturnog kapitala potaknuta Bourdieuovom teorijom kultur-ne reprodukcije. U njihovu je fokusu uglavnom bila analiza utjecaja roditeljskoga kulturnog kapitala na djecu školske dobi. Ovaj je rad problematizirao vezu ro-diteljskoga glazbenog kulturnog kapitala i glazbene socijalizacije dobne skupine koja je u dosadašnjim istraživanjima bila zanemarena – djece rane i predškolske dobi. Bourdieuova teza o trima oblicima kulturnog kapitala operacionalizirana je u području glazbe. Kao indikatori institucionaliziranoga glazbenog kulturnog kapitala roditelja korišteni su opće i glazbeno obrazovanje, utjelovljenoga glaz-beni angažman roditelja i djece i roditeljske glazbene odgojne prakse, a objekti-viranoga materijalni glazbeni resursi koje obitelj posjeduje i kojim se koriste u procesu glazbene socijalizacije. Istraživanje je provedeno 2013. godine metodom ankete na uzorku roditelja čija dje...
The paper presents the results of a survey that assessed the impact of informal and formal agents... more The paper presents the results of a survey that assessed the impact of informal and formal agents of the political socialization (PS) process on a sample of students enrolled at the University of Rijeka (N = 635). The correlation between the participants' ideological self-identification (PIS) and the assessed ideological orientation of their parents (PIO) was analyzed. Students believe that no agent of socialization has even moderately influenced the formation of their political views and assess the weakest influence of the formal PS agent – teachers in primary and secondary schools. The participants believe that parents have influenced their political attitudes more than other agents, but assess this influence on average as weak, regardless of whether they place their parents in the same or different positions on the ideological orientation (IO) scale. Left- and right-oriented participants admit a somewhat stronger influence of their parents' informal PS than those who rank thems...
Poticanje prirodoznanstvene pismenosti u sve ranijoj djecjoj dobi postalo je drustveno prepoznata... more Poticanje prirodoznanstvene pismenosti u sve ranijoj djecjoj dobi postalo je drustveno prepoznata potreba odgojno-obrazovnog sustava. U tom smislu, zanimljivo je promatrati razlicite kulture odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova cija obilježja mogu olaksavati ili ogranicavati ukljucivanje djece u istraživacke aktivnosti. Sociokonstruktivisticki pristup polazi od pretpostavke da je upravo određenim izmjenama u neposrednoj okolini ustanove u kojoj dijete boravi moguce postici uvjete u kojima ce se dijete lakse i spontanije zainteresirati za eksperimentiranje i istraživanje. Zato u ovom izlaganju želimo predstaviti projekt na kojemu su spomenute izmjene u kulturi odgojno-obrazovne ustanove ucinjene i na kojemu su djeci ponuđene razlicite prirodoznanstvene aktivnosti u kojima im je dano povjerenje da nastupaju kao samostalni refleksivni istraživaci koji razvijaju svoje kriticko misljenje, kreativnost, inicijativnost, procjene rizika pri donosenju odluka i konstruktivno rjesavanje problemskih situ...
Proces modernizacije obilježio je novovjeku epohu i postao na specificne nacine zajednickim probl... more Proces modernizacije obilježio je novovjeku epohu i postao na specificne nacine zajednickim problemom svih suvremenih drustava. U okviru sociologije religije taj je proces iznjedrio sekularizacijsku paradigmu, utemeljenu na Weberovoj tezi o “ odcaravanju svijeta” i sveprisutnoj eroziji religioznosti. Drustvene promjene pri kraju XX. stoljeca (raspad socijalistickih režima, jacanje religijskog fundamentalizma) dovele su donedavno neupitnu sekularizacijsku dijagnozu religijskih promjena u pitanje. Sve je veci broj sociologa skeptican spram operabilnosti ovog pristupa u istraživanjima religioznosti drustva kasne modernizacije. Cilj ovog rada je provjera aktualnosti sekularizacijske paradigme na konkretnom podrucju hrvatskog dijela istarskog poluotoka. U tekstu se polazi od sekularizacijske hipoteze da je stupanj modernizacije neke sredine u korelaciji s vitalnoscu i konzistentnoscu njene religioznosti. Buduci da su Istru modernizacijski procesi zahvatili vise od hrvatskog prosjeka, u n...
Modernizacijski procesi neposredno utjecu na strukturiranje socijalnog prostora. Socijalni prosto... more Modernizacijski procesi neposredno utjecu na strukturiranje socijalnog prostora. Socijalni prostor je shvacen kao simbolicka i kulturna reprodukcija materijalnih i objektivnih elemenata drustvenosti. Konstrukcija socijalnog prostora uvijek je povezana s odnosima moci buduci ona ukljucuje univerzalne koncepte i predstave koji jednom prihvaceni postaju za clanove drustva obvezujuci. U tom kontekstu treba razmatrati i pitanje odnosa centra i periferije. U radu se polazi od shvacanja periferije kao visedimenzionalne pojave koja može biti strukturirana po gospodarskoj, politickoj i kulturnoj dimenziji. Periferija u tom smislu ne mora nužno imati karakteristike gospodarske zaostalosti, nedostatne politicke integriranosti i kulturne izoliranosti. Perifernost određenog socijalnog prostora povezana je s dostignutom razinom modernizacije u svakoj od tri navedene dimenzije. Usporedna analiza povijesnog i aktualnog razvoja tri hrvatske regije (Istra, Lika, Gorski kotar) pokazuje da je rijec o t...
U tekstu se nastoji ocijeniti prakticna uporabljivost aktualnih teorijskih paradigmi u sociologij... more U tekstu se nastoji ocijeniti prakticna uporabljivost aktualnih teorijskih paradigmi u sociologiji religije na razini lokalnih zajednica u hrvatskome
This paper theoretically and empirically deals with the relationship between the concepts of soci... more This paper theoretically and empirically deals with the relationship between the concepts of social status and professional development of early childhood and preschool teachers\u27 profession, while discussing the possibility of complementing two dominantly sociological and pedagogical traditions from which they derived. Low social status of early childhood and preschool teacher profession has not been significantly improved, neither in the context of continuous emerging of new professions in the late modernity, neither in the context of flourishing of different approaches to professional development. For this reason, we were interested in determining the attitudes of early childhood and preschool teachers about the position and relevance of their profession in our society, as well as whether there is a connection between the mentioned attitudes and early childhood and preschool teachers’ attitudes to professional development. We conducted a survey in December 2013 on the sample of...
Rad istražuje vezu između samoprocjene interkulturalnih kompetencija i socijalne distance među od... more Rad istražuje vezu između samoprocjene interkulturalnih kompetencija i socijalne distance među odgojiteljicama. U uvodnom dijelu rada pojašnjavaju se osnovni pojmovi istraživanja i njihovi međusobni odnosi. Drugi dio teksta predstavlja rezultate empirijskog istraživanja čiji su sudionice bile odgojiteljice u vrtićima na riječkom području (N=225). Ustvrđeno je da su sadržaji interkulturalnog odgoja i obrazovanja nedovoljno prisutni u formalnom obrazovanju odgojiteljica te da se svega trećina smatra osposobljenima za njihovu primjenu u praksi. Ispitanice pokazuju veći stupanj socijalne distance prema skupinama koje doživljavaju kulturno različitim u više dimenzija: Albancima i Romima. Zabilježena je i pojava odbijanja ispunjavanja modifi cirane Bogardusove skale socijalne distance, što je pokazatelj nedovoljne senzibilnosti dijela ispitanica za ove teme. Ustvrđena je relativno slaba povezanost između samoprocjene interkulturalnih kompetencija i iskazivanja socijalne distance, što prip...
U tekstu se iznose podaci o proširenosti različitih dimenzija religioznosti u Istri na temelju is... more U tekstu se iznose podaci o proširenosti različitih dimenzija religioznosti u Istri na temelju istraživanja provedenog početkom 1998. godine (N - 813). Autor utvrđuje različitu ulogu religije i religijskog u oblikovanju nacionalnog identiteta u Istri u odnosu na ostale dijelove Hrvatske. Druga specifičnost istraživanog područja jači je utjecaj modernizacijskih procesa nakon Drugog svjetskog rata od prosjeka države. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su na istraživanom području masovno, gotovo opće prošireni pokazatelji tradicionalne religioznosti. Istodobno, posljedica različitih okolnosti povijesnog razvoja dublji su tragovi sekularizacijskih procesa u istarskom društvu od hrvatskog prosjeka, prisutni u svim istraživanim segmentima religioznosti. Proces “retradicionalizacije”, karakterističan za sva tranzicijska društva, u Istri je imao slabiji odjek. Nedosljednost aktualne religijske samoidentifikacije i ponašanja ispitanika te disolucija njihova dogmatskog sustava upućuju na konkluziju ...
This paper presents research on parents’ attitudes about the role and importance of scientific li... more This paper presents research on parents’ attitudes about the role and importance of scientific literacy in their children’s lives, conducted in kindergartens in western Croatia between June and September 2013. The research has come from scientific literacy project “Could it be different?! How children research it” which involved pre-school children in different activities aiming at encouraging their curiosity, creativity, critical thinking and self-regulated learning through research. The objectives of the research were to determine whether parents accept the elements of theoretical background of the project (constructivism) and what their attitudes on science in general were. We used Inglehart’s theory of materialistic and post-materialistic values for the second objective and developed an instrument adapted for our specific topic. The sample included both parents whose children participated in the project as well as parents whose children did not participated, the total number of ...
Specifičnost pozicije mladih u društvu posljedica su: procesa strukturnih i kulturnih promjena ko... more Specifičnost pozicije mladih u društvu posljedica su: procesa strukturnih i kulturnih promjena koje otežavaju i odgađaju radno, financijsko, stambeno i obiteljsko osamostaljenje, procesa individualizacije, kulturne pluralizacije, traganja za osobnim i kolektivnim identitetom, distanciranja od utjecaja roditelja, težnje za autonomijom u oblikovanju vlastitih stavova i vrijednosti, sklonosti novome i eksperimentiranju, kritičkom odnosu spram hijerarhije i tradicije itd. Navedeni procesi naglašenije utječu upravo na poziciju studentske populacije.
New Voices in Higher Education Research and Scholarship
The evaluation of the new graduate study program Early and Preschool Care and Education (EPCE) wa... more The evaluation of the new graduate study program Early and Preschool Care and Education (EPCE) was conducted recently in Croatia. Preschool teachers and graduate students were asked about their motivation for enrolling, the level of competencies developed during their study, and the predictive power of three significantly connected motives in relation to those competencies. Statistical analysis revealed highly positive perception of relevant competences gained. This finding confirmed the hypothesis that continuing professional development through formal higher education contributes significantly to improved preschool teachers' performance while coping with changing and growing job demands. Moreover, subjects demonstrated highly intrinsic motivation for enrolling. Extrinsic motives were indicative of a more negative, while intrinsic motivation led to more positive, perception of learning outcomes and gained competencies. Overall, the evaluation was highly positive and the finding...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2021
The paper presents the results of a survey that assessed the impact of informal and formal agents... more The paper presents the results of a survey that assessed the impact of informal and formal agents of the political socialization (pS) process on a sample of students enrolled at the university of rijeka (n = 635). The correlation between the participants' ideological self-identification (pIS) and the assessed ideological orientation of their parents (pIO) was analyzed. Students believe that no agent of socialization has even moderately influenced the formation of their political views and assess the weakest influence of the formal pS agent-teachers in primary and secondary schools. The participants believe that parents have influenced their political attitudes more than other agents, but assess this influence on average as weak, regardless of whether they place their parents in the same or different positions on the ideological orientation (IO) scale. left-and right-oriented participants admit a somewhat stronger influence of their parents' informal pS than those who rank themselves in the center. Statistically significant correlations between pIS and the perceived pIO were obtained. A small share of participants does not perceive a similarity between their own and their parents' IO and there is a negligible share of those who place their parents in diametrically opposed positions on the scale. The participants who have a greater interest in politics and those from a more politically stimulating environment are more inclined to move away from the political center and their parents' IO. concordance between family IOs increases with the perception of better relationships with parents. 2
This work deals with the influence o f the socio-cultural factors in the tourist' decisions upon ... more This work deals with the influence o f the socio-cultural factors in the tourist' decisions upon the choice o f tourist destinations. The author's attention is primarily directed towards the analysis o f social background consisting o f "uncontrolled marketing variables" which are essential in the segmentation o f the tourist product o f destination. The work is composed o f two parts. The introductory, theoretical part refers to the analysis o f the socio-cultural atmosphere in which the attitudes, the aspirations and the needs influencing the tourist conduct are shaped. In the other, empirical part o f the work the authors analyse the results o f the longitudinal research o f the socio-cultural aspects o f the tourist demand made in the period between 1994. err 1997. in the hotels in the istrians district. The influence o f the publicity means in the choice o f istria as a tourist destination is examined in correlation with socio-cultural and demographic variables such as: sex, age, qualification, profession, as well as in the context o f the modernising processes in the emitting countries. The special aspect o f the research is presented by the socio-linguistic analysis o f the slogans which, in the opinion o f the tourists, express the peculiarity o f the Istrian tourists product best. By this, the experienced dimension o f the Istria as a destination is affected.
Od devedesetih godina 20. stoljeća učestala su sociološka istraživanja međugene-racijske transmis... more Od devedesetih godina 20. stoljeća učestala su sociološka istraživanja međugene-racijske transmisije kulturnog kapitala potaknuta Bourdieuovom teorijom kultur-ne reprodukcije. U njihovu je fokusu uglavnom bila analiza utjecaja roditeljskoga kulturnog kapitala na djecu školske dobi. Ovaj je rad problematizirao vezu ro-diteljskoga glazbenog kulturnog kapitala i glazbene socijalizacije dobne skupine koja je u dosadašnjim istraživanjima bila zanemarena – djece rane i predškolske dobi. Bourdieuova teza o trima oblicima kulturnog kapitala operacionalizirana je u području glazbe. Kao indikatori institucionaliziranoga glazbenog kulturnog kapitala roditelja korišteni su opće i glazbeno obrazovanje, utjelovljenoga glaz-beni angažman roditelja i djece i roditeljske glazbene odgojne prakse, a objekti-viranoga materijalni glazbeni resursi koje obitelj posjeduje i kojim se koriste u procesu glazbene socijalizacije. Istraživanje je provedeno 2013. godine metodom ankete na uzorku roditelja čija dje...
The paper presents the results of a survey that assessed the impact of informal and formal agents... more The paper presents the results of a survey that assessed the impact of informal and formal agents of the political socialization (PS) process on a sample of students enrolled at the University of Rijeka (N = 635). The correlation between the participants' ideological self-identification (PIS) and the assessed ideological orientation of their parents (PIO) was analyzed. Students believe that no agent of socialization has even moderately influenced the formation of their political views and assess the weakest influence of the formal PS agent – teachers in primary and secondary schools. The participants believe that parents have influenced their political attitudes more than other agents, but assess this influence on average as weak, regardless of whether they place their parents in the same or different positions on the ideological orientation (IO) scale. Left- and right-oriented participants admit a somewhat stronger influence of their parents' informal PS than those who rank thems...
Poticanje prirodoznanstvene pismenosti u sve ranijoj djecjoj dobi postalo je drustveno prepoznata... more Poticanje prirodoznanstvene pismenosti u sve ranijoj djecjoj dobi postalo je drustveno prepoznata potreba odgojno-obrazovnog sustava. U tom smislu, zanimljivo je promatrati razlicite kulture odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova cija obilježja mogu olaksavati ili ogranicavati ukljucivanje djece u istraživacke aktivnosti. Sociokonstruktivisticki pristup polazi od pretpostavke da je upravo određenim izmjenama u neposrednoj okolini ustanove u kojoj dijete boravi moguce postici uvjete u kojima ce se dijete lakse i spontanije zainteresirati za eksperimentiranje i istraživanje. Zato u ovom izlaganju želimo predstaviti projekt na kojemu su spomenute izmjene u kulturi odgojno-obrazovne ustanove ucinjene i na kojemu su djeci ponuđene razlicite prirodoznanstvene aktivnosti u kojima im je dano povjerenje da nastupaju kao samostalni refleksivni istraživaci koji razvijaju svoje kriticko misljenje, kreativnost, inicijativnost, procjene rizika pri donosenju odluka i konstruktivno rjesavanje problemskih situ...
Proces modernizacije obilježio je novovjeku epohu i postao na specificne nacine zajednickim probl... more Proces modernizacije obilježio je novovjeku epohu i postao na specificne nacine zajednickim problemom svih suvremenih drustava. U okviru sociologije religije taj je proces iznjedrio sekularizacijsku paradigmu, utemeljenu na Weberovoj tezi o “ odcaravanju svijeta” i sveprisutnoj eroziji religioznosti. Drustvene promjene pri kraju XX. stoljeca (raspad socijalistickih režima, jacanje religijskog fundamentalizma) dovele su donedavno neupitnu sekularizacijsku dijagnozu religijskih promjena u pitanje. Sve je veci broj sociologa skeptican spram operabilnosti ovog pristupa u istraživanjima religioznosti drustva kasne modernizacije. Cilj ovog rada je provjera aktualnosti sekularizacijske paradigme na konkretnom podrucju hrvatskog dijela istarskog poluotoka. U tekstu se polazi od sekularizacijske hipoteze da je stupanj modernizacije neke sredine u korelaciji s vitalnoscu i konzistentnoscu njene religioznosti. Buduci da su Istru modernizacijski procesi zahvatili vise od hrvatskog prosjeka, u n...
Modernizacijski procesi neposredno utjecu na strukturiranje socijalnog prostora. Socijalni prosto... more Modernizacijski procesi neposredno utjecu na strukturiranje socijalnog prostora. Socijalni prostor je shvacen kao simbolicka i kulturna reprodukcija materijalnih i objektivnih elemenata drustvenosti. Konstrukcija socijalnog prostora uvijek je povezana s odnosima moci buduci ona ukljucuje univerzalne koncepte i predstave koji jednom prihvaceni postaju za clanove drustva obvezujuci. U tom kontekstu treba razmatrati i pitanje odnosa centra i periferije. U radu se polazi od shvacanja periferije kao visedimenzionalne pojave koja može biti strukturirana po gospodarskoj, politickoj i kulturnoj dimenziji. Periferija u tom smislu ne mora nužno imati karakteristike gospodarske zaostalosti, nedostatne politicke integriranosti i kulturne izoliranosti. Perifernost određenog socijalnog prostora povezana je s dostignutom razinom modernizacije u svakoj od tri navedene dimenzije. Usporedna analiza povijesnog i aktualnog razvoja tri hrvatske regije (Istra, Lika, Gorski kotar) pokazuje da je rijec o t...
U tekstu se nastoji ocijeniti prakticna uporabljivost aktualnih teorijskih paradigmi u sociologij... more U tekstu se nastoji ocijeniti prakticna uporabljivost aktualnih teorijskih paradigmi u sociologiji religije na razini lokalnih zajednica u hrvatskome
Jezik, književnost i obrazovanje - suvremeni koncepti, 2020
This article reviews the relationship between parental (family) reading cultural capital and read... more This article reviews the relationship between parental (family) reading cultural capital and reading socialization of their children of early and preschool age. The theoretical starting point is the work of Bourdieu's theory of cultural reproduction, that is, the thesis of the three forms of cultural capital: embodied, objectified and institutionalized. The research was conducted by survey on a sample of parents whose children attend kindergartens in the cities of Rijeka and Pazin (N=204). The results partially confirm Bourdieu’s thesis that transmission of reading cultural capital from parents to children is linked to all three forms of parental cultural capital. Parents with higher levels of cultural capital-intensive readers socialize their children. At the same time, basic reading socialization, such as storytelling, daily reading of books and owning them, is present in almost all families and is part of socially accepted parenting practices with a child of this age. Readers' socialization of children is emphasized by gender, as it is predominantly a mother’s activity.
Papers by Željko Boneta
partially confirm Bourdieu’s thesis that transmission of reading cultural capital from parents to children is linked to all three forms of parental cultural capital. Parents with higher levels of cultural capital-intensive readers socialize their children. At the same time, basic reading socialization, such as storytelling, daily reading of books and owning them, is present in almost all families and is part of socially accepted parenting practices with a child of this age. Readers' socialization of children is emphasized by gender, as it is predominantly a mother’s activity.