Papers by Engjellushe Zenelaj
Buletini Shkencor Reald, 2023
Cross-Ref is an internationally recognized platform for indexing scientific publications. This ar... more Cross-Ref is an internationally recognized platform for indexing scientific publications. This article analyzes the role and importance of Cross-Ref indexing for scientific journals and how this process affects the integrity of scientific research, institutional and individual development. In this article, an in-depth analysis of the effects of Cross-Ref indexing on scientific journals is made, including the increase in their visibility, as well as the impact on the quality of research and author citations. Also, it has been examined how indexing in Cross-Ref can influence the funding and institutional development of academic and research institutions, increasing their reputation and scientific achievements.
Buletini Shkencor Reald, 2023
This article aims to examine and analyze the challenges in scientific research in the Western Bal... more This article aims to examine and analyze the challenges in scientific research in the Western Balkans' universities. The analysis focuses on the identification of the main problems that affect the quality level of scientific research in these universities, bringing into focus the financial difficulties, the low standards of the teaching process, and the lack of cooperation between institutions. Through an up-to-date analysis, the main factors contributing to these challenges are identified. A special attention is paid to the impact of financial conditions on the development of scientific research, as well as the lack of high academic standards. This article while dealing with this topic also includes specific suggestions to improve the situation, including

On the road to integration into the European Union, Albania and Kosovo are faced with a series of... more On the road to integration into the European Union, Albania and Kosovo are faced with a series of conditions, mostly in the form of reforms, the overall goal of which is to strengthen institutions for good governance. However, the ability to govern and manage it can not be effective if it is perceived as a closed process, but instead cooperation with units of local self-government in the country and abroad is an alternative for both sides. The purpose of the article is to highlight the role of local government in enhancing and intensifying exchanges and relations between Albania and Kosovo and EU integration. The article has several objectives, firstly, aims to identify why local government can play an important role in this process of rapprochement and cooperation, secondly aims to identify the importance of this cooperation, thirdly, aims to analyze the benefits of these agreements and collaborations suggesting some forms of cooperation through agreements and analysis and concrete consequences that these forms of cooperation may have. For the realization of this article, several research methods have been used, such as research in order to observe the current cases of successful developments, secondly, the analysis method was used to analyze the concrete situation of local government in albania and Kosovo. thirdly, the synthesis method was used to synthesize the knowledge and practices so far and their adaptation to the case of cooperation between Albania and Kosovo. The article aims to be in a form of recommendation for the ways and forms of cooperation by identifying the importance of cooperation, but not merely in the theoretical plan, but addressed in concrete form, identifying the forms of cooperation, the importance of increasing the role of local government also for integration into the EU.

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Jul 1, 2018
The mediation process is a relatively new form in the legal treatment of legal disputes in Albani... more The mediation process is a relatively new form in the legal treatment of legal disputes in Albania. The mediation process is the forerunner of solving a conflict between the parties, and unites them for a unanimous request to the court. The media as the fourth power plays a powerful role in addressing many social and state processes. The role of the media in the overall development of society has already been highlighted, and today in the era of information technology, of course, the media for such delicate issues plays a huge role. The purpose of the article is to highlight the role of media treatment or mediatisation of the mediation process as well as the analysis of the consequences of this process. Mediated cases mediated in the media are accompanied by various reactions, both from the official side of the institutions, which are directly or indirectly affected, but also from the public opinion. Like the nature of legal conflicts, social conflicts are also endless. Often legal complications are even worse because of disagreements between individuals, even when they pursue the same goal.

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Oct 1, 2013
Today's tourists realize that the most important thing is freeing from the stress and that it is ... more Today's tourists realize that the most important thing is freeing from the stress and that it is impossible to achieve on the places where the everyday experiences are repeating. This shows completely other type tourists and tourism which will surely change the theory and the behavior in that sector in the future. Future guests will be more interested for natural beauties and for cultural monument of tourism destinations. Stimulated by a need for excursions, for the changes of the place of living and of a desire for new knowledge and different excitements, the guests will require more from the tourism. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the rural tourism as an important asset in the model of tourism economy for sustainable development. Through rural tourism we can vitalized all rural area that are "forgotten" by government, people, investors, tourists, ect. Rural areas have concentrated most of natural resources and offer several types of tourism.

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, May 1, 2015
During all the economic problems unemployment is a major worldwide concern. Albania as it is ofte... more During all the economic problems unemployment is a major worldwide concern. Albania as it is often characterized as a country with an unstable economic situation, it is faced with serious issues as unemployment rate increase. Employment rate increase for a country is stated as the region's indicator of prosperity and development. The region of Vlora is one of the biggest in Albania and as such has given its share on natural and human resources contributing to constant evolution and growth in the employment market, but unfortunately not all is done to utilize what's necessary. The aim of this article is to highlight the extent of unemployment as a growing occurrence, based its statistical analysis. A thorough analysis of the unemployment by age, gender and professional structure will be outlined. The purpose of this study will be accomplished following the statistical methods, analysis, and synthesis of the labour market for the region of Vlora.
International journal of social sciences, 2013
The object of topics is to exposing some principled elements that constitute to the crime of offi... more The object of topics is to exposing some principled elements that constitute to the crime of office abuse, provided by provision of the Penal Code of the Republic of Albania, namely in Article 248.Signifier of such a theme dictated by heavy consumption of this crime, as well as its Impunity often selectively, with a severe disability and by the serious shortcomings of the justice system, which included the region the Western Balkans and claiming membership in the European Union. Through this paper, the authors hope to provide a modicum of contribution in the field of penal studies, in a so problematic direction as abuse of office within the public administration, where arbitrary violations of the law are as frequent as the conflict

Geography gives to humanity a lot of information about their country and the entire world. The fi... more Geography gives to humanity a lot of information about their country and the entire world. The first asset of teaching and learning geography is the map. But many times it isn't enough. Geographical sciences and geographical teaching methods have passed many changes. It has been development and the information anytime is updated. There are many topics that need more than a map, for example the physical geography, geological knowledge and geomorphology topics in different lesions. For many pupils is difficult to understand only by teacher explain and reading of books. ICT is considering part of our everyday life. It has entered in every kind of business. We live in the era of ICT. Considering the fact that is so important we can't exclude the the ITC from education, from teaching and learning process. ICT has brought many changes in teaching and learning process. The paper has the goal to analyze the role of ICT in teaching and learning geography in secondary and high school level in Albania. The paper is a research. The research is realized through questionnaires methods that have included three groups of interviewed in some cities of Albania. The research underlines the important role of ICT and the difference when ICT is used and none used. But also the article underline some of the problems that come out during the research like the lack of knowledge for the use of ITC as for teacher as for pupils, difference that exist between rural and urban pupils, lack of technology in school etc. The paper analyses the close connection that exist between sustainable education, geography education and ITC.

Journal of Educational and Social Research, Oct 1, 2013
Pedophilia and sexual abuse offenses against morality and dignity of minors in Albania, presents ... more Pedophilia and sexual abuse offenses against morality and dignity of minors in Albania, presents a serious problem for the actual Albanian society, and to the future generation. Pedophilia is no longer an isolated phenomenon, but has become an "epidemic" of modern society. Other countries of the civilized world are affected by this phenomenon, but that they have the necessary legal mechanisms, social and psychological, and awareness of society which control and mitigate to the maximum of this phenomenon. The paper provides the latest optics on psychosocial aspects, legal and criminological phenomenon of pedophilia in Albania in recent years. From the review and analysis of comparative statistical data of justice and police aim to provide dynamics and trends of pedophilia taken during the study.Through this paper we intend to diagnose psycho-social factors, criminogenic causing the spread of this phenomenon with great impact on the family environment, social and political country. In addition, the article analyzes the problems of law, criminal policy, police preventive aspects, social and psychological measures and the involvement of all stakeholders towards reducing this disturbing phenomenon. In the paper, cases study were taken to several court cases to analyze typical problems that exist in the area of sentencing of some offenders. The paper is realized through a methodological approach combined with official statistical data, case studies, the authors study the profiles of sexual violence against minors, the phenomenology, social and psychological context etc.

Buletini Shkencor Reald
Decentralizimi i jep kompetenca, por edhe i shton përgjegjësitë pushtetit vendor. Transparenca, s... more Decentralizimi i jep kompetenca, por edhe i shton përgjegjësitë pushtetit vendor. Transparenca, si një nga shtyllat e demokracisë në një shtet ligjor të së drejtës, ndër treguesit matës të saj ka edhe konsultimin publik. Transparenca si element i qeverisjes së mirë nuk matet me zbardhjen e vendimmarrjes, por me zbardhjen e procesit, që përshkon projekt-akti deri sa shkon në vendimmarrje. Njësitë e vetëqeverisjes vendore, duke i referuar ligjit organik për qeverisjen vendore në procesin e vendimmarrjes lidhen ngushtë me procesin e konsultimit publik. Qëllimi i artikullit është që të analizojë procesin e konsultimit publik në njësitë e vetëqeverisjes vendore, kontrollin e ushtruar nga organet kompetente dhe nëpërmjet kësaj identifikimin e ngërçeve ligjore apo mangësive procedurale. Artikulli është ndërtuar nga ndërthurja e disa metodave, si: ajo e hulumtimit, vëzhgimit, analizës sintezës dhe pjesërisht statistikore. Dispozitat normative të Republikës së Shqipërisë, në kuadrin e proced...
Decentralization gives competencies but also adds responsibilities to the local government unit. ... more Decentralization gives competencies but also adds responsibilities to the local government unit. Transparency, as one of the pillars of democracy in a rule-of-law state, among its measuring indicators has public consultation. Transparency as an element of good governance is not measured by the publication of decisions, but by publications of the process that the project-act goes through until it reaches the final decision-making. Local self-government units referring to the organic law for local government in the decision-making process are closely related to the public consultation process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of public consultation in local selfgovernment units, the control exercised by the competent bodies and through this the identification Commentary on law Case study
Crossref2023, 2023
Allow me to briefly describe the Cross Ref experience, which for a long time seemed impossible to... more Allow me to briefly describe the Cross Ref experience, which for a long time seemed impossible to me, but we have resolved it now. We are a small institution, a university college and moreover from a small country like Albania, and therefore our scientific publications are limited in number. However, this does not mean that we should not walk alongside new developments.

Buletini Shkencor Reald, 2022
Decentralizimi i jep kompetenca, por edhe i shton përgjegjësitë pushtetit vendor. Transparenca, s... more Decentralizimi i jep kompetenca, por edhe i shton përgjegjësitë pushtetit vendor. Transparenca, si një nga shtyllat e demokracisë në një shtet ligjor të së drejtës, ndër treguesit matës të saj ka edhe konsultimin publik. Transparenca si element i qeverisjes së mirë nuk matet me zbardhjen e vendimmarrjes, por me zbardhjen e procesit, që përshkon projekt-akti deri sa shkon në vendimmarrje. Njësitë e vetëqeverisjes vendore, duke i referuar ligjit organik për qeverisjen vendore në procesin e vendimmarrjes lidhen ngushtë me procesin e konsultimit publik. Qëllimi i artikullit është që të analizojë procesin e konsultimit publik në njësitë e vetëqeverisjes vendore, kontrollin e ushtruar nga organet kompetente dhe nëpërmjet kësaj identifikimin e ngërçeve ligjore apo mangësive procedurale. Artikulli është ndërtuar nga ndërthurja e disa metodave, si: ajo e hulumtimit, vëzhgimit, analizës sintezës dhe pjesërisht statistikore. Dispozitat normative të Republikës së Shqipërisë, në kuadrin e procedurës së konsultimit publik, kanë ardhur në përmirësim të vazhdueshëm. Artikulli kërkon të theksojë jo
vetëm rëndësinë e konsultimit publik si element i demokracisë funksionale vendore, por edhe në kontekstin e rregullshmërisë administrative, të cilat, pavarësisht përmirësimeve ligjore, sërish evidenton shkelje abuzive për konsultimin publik nga ana e bashkive.

Buletini Shkencor Reald, 2022
Decentralization gives competencies but also adds responsibilities to the local government unit. ... more Decentralization gives competencies but also adds responsibilities to the local government unit. Transparency, as one of the pillars of democracy in a rule-of-law state, among its measuring indicators has public consultation. Transparency as an element of good governance is not measured by the publication of decisions, but by publications of the process that the project-act goes through until it reaches the final decision-making. Local self-government units referring to the organic law for local government in the decision-making process are closely related to the public consultation process.The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of public consultation in local selfgovernment units, the control exercised by the competent bodies and through this the identification of legal deadlocks or procedural deficiencies. The article was built by combining several methods such as research, observation, synthesis, and partial statistical analysis. The normative provisions of the Republic of Albania in the framework of the public consultation procedure have been continuously improved. The article seeks to highlight not only the importance of public consultation as an element of functional local democracy but also in the context of administrative regularity that even the fact the normative provisions have been improved, we still identify abuse of the law of public consultation.

First Conference, Building Public-Private Partnerships For Sustainable Tourism Development, 2017
Zhvillimi i qëndrueshëm tashmë nuk është më vetëm një koncept i auditorëve të universiteteve, apo... more Zhvillimi i qëndrueshëm tashmë nuk është më vetëm një koncept i auditorëve të universiteteve, apo një koncept aktiv në diplomacinë publike, por një kusht mbi tryezën e punës së çdo drejtuesi si në pushtetin qendror dhe në atë vendor. Sfidat për qëndrueshmëri janë sfida të cilat detyrojnë çdo politik-bërës, që çdo dokument planifikimi për zhvillimin strategjik të ndërtohet mbi parimet e qëndrueshmërisë. Midis mjedisit dhe ekonomisë është e vështirë të ketë marrëveshje të drejtpërdrejtë përfituese për të dyja palët, por duke përdorur ligjin si negociator, mund të shfrytëzojmë mjedisin në mënyrë të qëndrueshme dhe të kemi përfitime ekonomike. Turizmi si një lloj industrie e gjelbër, në rast se nuk planifikohet shumë shpejt kthehet në dëmtues dhe me efekte negative të cilat do të shkojnë zinxhir nga mjedisi tek ekonomia, ku për midis qëndron shoqëria dhe komuniteti. Artikulli ka për qëllim ta paraqesë disa alternativa për përfshirjen e qeverisë lokale si aktor kryesor për turizmin e qëndrueshëm. Turizmi nuk duhet kuptuar si diçka më vete, nga komuniteti, por komuniteti duhet integruar , duhet përfshirë, të bëhet pjesë e tij. Për një turizëm të qëndrueshëm duhet të ketë harmonizim dhe koordinimi ndërqeveritar si dhe midis qeverisë qendrore dhe asaj vendore. Gabimet që bëhen nga menaxhimi dhe politika për zhvillimin e turizmit më së shumti vijnë nga neglizhenca, ose vendimmarrja e gabuar e qeverive se sa nga individët apo iniciativat e tyre.
International journal of social sciences, 2013
The object of topics is to exposing some principled elements that constitute to the crime of offi... more The object of topics is to exposing some principled elements that constitute to the crime of office abuse, provided by provision of the Penal Code of the Republic of Albania, namely in Article 248.Signifier of such a theme dictated by heavy consumption of this crime, as well as its Impunity often selectively, with a severe disability and by the serious shortcomings of the justice system, which included the region the Western Balkans and claiming membership in the European Union. Through this paper, the authors hope to provide a modicum of contribution in the field of penal studies, in a so problematic direction as abuse of office within the public administration, where arbitrary violations of the law are as frequent as the conflict

Buletini Shkencor Reald, 2018
On the road to integration into the European Union, Albania and Kosovo are faced with a series of... more On the road to integration into the European Union, Albania and Kosovo are faced with a series of conditions, mostly in the form of reforms, the overall goal of which is to strengthen institutions for good governance. However, the ability to govern and manage it can not be effective if it is perceived as a closed process, but instead cooperation with units of local self-government in the country and abroad is an alternative for both sides. The purpose of the article is to highlight the role of local government in enhancing and intensifying exchanges and relations between Albania and Kosovo and EU integration. The article has several objectives, firstly, aims to identify why local government can play an important role in this process of rapprochement and cooperation, secondly aims to identify the importance of this cooperation, thirdly, aims to analyze the benefits of these agreements and collaborations suggesting some forms of cooperation through agreements and analysis and concrete consequences that these forms of cooperation may have. For the realization of this article, several research methods have been used, such as research in order to observe the current cases of successful developments, secondly, the analysis method was used to analyze the concrete situation of local government in albania and Kosovo. thirdly, the synthesis method was used to synthesize the knowledge and practices so far and their adaptation to the case of cooperation between Albania and Kosovo. The article aims to be in a form of recommendation for the ways and forms of cooperation by identifying the importance of cooperation, but not merely in the theoretical plan, but addressed in concrete form, identifying the forms of cooperation, the importance of increasing the role of local government also for integration into the EU.

Pavaresia Scientific Journal , 2017
Domestic violence is a concern for worldwide society. Developing countries are those that are fac... more Domestic violence is a concern for worldwide society. Developing countries are those that are faced with significant legal and social changes for the treatment of domestic violence. Significant changes
occurring in Albania after 1990 was reflected in all aspects of Albanian society. Domestic violence is a broad concept that includes several types of criminal offenses, but the purpose of the article dealing specifically to domestic violence against women. Given that man plays an important role
in space or territory in which they reside, giving it handling features, the article is builds on a logical analysis of the phenomenon based on the geographical knowledge of country’s regions. The article is based on official statistical data received in the Police and Prosecution institutions, or similar studies. The article aims to realize an analysis of the geographical distribution of domestic violence, specifying some reasons of regional differences for the phenomenon of domestic violence.

Pavaresia Scientific Journal , 2018
Në vend të Parathënies....
Të nderuara zonja (I nderuar lexues i Revistës)!
Unë e ndjej veten të ... more Në vend të Parathënies....
Të nderuara zonja (I nderuar lexues i Revistës)!
Unë e ndjej veten të privilegjuar që ju zonja, jo vetëm iu bashkuat nismës sonë për organizimin e Konferencës Shkencore Rajonale “Zgjerimi i Rolit të Gruas për Zhvillimin Tërësor të Shoqërisë”, por treguat gatishmëri dhe efi cience maksimale, për të arritur deri në fi nalizimin e aktivitetit tonë.
Unë, së bashku me organizatoret, Blerina Dhrami dhe Saniela Xhaferi, si dhe kolegët që bashkëpunuan, ndjehem e privilegjuar që keni dhënë më shumë se profesionalizmin tuaj për këtë aktivitet. Në momentin e njoftimeve nuk ndeshëm refuzimin e asnjërës prej jush, të gjitha
shprehët pozitivitet. Natyrisht, gjatë rrugës, ne si organizatorë patëm lëkundjet dhe ankthin tonë për fi nalizimin e suksesshmen të Konferencës, por tek asnjëra prej jush nuk e identifi kova këtë. Më vjen në mendje thënia Nënës Terezë: “Ne mbase s’mund të bëjmë gjëra të mëdha, por sigurisht mund të bëjmë gjëra të vogla me dashuri të madhe”, dhe ajo
ishte një grua…..Zakonisht përpiqemi të rendim nëpër konferenca shkencore e akademike, brenda apo jashtë vendit, ku përgjithësisht sundojnë fi gura shumë të njohura publike; dhe në këto aktivitete flasim për rolin e gruas, apo sfi dat nga pikëpamja akademike, e ndonjëherë edhe hipotetike, po harrojmë se ne flasim për ju, po më mirë se vetë ju/
më mirë se vetë ne së bashku, kush mund të fl as për veten tuaj/kush mund të flas për veten tonë? Ndaj dhe kur e menduam këtë aktivitet në fokus donim JU!

Pavaresia Scientific Journal, 2018
In the human-environment binomial, and the challenges of coexistence between them, education rema... more In the human-environment binomial, and the challenges of coexistence between them, education remains one of the forms for achieving equilibrium. Environmental education is already perceived in a multidimensional way, starting with law, pedagogy, engineering, social and economic sciences, and so on. The reasons for the selection of this topic are related to the dynamics of environmental science and environmental education at world level, the challenges in the path of development of Albania, as well as the “obligation” for “myself” and “society”. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of the implementation and integration of environmental education in the pre-university and university curricula of the education system in Albania. The objectives of this
paper consist in: assessing the importance of the development of environmental education; Identification, recognition, comparison, analysis of cases of environmental education development in pre-university and university curricula of the education system in Albania; as well as analysis of development indicators for the necessity of preparing orientations and suggestions for the future for environmental education. The work is realized through the integration of study methods such as research, comparison, analysis and synthesis.
Papers by Engjellushe Zenelaj
vetëm rëndësinë e konsultimit publik si element i demokracisë funksionale vendore, por edhe në kontekstin e rregullshmërisë administrative, të cilat, pavarësisht përmirësimeve ligjore, sërish evidenton shkelje abuzive për konsultimin publik nga ana e bashkive.
occurring in Albania after 1990 was reflected in all aspects of Albanian society. Domestic violence is a broad concept that includes several types of criminal offenses, but the purpose of the article dealing specifically to domestic violence against women. Given that man plays an important role
in space or territory in which they reside, giving it handling features, the article is builds on a logical analysis of the phenomenon based on the geographical knowledge of country’s regions. The article is based on official statistical data received in the Police and Prosecution institutions, or similar studies. The article aims to realize an analysis of the geographical distribution of domestic violence, specifying some reasons of regional differences for the phenomenon of domestic violence.
Të nderuara zonja (I nderuar lexues i Revistës)!
Unë e ndjej veten të privilegjuar që ju zonja, jo vetëm iu bashkuat nismës sonë për organizimin e Konferencës Shkencore Rajonale “Zgjerimi i Rolit të Gruas për Zhvillimin Tërësor të Shoqërisë”, por treguat gatishmëri dhe efi cience maksimale, për të arritur deri në fi nalizimin e aktivitetit tonë.
Unë, së bashku me organizatoret, Blerina Dhrami dhe Saniela Xhaferi, si dhe kolegët që bashkëpunuan, ndjehem e privilegjuar që keni dhënë më shumë se profesionalizmin tuaj për këtë aktivitet. Në momentin e njoftimeve nuk ndeshëm refuzimin e asnjërës prej jush, të gjitha
shprehët pozitivitet. Natyrisht, gjatë rrugës, ne si organizatorë patëm lëkundjet dhe ankthin tonë për fi nalizimin e suksesshmen të Konferencës, por tek asnjëra prej jush nuk e identifi kova këtë. Më vjen në mendje thënia Nënës Terezë: “Ne mbase s’mund të bëjmë gjëra të mëdha, por sigurisht mund të bëjmë gjëra të vogla me dashuri të madhe”, dhe ajo
ishte një grua…..Zakonisht përpiqemi të rendim nëpër konferenca shkencore e akademike, brenda apo jashtë vendit, ku përgjithësisht sundojnë fi gura shumë të njohura publike; dhe në këto aktivitete flasim për rolin e gruas, apo sfi dat nga pikëpamja akademike, e ndonjëherë edhe hipotetike, po harrojmë se ne flasim për ju, po më mirë se vetë ju/
më mirë se vetë ne së bashku, kush mund të fl as për veten tuaj/kush mund të flas për veten tonë? Ndaj dhe kur e menduam këtë aktivitet në fokus donim JU!
paper consist in: assessing the importance of the development of environmental education; Identification, recognition, comparison, analysis of cases of environmental education development in pre-university and university curricula of the education system in Albania; as well as analysis of development indicators for the necessity of preparing orientations and suggestions for the future for environmental education. The work is realized through the integration of study methods such as research, comparison, analysis and synthesis.
vetëm rëndësinë e konsultimit publik si element i demokracisë funksionale vendore, por edhe në kontekstin e rregullshmërisë administrative, të cilat, pavarësisht përmirësimeve ligjore, sërish evidenton shkelje abuzive për konsultimin publik nga ana e bashkive.
occurring in Albania after 1990 was reflected in all aspects of Albanian society. Domestic violence is a broad concept that includes several types of criminal offenses, but the purpose of the article dealing specifically to domestic violence against women. Given that man plays an important role
in space or territory in which they reside, giving it handling features, the article is builds on a logical analysis of the phenomenon based on the geographical knowledge of country’s regions. The article is based on official statistical data received in the Police and Prosecution institutions, or similar studies. The article aims to realize an analysis of the geographical distribution of domestic violence, specifying some reasons of regional differences for the phenomenon of domestic violence.
Të nderuara zonja (I nderuar lexues i Revistës)!
Unë e ndjej veten të privilegjuar që ju zonja, jo vetëm iu bashkuat nismës sonë për organizimin e Konferencës Shkencore Rajonale “Zgjerimi i Rolit të Gruas për Zhvillimin Tërësor të Shoqërisë”, por treguat gatishmëri dhe efi cience maksimale, për të arritur deri në fi nalizimin e aktivitetit tonë.
Unë, së bashku me organizatoret, Blerina Dhrami dhe Saniela Xhaferi, si dhe kolegët që bashkëpunuan, ndjehem e privilegjuar që keni dhënë më shumë se profesionalizmin tuaj për këtë aktivitet. Në momentin e njoftimeve nuk ndeshëm refuzimin e asnjërës prej jush, të gjitha
shprehët pozitivitet. Natyrisht, gjatë rrugës, ne si organizatorë patëm lëkundjet dhe ankthin tonë për fi nalizimin e suksesshmen të Konferencës, por tek asnjëra prej jush nuk e identifi kova këtë. Më vjen në mendje thënia Nënës Terezë: “Ne mbase s’mund të bëjmë gjëra të mëdha, por sigurisht mund të bëjmë gjëra të vogla me dashuri të madhe”, dhe ajo
ishte një grua…..Zakonisht përpiqemi të rendim nëpër konferenca shkencore e akademike, brenda apo jashtë vendit, ku përgjithësisht sundojnë fi gura shumë të njohura publike; dhe në këto aktivitete flasim për rolin e gruas, apo sfi dat nga pikëpamja akademike, e ndonjëherë edhe hipotetike, po harrojmë se ne flasim për ju, po më mirë se vetë ju/
më mirë se vetë ne së bashku, kush mund të fl as për veten tuaj/kush mund të flas për veten tonë? Ndaj dhe kur e menduam këtë aktivitet në fokus donim JU!
paper consist in: assessing the importance of the development of environmental education; Identification, recognition, comparison, analysis of cases of environmental education development in pre-university and university curricula of the education system in Albania; as well as analysis of development indicators for the necessity of preparing orientations and suggestions for the future for environmental education. The work is realized through the integration of study methods such as research, comparison, analysis and synthesis.
into practice, so as to better serve the future and the world.