Papers by Simone Mattiola
Officinaventuno eBooks, 2019
The paper investigates discontinuous reduplication (DR), a pattern where reduplicant and base are... more The paper investigates discontinuous reduplication (DR), a pattern where reduplicant and base are separated by other material, by annotating a 214-example dataset collected from a 99-language sample. Several items turned out to serve as interposing elements, although their nature does not seem to correlate with function, unlike the category of the base. DR’s functions are a subset of those associated with reduplication cross-linguistically. All languages displaying DR also present contiguous reduplication, suggesting a CONTIGUOUS REDUPLICATION > DISCONTINUOUS REDUPLICATION hierarchy. Finally, a corpus-based analysis of Italian (lacking DR according to grammars) unveiled a wealth of DR patterns, suggesting that corpora are essential for the typological enterprise.

Studies in Language, 2023
Accepted Version
This paper aims at investigating the semantics of nominal reduplication cross... more Accepted Version
This paper aims at investigating the semantics of nominal reduplication cross-linguistically. Nominal reduplication is treated as an iconic morphological device expressing functions that have something to do with plurality. Nevertheless, in the languages of the world, other types of functions are attested as well, which seem to pivot around different notions like conceptual similarity, heterogeneity, combinations of them, or even possession. Based on a large-scale cross-linguistic analysis, we provide a typology of nominal reduplication considering the range of semantic functions and the type of reduplicative patterns. We argue that the attested variation clearly points to a common semantic core underlying the various functions, and this core can be identified in some modification of the degree and type of referentiality. Finally, the attested tendencies and correlations may shed new light on the role of iconicity in explaining the connection between reduplicated nouns and their functions.
English. The paper describes the aim and structure of a new freely accessible resource-ListTyp: A... more English. The paper describes the aim and structure of a new freely accessible resource-ListTyp: A typological database of listing patterns-with a focus on methodological aspects, encoded information and search functions.

This article aims at giving a comprehensive account of a so far undescribed reduplicative pattern... more This article aims at giving a comprehensive account of a so far undescribed reduplicative pattern in Italian named syntactic discontinuous reduplication with antonymic pairs (SDRA). This pattern, characterized by the non-contiguous repetition of the same element within a larger fixed configuration defined by two spatial antonyms, can be schematized as <Xi Adv1 Xi Adv2>, where Adv1 and Adv2 are antonyms (e.g., di qua 'here' ∼ di là 'there'). After describing its formal and functional properties, based on naturally occurring data extracted from the Italian Web 2016 corpus, the SDRA is analyzed as an independent 'construction' in the Construction Grammar sense. This construction is claimed to convey a general value of 'plurality' and to have developed a polysemy network of daughter constructions expressing more specific functions such as 'distributivity,' 'related variety,' and 'dispersion.' In addition, we propose considering the SDRA a 'multiple source construction,' originating from the blending of two independent constructions: syntactic reduplication and irreversible binomials with antonymic adverbs. Finally, we discuss SDRA-like patterns in other typologically different languages (Russian, Modern Hebrew, Mandarin Chinese, German), pointing out similarities and differences, and paving the way to a more systematic study of discontinuous reduplication in a crosslinguistic perspective.
Language and Linguistics Compass

STUF - Language Typology and Universals
Hittite features three derivational suffixes, i.e., -ške/a-, -šša-, and -anna/i-, that attach to ... more Hittite features three derivational suffixes, i.e., -ške/a-, -šša-, and -anna/i-, that attach to verbs and are commonly described as expressing a number of imperfective-like functions. So far, the distribution and use of these suffixes has defied a satisfactory explanation. Whereas some scholars argue that they operate within the domain of lexical aspect, others view them as associated with the encoding of grammatical imperfective aspect. In this paper, we focus on the interpretation of -ške/a- and argue that a better understanding of the nature of this suffix can be achieved if one frames its description within the typology of pluractional constructions. As we show, the range of polyfunctionality of -ške/a- fully complies with the cross-linguistic behavior of pluractional markers. We also provide a tentative diachronic scenario that accounts for the rise of such polyfunctionality out of the original semantic core of the suffix.

CLUB Working Papers in Linguistics, 2019
L’articolo affronta una questione metodologica finora poco discussa all’interno degli studi di ti... more L’articolo affronta una questione metodologica finora poco discussa all’interno degli studi di tipologia, ovvero come fare ricerca tipologica quando il fenomeno che ci si propone di studiare non fa parte della descrizione grammaticale tradizionale. La riflessione su questo tema nasce
all’interno del progetto universaLIST, che mira a investigare le caratteristiche formali e funzionali delle ‘costruzioni a lista’ (Masini, Mauri & Pietrandrea 2018) nelle lingue del mondo. Il fenomeno ‘lista’ come qui inteso è, infatti, di difficile investigazione a livello tipologico, trattandosi di un concetto ‘non tradizionale’ e complesso, poiché trasversale rispetto ai tradizionali livelli di analisi. Nell’articolo proponiamo un metodo d’indagine multi-livello che affianca la ricerca tipologica classica basata sulle grammatiche esistenti con analisi più mirate basate su corpora di piccole e grandi dimensioni, consentendo così di massimizzare la possibilità di identificare pattern rilevanti e di individuare interessanti parallelismi tra lingue tipologicamente e genealogicamente distanti.

Hittite features three derivational suffixes, i.e.-ške/a- ,-šša-, and-anna/i-, that attach to ver... more Hittite features three derivational suffixes, i.e.-ške/a- ,-šša-, and-anna/i-, that attach to verbs and are commonly described as expressing a number of imperfective-like functions. So far, the distribution and use of these suffixes has defied a satisfactory explanation. Whereas some scholars argue that they operate within the domain of lexical aspect, others view them as associated with the encoding of grammatical imperfective aspect. In this paper, we focus on the interpretation of-ške/a-and argue that a better understanding of the nature of this suffix can be achieved if one frames its description within the typology of pluractional constructions. As we show, the range of polyfunctionality of-ške/a-fully complies with the cross-linguistic behavior of pluractional marker. We also provide a tentative diachronic scenario that accounts for the rise of such polyfunctionality out of the original semantic core of the suffix.

CLUB - Working Papers in Linguistics 4, 2020
Il presente contributo affronta il problema della demarcazione tra due fenomeni molto discussi in... more Il presente contributo affronta il problema della demarcazione tra due fenomeni molto discussi in linguistica: reduplicazione e ripetizione. A causa della loro somiglianza a livello formale, molti studi sono stati dedicati a capire quali siano le differenze e gli eventuali parametri linguistici (sia formali che funzionali) che possano tracciare una linea di demarcazione tra queste due strategie. In questo articolo, verranno discussi alcuni casi di reduplicazione e di ripetizione che mettono in difficoltà gli approcci presenti in letteratura. Mostreremo come l’approccio formale sia problematico a livello interlinguistico perché si basa su un concetto di difficile applicazione tipologica, la parola. Dopodiché ci soffermeremo sull’analisi funzionale di alcuni casi che sembrano contraddire l’approccio prettamente funzionale alla reduplicazione e ripetizione. Infine, proporremo un nuovo modo di concettualizzare le due strategie seguendo, e ricalibrando a livello interlinguistico, l’approccio che considera reduplicazione e ripetizione come due poli prototipici opposti connessi da un continuum di fenomeni definibili in maniera inequivocabile solamente a livello di singole lingue.

CLUB Working Papers in Linguistics 3, 2019
Il presente contributo mira a fornire una panoramica del fenomeno conosciuto come plurazionalità ... more Il presente contributo mira a fornire una panoramica del fenomeno conosciuto come plurazionalità nelle lingue del mondo. Dopo una breve introduzione, mostrerò le principali funzioni che le marche plurazionali codificano a livello interlinguistico e cercherò di spiegare la loro multifunzionalità tramite il metodo delle mappe semantiche. Passerò poi ad analizzare le principali strategie di marcatura e a discutere uno dei problemi teorici ad esse correlati, nello specifico, se si possa realmente parlare di suppletivismo per quanto riguarda la strategia dell’alternanza della base. Quindi presenterò quali sono le sorgenti diacroniche che è possibile identificare a livello interlinguistico. Infine, mi soffermerò a riflettere sulle difficoltà di chi ha tentato di classificare le costruzioni plurazionali in categorie grammaticali prestabilite e considerate come universalmente valide. Alla luce dei dati analizzati, mostrerò come in realtà la comparazione tipologica non possa basarsi sulle categorie linguistiche, ma su concetti creati ad hoc (comparative concept) dai linguisti per poter rendere conto della diversità linguistica.

Le tendenze dell’italiano contemporaneo rivisitate. Atti del LII Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana (Berna, 6-8 settembre 2018), a cura di Bruno Moretti, Aline Kunz, Silvia Natale e Etna Krakenberger, Milano, Officinaventuno, 2019., 2019
L’articolo analizza nel dettaglio la costruzione “prendere e V” (es. l’istinto è di prendere e m... more L’articolo analizza nel dettaglio la costruzione “prendere e V” (es. l’istinto è di prendere e mollare tutto su due piedi) tramite una metodologia mista che unisce un’analisi strutturale e funzionale basata su dati tipologici a un’inda- gine sperimentale basata su corpora e dati elicitati tramite questionario. Sulla base dei risultati dell’indagine, proponiamo di considerare la costruzione in esame come un caso di pseudo-coordinazione che veicola una semanti- ca sia aspettuale che di “sorpresa”, e quindi come una marca di miratività. Nell’italiano contemporaneo, “prendere e V” si rivela una costruzione emer- gente, probabilmente in evoluzione: sebbene al momento il suo uso da parte dei parlanti sia non omogeneo e la sua diffusione incerta, la sua presenza nei corpora testimonia una certa produttività e vitalità che potrebbe portare a un’ulteriore espansione della costruzione.

This paper investigates the functional domain of pluractional constructions (i.e., a verb modific... more This paper investigates the functional domain of pluractional constructions (i.e., a verb modification that expresses a plurality of situations) through the analysis of a typological sample of 240 languages. Cross-linguistically, these constructions can express a large set of different functions, and they can be classified in two main classes: core and additional functions. The former class comprises the functions that are necessary to describe a construction as pluractional, the latter functions that convey some supplementary information and that are recurrent in the languages of the world. In order to describe and explain such multifunctionality, we adopt the Semantic Map model (Croft 2001, Haspelmath 2003). The result is a Pluractional Conceptual Space that shows the connections among the functions (both core and additional). Then, we provide a functional explanation that allows to interpret the organization of the space and we discuss some interesting linguistic correlations that the space reveals. These correlations ultimately lead also to a new conceptualization of pluractional constructions in cross-linguistic perspective.
Talks by Simone Mattiola
Talk given at ALT 13, Pavia, 2019
Talk given at the 4th Usage-Based Linguistics Conference in Tel Aviv (Israel)
Talk given at the SLI2018 Conference in Bern (Switzerland)
Talk given at the SLE51 Conference in Tallinn (Estonia)

The Hittite verbal system notoriously lacks the morphological distinction between perfective and ... more The Hittite verbal system notoriously lacks the morphological distinction between perfective and imperfective stems common to most ancient Indo-European languages (Melchert 1997: 83), and in this language aspectual distinctions remain at a low degree of grammaticalization, as “[a]ny basic verbal stem in Hittite may be read as perfective or imperfective, provided that its inherent meaning and the context are appropriate” (Hoffner & Melchert 2008: 317). The overt encoding of imperfectivity is partly taken over by a number of derivational suffixes, whose function, in spite of the sizable number of studies devoted to them, remain controversial. In particular, scholars have long debated over the function of the suffix -ške/a-, with some authors interpreting it as a full-fledged marker of imperfective aspect (cf. Cambi 2007), or as a marker of different actional nuances including, among other things, iterativity, habituality, and distributivity (Bechtel 1936, Dressler 1968, Hoffner & Melchert 2008: 317-323). The connection of the suffix with imperfectivity is reflected by the fact that it is largely incompatible with stative verbs (Hoffner & Melchert 2008: 318), and by its occurrence with temporal adverbs meaning ‘in/for X time’ (Bertinetto & Cambi 2006).
In this paper, we aim to review the traditional analysis of the -ške/a- suffix by grounding its interpretation on recent typological insights on aspect and verbal number. Drawing from a complete survey of verbs showing the -ške/a- suffix in Old Hittite texts, we investigate the aspectual construal of these forms according to Croft’s (2012) cognitive approach to verbal aspect, and show that they are by no means limited to the encoding of imperfectivity as defined by Cambi (2007). Moreover, we argue that -ške/a- can be better explained in terms of pluractionality, as the different functions that this suffix encodes are basically the same covered cross-linguistically by the so-called pluractional constructions (cf. Newman 1990). Specifically, we investigate to what extent the functions associated to the suffix -ške/a- can be arranged in a network that complies with the conceptual space of pluractional constructions put forward by Mattiola (2017).
Finally, by also taking into account comparative evidence from cognate suffixes in other IE languages, as e.g. Latin -sc- (cf. Haverling 2000), we also set out to establish the original function of the Hittite suffix and explain the diachronic processes whereby the different functions developed out of this core meaning.
Books by Simone Mattiola

The aim of this book is to give the first large-scale typological investigation of pluractionalit... more The aim of this book is to give the first large-scale typological investigation of pluractionality in the languages of the world. Pluractionality is defined as the morphological modification of the verb to express a plurality of situations that can additionally involve a plurality of participants and/or spaces. Based on a 246-language sample, the main characteristics of pluractionality are described and discussed throughout the book. Firstly, a description of the functions that pluractional markers cross-linguistically express is presented and the relationships occurring among them are explained through the semantic map model. Then, the marking strategies that languages display to express such functions are illustrated and some issues concerning the formal identification are briefly discussed as well. The typological generalizations are corroborated showing how pluractional markers work in three specific languages (Akawaio, Beja, Maa). In conclusion, the theoretical conceptualization of pluractionality is discussed referring to the Radical Construction Grammar approach.
Papers by Simone Mattiola
This paper aims at investigating the semantics of nominal reduplication cross-linguistically. Nominal reduplication is treated as an iconic morphological device expressing functions that have something to do with plurality. Nevertheless, in the languages of the world, other types of functions are attested as well, which seem to pivot around different notions like conceptual similarity, heterogeneity, combinations of them, or even possession. Based on a large-scale cross-linguistic analysis, we provide a typology of nominal reduplication considering the range of semantic functions and the type of reduplicative patterns. We argue that the attested variation clearly points to a common semantic core underlying the various functions, and this core can be identified in some modification of the degree and type of referentiality. Finally, the attested tendencies and correlations may shed new light on the role of iconicity in explaining the connection between reduplicated nouns and their functions.
Freely available at
all’interno del progetto universaLIST, che mira a investigare le caratteristiche formali e funzionali delle ‘costruzioni a lista’ (Masini, Mauri & Pietrandrea 2018) nelle lingue del mondo. Il fenomeno ‘lista’ come qui inteso è, infatti, di difficile investigazione a livello tipologico, trattandosi di un concetto ‘non tradizionale’ e complesso, poiché trasversale rispetto ai tradizionali livelli di analisi. Nell’articolo proponiamo un metodo d’indagine multi-livello che affianca la ricerca tipologica classica basata sulle grammatiche esistenti con analisi più mirate basate su corpora di piccole e grandi dimensioni, consentendo così di massimizzare la possibilità di identificare pattern rilevanti e di individuare interessanti parallelismi tra lingue tipologicamente e genealogicamente distanti.
Talks by Simone Mattiola
In this paper, we aim to review the traditional analysis of the -ške/a- suffix by grounding its interpretation on recent typological insights on aspect and verbal number. Drawing from a complete survey of verbs showing the -ške/a- suffix in Old Hittite texts, we investigate the aspectual construal of these forms according to Croft’s (2012) cognitive approach to verbal aspect, and show that they are by no means limited to the encoding of imperfectivity as defined by Cambi (2007). Moreover, we argue that -ške/a- can be better explained in terms of pluractionality, as the different functions that this suffix encodes are basically the same covered cross-linguistically by the so-called pluractional constructions (cf. Newman 1990). Specifically, we investigate to what extent the functions associated to the suffix -ške/a- can be arranged in a network that complies with the conceptual space of pluractional constructions put forward by Mattiola (2017).
Finally, by also taking into account comparative evidence from cognate suffixes in other IE languages, as e.g. Latin -sc- (cf. Haverling 2000), we also set out to establish the original function of the Hittite suffix and explain the diachronic processes whereby the different functions developed out of this core meaning.
Books by Simone Mattiola
This paper aims at investigating the semantics of nominal reduplication cross-linguistically. Nominal reduplication is treated as an iconic morphological device expressing functions that have something to do with plurality. Nevertheless, in the languages of the world, other types of functions are attested as well, which seem to pivot around different notions like conceptual similarity, heterogeneity, combinations of them, or even possession. Based on a large-scale cross-linguistic analysis, we provide a typology of nominal reduplication considering the range of semantic functions and the type of reduplicative patterns. We argue that the attested variation clearly points to a common semantic core underlying the various functions, and this core can be identified in some modification of the degree and type of referentiality. Finally, the attested tendencies and correlations may shed new light on the role of iconicity in explaining the connection between reduplicated nouns and their functions.
Freely available at
all’interno del progetto universaLIST, che mira a investigare le caratteristiche formali e funzionali delle ‘costruzioni a lista’ (Masini, Mauri & Pietrandrea 2018) nelle lingue del mondo. Il fenomeno ‘lista’ come qui inteso è, infatti, di difficile investigazione a livello tipologico, trattandosi di un concetto ‘non tradizionale’ e complesso, poiché trasversale rispetto ai tradizionali livelli di analisi. Nell’articolo proponiamo un metodo d’indagine multi-livello che affianca la ricerca tipologica classica basata sulle grammatiche esistenti con analisi più mirate basate su corpora di piccole e grandi dimensioni, consentendo così di massimizzare la possibilità di identificare pattern rilevanti e di individuare interessanti parallelismi tra lingue tipologicamente e genealogicamente distanti.
In this paper, we aim to review the traditional analysis of the -ške/a- suffix by grounding its interpretation on recent typological insights on aspect and verbal number. Drawing from a complete survey of verbs showing the -ške/a- suffix in Old Hittite texts, we investigate the aspectual construal of these forms according to Croft’s (2012) cognitive approach to verbal aspect, and show that they are by no means limited to the encoding of imperfectivity as defined by Cambi (2007). Moreover, we argue that -ške/a- can be better explained in terms of pluractionality, as the different functions that this suffix encodes are basically the same covered cross-linguistically by the so-called pluractional constructions (cf. Newman 1990). Specifically, we investigate to what extent the functions associated to the suffix -ške/a- can be arranged in a network that complies with the conceptual space of pluractional constructions put forward by Mattiola (2017).
Finally, by also taking into account comparative evidence from cognate suffixes in other IE languages, as e.g. Latin -sc- (cf. Haverling 2000), we also set out to establish the original function of the Hittite suffix and explain the diachronic processes whereby the different functions developed out of this core meaning.
The 2025 edition of the Transalpine Typology Meeting (TTM25) will be held at the University of Pavia, Italy, on July 2-3, 2025. We aim to create an open network of typologists and share insights and feedback on our research projects in a welcoming and informal context. In this regard, we warmly invite submissions for oral presentations on topics related to linguistic typology and comparative linguistics from early-career researchers (PhD students, postdoc fellows, ...) and experienced scholars worldwide.
Our plenary speaker is Sonia Cristofaro (Sorbonné University).
Abstracts for presentations can address a broad range of topics within typology and comparative linguistics, including (but not limited to):
- Cross-linguistic comparison of specific phenomena on any level of analysis (phonology, morphosyntax, semantics, lexicon, pragmatics, discourse, ...).
- Areal typology and language contact (e.g., areal patterns, Sprachbund, ...).
- Diachronic typology and language change.
- Typological perspectives on endangered and minority languages.
- Quantitative and computational approaches to typological research.
- Methodology of typological research.
- Investigation of language-specific phenomena from a typological perspective.
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions should be anonymous and meet the following requirements:
- Abstract length: Max. 500 words (including examples and figures, excluding references).
- Format: PDF, 12-point font.
- Language: English.
Proposals can be submitted until January 31, 2025.
The review process outcome will be notified by March 1, 2025.
Instructions for submission
Please find additional information at: