Papers by Paolo Perinotti

Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Incontri di Studio, 2017
The personal viewpoint of a theoretical physicist about the relation between reality and physical... more The personal viewpoint of a theoretical physicist about the relation between reality and physical science is exposed, starting from his personal experience in the context of quantum foundations and quantum information theory. The effectiveness of an axiomatic approach is argued as a navigation system between the abstract landscape of quantum theory and the reality of facts, along a road that is intrinsically unaccessible to classical conceptual maps. The present approach requires physics to accept the notion of information at its deepest level, in place of matter and space-time, that are recovered only as an effective description of phenomena on a secondary level. As a result of the above operation, a simplified conceptual scenario is achieved, where new possibilities are available for facing the open challenges of theoretical physics.

Quantum processes with indefinite causal structure emerge when we wonder which are the most gener... more Quantum processes with indefinite causal structure emerge when we wonder which are the most general evolutions, allowed by quantum theory, of a set of local systems which are not assumed to be in any particular causal order. These processes can be described within the framework of higher-order quantum theory which, starting from considering maps from quantum transformations to quantum transformations, recursively constructs a hierarchy of quantum maps of increasingly higher order. In this work, we develop a formalism for quantum computation with indefinite causal structures; namely we characterize the computational structure of higher order quantum maps. Taking an axiomatic approach, the rules of this computation are identified as the most general compositions of higher order maps which are compatible with the mathematical structure of quantum theory. We provide a mathematical characterization of the admissible composition for arbitrary higher order quantum maps. We prove that these...

The information content of a source is defined in terms of the minimum number of bits needed to s... more The information content of a source is defined in terms of the minimum number of bits needed to store the output of the source in a perfectly recoverable way. A similar definition can be given in the case of quantum sources, with qubits replacing bits. In the mentioned cases the information content can be quantified through Shannon’s and von Neumann’s entropy, respectively. Here we extend the definition of information content to operational probabilistic theories, and prove relevant properties as the subadditivity, and the relation between purity and information content of a state. We prove the consistency of the present notion of information content when applied to the classical and the quantum case. Finally, the relation with one of the notions of entropy that can be introduced in general probabilistic theories, the maximum accessible information, is given in terms of a lower bound.
Recently de La Torre et al. [1] reconstructed Quantum Theory from its local structure on the basi... more Recently de La Torre et al. [1] reconstructed Quantum Theory from its local structure on the basis of local discriminability and the existence of a one-parameter group of bipartite transformations containing an entangling gate. This result relies on universality of an entangling gate for quantum computation. Here we prove universality of C-NOT with local gates for Real Quantum Theory (RQT), showing that such universality would not be sufficient for the result, whereas local discriminability and the qubit structure play a crucial role. For reversible computation, generally an extra rebit is needed for RQT. As a byproduct we also provide a short proof of universality of C-NOT for CQT.

We study the relation of causal influence between input systems of a reversible evolution and its... more We study the relation of causal influence between input systems of a reversible evolution and its output systems, in the context of operational probabilistic theories. We analyse two different definitions that are borrowed from the literature on quantum theory -- where they are equivalent. One is the notion based on signalling, and the other one is the notion used to define the neighbourhood of a cell in a quantum cellular automaton. The latter definition, that we adopt in the general scenario, turns out to be strictly weaker than the former: it is possible for a system to have causal influence on another one without signalling to it. Remarkably, the counterexample comes from classical theory, where the proposed notion of causal influence determines a redefinition of the neighbourhood of a cell in cellular automata. We stress that, according to our definition, it is impossible anyway to have causal influence in the absence of an interaction, e.g.~in a Bell-like scenario. We study va...

We present a quantum theory of light based on quantum cellular automata (QCA). This approach allo... more We present a quantum theory of light based on quantum cellular automata (QCA). This approach allows us to have a thorough quantum theory of free electrodynamics encompassing an hypothetical discrete Planck scale. The theory is particularly relevant because it provides predictions at the macroscopic scale that can be experimentally tested. We show how, in the limit of small wave-vector k, the free Maxwell's equations emerge from two Weyl QCAs derived from informational principles in Ref. [1]. Within this framework the photon is introduced as a composite particle made of a pair of correlated massless Fermions, and the usual Bosonic statistics is recovered in the low photon density limit. We derive the main phenomenological features of the theory, consisting in dispersive propagation in vacuum, the occurrence of a small longitudinal polarization, and a saturation effect originated by the Fermionic nature of the photon. We then discuss whether these effects can be experimentally tes...

In quantum mechanics the statistics of the outcomes of a measuring apparatus is described by a po... more In quantum mechanics the statistics of the outcomes of a measuring apparatus is described by a positive operator valued measure (POVM). A quantum channel transforms POVM's into POVM's, generally irreversibly, thus loosing some of the information retrieved from the measurement. This poses the problem of which POVM's are "undisturbed", namely they are not irreversibly connected to another POVM. We will call such POVM clean. In a sense, the clean POVM's would be "perfect", since they would not have any additional "extrinsical" noise. Quite unexpectedly, it turns out that such cleanness property is largely unrelated to the convex structure of POVM's, and there are clean POVM's that are not extremal and vice-versa. In this paper we solve the cleannes classification problem for number n of outcomes n<=d (d dimension of the Hilbert space), and we provide a a set of either necessary or sufficient conditions for n>d, along with an i...
We analyze quantum algorithms for cloning of a quantum measurement. Our aim is to mimic two uses ... more We analyze quantum algorithms for cloning of a quantum measurement. Our aim is to mimic two uses of a device performing an unknown von Neumann measurement with a single use of the device. When the unknown device has to be used before the bipartite state to be measured is available we talk about 1 -> 2 learning of the measurement, otherwise the task is called 1 -> 2 cloning of a measurement. We perform the optimization for both learning and cloning for arbitrary dimension of the Hilbert space. For 1 -> 2 cloning we also propose a simple quantum network that realizes the optimal strategy.
We consider the ideal situation in which a space rotation is transferred from a quantum spin j to... more We consider the ideal situation in which a space rotation is transferred from a quantum spin j to a quantum spin l different from j. Quantum-information theoretical considerations lead to the conclusion that such operation is possible only for lj. For l>j the optimal stretching transformation is derived. We show that for qubits the present no-stretching theorem is equivalent to the usual no-cloning theorem.
We show that quantum theory allows for transformations of black boxes that cannot be realized by ... more We show that quantum theory allows for transformations of black boxes that cannot be realized by inserting the input black boxes within a circuit in a pre-defined causal order. The simplest example of such a transformation is the classical switch of black boxes, where two input black boxes are arranged in two different orders conditionally on the value of a classical bit. The quantum version of this transformation-the quantum switch-produces an output circuit where the order of the connections is controlled by a quantum bit, which becomes entangled with the circuit structure. Simulating these transformations in a circuit with fixed causal structure requires either postselection, or an extra query to the input black boxes.

Bit commitment protocols, whose security is based on the laws of quantum mechanics alone, are gen... more Bit commitment protocols, whose security is based on the laws of quantum mechanics alone, are generally held to be impossible on the basis of a concealment-bindingness tradeoff. A strengthened and explicit impossibility proof has been given in: G. M. D'Ariano, D. Kretschmann, D. Schlingemann, and R. F. Werner, Phys. Rev. A 76, 032328 (2007), in the Heisenberg picture and in a C*-algebraic framework, considering all conceivable protocols in which both classical and quantum information are exchanged. In the present paper we provide a new impossibility proof in the Schrodinger picture, greatly simplifying the classification of protocols and strategies using the mathematical formulation in terms of quantum combs, with each single-party strategy represented by a conditional comb. We prove that assuming a stronger notion of concealment--worst-case over the classical information histories--allows Alice's cheat to pass also the worst-case Bob's test. The present approach allows ...
We address the problem of optimal estimation of the relative phase for two-dimensional quantum sy... more We address the problem of optimal estimation of the relative phase for two-dimensional quantum systems in mixed states. In particular, we derive the optimal measurement procedures for an arbitrary number of qubits prepared in the same mixed state.
After proving a general no-cloning theorem for black boxes, we derive the optimal universal cloni... more After proving a general no-cloning theorem for black boxes, we derive the optimal universal cloning of unitary transformations, from one to two copies. The optimal cloner is realized by quantum channels with memory, and greately outperforms the optimal measure-and-reprepare cloning strategy. Applications are outlined, including two-way quantum cryptographic protocols.
After more than a century since its birth, Quantum Theory still eludes our understanding. If aske... more After more than a century since its birth, Quantum Theory still eludes our understanding. If asked to describe it, we have to resort to abstract and ad hoc principles about complex Hilbert spaces. How is it possible that a fundamental physical theory cannot be described using the ordinary language of Physics? Here we offer a contribution to the problem from the angle of Quantum Information, providing a short non-technical presentation of a recent derivation of Quantum Theory from information-theoretic principles. The broad picture emerging from the principles is that Quantum Theory is the only standard theory of information compatible with the purity and reversibility of physical processes.

The hypothesis of a discrete fabric of the universe--the "Planck scale"--is always on s... more The hypothesis of a discrete fabric of the universe--the "Planck scale"--is always on stage, since it solves mathematical and conceptual problems in the infinitely small. However, it clashes with special relativity, which is designed for the continuum. Here we show how the clash can be overcome within a discrete quantum theory where the evolution of fields is described by a quantum cellular automaton. The reconciliation is achieved by defining the change of observer as a change of representation of the dynamics, without any reference to space-time. We use the relativity principle, i.e. the invariance of dynamics under change of inertial observer, to identify a change of inertial frame with a symmetry of the dynamics. We consider the full group of such symmetries, and recover the usual Lorentz group in the relativistic regime of low energies, while at the Planck scale the covariance is nonlinearly distorted.

Higher order quantum computation is an extension of quantum computation where one introduces tran... more Higher order quantum computation is an extension of quantum computation where one introduces transformations whose input and output are transformations, thus generalizing the notion of channels and quantum operations. The generalization then goes recursively, with the construction of a full hierarchy of maps of increasingly higher order. The analysis of special cases already showed that higher order functions exhibit features that cannot be tracked down to the usual circuits, such as indefinite causal structures, providing provable advantages over circuital maps. The present treatment provides a general framework where this kind of analysis can be carried out in full generality. Higher order quantum computation is introduced axiomatically with a formulation based on the language of types of transformations. Complete positivity of higher order maps is derived from the general admissibility conditions instead of being postulated as in previous approaches. The recursive characterizatio...

We investigate general probabilistic theories in which every mixed state has a purification, uniq... more We investigate general probabilistic theories in which every mixed state has a purification, unique up to reversible channels on the purifying system. We show that the purification principle is equivalent to the existence of a reversible realization of every physical process, namely that every physical process can be regarded as arising from a reversible interaction of the system with an environment, which is eventually discarded. From the purification principle we also construct an isomorphism between transformations and bipartite states that possesses all structural properties of the Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism in quantum mechanics. Such an isomorphism allows one to prove most of the basic features of quantum mechanics, like e.g. existence of pure bipartite states giving perfect correlations in independent experiments, no information without disturbance, no joint discrimination of all pure states, no cloning, teleportation, no programming, no bit commitment, complementarity betw...
Quantum walks (QWs) describe the evolution of quantum systems on graphs. An intrinsic degree of f... more Quantum walks (QWs) describe the evolution of quantum systems on graphs. An intrinsic degree of freedom---called the coin and represented by a finite-dimensional Hilbert space---is associated to each node. Scalar quantum walks are QWs with a one-dimensional coin. We propose a general strategy allowing one to construct scalar QWs on a broad variety of graphs, which admit embedding in Eulidean spaces, thus having a direct geometric interpretation. After reviewing the technique that allows one to regroup cells of nodes into new nodes, transforming finite spatial blocks into internal degrees of freedom, we prove that no QW with a two-dimensional coin can be derived from an isotropic scalar QW in this way. Finally we show that the Weyl and Dirac QWs can be derived from scalar QWs in spaces of dimension up to three, via our construction.
We derive the optimal universal broadcasting for mixed states of qubits. We show that the nobroad... more We derive the optimal universal broadcasting for mixed states of qubits. We show that the nobroadcasting theorem cannot be generalized to more than a single input copy. Moreover, for four or more input copies it is even possible to purify the input states while broadcasting. We name such purifying broadcasting superbroadcasting.

We consider the Weyl quantum walk in 3+1 dimensions, that is a discrete-time walk describing a pa... more We consider the Weyl quantum walk in 3+1 dimensions, that is a discrete-time walk describing a particle with two internal degrees of freedom moving on a Cayley graph of the group Z^3, that in an appropriate regime evolves according to Weyl's equation. The Weyl quantum walk was recently derived as the unique unitary evolution on a Cayley graph of Z^3 that is homogeneous and isotropic. The general solution of the quantum walk evolution is provided here in the position representation, by the analytical expression of the propagator, i.e. transition amplitude from a node of the graph to another node in a finite number of steps. The quantum nature of the walk manifests itself in the interference of the paths on the graph joining the given nodes. The solution is based on the binary encoding of the admissible paths on the graph and on the semigroup structure of the walk transition matrices.
Papers by Paolo Perinotti