Papers by Marisa Arpesella
![Research paper thumbnail of [Epidemiological study of dental and facial asymmetries in a sample of preschool subjects]](
Epidemiologia e prevenzione
to identify the typologies of facial and dental asymmetries in a sample of children aged between ... more to identify the typologies of facial and dental asymmetries in a sample of children aged between 3 and 6 years and to correlate these asymmetries with possible morphological and functional situations. cross-sectional observational study. sample of 95 subjects aged between 3 and 6 years. Clinical data were collected in 10 sessions conducted during school hours in April 2013 by a doctor of Dentistry at two preschools in the city of Sanremo (Liguria Region, Northern Italy) and a kindergarten in the city of Pavia (Lombardy Region, Northern Italy). To collect the data, a weighted clinical questionnaire was used. presence and type of bad habit, type of breathing, presence and type of facial asymmetry, dental formula, presence of diastema, presence and type of occlusal asymmetries, presence and type of dental malocclusions. analysed sample consisted of 53.7% (51/95) of males and 46.3 % (44/95) females; the mean age was 4.3 ± 0.9 years. Most frequent facial asymmetry is orbits asymmetry (35...
Italian Journal of …, 2010
Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for developing coronary artery disease and stroke. It ... more Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for developing coronary artery disease and stroke. It also contributes to other risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, a low level of HDL (“good”) cholesterol and diabetes. On the other way, physical activity doesn't need to be ...
Igiene e sanità pubblica
The study evaluated oral hygiene knowledge among a group of 12-year-old students in Lombardy, Ita... more The study evaluated oral hygiene knowledge among a group of 12-year-old students in Lombardy, Italy (n=182). Two different questionnaires were administered, respectively to adolescents and to their parents. Results indicate a low level of general knowledge on this topic. Factors influencing knowledge include the number of learning sources and yearly access to a dental clinic. The described situation highlights the need to implement school-based educational interventions.

Work, 2015
In Italy, students from Movement Science (MS) Degree Courses often work in sport and recreational... more In Italy, students from Movement Science (MS) Degree Courses often work in sport and recreational facilities before graduation. The employment conditions of Movement Science students working in sport/recreational facilities were investigated, and the management and structural features of the facilities were evaluated, including safety policies. Regional differences were also considered. Questionnaires were administered to undergraduate and graduate students (N = 4,217) in 17 Universities. Students' perceptions of the quality of the facilities where they had been employed was evaluated using multivariate analysis. A latent class model with covariates was used to evaluate how variables relating to participants', employment facilities or regions influence their opinions. A high proportion of MS students were employed in sporting facilities (undergraduate level: 33% ; graduate level: 55%), in most cases without any formal employment contracts. Both the structural and hygienic features, as well as the professional knowledge of the staff, were considered good to excellent by the majority of participants (about 70%). Communication of the basic behavioral rules was considered adequate by 61-63% of undergraduate students and 71-75% of graduate students, while nearly half of the participants were dissatisfied with the staff safety training. Correlations between the perceived good structural/hygienic conditions, the presence of regulations and training programs for the staff were investigated. Differences regarding occupational level and safety training among different regions of Italy were also observed. Italian students in Movement Science were easily employed in sport/recreational facilities, but frequently without a formal contract. This is a consequence of the lack of specific regulations in the field of recreational/leisure employment and could have negative implications, especially in terms of safety.
Igiene e sanità pubblica
The authors outline how scientific and social ideas and concepts, regarding the role of physical ... more The authors outline how scientific and social ideas and concepts, regarding the role of physical activity in human health, have evolved throughout the last centuries,.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Prevalence of hearing loss in elderly individuals over 65 years of age: a pilot study in Lombardia (Italy)]](
Igiene e sanità pubblica
A cross sectional study was performed to determine the prevalence of hearing loss in individuals ... more A cross sectional study was performed to determine the prevalence of hearing loss in individuals over age 65 years presenting to a medical centre in Lombardia (Italy). The aim was to assess the feasibility of performing a survey to evaluate the prevalence of hearing loss in the entire region. Audiometric testing was performed in each enrolled subject, to reveal losses in hearing levels at 250 to 8000 Hz; hearing levels were measured in decibels. Prevalences of mild, moderate, severe, and profound hearing impairment were found to be 39%, 17.4%, 2.9% and 0.6% respectively when using the WHO classification, and 59.9%, 25.6%, 2.9%, and 0.6% respectively when using the classification of the Bureau International d'Audiophonologie (BIAP).This study has shown that a relevant part of the study population is affected by hearing impairment and has served as a pilot study for a larger-scale study to be performed in the Lombardia region.
Igiene e sanità pubblica
The Working Group "Movement Sciences for Health" of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Pre... more The Working Group "Movement Sciences for Health" of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health has promoted the Italian translation of the WHO Guidelines for Safe Recreational Water Environments, relating to coastal and freshwater environments. In this article the authors briefly summarize the main areas covered in the guidelines, namely drowning and injury, exposure to cold, heat and sunlight, water quality, contamination of beach sand, exposure to algae and their products, aesthetic issues, exposure to chemical and physical agents, dangerous aquatic organisms, monitoring and assessment hazards and risks.
![Research paper thumbnail of [The "Smoke-free hospital" project: prevalence of smokers in a large hospital in Pavia (Italy) from 2006 to 2010]](
Igiene e sanità pubblica
This study was conducted in the context of the "Smoke-free Hospital" project and its ai... more This study was conducted in the context of the "Smoke-free Hospital" project and its aims were to describe the prevalence of smokers among employees and patients of the Hospital of Pavia from 2006 to 2010, and to evaluate its determinants. The target population was represented by all employees (healthcare and other staff) and patients (inpatients and outpatients) of the Hospital of Pavia. Data collection took place by means of two self-administered and anonymous questionnaires (one for employees and one for patients). Overall, 3,996 employees and 2,301 patients completed the questionnaires. The prevalence of smokers among participating individuals remained largely unchanged in the observed period. The percentage of smokers among employees ranged from 21.88% in 2007 to 23% in 2006, while among patients it ranged from 16.67% in 2006 to 24.05% in 2008. Knowledge about tobacco-related issues was found to be poor and did not change over time. The low response rate did not allow...

Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2000
Physical activity may protect from the adverse effects of obesity. In obese children, an increase... more Physical activity may protect from the adverse effects of obesity. In obese children, an increased adherence and a decreased drop-out rate during exercise could be achieved with adaptated activities. We studied a recreational 12-week controlled training program for sedentary obese children, including interactive video games. We enrolled 22 obese subjects (13.23 ± 1.76 years) in an exercise program, implemented twice a week for a 12-week period. The program consisted of a combination of circuit-based aerobics, strength and resistance exercises; specifically soccer, rugby, volleyball and basketball and interactive video game exercises. Outcome measurements included body composition, metabolic profile and cardiorespiratory fitness. During the 12-week training program there was a significant decrease in body mass index (BMI) (p = 0.002), SDS-BMI (p = 0.003), waist circumference (p = 0.004), waist circumference/height ratio (p = 0.001), % fat mass (p = 0.001), blood glucose (p = 0.001), homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (p = 0.04), triglycerides (p = 0.03) and systolic pressure (p = 0.04) before and after exercise. Improvement in estimated maximum oxygen consumption (VO 2max ) (p < 0.001) correlated with a decrease in fat mass (p = 0.01), triglycerides (p = 0.04) and insulin resistance (p = 0.02). Exercise improved metabolic and cardiorespiratory fitness in obese children. Exercise training does not necessarily need to be vigorous, recreational programs are also effective and may encourage children to participate in physical activity and limit initial drop-out.

Although severalstudieshaveinvestigatedthepsychologicalandphysicalpredictorsofsuccessinsport,
lit... more Although severalstudieshaveinvestigatedthepsychologicalandphysicalpredictorsofsuccessinsport,
little isknownaboutthepotentialbiochemicalcorrelatesofwinninginsportingcompetitions.Invarious
species, competitionappearstoelicitahormonalresponseaccordingtoitsoutcome,defeatorvictory.
Given itsimportanceinsocialdominantbehaviourandaggressiveness,severalstudieshavefocusedon
testosterone (T)variationaftercompetition.Inhumans,aggressionandcompetitionbetweengroupsare
ubiquitous andrepresentanimportantaspectofmodernsocieties.However,itisextremelydifficultto
investigate thehormonalchangesthatunderpintheresponsetovictoryordefeatinreallife.Inthis
regard, gamesofsportmayrepresentanidealecologicalexperimentforstudyinghormonalchanges
according tothecompetition’soutcome.Inthisreview,weprovideanoverviewofTchangesafter
winning orlosingdifferenttypesofsportingchallenges.Additionally,criticalissuesforfuturestudieswill
be discussed.
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2014
To investigate the eating habits and lifestyle of obese children.
Papers by Marisa Arpesella
little isknownaboutthepotentialbiochemicalcorrelatesofwinninginsportingcompetitions.Invarious
species, competitionappearstoelicitahormonalresponseaccordingtoitsoutcome,defeatorvictory.
Given itsimportanceinsocialdominantbehaviourandaggressiveness,severalstudieshavefocusedon
testosterone (T)variationaftercompetition.Inhumans,aggressionandcompetitionbetweengroupsare
ubiquitous andrepresentanimportantaspectofmodernsocieties.However,itisextremelydifficultto
investigate thehormonalchangesthatunderpintheresponsetovictoryordefeatinreallife.Inthis
regard, gamesofsportmayrepresentanidealecologicalexperimentforstudyinghormonalchanges
according tothecompetition’soutcome.Inthisreview,weprovideanoverviewofTchangesafter
winning orlosingdifferenttypesofsportingchallenges.Additionally,criticalissuesforfuturestudieswill
be discussed.
little isknownaboutthepotentialbiochemicalcorrelatesofwinninginsportingcompetitions.Invarious
species, competitionappearstoelicitahormonalresponseaccordingtoitsoutcome,defeatorvictory.
Given itsimportanceinsocialdominantbehaviourandaggressiveness,severalstudieshavefocusedon
testosterone (T)variationaftercompetition.Inhumans,aggressionandcompetitionbetweengroupsare
ubiquitous andrepresentanimportantaspectofmodernsocieties.However,itisextremelydifficultto
investigate thehormonalchangesthatunderpintheresponsetovictoryordefeatinreallife.Inthis
regard, gamesofsportmayrepresentanidealecologicalexperimentforstudyinghormonalchanges
according tothecompetition’soutcome.Inthisreview,weprovideanoverviewofTchangesafter
winning orlosingdifferenttypesofsportingchallenges.Additionally,criticalissuesforfuturestudieswill
be discussed.