Papers by Luca Cortesi
Studi Slavistici, 2025
The purpose of this contribution is to present and discuss two Italian translations of two differ... more The purpose of this contribution is to present and discuss two Italian translations of two different prose works by Velimir Chlebnikov, published in 1934 and 1943 respectively, in a period prior to Ripellino’s translation, which is generally considered the starting point of the diffusion of Chlebnikov’s output in Italy. The brief analysis of these two translated texts aims to contribute to the reconstruction of the history of the reception of Chlebnikov’s works in Italy.

Russica Romana, 2023
In early 20th century Russian literature, there is no author whose fame was established by World ... more In early 20th century Russian literature, there is no author whose fame was established by World War i literature, and even considering the handful of writers who took part in the war and put their experience in writing, their literary output passed un-noticed by the critics. Even less attention has been paid to literary memoirist works, mainly because much of the literature produced and disseminated in Russia during the war years can be considered 'mass literature' to its fullest extent, as it often stands out for the propagandistic overtones of its narrative. Taking inspiration from a statement by Svetlana Alexievich, who in her famous work The Unwomanly Face of War writes that «Women's war has its own colors, […] its own feelings. Its own words», this paper investigates if such observations can be extended to wwi and sheds light on the way Russian female soldiers narrated their participation in the First World War. This research is grounded in an examination of two unique wwi-related memoirist works: Yashka (1919), a (very likely) fictionalized biography of the soldier Maria Botchkareva, and the novel V Okopakh (1930), written by Tatiana Dubinskaya, also a woman soldier. The article analyzes the figure of the Russian female soldier against the background of World War I, considering not only a purely narrative point of view, but also the role that female soldiers played and the recognition they gained in the Russian society of those years.

Literature, 2023
The impact of WWI on Russian society was immediately disruptive. This effect affected every spher... more The impact of WWI on Russian society was immediately disruptive. This effect affected every sphere of social and cultural environs. Although previous research has established that WWI was a major topic of the cultural discourse of that time, the way in which WWI literature, and in
particular consumer literature, contributed to the representation of war among the mass population deserves further research. By drawing a parallel with the phenomenon of the American dime novel, this study is grounded on the analysis of the style, content, structure, and even of the ‘mere’ appearance of some 1914–1916 ‘mass’ publications aimed at the broader public. The goal of this article, therefore, is to stimulate a consistent re-evaluation of this strand of ‘consumer’ war literature and to focus on its importance as a culturological tool to have a better understanding of the cultural environment of that time.
Granaslavic 2019. Fifth International Conference ‘Andalusian Slavic Studies Workdays’, 2021

Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione, 2021
At the end of 1913, the Moscow-based Futurist group Mezzanine of Poetry (Mezonin Poėzii) publishe... more At the end of 1913, the Moscow-based Futurist group Mezzanine of Poetry (Mezonin Poėzii) published the almanac Krematorij Zdravomyslija [The Crematorium of the Common Sense]. The almanac came out right before the group separated and thus represents its legacy. Gathering the works of fourteen poets of the Mezzanine, this voluminous publication stands out for its attempt – set down by the two theoretical leaders of the group: Vadim Šeršenevič (1893-1942) and Lev Zak (1892-1980, who signed his works as Chrisanf and as M. Rossijanskij) – to shape a genre of experimental prose that would reflect the vividness and innovation of the poetic language of Russian Futurism. The present paper analyses the stylistic features of three prose works in the almanac: two excerpts from Šeršenevič’s unfinished novel Introdukcija samoubijcy [The Suicide’s Prelude] and L. Zak’s short story Knjažna Karakaticeva [Princess Cuttlefish]. It does so in reference to Marinetti’s statements and to Šeršenevič and Zak’s theoretical writings on prose, included in the same almanac. Prose is one of the least investigated literary forms in Futurism Studies. Thus, the analysis deals mostly with primary sources and with the documents collected by V. Markov and V.P. Lapšin. The aim is to shed light on the continuity in the development of Italian and Russian Futurist experimental prose and, specifically, to read the works of Šeršenevič and Zak from a new comparative perspective, investigating the extent to which they used the theoretical principles set down by Italian Futurism.
Literature, 2021
In the Soviet era, Russian involvement in WWI long represented an ostracised and even forgotten e... more In the Soviet era, Russian involvement in WWI long represented an ostracised and even forgotten event. This very attitude is reflected by Soviet literary criticism of WWI war literature. Taking into account both the studies which re-examined this part of Russian literature in a less ideologically biased manner and the stances that major writers of that period took towards the war, the aim of this paper is to investigate Russian Soldier-literature as presented in anthologies published in the wake of the First World War. The publishing of short stories, journalistic reporting and poems actually (or allegedly) composed by soldiers themselves can be interpreted as a symptomatic expression of a broader cultural discourse that was common at that time, and of which state propaganda publications often availed themselves.

Authors, critics and scholars began taking an interest in the literary corpus of Velimir Chlebnik... more Authors, critics and scholars began taking an interest in the literary corpus of Velimir Chlebnikov (1885 – 1922) when he was still alive and still writing. The attention of current criticism is focused on the wide variety of features that characterize his oeuvre, above all slovotvorčestvo and the peculiarities of his poetic language. However, there are still some topics that require a detailed study, and among them the crucial role that the Russian revolutions (and subsequently the civil war) played on his literary production is prominent. Chlebnikov was sometimes accused of being guilty of "ideological vagueness" in his revolutionary themes and of having failed to understand the socialist character of the October Revolution. With a focus on the late prose of the 1917-1922 period, the purpose of this paper is to clarify and define how Chlebnikov himself perceived the events of the revolutionary and post-revolutionary period and how it was reflected in his prose.
![Research paper thumbnail of Velimir Chlebnikov: due brevi prose del periodo tardo. Ottobre sulla Neva [Oktjabr’ na Neve] e Nessuno negherà... [Nikto ne budet otricat’...] (1918)](
Teoria Traduzione Testo, 2020
Velimir Chlebnikov (1885-1922) is one of the most renowned Russian poets of the Twentieth century... more Velimir Chlebnikov (1885-1922) is one of the most renowned Russian poets of the Twentieth century. He is generally considered a representative of the futurist avant-garde. In the past decades, critics have paid great attention not only to his role as primus inter pares in the cubo-futurist movement but also, and above all, to his poetic production and his logopoietic theories (such as slovotvorčestvo, korneslovie, zaum’…). Here, we present the first Italian translation of two of Chlebnikov's short-prose works: Oktjabr’ na Neve and Nikto ne budet otricat’…, both composed in 1918. The aim of this contribution is to consider a part of Chlebnikov’s literary corpus to which not enough attention has been paid. Chlebnikov’s prose has never been translated in Italian, with the exception of a few isolated, scattered works. The two translations here are introduced by a note grounded on remarks by Ju. Tynjanov, T. Gric and R. Duganov. We also highlight the formal and stylistic features of Chlebnikov’s prose together with the difficulties encountered in translating it.
eSamizdat, 2019
Luca Cortesi e Alessandro Alberto Trani analizzano dettagliatamente la componente matematica che ... more Luca Cortesi e Alessandro Alberto Trani analizzano dettagliatamente la componente matematica che soggiace all’opera "Vremja – mera mira" di Velimir Chlebnikov

Authors, critics and scholars began taking an interest in the literary corpus of Velimir Chlebnik... more Authors, critics and scholars began taking an interest in the literary corpus of Velimir Chlebnikov (1885 – 1922) when he was still alive and still writing. The attention of current criticism is focused on the wide variety of features that characterize his oeuvre, above all slovotvorčestvo and the peculiarities of his poetic language. However, there are still some topics that require a detailed study, and among them the crucial role that the Russian revolutions (and subsequently the civil war) played on his literary production is prominent. Chlebnikov was sometimes accused of being guilty of "ideological vagueness" in his revolutionary themes and of having failed to understand the socialist character of the October Revolution. With a focus on the late prose of the 1917-1922 period, the purpose of this paper is to clarify and define how Chlebnikov himself perceived the events of the revolutionary and post-revolutionary period and how it was reflected in his prose.

Spettralità. Tra rappresentazioni classiche e nuove emergenze, 2019
L'obiettivo del presente intervento è verificare l’esistenza di una relazione tra alcune delle ri... more L'obiettivo del presente intervento è verificare l’esistenza di una relazione tra alcune delle ricerche sperimentali in campo architettonico elaborate nell'Unione Sovietica degli anni Venti, le cui manifestazioni più estreme sfociano in utopia o addirittura nella fantascienza, e l'opera di Velimir Chlebnikov, poeta avanguardista generalmente ascritto al gruppo dei cubo-futuristi. Ci serviamo del termine “spettro” in una sua accezione metaforica, mutuata dall’etimologia (dal lat. Specĕre, “guardare, vedere”), per mostrare da un lato come il clima culturale dell'epoca abbia favorito le reciproche influenze tra arti apparentemente così distanti, dall'altro come il trionfo della superficie trasparente e del volume puro e i progetti di “città volanti” dei costruttivisti si intreccino con la particolare ricerca poetica chlebnikoviana, che manifesta la necessità di un radicale mutamento del tessuto architettonico della città.
Conference Presentations by Luca Cortesi

Granaslavic 2019. Fifth International Conference ‘Andalusian Slavic Studies Workdays’, 2021
This article is devoted to the critical prose in the oeuvre of Velimir Chlebnikov (1885 – 1922), ... more This article is devoted to the critical prose in the oeuvre of Velimir Chlebnikov (1885 – 1922), one of the most renowned poets of the Russian avant-garde. Ever since he was alive, the attention of criticism has focused on the wide variety of features characterising his oeuvre, above all slovotvorčestvo and the peculiarities of his poetic language. From this range of literary elements, several non-strictly textual aspects of Chlebnikov's works stand out. Even though his prose works – and, above all, those works that belong to the category of the so-called “non-artistic” prose – remained relatively in the dark, there are still some topics which would require a detailed study. Among them the crucial role that critical prose played in his literary career is prominent. With a focus on the analysis of V. Chlebnikov’s critical articles, the aim of this paper is not only to sketch a portrait of the poet as a critic-essayist, but also to highlight the structural aspects and the historical context of the works that are taken into account.
Настоящей статьей мы намерены проанализировать те элементы в тексте, которые формально можно отне... more Настоящей статьей мы намерены проанализировать те элементы в тексте, которые формально можно отнести к математике. Поэтому, мы решили сосредоточиться преимущественно на первой из двух составляющих текст частей, в силу того, что именно в ней находится большое количество математических выражений, уравнений, дробей, формул и т.д., которые Хлебников заимствует из области математики и физики, с целью придать какое-то впечатление математической “систематизированности” и “формальности” тексту, который только вдохновение может назвать по сути “научным”.
Books by Luca Cortesi
Учебное пособие представляет собой практический курс общественно-политиче-ского перевода, основан... more Учебное пособие представляет собой практический курс общественно-политиче-ского перевода, основанный на неадаптированных материалах по тематике междуна-родных отношений. оно направлено на отработку навыков письменного двусторонне-го перевода в языковой паре «итальянский – русский».адресовано русскоязычным студентам старших курсов университета, обучающим-ся по направлениям «Международные отношения» и «перевод и переводоведение».
Edited Publications by Luca Cortesi

On October 28th, 2022 the international conference Velimir Khlebnikov 1922-2022: One Hundred Year... more On October 28th, 2022 the international conference Velimir Khlebnikov 1922-2022: One Hundred Years of a Myth was held at the Alma Mater University of Bologna, Italy. The aim of this event, involving some of the most eminent specialists in the field, was to commemorate the centenary of the death of Velimir Khlebnikov (1885-1922). It was not only a reflection on the life and work of this great Russian author, but also an exploration of the enduring myth that has grown up around the poet since his lifetime, a myth that has continued to shape and influence literary and cultural discourse well beyond the time of his passing. This volume contains a selection of papers delivered during the conference, as well as new contributions. They provide a comprehensive and multifaceted representation of Velimir Khlebnikov’s work and legacy. They illustrate the richness of his oeuvre, the complexity of the myth around the poet, and the ongoing relevance of Khlebnikov’s work in contemporary literature and literary studies. Through their diverse methodologies and perspectives, these contributions offer new insights into the ways in which Khlebnikov has been received, interpreted, and reimagined over the past century.

Progetti per l’Umanità. Rivoluzioni, Utopie e Ingegneria Sociale, 2019
Progetti per l’Umanità. Rivoluzioni, Utopie e Ingegneria Sociale (Projects for Humankind. Revolut... more Progetti per l’Umanità. Rivoluzioni, Utopie e Ingegneria Sociale (Projects for Humankind. Revolutions, Utopias and Social Engineering) explores a variety of plans and attempts to transform human beings into something different and better. In particular, it engages with utopian thinking and its ineludible counterpart, dystopia; with moments of political, cultural or philosophical revolution aimed at triggering profound shifts in human life; and with different projects of social engineering to be accomplished through a variety of means such as education, propaganda or alterations to the human body or mind. The case studies included in this volume range from the 18th century to the present day, and involve disciplines such as literary and film studies, philosophy, political science and cultural history. In particular, the volume features essays on the following topics: mythology in German Romanticism; Martin Heidegger’s eschatology; Francesco Saverio Salfi’s essay on the 1783 earthquake in Calabria; the scapigliati writers Carlo Dossi and Giovanni Faldella; the utopian production of positivist anthropologist Paolo Mantegazza; the Proletkul’t movement; early Soviet children’s magazines; the political implications of Russian linguaculturology (lingvokul’turologija); Lafayette Ronald Hubbard’s Dianetics; Zulu intellectual and writer Herbert Dhlomo’s speculative fiction; “self-management” (autogestione) and the Italian Socialist Party in the 1970s; the current debate on surrogate motherhood; and Terry Gilliam’s dystopian film trilogy. Through these multiple perspectives, the volume argues that human projectuality is an anthropological constant throughout history that is both necessary for human existence and simultaneously fraught with dangers; and that it is therefore a crucial category to analyse reality and fiction alike.
Papers by Luca Cortesi
particular consumer literature, contributed to the representation of war among the mass population deserves further research. By drawing a parallel with the phenomenon of the American dime novel, this study is grounded on the analysis of the style, content, structure, and even of the ‘mere’ appearance of some 1914–1916 ‘mass’ publications aimed at the broader public. The goal of this article, therefore, is to stimulate a consistent re-evaluation of this strand of ‘consumer’ war literature and to focus on its importance as a culturological tool to have a better understanding of the cultural environment of that time.
Conference Presentations by Luca Cortesi
Books by Luca Cortesi
Edited Publications by Luca Cortesi
particular consumer literature, contributed to the representation of war among the mass population deserves further research. By drawing a parallel with the phenomenon of the American dime novel, this study is grounded on the analysis of the style, content, structure, and even of the ‘mere’ appearance of some 1914–1916 ‘mass’ publications aimed at the broader public. The goal of this article, therefore, is to stimulate a consistent re-evaluation of this strand of ‘consumer’ war literature and to focus on its importance as a culturological tool to have a better understanding of the cultural environment of that time.