Papers by Giuseppe Merlati
BioMed research international, Feb 23, 2024
![Research paper thumbnail of [Elastomeric chains in orthodontics. An in vitro evaluation of ten different types]](
PubMed, Dec 18, 2001
Background: This study is an evaluation and a comparison assessment of ten different types of ort... more Background: This study is an evaluation and a comparison assessment of ten different types of orthodontics elastomeric chains in an in vitro situation simulating the clinical therapy for the canine tooth distalisation. Methods: We designed and produced two custom made systems in order to simulate the clinical movement and to measure the elastic recovery. The first device was suitable to activate the elastomeric chains up to 100% of its extension and successively to reduce this extension through the time, as it happens during the clinical practice. Simultaneously with the activation of the chains, it was possible to submit the device to two different termocycling procedures. The measuring system was a linear guide skid-mounted on a balance which provided two grasps in the order to achieve the activation rate and to measure it. The force showed by the elastic recovery was relieved at the starting of the experience and after 1, 7, 14, 21 days. Results: We relieved that the elastomeric chains decreased their elastic recovery to the 50-70% of the starting rate during the first day of activation, after which the force holded fairly uniform and after three weeks it was the 20-40% of the value corresponding to the starting activation. Conclusions: The tested elastomeric chains provide forces reliable to produce the tooth movement for a maximum of a three/four weeks period; than they have to be changed since the induced movement is nullifying its efficacy. At the comparative analysis the diaphanous type shows a lower decrease of the elastic force than the gray type, and the Short& e X-Short shapes show the same behaviour and generate forces much more performing than Long shapes.
PubMed, Mar 1, 2006
The case of an IgAk myeloma showed the following common features with more than a hundred of pati... more The case of an IgAk myeloma showed the following common features with more than a hundred of patients described by the literature: osteonecrosis of the jaws, prolonged administration of bisphosphonates due to neoplastic skeletal lesions, antitumoral therapies and recent dental surgery. The antiangiogenetic effects of bisphosphonates can have an important pathogenetic role and a general dental treatment should be completed before the start of bisphosphonate administration.
Masson Ed.; Milano, Parigi, Barcellona. 1998 Edizione Italiana di: Robert G. Craig (Ed.). "Restorative Dental Materials". 10th Ed.: Mosby, St. Louis, 1997
To evaluate solubility, absorption and color’s variation in indirect composites

Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2015
The aim of this investigation was to assess the influence of several surface treatments on the sh... more The aim of this investigation was to assess the influence of several surface treatments on the shear bond strength (SBS) of a self-adhesive resin cement containing 10-methacryloxydecyl-dihydrogenphosphate monomer to densely sintered zirconia ceramic, before and after thermal cycles. Hundred densely sintered zirconia cylinders were divided into five groups (n = 20). Each of them received a different surface treatment: (1) control [No_T], with the zirconia surface unconditioned, (2) low pressure air abrasion [Sand_S], (50 μm, 1 bar), (3) standardized air abrasion [Sand_H], (50 μm, 2.8 bar), (4) standardized Rocatec™ Plus (silica-coated alumina oxide) air abrasion (2.8 bar) and silanization [Roc_H], (5) low pressure Rocatec™ Plus (silica-coated alumina oxide) air abrasion (1 bar) and silanization [Roc_S]. Five more surface-treated specimens were addressed to scanning electron microscope for qualitative observations. After specimen fabrication, subgroups of 10 bonded samples were stored in water either for 24 h (T1) or subjected to 5000 thermal cycles (T2); SBSs were determined with a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. At T1, mean SBSs (MPa) obtained for the examined groups were: [Sand_H] 16.24 ± 2.95; [Sand_S] 16.01 ± 2.68; [Roc_H] 17.17 ± 1.64; [Roc_S] 15.92 ± 1.99. All surface treatments positively affected (p < 0.05) the initial selfadhesive cement adhesion to zirconia with respect to No_T (13.29 MPa). Artificial aging decreased the bond strength in all test groups significantly, but no spontaneous debonding was observed in [No_T]: at T2, SBS values ranged from 7.76 ± 2.37 (No_T) to 8.89 ± 1.74 (Sand_S), with no statistically significant difference between groups (p = 0.5293). Both air abrasion with alumina oxide and Rocatec™ universal bonding system, used with hard or low air pressure, produced comparable effects on cement–zirconia interface before and after thermal cycles. After artificial aging, minimal differences in bond strength values between sandblasted and control groups were not of statistical significance.

Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials, Jan 10, 2015
The production of fixed partial dentures (FPDs) induces complex residual stress profiles, due to ... more The production of fixed partial dentures (FPDs) induces complex residual stress profiles, due to both the thermal expansion coefficient mismatch between the veneering ceramic and the framework and to the thermal gradients occurring during the final cooling. Detailed knowledge of residual stress distributions in the veneering ceramics is important to understand the interface phenomena with the framework and the consequences of the different firing systems. The first objective of this study was to analyse the residual stress distribution in heat-pressed ceramic on zirconia core with micrometer spatial resolution, with also a focus on the stress at the interface versus porcelain-fused-to-metal samples. The second purpose was to correlate the residual stress with the fracture toughness. The micron-scale focused ion beam (FIB) ring-core method was used to map the residual stress over the cross-sections of the veneering ceramics. The methodology is based on FIB micro-milling of annular tr...
Influenza della tecnica di pretrattamento smalteo sull\u2019infiltrazione marginale dei sigillant
Recenti progressi in medicina
The case of an IgAk myeloma showed the following common features with more than a hundred of pati... more The case of an IgAk myeloma showed the following common features with more than a hundred of patients described by the literature: osteonecrosis of the jaws, prolonged administration of bisphosphonates due to neoplastic skeletal lesions, antitumoral therapies and recent dental surgery. The antiangiogenetic effects of bisphosphonates can have an important pathogenetic role and a general dental treatment should be completed before the start of bisphosphonate administration.
Since 3Y -TZP dental devices are processed either by soft machining of pre-sintered blanks or by ... more Since 3Y -TZP dental devices are processed either by soft machining of pre-sintered blanks or by hard machining of fully sintered blocks, their mechanical properties strongly depend on grain size and microstructure. Consequently, the sintering conditions have a strong impact on both stability and mechanical properties of the final product [1,2,3]. Recently, a new sintering technique, known as high-pressure fieldassisted sintering (HP-FAST), was proved to be successful in the preparation of fully dense nanocrystalline materials with minimal grain growth, thanks to its rapid sintering cycles (5 min) at high pressures (up to 1 GPa) [4,5]. Aim of this study was the application of this technique to the preparation of 3Y -TZP bulk samples with very high densities and limited grain growth.
Papers by Giuseppe Merlati
È dedicata alla Prof.ssa Elettra Dorigo De Stefano, primo docente di Materiali Dentari, Past President del Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria, sotto il cui patrocinio è iniziato il nostro progetto; i suoi consigli sono stati fondamentali per la sua produzione collegiale. Il carisma e la dedizione della prof.ssa Dorigo nei confronti della disciplina sono di esempio per tutte le generazioni future che intendono intraprendere la carriera accademica.
Ventuno sedi universitarie, oggi ventisette, hanno aderito a questo progetto; tutte hanno collaborato attivamente fornendo il proprio materiale didattico.
Il risultato è questo volume, che rimane sotto il Patrocinio del presidente del Collegio dei Docenti, oggi il prof. Roberto di Lenarda, a cui va il mio ringraziamento.
La nuova edizione è stata implementata con nuovi argomenti quali: materiali per l’ingegneria cranio-facciale, per l’igiene orale, per lo sbiancamento, per lo studio e il trattamento dell’alitosi e dispositivi LED in odontoiatria. Inoltre è stato inserito un capitolo apposito per quanto riguarda la ricerca ed analisi al microscopio. Includendo questi nuovi argomenti si creano i fondamenti e si fornisce il know-how agli studenti sia di Odontoiatria che di Igiene Dentale per mettere in dialogo i professionisti del “dentale”.
L’indice di questo testo riflette i programmi condivisi dai docenti di disciplina, senza entrare nelle tematiche specialistiche in modo approfondito, per lasciare così al singolo docente spazio per gli approfondimenti che riterrà necessari. Inoltre, per facilitare la comprensione del testo, i diversi argomenti sono stati raggruppati per aree tematiche, caratterizzate da diversi colori. Sono personalmente convinto che molto è ancora da fare e da correggere e pertanto spero, con l’arrivo di suggerimenti, di poter migliorare e aggiornare il testo.
Giuseppe Spoto
Coordinatore dei Docenti di questo Lavoro Collegiale già Referente della Disciplina “Materiali Dentari e Tecnologie Protesiche di Laboratorio” già Professore ordinario di Materiali Dentari, Prof. inc. di Chimica Medica, Referente Nazionale della sede di Chieti per il Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria, Università “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti, Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Orali e Biotecnologiche (via dei Vestini 31, Chieti).
Paolo Baldissera, Lorenzo Breschi, Giorgio Gastaldi, Laura Laffranchi, Corrado Paganelli, Francesco Somma, Gloria Denotti, Alessandra Piras, Maurizio Ferrante, Antonio Scarano, Giuseppe Spoto, Tonino Traini, Paolo Trentini, Santo Catapano, Nicola Mobilio, Domenico Ciaravella, Lorenzo Lo Muzio, Andrea Santarelli, Mario Baldi, Domenico Cicciù, Marco Cicciù, Marco Baldoni, Dorina Lauritano, Alessandro Leonida, Salvatore Longoni, Paolo Capparè, Enrico Gherlone, Loris Prosper, Roberto De Santis, Antonio Gloria, Alberto Laino, Roberto Sorrentino, Fernando Zarone, Felice Femiano, Paolo Menghini, Giuseppe Merlati, Carmen Mortellaro, Carlo Galli, Giancarlo Barraco, Stefano Eramo, Stefano Pagano, Giovanna Orsini, Riccardo Monterubbianesi, Thimios Mitsiadis, Francesco Sampalmieri, Andrea Santarelli, Mario Gabriele, Filippo Graziani, Morena Petrini, Luca Marigo, Luca Raffaelli, Licia Manzon, Emiliano Armellin, Loredana Cerroni, Roberta Condò, Sergio Saverio Condò, Guido Pasquantonio, Edoardo Baldoni, Massimo Corigliano, Michele Carrabba, Marco Ferrari, Cecilia Goracci, Antonio Castronovo, Carlo Mazzucco, Roberto Perotti, Gianmario Schierano, Milena Cadenaro, Roberto Di Lenarda, Elettra Dorigo De Stefano, Daniele De Santis.