Papers by shraddha manjrekar

Architecture and Planning for Villages, 2021
The built environment of the villages is characterized by the buildings, streets and the spaces w... more The built environment of the villages is characterized by the buildings, streets and the spaces within the buildings. The culture, occupation and life of the villagers remains within these spaces. Organic or human intervention, these spaces represent the village life. The traditions, culture of the villages correspond sustainability principles, and responsiveness towards environment in a number of aspects. The village housing evolves around the traditional occupations and culture. The occupational activities are integral parts of overall built environment. There are learnings from rural way of living, and these lessons are worth preserving for sustainability of the resources, culture and people. These characteristics of built environment, culture and traditions must be taken as base for formalizing any plan or policy for rural development. This paper is about a study done in a historical coastal village in Maharashtra. This village is one of the most scenic and ecologically important parts of Indian Western coast. The built environment is subject to change with the tourism activities happening here because of beaches and ecology and historical character. The threats of ecological degradation and loss of architectural character are realized looking at the developments happening in the other coastal villages. With this concern it has been realized that the base of development can be prepared with the understanding of the original character of the area. This paper documents the learning from this village in terms of environment consciousness, sustainable architecture and lifestyle of people. Author has tried to create a base on which the developments and planning can be done for such kind of villages.

Proceedings of International Conference on Blurred boundaries, In search of Identity, 2021
India is a rich nation in terms of cultural heritage, hence it becomes essential to recognize and... more India is a rich nation in terms of cultural heritage, hence it becomes essential to recognize and appreciate the features of a country’s
culture for sustainable development (Abakerli, 2012). The relation of culture with the built environment in the world has been
considered under parameters like number of theatres, museums, art galleries, world heritage sites, concert halls, etc. However, there
are a number of intangible aspects of the cultural activities that happen in the backdrop of the built environment. In the process of
evolution of urban form, each aspect of the built environment is created to fulfi ll human purpose, giving space to accommodate the
complex and manifold urban activities. These spaces are a refl ection of the way of living and culture. Cultural activities bring vitality
and vibrancy in the day to day lives. The routines are associated with the design of neighborhoods. The festivals are associated with
a number of spaces in the city. In this regard, the Indian cities have a number of spaces with dynamic character, that signify changing
character with respect to time and occasion. The same spaces function in a diff erent way at diff erent points of time. For example, the
market lanes become the processional path at the time of festivals and public squares take diff erent shapes at the time of ceremonies.
In order to accommodate cultural activities, like processions and celebration of festivals the cities represent fl exible quality. This
paper explores the relationship of the spaces in the city with the culture. Pune city has been taken as a study area and various factors
of the festivals are studied that bring in dynamism in the spaces. It is based on the mapping of the activities in certain parts of the
city that change character during festive times. Authors have studied some major festivals and related activities around the year and
tried to map the city’s response to these festivals

Education and Society, 2023
The water resource planning of the transitional villages is always the focus area of planners. Th... more The water resource planning of the transitional villages is always the focus area of planners. The purpose of planning is to optimize the use of resources sustainably. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 Good health and well-being, SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure, SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and communities, SDG 13 Climate action all have a direct connection with water resource management in the built environment. Several departments of the government of India and policies are active on this front. This paper focuses on SDG 6, to relate the existing policy framework and the present state of water management systems in the rural areas of Western Maharashtra. Various aspects of the built environment that help in sustainable water management are considered to establish this relation. The representative cases of the villages are taken from the state of Maharashtra. The visual surveys are conducted in five representative village typologies. The research observes the present status of water management practices and identifies the gaps where the policy framework can be designed/modified for ensuring clean water and sanitation.

Architecture and Planning for Urban Villages, 2023
The migration of the rural populations from rural to urban areas in India has become a concern. R... more The migration of the rural populations from rural to urban areas in India has become a concern. Remarkably, the major shift is towards the megapolis, as there is evidence of urban-to-urban migrations. The people from smaller towns too are moving to the larger cities in search of employment. With this migration, not only do the rural populations diminish, but the rich heritage of culture and cultural occupations also get impacted. This research is done in the Konkan area in the Western Ghats of India, which is rich in terms of cultural art forms and is on the verge of extinction at present and draws the attention of the artists and architectural community. The other side of this concern is the migration of people from rural to urban areas. The remarkable growth in migration was observed from 1961 when Ratnagiri contributed to 45 percent of the total migrants in Bombay City from the state of Maharashtra when the region’s contribution to the state’s population was only 5 percent. This research documents the cultural art forms and envisages the need for the built environment in the promotion of these and retaining the population in the region. Researchers have adopted the methodology of field investigations through semi-structured interviews with the artists and the local people to understand the need for the built environment that would help promote cultural art forms and long term will act as a factor to maintain the balance of population density in the region. The case studies have been done to understand the success stories where the built form has contributed to promoting the arts. It is background research done for the development of an architectural design program that is based on the
investigations done on-site, in the form of studies of vernacular art forms, as required by local artisans.
Planning and Housing design in India date back to Indus Valley Civilization of 3000 B.C. Settleme... more Planning and Housing design in India date back to Indus Valley Civilization of 3000 B.C. Settlements had evolved in various parts of country since then with different characteristics everywhere. Housing had been an integral part of these settlements. Author has visited and studied the traditional housing in various parts of country. These traditional Housing designs or evolved forms are not mere group of buildings, but in integration they have various forms and typologies. They are success stories of chemistry of built and un-built spaces, human interaction, and spatial experiences. They have much scope of personalization and adaptation and have sustained since long time. This paper gives light on several such traditional housing forms and the specific points that can be learning for timeless and sustainable design of housing.
India has witnessed rich tradition of Architecture and Planning since the time of Indus Valley ci... more India has witnessed rich tradition of Architecture and Planning since the time of Indus Valley civilization. Architecture as a profession has been sustained since then in the nation, and there is much scope for future generations too. The training of architecture as professional education had also undergone varied phases of informal and formal type of education systems. Authors have studied scenario of development of architecture and architectural education in India. They observed the changes happening in the society and architectural response as a solution and symbolic evidence of the time. This paper highlights on the theories and processes of training that are applicable for architectural education. It also highlights the experimented and possible options of adopting these theories in present day scenario.

‘Skills and Architectural Education: A New Paradigm’, 2021
Education is a systematic process through which one acquires knowledge, experience, and skills (1... more Education is a systematic process through which one acquires knowledge, experience, and skills (1). It gives hope to solve the problems that humanity faces today. It strengthens the ethical ground and ability to question ‘wrong’. It develops the abilities and strengths. Design of a pedagogy that addresses students’ diversity, and up brings them with a central focus of overall development becomes important. Undergrad education of architecture is a platform to make students future ready
for profession. If it is said that education is unending process, and it goes on for whole life, then it can also be said that a professional base (foundation) in the form of ‘skill set’, ‘expertise’, ‘morals and ethics’ can be created right at the time of formal education. And other than transaction part of the profession there are all opportunities to learn and function as a professional during education. A Faculty of Architecture, who has been teaching a variety of subjects, has worked on a pedagogy that can be adopted for a number of courses. This paper represents summary of the documented teaching for three subjects taught by her. One subject is from school’s thinking lab and two subjects are from tools and technology lab. This pedagogy is based on three core themes- contextualization and
sensitization, challenging activities and participative approach. She established the direct relation of the subject with the present context and sensitized the students towards the need of their profession and developed a skill set to resolve the issues.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Architectural and Environmental Engineering, 2017

E3S Web of Conferences
The word ‘Future’ has been synonymous to ‘Development’ for most of the people. Architects of the ... more The word ‘Future’ has been synonymous to ‘Development’ for most of the people. Architects of the Nation strive for a well-developed state, where it reaches towards enhanced living conditions than the present. In this regard of development, structure of Indian government is well defined. The policies designed at central level envision the total development. These policies make the local bodies function on the same lines. They make an impression in common people’s life that there are some positive changes in the cities. These policies also mark an identity, e.g., after implementation of city Development Plans under JNNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru, National Urban Renewal Mission), the buses bought for BRT (Bus Rapid Transport) had become identity of this policy. The meaning of Smart Cities in India also has been interpreted by people in many ways. For cities to become smarter it needs a holistic approach in developing a sustainable urban eco system and thus the roles of various stakeholders b...
Papers by shraddha manjrekar
culture for sustainable development (Abakerli, 2012). The relation of culture with the built environment in the world has been
considered under parameters like number of theatres, museums, art galleries, world heritage sites, concert halls, etc. However, there
are a number of intangible aspects of the cultural activities that happen in the backdrop of the built environment. In the process of
evolution of urban form, each aspect of the built environment is created to fulfi ll human purpose, giving space to accommodate the
complex and manifold urban activities. These spaces are a refl ection of the way of living and culture. Cultural activities bring vitality
and vibrancy in the day to day lives. The routines are associated with the design of neighborhoods. The festivals are associated with
a number of spaces in the city. In this regard, the Indian cities have a number of spaces with dynamic character, that signify changing
character with respect to time and occasion. The same spaces function in a diff erent way at diff erent points of time. For example, the
market lanes become the processional path at the time of festivals and public squares take diff erent shapes at the time of ceremonies.
In order to accommodate cultural activities, like processions and celebration of festivals the cities represent fl exible quality. This
paper explores the relationship of the spaces in the city with the culture. Pune city has been taken as a study area and various factors
of the festivals are studied that bring in dynamism in the spaces. It is based on the mapping of the activities in certain parts of the
city that change character during festive times. Authors have studied some major festivals and related activities around the year and
tried to map the city’s response to these festivals
investigations done on-site, in the form of studies of vernacular art forms, as required by local artisans.
for profession. If it is said that education is unending process, and it goes on for whole life, then it can also be said that a professional base (foundation) in the form of ‘skill set’, ‘expertise’, ‘morals and ethics’ can be created right at the time of formal education. And other than transaction part of the profession there are all opportunities to learn and function as a professional during education. A Faculty of Architecture, who has been teaching a variety of subjects, has worked on a pedagogy that can be adopted for a number of courses. This paper represents summary of the documented teaching for three subjects taught by her. One subject is from school’s thinking lab and two subjects are from tools and technology lab. This pedagogy is based on three core themes- contextualization and
sensitization, challenging activities and participative approach. She established the direct relation of the subject with the present context and sensitized the students towards the need of their profession and developed a skill set to resolve the issues.
culture for sustainable development (Abakerli, 2012). The relation of culture with the built environment in the world has been
considered under parameters like number of theatres, museums, art galleries, world heritage sites, concert halls, etc. However, there
are a number of intangible aspects of the cultural activities that happen in the backdrop of the built environment. In the process of
evolution of urban form, each aspect of the built environment is created to fulfi ll human purpose, giving space to accommodate the
complex and manifold urban activities. These spaces are a refl ection of the way of living and culture. Cultural activities bring vitality
and vibrancy in the day to day lives. The routines are associated with the design of neighborhoods. The festivals are associated with
a number of spaces in the city. In this regard, the Indian cities have a number of spaces with dynamic character, that signify changing
character with respect to time and occasion. The same spaces function in a diff erent way at diff erent points of time. For example, the
market lanes become the processional path at the time of festivals and public squares take diff erent shapes at the time of ceremonies.
In order to accommodate cultural activities, like processions and celebration of festivals the cities represent fl exible quality. This
paper explores the relationship of the spaces in the city with the culture. Pune city has been taken as a study area and various factors
of the festivals are studied that bring in dynamism in the spaces. It is based on the mapping of the activities in certain parts of the
city that change character during festive times. Authors have studied some major festivals and related activities around the year and
tried to map the city’s response to these festivals
investigations done on-site, in the form of studies of vernacular art forms, as required by local artisans.
for profession. If it is said that education is unending process, and it goes on for whole life, then it can also be said that a professional base (foundation) in the form of ‘skill set’, ‘expertise’, ‘morals and ethics’ can be created right at the time of formal education. And other than transaction part of the profession there are all opportunities to learn and function as a professional during education. A Faculty of Architecture, who has been teaching a variety of subjects, has worked on a pedagogy that can be adopted for a number of courses. This paper represents summary of the documented teaching for three subjects taught by her. One subject is from school’s thinking lab and two subjects are from tools and technology lab. This pedagogy is based on three core themes- contextualization and
sensitization, challenging activities and participative approach. She established the direct relation of the subject with the present context and sensitized the students towards the need of their profession and developed a skill set to resolve the issues.