Papers by Rajendra Kumbhar
Journal of Library Development
The present research was carried out to know the global trends in e-book research. It is literatu... more The present research was carried out to know the global trends in e-book research. It is literature-based analysis. It particularly, analyzes trends in themes and sub-themes covered by the e-book research and the methods and techniques adopted in conducting research on e-books. Significance of study is that it will help in knowing aspects attended to and topics that are not yet attended to by the e-book researchers. Knowledge of research methods adopted will help in encouraging adoption of more innovative methods for e-books research.
Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 2013
With the increased use of information and communication technology for information processing, se... more With the increased use of information and communication technology for information processing, search and retrieval, newer knowledge organisation tools are being developed. These include taxonomies, folksonomies, ontologies, etc. This chapter reviews literature that deals with these knowledge organisation tools, covering various aspects such as their development, use and integration. The emergence of various knowledge organisation tools also created the need for developing interoperable mechanisms. As a result of emergence interoperability, literature on this topic is also increasing, which is reviewed in this chapter.

This research intended to identify micro-features of e-book research published during 2010 and 20... more This research intended to identify micro-features of e-book research published during 2010 and 2011. It is based on e-book research literature published in LIS and other journals. Relevant literature was searched from various databases and analyzed to fulfill the purpose of this study. The study finds that e-book researchers have investigated aspects such as e-book use, e-book reader and commercial aspects. Further, it finds that e-book research is published in LIS as well as non-LIS journals. LIS as well as non-LIS faculties and library practitioners conduct research on e-books. There is not much difference between the citation behaviour of LIS and non-LIS e-book researchers. The research will be useful for prospective e-book researchers in planning and conducting research. This articles will also be useful for LIS curriculum developers. Introduction: Ebooks are the most recent advancements in the evolutionary process of reading material. The human kind has witnessed transformation...
This paper analyses the literature of classification published during 2000 to 2009 and finds that... more This paper analyses the literature of classification published during 2000 to 2009 and finds that there is sustainability in the growth of literature on classification in the first decade of the 21st century. It traces the pattern in scattering of literature on classification in library and information science (LIS) journals and concludes that the literature adheres to the Bradford’s law of scattering. It produces rank list of journals publishing the literature on classification and identifies authorship patterns and the prominent writers in classification. The research finds that the Indian LIS writers have shown sustained interest in classification domain.
"Bibliography of literature on Information Retrieval (IR) was needed to help in sustaining t... more "Bibliography of literature on Information Retrieval (IR) was needed to help in sustaining the interest of LIS professionals in IR for it makes available the list of relevant literature. The present bibliography will help in literature search, in knowing various aspects of IR, which are not yet paid enough attention to. The bibliography will also be useful in avoiding duplicates in research on IR."
The article narrates the experience of constructing a thesaurus of LIS (Library and Information S... more The article narrates the experience of constructing a thesaurus of LIS (Library and Information Science) terms by using speciator based faceted depth classification schedule. It also explains the advantages of this method in establishing various thesaural relationships.

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology
The research intended to identify current trends in research on e-books. Specifically it aimed to... more The research intended to identify current trends in research on e-books. Specifically it aimed to know the facets of e-books attended to by the research published during 2016. It also intended to review significant results and their supportive or contradictory nature with reference to each other.For this review research literature on e-books was searched from LISA, Emerald, Ebsco, Google Scholar and other databases using the statement ‘e-books OR ebooks’. The query was restricted to journal articles published in English language during January to December 2016. The review finds that the focus of current research on e-books is clearly on usage of e-books. Themes such as e-book collection development and management; search and discovery are also paid more attention to. Usage of e-books by children is emerging as a prominent area of e-book research. Designing of e-books and e-book reading devices are also topics of interest to e-book researchers. Many non-LIS disciplines and profession...
Desidoc Journal of Library Information Technology, Nov 19, 2014
AbsTRAcT The New Media Consortium (NMC) Horizon Report 2014 made certain predictions about the em... more AbsTRAcT The New Media Consortium (NMC) Horizon Report 2014 made certain predictions about the emerging technologies and trends in higher education worldwide. The article reviews academic library's position with reference to the predictions made by the Report. The articles briefly refers to selected trends in higher education, mentioned in the Report and reviews and discusses academic library's present and future responses. The review and discussions are based on literature review. The articles finds that academic libraries are responding to the emerging trends in higher education through innovative practices and services. It concludes that in spite of their efforts, there is still scope for the academic libraries to improve their role in the changing higher education scenario and to prove their value.

DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, 2015
ABStrAct The aim of this work is to analyse research productivity of life sciences faculty member... more ABStrAct The aim of this work is to analyse research productivity of life sciences faculty members at the Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Maharashtra, India. The research is conducted with the intention to know the research productivity over 15 years (1999-2013), the citations received, collaborations, and authorship patterns. Web of Science (WoS) database was used for the bibliographic and citation data. Data were analysed by using bibliometric techniques and software such as HistCite, Intcoll, and Pajek. Results show that the research productivity of faculty members is increasing, their publications are getting good citations and thereby their journals have better Impact Factor. The faculty members have collaborated with prominent international researchers and have extended interdisciplinary research. The paper is based on empirical data exclusively gathered for this research.
DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology
This paper analyses the literature of classification published during 2000 to 2009 and finds that... more This paper analyses the literature of classification published during 2000 to 2009 and finds that there is sustainability in the growth of literature on classification in the first decade of the 21st century. It traces the pattern in scattering of literature on classification in library and information science (LIS) journals and concludes that the literature adheres to the Bradford’s law of scattering. It produces rank list of journals publishing the literature on classification and identifies authorship patterns and the prominent writers in classification. The research finds that the Indian LIS writers have shown sustained interest in classification domain.
Library Classification Trends in the 21st Century, 2012
Library Classification Trends in the 21st Century, 2012
Library Classification Trends in the 21st Century, 2012
Library Classification Trends in the 21st Century, 2012
Library Classification Trends in the 21st Century, 2012
Library Classification Trends in the 21st Century, 2012
Papers by Rajendra Kumbhar