Geopathic Stress is the energy from the earth surface which is the biggest threat to the built en... more Geopathic Stress is the energy from the earth surface which is the biggest threat to the built environment. Energy emitted by the earth surface which has ability to change the normal functioning of human beings is termed as Geopathic stress. World health Organisation in 1992 has identified that a building can make a person sick. The presence of ground water vein is closely associated with generation of such a stress and in turn it affects the built environment. Built Environment constitutes houses, roads, footpaths, shops etc. Geopathic Stress affects almost each and every part of the built environment. This energy penetrates metals, concrete and other substance which have high degree of impermeability. Although moving away from a stress zone is easier in residential built environment but it is difficult for the road environment where the accidents occurs because of such stresses. In the road environment, concrete may get deteriorated and cracks may get developed because of such stresses. The chances of lightening are more on such geopathically stressed zones. Also if geopathic stress is present on road environment, it may lead to increased reaction time of drivers in turn responsible for occurrence of accidents. If people sleep on such stress zones, they are susceptible to various diseases like cancer. Hence ‘GEOPATHIC STRESS’ is the threat to the built environment.
Geopathic Stress is the energy from the earth surface which is the biggest threat to the built en... more Geopathic Stress is the energy from the earth surface which is the biggest threat to the built environment. Energy emitted by the earth surface which has ability to change the normal functioning of human beings is termed as Geopathic stress. World health Organisation in 1992 has identified that a building can make a person sick. The presence of ground water vein is closely associated with generation of such a stress and in turn it affects the built environment. Built Environment constitutes houses, roads, footpaths, shops etc. Geopathic Stress affects almost each and every part of the built environment. This energy penetrates metals, concrete and other substance which have high degree of impermeability. Although moving away from a stress zone is easier in residential built environment but it is difficult for the road environment where the accidents occurs because of such stresses. In the road environment, concrete may get deteriorated and cracks may get developed because of such stresses. The chances of lightening are more on such geopathically stressed zones. Also if geopathic stress is present on road environment, it may lead to increased reaction time of drivers in turn responsible for occurrence of accidents. If people sleep on such stress zones, they are susceptible to various diseases like cancer. Hence ‘GEOPATHIC STRESS’ is the threat to the built environment.
Papers by Pramey Zode