Books by giancarlo Anello

L’idea della personalità giuridica è stata teorizzata dalla scienza canonistica con l’intento di ... more L’idea della personalità giuridica è stata teorizzata dalla scienza canonistica con l’intento di garantire l’unità e la perpetuità della chiesa medievale. Progressivamente, questa idea si è estesa al potere secolare, ai traffici commerciali, allo stato moderno e al capitalismo, contribuendo a delineare l’ordine socio-corporativo odierno, in cui il ruolo delle persone giuridiche è equiparato a quello delle persone fisiche ed è – di fatto – straordinariamente importante. Mediante un approccio inedito, umanistico e visuale, questo volume ripercorre alcune storie di persone giuridiche «capitali»: monasteri, cattedrali, città, compagnie coloniali, business corporations. Tali entità sono state decisive non solo per le vite stesse degli individui che le hanno fondate o condotte, ma hanno caratterizzato in maniera fondamentale e duratura la società contemporanea e, forse, anche il suo futuro.

La letteratura contribuisce alla comprensione profonda del diritto quando le sue fonti, affiancan... more La letteratura contribuisce alla comprensione profonda del diritto quando le sue fonti, affiancandosi a quelle giuridiche, aiutano a trasformare le norme di legge da mere regole di comportamento in un vero e proprio modo di vivere e di pensare. Questo volume offre un esempio di tale interazione, occupandosi di un topos della letteratura ebraica dell'Europa orientale dei secoli XVIII-XIX: il processo talmudico. I casi letterario-giuridici sono estrapolati, tra l'altro, da un'enigmatica novella di Israel Joshua Singer, dagli arguti racconti di Martin Buber, dalle visionarie leggende di Jirí Langer. I loro contenuti sono analizzati tramite una fedele ricostruzione dei principi e delle regole di diritto in vigore presso le comunità chassidiche dell'epoca. Ne emerge una concezione universale della giustizia che sovrasta le parti in causa dei singoli giudizi, che annoverano uomini comuni, eruditi studiosi della Torah, pii rabbini, anime reincarnate, angeli del cielo, demoni maligni, Dio in persona. Descritta non solo attraverso i codici giuridici, ma anche tramite le pratiche, i luoghi, le paure, i sentimenti, i dubbi dei personaggi del racconto letterario, la giustizia religiosa disvela il suo senso più alto, tramutandosi-d'un tratto-da promessa immaginifica e ideale in rappresentazione vivida e concreta di significati ed esperienze sociali. Biobibliografia dell'autore: Giancarlo Anello (PhD Sapienza, Roma) insegna nel Dipartimento Umanistico, delle Scienze sociali e dell'Impresa Culturale (DUSIC) dell'Università di Parma. I temi della 'Giustizia' e dei 'Diritti religiosi' sono tra i suoi principali interessi di ricerca. È autore di saggi e volumi monografici, tra cui Tradizioni di giustizia e Stato di diritto, Napoli, 2011 e Teologia linguistica e diritto laico, Milano, 2016.

Il pluralismo religioso occupa uno spazio sempre maggiore nel dibattito pubblico istituzionale e ... more Il pluralismo religioso occupa uno spazio sempre maggiore nel dibattito pubblico istituzionale e accademico, in Italia e in Europa. Rispetto a tale dibattito, l’esperienza coloniale è di rado evocata. Eppure il colonialismo, nel suo precipitato storico e normativo, ha conosciuto a fondo il tema della regolamentazione tra diverse appartenenze religiose, generando specifici ambiti di riflessione, come - in Italia - il diritto ecclesiastico coloniale. In questa prospettiva, l’itinerario percorso dai giuristi d’oltremare non rappresenta una vicenda lontana e definitivamente chiusa ma risuona di dubbi e di domande che anticipano fatalmente i problemi dell’oggi. Riportare in luce il rapporto tra diritto e religione nelle colonie restituisce le radici di un’esperienza che, seppure criticabile e negletta, continua a riemergere nell’articolata dialettica antropologica tra identità e diversità religiosa, attraverso la mediazione del principio di libertà religiosa. Studiare il rapporto tra esigenze di governo e religioni coloniali può oggi servire sia a riconoscere nuove forme di paternalismo culturale e giuridico, sia a ipotizzare strategie di protezione della libertà confessionale, in senso pluralista e democratico, alla luce dell’attività giuridica praticata sul campo e riletta dalla storia.

Il nesso tra linguaggio e religioni è ancestrale ma, ancora oggi, carico di implicazioni sulla no... more Il nesso tra linguaggio e religioni è ancestrale ma, ancora oggi, carico di implicazioni sulla normatività delle grandi religioni mondiali. Le matrici linguistiche delle rivelazioni religiose rappresentano il nucleo di senso e di valore dei sistemi di diritto religiosi. Simili premesse teoriche costituiscono l’oggetto di questo volume, le cui indagini si dipanano lungo quattro direttrici: la prima segue lo studio fenomenologico della religione, quale metodo scientifico utile ad ampliare le potenzialità pluralistiche della libertà religiosa, in una società multiculturale. La seconda affronta una digressione storiografica nell’ambito del diritto coloniale europeo, volta alla rilettura delle norme in materia di diritti linguistici, soggettività giuridica e statuti personali. La terza si concentra sull’uso rituale delle lingue e sui condizionamenti che tali vincoli comportano sulle istanze di riconoscimento dei diritti umani. Il quarto si occupa di formulare un’ipotesi di riconcettualizzazione – in senso cosmopolita – della soggettività giuridica al cospetto di un diritto laico in via globale di trasformazione.

"Cultural diversity requires new forms of legal equality and traditions of justice are the main k... more "Cultural diversity requires new forms of legal equality and traditions of justice are the main keys of understanding the demands of recognition that rise from the cultural communities in Europe. In the opening section, the book deals with the issue of epistemic links between law, religion and cultures. The following two parts develop a rigorous analysis of the religious traditions of justice by an interdisciplinary approach to comparative law and anthropology, reconstructing the matrix of meaning, the distinctive processes and the legal projections, in historical contexts characterized by the encounter (or the clash) of religious communities within their own cultural backgrounds. The final outcome, however, is addressed in the present tense: it involves a huge reflection on the cultural fragmentation of processes of social justice, on developing of multicultural jurisdictions, on the risks of a spiral of juridical differentiations for contemporary democracies. The intent is to trace the source of a unitary sense of justice that underpins the religious traditions in order to reconstruct, in the kaleidoscope of political European pluralism, all the fronts opened by the struggles and claims of cultural communities of the continent.
Table of contents
Section I
Legal morphologies of cultural differences
1. Toward an analysis of cultural differences in a legal context 2. The nature of cultural differences vs. formalistic requirements of legal synthesis 3. The notion of public policy in the “dhimma” regime of Egypt. An example of cultural characterization of public law 4. Undue legal simplifications and cognitive discrimination. The flows of human diversity in the funnel of the categorization of legal personal status. 5. Concepts, systems and legitimization processes of differentiation in a legal sense
Section II
Matrices of cultural differences and religious traditions of justice
1. The legal matrix of cultural differences in a interdisciplinary reconstruction 2. The matrix of differences (i): a preliminary analysis of the cultural definition of religion. 3. The matrix of differences (ii): b. A preliminary notion of culture in a religious perspective 4. Synopsis of culture and religion. some examples from history of religion 5. Genealogy and character of the connective structure in religions. 6. Notion and Characteristics of the primary revelation. 7. Secondary revelation and its legal projections. 8. The investiture of religion on the law 9. Religious arrays and development of scientific jurisprudential systems 10. Summits of legal formalization; toward a relative concept of secularisation. 11. Contemporary legacies 12. The processes of differentiation in the law: religious laws, spheres of immunity, religious jurisdictions
Section III
The Judgment by Peers
1. Legal traditions, religious and epistemological significance of immunity. The anthropological theme of the "judgment": the righteousness of God, the trials of men. 2. The "fissiparous" differentiation: Saint Paul and and the quarrels between brothers in the early Christian communities 3. The personal status of Jewish in the Middle Age 4. Jewish communities in Muslim law. In detail, the system of "protection". 5. The judgment by peers in medieval Jewish communities in the East and West. 6. Religious differences as a criterion "radical" justice in the legal tradition of India.
Section IV
In struggle for equality
1. New premises, old processes: culture as a right. 2. Determining the legal threshold of diversity: toward a "right to difference". 3. Attempts of institutionalization of Muslim courts in Britain 4. Alternative methods of dispute resolution, multiculturalism and new forms of equality in North America. 5. The judgment by peers, substantive equality and social justice. 6. The geographies of memory: the renewal of religious justice in the cultural dynamics of religious communities. 7. Assumptions for an intercultural justice. 9. The struggle for equality as a condition for the legal development of society. 10. The shape of the equality. Assertive constructions of personal status vs. prosocial models of justice. 11. Moral carriers in the constitutional framework of Europe"

Giancarlo Anello, Organizzazione confessionale, Culture e Costituzione. Interpretazione dell’art.... more Giancarlo Anello, Organizzazione confessionale, Culture e Costituzione. Interpretazione dell’art. 8 cpv. cost.,
Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2007.
The legal systems of Western countries are currently involved in continuous and deep changes. In these processes, the different cultural traditions that liven the European public sphere play a leading role. Their presence estends and enhances the boundaries and the problems of pluralism, demanding an adjustment in a multicultural direction. Within this process, the interpretation of article 8, para 2 of the Italian Constitution here suggested, may guarantee a liberal juridical approach to manage the relationships between some cultural “new diversities” living together within the democratic framework.
Chapter 1 – Guidelines of interpretation of article 8, para 2 of the Italian Constitution.
Chapter 2 – Description of religious fenomenology in the public law norms.
Chapter 3 – Suggesting a new definition of the “confessione religiosa”-category according to its organizational function.
Chapter 4 – The legal status of organization in religious denominations.
Chapter 5 – Legal religious traditions, organizational practices and their compatibility with italian public law.
Chapter 6 – Definition of the “limit of compliance” in the italian public law.
Il volume affronta i modelli di scrittura normativa e dinamica concordataria. L'opera è suddivisa... more Il volume affronta i modelli di scrittura normativa e dinamica concordataria. L'opera è suddivisa in tre parti: Profili positivi della scrittura normativa nell'esperienza concordataria; Profili ermeneutici della scrittura normativa concordataria; Profili di politica del diritto concordatario.
Papers by giancarlo Anello
Rassegna di Diritto civile n. 2/2000
Diritto e religioni, n. 1-2, 2006
1. Introduzione 2. La libertà religiosa nel diritto coloniale 3. La norma altrove. Sintassi dell’... more 1. Introduzione 2. La libertà religiosa nel diritto coloniale 3. La norma altrove. Sintassi dell’ «esclusione» della giuscolonialistica italiana 4. Il principio di “civiltà”, cardine di una differenza duale 5. Differenza duale e ambiguità del sistema coloniale: sovranità, giurisdizione, cittadinanza 6. L’esperienza coloniale e il retaggio della concettualizzazione delle differenze

The paper deals with the theme of the reform of Moroccan Family Law, through a brief comparison b... more The paper deals with the theme of the reform of Moroccan Family Law, through a brief comparison between the former and the latter version of the mudawwanah (trans. “Code”), using an intercultural legal approach. In the Muslim legal culture there are many ways to balance the sharaitic tradition with the claims of innovation coming out from the contemporary society. In this context, the Moroccan mudawwanah of 2004 represents an interlegal step forward in the direction of improving the human liberties, equalizing the role of women in the Moroccan society, starting from their legal status in the law of the land. In the essay they are developed some key-points of the reform: the right of women to choose freely to marriage, to negotiate their condition in marriage’s contract and to solve it, according the norms of religious and public Law. Moreover it deals with the juridical Islamic argument of ijtihad (trans. “closure of the door of legal interpretation”), in the contemporary perspectives of reform in Muslim world.

"The paper considers some processes of emergence of religious law in western multicultural countr... more "The paper considers some processes of emergence of religious law in western multicultural countries. It has happened in Canada and in Britain in relation to the claims of some muslim association to adopt particular rules of the Islamic Law in alternative dispute resolution. We may wonder whether this kind of accomodation strategy might be considered as contingent or it is a consequences of the particular nature of the claims, namely religious and cultural-specific ones.
1. Culture as a legal right. 2. Right to culture and legal processes of differentiation in the multicultural contexts. 3. The multicultural project in Canada and the emergence of Muslim law: the evolution of the rules of arbitration in Ontario. 4. The relation between the rules of arbitration and "unofficial-law" in Britain. 5. Intersection of religious law traditions, arbitration and public jurisdiction: case-report. 6. Critics of multiculturalism, legal differentiations and human rights. 7. The "consequences" of culture and the law. 8. Law as a cultural creation. 9. Conclusion: invitation to a legal-intercultural perspective."
Sommario: 1. Introduzione. 2. Nel prisma della normativa: i condizionamenti legali e giurispruden... more Sommario: 1. Introduzione. 2. Nel prisma della normativa: i condizionamenti legali e giurisprudenziali alla libertà del culto islamico. 3. Per un’ipotesi di sillogismo. Premessa maggiore: i doveri di culto del fedele secondo le norme di diritto islamico. 4. Premessa minore: ‘ibadat e gli articoli 17 e 19 della Costituzione. 5. Conclusione: la ricategorizzazione giuridica come metodo laico di governo delle questioni culturali.
The paper deals with the islamic perspective of Health and the juridical italian situation on the... more The paper deals with the islamic perspective of Health and the juridical italian situation on the “living will” problems.
Part 1. This juridical and historical research regards two fragments of two statutes issued by Co... more Part 1. This juridical and historical research regards two fragments of two statutes issued by Constantine, preserved in the Codex Theodosianus and in the Codex Iustinianus.

Lingue e linguaggio incidono in modo decisivo sulle modalità di interazione personale e quindi su... more Lingue e linguaggio incidono in modo decisivo sulle modalità di interazione personale e quindi sulle più basilari forme di relazione giuridica ma non possono essere considerati alla stregua di beni giuridici in senso stretto. Le questioni linguistiche, in generale, possono fondarsi sulle prescrizioni delle carte costituzionali o internazionali, ma nel ragionare su di esse si deve dare conto che le lingue sono sempre qualcosa di più di un mero strumento di comunicazione. Esse costituiscono un marcatore dell'identità individuale e collettiva e, attraverso la loro pragmatica, si configurano come vere e proprie istituzioni culturali. Inoltre, le leggi linguistiche e le norme giuridiche raramente vanno di pari passo. Le lingue non rispettano i confini territoriali di uno Stato; non si fermano alle frontiere, ma le attraversano in modo immateriale, anche senza essere portate dalle persone che le parlano. Sebbene, in condizioni di isolamento, lingue differenti possano convivere le une accanto alle altre per secoli, nel caso di circolazione di persone, scambi commerciali o lavorativi, di rapporti familiari tra gruppi linguistici diversi le lingue più "deboli" saranno lentamente ma inesorabilmente soppiantate da quelle più "forti", ovvero quelle che le persone hanno più incentivo a parlare o opportunità ad imparare a causa del loro maggiore prestigio o della loro più ampia diffusione.
For years, modern Egyptian Islamic thinkers have been attempting to define Islamic ideals of soci... more For years, modern Egyptian Islamic thinkers have been attempting to define Islamic ideals of social justice and the way in which they have been ignored in the post-colonial period. This paper will discuss and critique the mid-20th century works of theorists of the Muslim Revolution like Abbas Mahmud 'Aqqad (author of al-dymuqratyah fy alislam, Democracy in Islam) and Sayyid Qutb (author of al-'adalah al-ijtima'iyya fy alislam, Social Justice in Islam) in order to shape the discourse about the relevance of their theories of democracy, justice and equality for today's political movements
Books by giancarlo Anello
Table of contents
Section I
Legal morphologies of cultural differences
1. Toward an analysis of cultural differences in a legal context 2. The nature of cultural differences vs. formalistic requirements of legal synthesis 3. The notion of public policy in the “dhimma” regime of Egypt. An example of cultural characterization of public law 4. Undue legal simplifications and cognitive discrimination. The flows of human diversity in the funnel of the categorization of legal personal status. 5. Concepts, systems and legitimization processes of differentiation in a legal sense
Section II
Matrices of cultural differences and religious traditions of justice
1. The legal matrix of cultural differences in a interdisciplinary reconstruction 2. The matrix of differences (i): a preliminary analysis of the cultural definition of religion. 3. The matrix of differences (ii): b. A preliminary notion of culture in a religious perspective 4. Synopsis of culture and religion. some examples from history of religion 5. Genealogy and character of the connective structure in religions. 6. Notion and Characteristics of the primary revelation. 7. Secondary revelation and its legal projections. 8. The investiture of religion on the law 9. Religious arrays and development of scientific jurisprudential systems 10. Summits of legal formalization; toward a relative concept of secularisation. 11. Contemporary legacies 12. The processes of differentiation in the law: religious laws, spheres of immunity, religious jurisdictions
Section III
The Judgment by Peers
1. Legal traditions, religious and epistemological significance of immunity. The anthropological theme of the "judgment": the righteousness of God, the trials of men. 2. The "fissiparous" differentiation: Saint Paul and and the quarrels between brothers in the early Christian communities 3. The personal status of Jewish in the Middle Age 4. Jewish communities in Muslim law. In detail, the system of "protection". 5. The judgment by peers in medieval Jewish communities in the East and West. 6. Religious differences as a criterion "radical" justice in the legal tradition of India.
Section IV
In struggle for equality
1. New premises, old processes: culture as a right. 2. Determining the legal threshold of diversity: toward a "right to difference". 3. Attempts of institutionalization of Muslim courts in Britain 4. Alternative methods of dispute resolution, multiculturalism and new forms of equality in North America. 5. The judgment by peers, substantive equality and social justice. 6. The geographies of memory: the renewal of religious justice in the cultural dynamics of religious communities. 7. Assumptions for an intercultural justice. 9. The struggle for equality as a condition for the legal development of society. 10. The shape of the equality. Assertive constructions of personal status vs. prosocial models of justice. 11. Moral carriers in the constitutional framework of Europe"
Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2007.
The legal systems of Western countries are currently involved in continuous and deep changes. In these processes, the different cultural traditions that liven the European public sphere play a leading role. Their presence estends and enhances the boundaries and the problems of pluralism, demanding an adjustment in a multicultural direction. Within this process, the interpretation of article 8, para 2 of the Italian Constitution here suggested, may guarantee a liberal juridical approach to manage the relationships between some cultural “new diversities” living together within the democratic framework.
Chapter 1 – Guidelines of interpretation of article 8, para 2 of the Italian Constitution.
Chapter 2 – Description of religious fenomenology in the public law norms.
Chapter 3 – Suggesting a new definition of the “confessione religiosa”-category according to its organizational function.
Chapter 4 – The legal status of organization in religious denominations.
Chapter 5 – Legal religious traditions, organizational practices and their compatibility with italian public law.
Chapter 6 – Definition of the “limit of compliance” in the italian public law.
Papers by giancarlo Anello
1. Culture as a legal right. 2. Right to culture and legal processes of differentiation in the multicultural contexts. 3. The multicultural project in Canada and the emergence of Muslim law: the evolution of the rules of arbitration in Ontario. 4. The relation between the rules of arbitration and "unofficial-law" in Britain. 5. Intersection of religious law traditions, arbitration and public jurisdiction: case-report. 6. Critics of multiculturalism, legal differentiations and human rights. 7. The "consequences" of culture and the law. 8. Law as a cultural creation. 9. Conclusion: invitation to a legal-intercultural perspective."
Table of contents
Section I
Legal morphologies of cultural differences
1. Toward an analysis of cultural differences in a legal context 2. The nature of cultural differences vs. formalistic requirements of legal synthesis 3. The notion of public policy in the “dhimma” regime of Egypt. An example of cultural characterization of public law 4. Undue legal simplifications and cognitive discrimination. The flows of human diversity in the funnel of the categorization of legal personal status. 5. Concepts, systems and legitimization processes of differentiation in a legal sense
Section II
Matrices of cultural differences and religious traditions of justice
1. The legal matrix of cultural differences in a interdisciplinary reconstruction 2. The matrix of differences (i): a preliminary analysis of the cultural definition of religion. 3. The matrix of differences (ii): b. A preliminary notion of culture in a religious perspective 4. Synopsis of culture and religion. some examples from history of religion 5. Genealogy and character of the connective structure in religions. 6. Notion and Characteristics of the primary revelation. 7. Secondary revelation and its legal projections. 8. The investiture of religion on the law 9. Religious arrays and development of scientific jurisprudential systems 10. Summits of legal formalization; toward a relative concept of secularisation. 11. Contemporary legacies 12. The processes of differentiation in the law: religious laws, spheres of immunity, religious jurisdictions
Section III
The Judgment by Peers
1. Legal traditions, religious and epistemological significance of immunity. The anthropological theme of the "judgment": the righteousness of God, the trials of men. 2. The "fissiparous" differentiation: Saint Paul and and the quarrels between brothers in the early Christian communities 3. The personal status of Jewish in the Middle Age 4. Jewish communities in Muslim law. In detail, the system of "protection". 5. The judgment by peers in medieval Jewish communities in the East and West. 6. Religious differences as a criterion "radical" justice in the legal tradition of India.
Section IV
In struggle for equality
1. New premises, old processes: culture as a right. 2. Determining the legal threshold of diversity: toward a "right to difference". 3. Attempts of institutionalization of Muslim courts in Britain 4. Alternative methods of dispute resolution, multiculturalism and new forms of equality in North America. 5. The judgment by peers, substantive equality and social justice. 6. The geographies of memory: the renewal of religious justice in the cultural dynamics of religious communities. 7. Assumptions for an intercultural justice. 9. The struggle for equality as a condition for the legal development of society. 10. The shape of the equality. Assertive constructions of personal status vs. prosocial models of justice. 11. Moral carriers in the constitutional framework of Europe"
Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2007.
The legal systems of Western countries are currently involved in continuous and deep changes. In these processes, the different cultural traditions that liven the European public sphere play a leading role. Their presence estends and enhances the boundaries and the problems of pluralism, demanding an adjustment in a multicultural direction. Within this process, the interpretation of article 8, para 2 of the Italian Constitution here suggested, may guarantee a liberal juridical approach to manage the relationships between some cultural “new diversities” living together within the democratic framework.
Chapter 1 – Guidelines of interpretation of article 8, para 2 of the Italian Constitution.
Chapter 2 – Description of religious fenomenology in the public law norms.
Chapter 3 – Suggesting a new definition of the “confessione religiosa”-category according to its organizational function.
Chapter 4 – The legal status of organization in religious denominations.
Chapter 5 – Legal religious traditions, organizational practices and their compatibility with italian public law.
Chapter 6 – Definition of the “limit of compliance” in the italian public law.
1. Culture as a legal right. 2. Right to culture and legal processes of differentiation in the multicultural contexts. 3. The multicultural project in Canada and the emergence of Muslim law: the evolution of the rules of arbitration in Ontario. 4. The relation between the rules of arbitration and "unofficial-law" in Britain. 5. Intersection of religious law traditions, arbitration and public jurisdiction: case-report. 6. Critics of multiculturalism, legal differentiations and human rights. 7. The "consequences" of culture and the law. 8. Law as a cultural creation. 9. Conclusion: invitation to a legal-intercultural perspective."
This paper lays down some simple methodological guidelines for the assessment and classification of these rights by recently established minority religious groups in Europe, especially Islamic groups in Italy, within a democratic and pluralist polity.
It is divided into two sections. The first concerns the definition and interpretation of “culture” as a legal good, as depicted from many kinds of international and constitutional provisions on the subject.
The second deals with language rights of Muslim communities in the Italian legal system.
italiano e nell’ordinamento internazionale; 3. Gli schemi normativi alle prese con l’interpretazione del bene giuridico “cultura”; 4. Principio di territorialità e “traslazione” culturale: comparazione tra i casi della Venere di Cirene, delle teste Maori e di Ötzi, la mummia di Similaun; 5. Prospettive giuridiche di bilanciamento, a cavallo tra interessi scientifici, turistici e culturali
Massimo Giuliani
Giancarlo Anello, L’uomo abitato da Dio. Chassidismo e Giustizia
pp. 323-324, DOI: 10.1440/102141