Papers by Paolo Tamborrini
Il progetto della mostra nasce dalla collaborazione con il Club della Comunicazione d'Impresa... more Il progetto della mostra nasce dalla collaborazione con il Club della Comunicazione d'Impresa di Torino, con l'obiettivo di raccontare il packaging come prodotto di design e mezzo di promozione di una cultura sostenibile. La scelta curatoriale si basa sul racconto delle possibili scelte di design per progettare un imballaggio contemporaneo, funzionale, accattivante ma anche onesto. Queste specificita caratterizzano i packaging provenienti da tutto il mondo, e sono state il tema di dibattito tra designer, manager e professionisti nel seminario inaugurale

Una esperienza didattica 'di ricerca': attribuire una 'personalità' ai biopolimeri Stefania Campl... more Una esperienza didattica 'di ricerca': attribuire una 'personalità' ai biopolimeri Stefania Camplone, Università degli Studi di Chieti-Pescara TUTTI A TAVOLA! Progetto didattico progettuale di sensibilizzazione alle tematiche del Design for All Giuseppe Di Bucchianico, Università degli Studi di Chieti-Pescara Workshop internazionali extracurricolari, l'esperienza è più importante dei crediti Silvia Ferraris, Venere Ferraro, Politecnico di Milano Progettare la comunicazione sociale attraverso sistemi di narrazione. Un'esperienza didattica nel segno dell'agire sostenibile Marisa Galbiati, Politecnico di Milano EVA. Design di un sistema innovativo di prodotti e servizi per la stenotipia Carla Langella, Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" Mute Azioni Carla Langella, Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" Humanistic design per mestieri artigiani: il modello Autentico Contemporaneo Milanese Eleonora Lupo, Politecnico di Milano Didattica e esperienze professionalizzanti: il caso del Concorso FSC DESIGN AWARD 2015 Marina Parente, Politecnico di Milano Design Under Construction. |IN|Sicurezza

Nowadays, the role played by the fashion industry in contributing to the degradation of natural s... more Nowadays, the role played by the fashion industry in contributing to the degradation of natural systems is increasingly acknowledged. The impacts on the environment are mainly linked to the use of non-renewable raw materials, water pollution and waste generated. In addition to these socio- cultural implications deriving from the use of cheap labour and undignified working conditions resulted from ‘fast’ fashion business model, where economies of scale deliver standardized fashion at high volume and low price. Overlaps to all this a significant lack of information and communication between stakeholders make the interpolations of the system difficult to be clear. In this context therefore characterized by complexity, intricate interdependencies and flux, and a wide span, geographically, epistemologically and in term of disciplines and discourses it draws together since was first introduced to the realm of fashion (Fletcher, 2008) system and design thinking, has provided a helpful view...

Diid. Disegno industriale industrial design, Mar 7, 2022
The new Circular Economy models prompt designers to relocate artefacts within socio-technical sys... more The new Circular Economy models prompt designers to relocate artefacts within socio-technical systems in which the value of the product, its components, and its materials are maintained and not wasted. Design tools such as product disassembly are not only gaining new impetus in the design field but are also becoming important educational resources. In the past, the strategies of Design-for-X and Design for Disassembly have only dealt with technologically complex products, but today, the contextual turn of the challenges that designers must face requires urgent reflection on everyday products. In particular, packaging combines environmental and functional issues with important communication requirements, thus bridging different design disciplines. The paper presents and discusses the case study of a packaging disassembly exercise carried out within the Politecnico di Torino. The results show the effectiveness of disassembly as a design tool to analyse everyday products and foster the critical and forward-looking attitude of young designers.
Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination, 2020
Aesthetica Edizioni, 2018

Large mobile operators have to quickly react to mobile network failures to ensure service continu... more Large mobile operators have to quickly react to mobile network failures to ensure service continuity and this task is a complex one, due to the continuous and very fast evolution of mobile networks: from 2G to 3G and onto LTE, each significant milestone in the mobile technology has increased the complexity of networks and services management. Failures must be promptly analyzed and sorted according to different prioritizing objectives, in order to devise suitable fix plans able to mitigate failures impact in terms of money loss or damaged reputation. This paper presents a visual analytics solution for supporting the failure management activities of TIM (Telecom Italia Group), the biggest Italian provider of telecommunications services with over 30M active mobile subscribers. The proposed system has been developed collaboratively by University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Polytechnic of Turin, and TIM, analyzing the operators’ requirements and viable optimization strategies for prioritizing...

La emergencia de salud Covid-19 ha cambiado nuestros hábitos y comportamientos de compras, hábito... more La emergencia de salud Covid-19 ha cambiado nuestros hábitos y comportamientos de compras, hábitos alimentarios y también la relación con los embalajes. Para muchos modelos de negocios la pandemia representa un punto de inflexión; para otros, la crisis ha sido la prueba de vulnerabilidades ocultas y de una potencial insuficiencia para el mundo contemporáneo. Sin embargo, el sector del embalaje no se ha detenido. Fue necesario organizar, coordinar y planificar nuevos métodos de distribución, y al mismo tiempo se abrió a nuevas oportunidades para la innovación. La industria del embalaje ha demostrado una actitud proactiva y resolutiva, y ha podido lidiar inconscientemente con problemas que van más allá del Diseño de un contenedor. El análisis de las estrategias y prácticas adoptadas por el sector del embalaje en la gestión de emergencias nos ha permitido definir el marco de investigación. Esta contribución investiga los cambios no sólo a nivel económico, sino también a nivel cognitivo...

Some among the early “classic” of history of project, such as Giedion or Pevsner united architect... more Some among the early “classic” of history of project, such as Giedion or Pevsner united architecture and design leaning towards anonymity and industrialism and eliminating the division between the two disciplines. They were related with an ideological notion of style: the “Modern”. Afterward other approaches suggested another use of sequences of objects in a larger continuum instead of the use of “style” notion (Kubler, Bloch and Foucault). Joining these different points of start, all aimed at a general view of events, together with the latest contribution (Margolin 2015) the paper aims to explore the possibilities given by compiling timelines and sequences that mix different in a larger vision of the project disciplines to obtain the web for a global history implementable and queryable at different levels and using a broader range of design studies. The goal is try to outline and schematically show a continuous conversation throughout time and space, maintaining the specificityes of historical research and an inclusive and broader sight on the flow of time. To instruct a reflection on this opportunity the paper will wonder on the possibilities to organize sequences on specific or general topics using tools as the managing of data flows and their representations.
Many digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Le... more Many digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, could radically change the way of conceiving a design process, especially when they are used to retrieve essential information to define a problem, identify the requirements and support design decisions, all of which are typical of the pre-design phase. In this essay, we reflect on the complexity of designing, on the need for a systemic approach based on participatory methods and on the use of prototypes as tools to unlock the potential, albeit still largely untapped, use of data for design purposes. An experiment has been conducted on a refrigerator and conclusions have been drawn on future visions, methodological aspects in the field of systemic design and the relationship between data and sustainability.
Si el futur de la interaccio rau en el reconeixement de moviment, i no en les interfaces haptique... more Si el futur de la interaccio rau en el reconeixement de moviment, i no en les interfaces haptiques/vocals/musculars/cerebrals, com podra la comunicacio visual orientar les persones per executar tasques? Investigadors i docents tenen al davant un repte molt complex: d'una banda, han d'estar al dia de les actualitzacions, continues i diaries, per adquirir i proporcionar una perspectiva adquada a de les ultimes evolucions i les que arribaran; d'altra banda, la universitat ha de replantejar-se les linies directrius del disseny des d'un punt de vista holistic, i evitar les fractures entre el disseny de producte, el disseny de comunicacio visual i el disseny d'interaccio.

Current Trends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering, 2018
A large portion of the world wine production is located in regions suffering-or expected to suffe... more A large portion of the world wine production is located in regions suffering-or expected to suffer-from desertification. These agricultural soils, in addition to being highly unstructured, have very low levels of organic matter (<1%). This is aggravated by an abusive tillage of the plots, which implies that the maintenance of these soils depends entirely on the addition of chemical products such as fertilizers and herbicides. This situation, in turn, leads to physiological imbalances in the vine that result in deficiencies in the quality of the grape. In viticulture, the development of regenerative techniques to improve soil quality is aimed at benefiting producers, and specifically at improving the productivity, sustainability and biodiversity of their soils, as well as adapting their production systems to the new climate change scenarios (response to abiotic stresses-extreme temperature, water stress-). Organic mulch is an effective method to manipulate the crop-growing microclimate increasing crop yield by controlling soil temperature and retaining soil moisture by reducing soil evaporation. Moreover, carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions are also mitigated by this practice. The effectiveness of different organic mulching materials applied within the row of a vineyard was evaluated in a Tempranillo vineyard located in La Rioja (Spain). Organic mulches (straw mulch, SM; grapevine pruning debris, GPD and spent mushroom compost, SMC) were compared with two traditional bare soil management techniques (one based on the use of herbicides to avoid weed incidence and one based on the use of the tillage inter-row).
Il settore Agroalimentare. Un patrimonio made in Italy da consolidare e rinnovare / Luigi Bistagn... more Il settore Agroalimentare. Un patrimonio made in Italy da consolidare e rinnovare / Luigi Bistagnino, Valter Cantino, Paolo Gibello, Eugenio Puddu, Domenico Zaccone

The rapid evolution of the worldwide scenario, the climate change, biodiversity loss, resources d... more The rapid evolution of the worldwide scenario, the climate change, biodiversity loss, resources depletion and rapid technological and social development call for radical changes. Anthropogenic pressures on the Earth System have reached a scale where an urgent change of route is inescapable. Despite the actual environmental, economic and social crisis calls humanity for radical changes to ensure the survival of the mankind, there are new prospects that encourage "designers" to rethink the entire socio-productive system in a sustainable manner. Therefore the main criteria for the development of eco-efficient products deal with the reduction of inputs such as material consumption and energy, the reduction of toxic and/or harmful resources, the use of biocompatible and local renewable resources, the product life optimisation by means of easy updating and maintenance procedures, a reduced semantic and functional obsolescence, the life extension of materials and the strengthening of the use phase of products. Despite the "eco-friendly" products and services, use far less energy and materials than those of some decades ago, the overall consumption of environmental resources continues to increase. This tells us clearly that even if the existent improvements are increasing, they are not enough: the translation towards sustainability requires a systemic change. It is not a question of doing what we already do better, but of doing different things in innovative and different ways going beyond the mere eco-efficiency. We need to regain the cultural knowledge and experience that allows us to define and design production flows that can traverse different systems in a continuous process that decreases the ecological footprint of products while increasing income throughout the economy. The function of designers consists in trying to re-balance the relation between production, environment and society and in making an effort to start some interventions which maintain the balance of this mutual bond, making it better through a constant multi-disciplinary dialogue

Packaging, as a symbolic expression of a brand and of the consumer who recognizes him/herself in ... more Packaging, as a symbolic expression of a brand and of the consumer who recognizes him/herself in the purchased product, is now full of features that go beyond containment and protection, becoming a means of communication and education in the field of environmental sustainability. Although the principle of eco-compatibility should be long-acquired by now, the market still has many shortcomings from this point of view. The field of packaging design has not been able to renew itself for reduced environmental impacts. This research starts from the analysis of the criticalities of present industrial packaging to propose a new approach to sustainable design. The basis of this work is at experimental level and its aim is to provide a complete screening of the packaging sector according to specific methodological choices that consider various aspects: from volumes to weights, from materials to components disassembly, ranging from functionality to quantitative relationship between communication and information. A comprehensive analysis that provides an overview on the state of packaging in terms of eco-sustainability and which can be a real starting point for packaging design in a global sustainability perspective. This innovative perspective generates a totally new approach to the packaging design, from products to distribution systems.
Papers by Paolo Tamborrini
Joining these different points of start, all aimed at a general view of events, together with the latest contribution (Margolin 2015) the paper aims to explore the possibilities given by compiling timelines and sequences that mix different in a larger vision of the project disciplines to obtain the web for a global history implementable and queryable at different levels and using a broader range of design studies. The goal is try to outline and schematically show a continuous conversation throughout time and space, maintaining the specificityes of historical research and an inclusive and broader sight on the flow of time.
To instruct a reflection on this opportunity the paper will wonder on the possibilities to organize sequences on specific or general topics using tools as the managing of data flows and their representations.